
sometimes i question my lack of braincells

@sakasakiii / sakasakiii.tumblr.com

hiya!! im rin | zero persuasion disaster malaysian who runs on noodle soup | current obsession: the silmarillion so expect lots of that here hehe | my art is tagged with ‘sakasakart’ but not all of it… (thx tumblr) | warning cuz i might take a while to respond on texts IM SO SORRYYY

well.... this first meant to just be a little map of cell-shaded chibis so i could have my updated designs and colour schemes for the finwions in one place, but then it spiraled off into a whole new tangent and this was born :D many headaches and a sore wrist later, my 2021 goal of finally doing a family tree has been completed!

hopefully ive reached a point where im happy with the designs i have and they wont change (coughcoughARGONcough)... many folks got revamped from their initial designs last year and i got to explore some of my own miscellaneous headcanons... hopefully they make sense?! rumil and glorfindel are also there for some reason.

its been fun but im running out of fringe partings pls send help (ಥvಥ)b

Anonymous asked:

hi!!! how long does an average panel of one of your comics take??

i love your work so much!! it got me into silmblr hehe

HI NONNIE!!! thank u sooooso much for checking in and for ur lovely ask! it means a lot to hear that my silly ol scribbles were what introduced u to the glorious landscape that is the tolkien fandom! on tumblr no less!! i hope you stay a real long time, and have a blast while you're at it 💖💖

now onto your question! that's some good food for thought uhhhh i can try to estimate?? its been a while but i shld have some rough ideas abt each that i can share! the time frame each comic/panel takes is highly dependent on WHAT kind of comic it is. i hv two kinds of comics I usually do: 1) full-length, and 2) goofy/4koma.

i have a few full-length comics laying about in my archive, but my most recent one/best example is Ghosts which was around uh.... 7 pages excluding the bonus panels! in terms of the process, i usually divide it into 5 stages:

  1. Drafting: this is either the fastest stage OR the slowest depending entirely whether i know what im doing LMAO,, if i have a set idea for what i want to happen, i might get drafts done in a few hours, but if i flounder, it can take a few days 🤔
  2. Lineart: relatively simple enough once i hv the draft down, so id say anything ranging from an hour to half a day if theres nothing else going on irl
  3. Block colouring (main actors): there are DEFINITELY easier and more professional ways to do this with mass-selection and the lasso fill/bucket tool, but idk how to do that on SAI (my art program) so i colour everything by hand HAHA which makes the process longer.... half a day to a day?
  4. Shading: THE WORST!!! definintely my least favourite bc i find it tedious due to all the details/prettification of elves that i am legally obliged to pour into this stage 😭😭 as a result, it can take days!!!
  5. Background + Lighting + Final Rendering: similar to the previous stage haha it just depends on how much effort i wanna put into the final product looking nice. roughly a few days? it kind of meshes with stage 4 anyways haha

just for fun, i hope this process gif for page 6 can illustrate that 👇

these are just rough estimates, bc all in all, the time it takes so finish a page is really dependent on how free I am hahaha. Also, I usually work on full-length comics like Ghost which have more than one page all at once, which means I drafted all 7 pages at once, then did the lineart for all 7 pages at once, coloured at once, shaded rendered bla bla bla 😚 iirc, i think it took me 11 days in total to finish Ghosts before the end of June last year!

For goofy/4-koma, its usually just one page with less detailed/more cartoonish/chibi character styles so it takes a day or two days at most! again, it all boils down to how free i am hehe

YEAH SORRY THIS ENDED UP BEING AN INFO DUMP but thank you so much again for asking and letting me ramble! <3 i ended up having a lot of fun looking back on my drafts n thinking back on my processes.... theres defininitely room for improvement, but thats another worry for another day heheh 😎


a while ago in june of last year i posted this sketch dump and received a very wonderful ask from @mochamai wherein the mysterious ghost hand to the left of maedhros was brought to attention..... i hv seized this opportunity to do these very self indulgent doodles of Melkor who (loathe as i am to admit it) is the individual that hand belongs to 😭😭

HEAR ME OUT OK. it was just supposed to be a random hand right. i had drawn it with normal nails and everything!!! BUT THEN. then. i was on pinterest browsing character design inspiration and i found the infamous stained dark claw hand (if you know you know) and i realised it was my one chance to actually incorporate it into my silm designs... then i considered who would fit it and all i could think of was post-silmaril morgoth.... and here we are :((((

anyways ive been kinda busy these past two months BUT i used this chance to squeeze in some anatomy practice so errrrr dont ask me why he's shirtless in most of these..... i will only speak in the presence of my attorney........

thank you again for taking the time to ask though!!!!! ❤️❤️ i really really do like your original interpretation of the hand (i'll post the original picture below if anyone is curious) belonging to Maedhros in Mandos-- especially since it kinda matches up lorewise doesnt it....!!! it means a lot that youd take the time to look at it in such detail waaaaa <3333 maybe some new mae doodles are in order to make up for it 😚😚 soon!!!


ive had vague concepts for the lords for gondolin floating around my noggin since late 2021, but never really sat down to get em drawn... so during my hiatus i figured i should stop sitting on it after 2917382 years 😴 tho mostly i just wanted to do another relationship chart bc the first three i made in june were! so!! fun!!!

let me know if the text is too hard to read... hopefully it wont be on desktop but ill see what i can do if need be 👍

i had a lot of fun with these batch of concepts so below is an extra comic and a sketch page:

extra 2: just some bonus rough sketches of the lords' possible dynamics w/ others prior to the darkening?? i write fanfiction in my head 25 hours a day bc i forgot how to do so with actual stories HAHAHA

Anonymous asked:


I just wanted to say that I love your art very much. It is so pretty. It motivates me to keep on drawing.

Also- are you okay? How are you?

HELLO NONNIE!!! sorry for taking SO long to reply to this, but thank you sm for ur concern and for taking the time to send such a kind message 🥺 I'm doing fine! like i explained in my comeback post a few days ago, i've just been really busy hahahah.... which has been somewhat of a pattern in 2022-23? man. idk how i managed to do 2 posts a week regularly for all of 2021 but take me back to those peaceful days huhuhu 🥴 all in all, i'm alright dw!!

im absolutely honoured to hear that you've been inspired by my art!! it's very humbling to know u've taken the time to get such meaningful things out of the.... whatever it is ive been making HAAHAHA 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ THANK YOUUU and i hope you keep creating!! nothing would make me happier than to see you continue pursuing ur art and i hope to see it one day for myself 🤞 HOHOOO??

i received a few more check-in asks from some other nonnies, so i'll follow up with them here ❤️ thank you to everyone who sent in things!! ur all too nice aughhh

ill throw in a lil post-angband sketch w/ amras n mae, bc i was in a mood to draw some cosy comfort things 🤗 (surviving) redheads gotta stick together !!


I really love @sakasakiii 's erestor design so I wanted to draw him


OH??? EH???? HUH HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS EARLIER WAAAA HE LOOKS SOSOSO GOOD??!! 💓🥺🥺🥺💓💓 oh myg dkfsdknj the lighting the scars the bgggg down to his dishevelled hair and hsi golden eyes,,, you got everything so perfect!!!! i am in LOVE with your colouring style and art style pleeasseeee i am beyond myself rn 😭😭😭

im sorry i didnt see this earlier but ahhh thank you so much!!!! this is the sweetest thing ive ever gotten and im def saving this for... wallpaper purposes... hohoh.... 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ im so honoured you took the time to do this--- thank you a million times again!!


omggggGGGG HI YOU'RE BACK i love your art!! your designs for the characters are so inspiring and unique!! and your art style is just so well-suited to the silmarillion <3 my question is, do you have any headcanons about edrahil? he's my favorite underrated blorbo!


HIIIII long time no see indeed!!! thank you so much for your kind words 😭 it means a lot to hear that you like my designs and my art style! im always brawling with how much im trying to tone out the anime influences and adopt a more... 'realistic'(?) style that it ends up being a giant game of mental gymnastics on most days haha 😂 im still figuring it out, but your words are a great reassurance so i am very grateful for them!!!! 🙇‍♀️

onto your question-- edrahil!! he's definitely one of the blorbos that doesn't get enough attention 😤 i would be lying if i said that im not guilty of this too, since i think ive only ever read... one? fic with him in it waa.... but as always with the professor's work, great fun comes from the freedom with which one can interpret the minor characters! here's one of the first doodles i did of him when i got your ask:

the bread and butter of my male characters always ends up being slender bishonen-types, but one of my goals going forth is to try and adapt myself to not falling to same face syndrome in the future, so i thought itd be fun to start by making edrahil swoler than usual on a whim 🙈 based on his one (1) line the book, he strikes me as a steadfast i will follow my liege to my death type of fellow.... and then it snowballed from there.... and that's how my take on edrahil eventually evolved from stoic-man-who-is-also-a-peerless-warrior into a no-thoughts-head-empty-his-majesty-only bodyguard

i like to think he's much nicer than he lets on and nowhere near as serious as his RBF may suggest! much like the rest of finrod's personal guard (aka his fanclub), their lord's wellbeing and public image come first above anything else. perhaps their strong loyalty should be concerning, but it's finrod i-befriend-Men-and-swear-eternal-oaths-of-friendship felagund we're talking about.... so maybe theyve got their own reasons too lmao

this is getting a bit rambly (IM SORRY) but one extra comic and final thoughts under the cut!


the idea of the peredhel twins having heightened senses due to their maia blood is one of the concepts ive seen floating around that i really like, so here's my take on it combined with the feanorians (+ fingon) lingering about as houseless spirits that i explored some time ago in an old inktober post 😌

houseless spirits see all, but they can't interact with the world around them so i suppose that makes for quite a static existence...but compared to an oathbound eternity in Mandos (sans Fingon??), i like to imagine they'll stay a little longer to watch over those left behind, just to make sure they're doing alright 👍🏻

some more lighthearted bonuses cuz why not:


so i was inspired by that post about ardavision and. Daeron shows up to the competition and then there’s maglor just excited to wear some of his old stuff from the valinor concert days. (he put gem dust in his hair to make it blue-r)


hc that celebrimbor is the reserved type – he doesn't get much of a chance to voice his own stance because the voices of his father and grandfather are so overpowering. when they make it to middle earth and feanor's death leaves them lost and alone, curufin starts saying "speak" to encourage celebrimbor to say what's on his mind. sometimes it works and celebrimbor opens up, sometimes it feels more like an order and he puts up his walls.

in nargothrond, he grows close with finrod. feels himself talking more freely, enjoying conversation, feeling lighter. finrod only says "speak, friend" once – celebrimbor offers his mind and his skill gladly after the first time.

but the veneer of peace and security shatters when beren arrives and curufin and celegorm repeat their oath and sway the people against finrod. finrod throws his crown to the floor, and he walks past curufin and celegorm without looking at them. he looks at celebrimbor, though, but under all those eyes and all the fear and anxiety in the room, celebrimbor can't bring himself to say a word. the hurt is clear in finrod's mien.

the guilt and self-loathing at his own silence and cowardice bites at celebrimbor, made worse by curufin's misplaced pride in him – until orodreth turns against them all. celebrimbor has no great love for orodreth, but for finrod's sake, he will speak.

he tells curufin he will not follow him into exile a second time

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