
Catastrophe Bi Is A Fandom Whore


Who am I kidding? Full time Destiel/Cockles blog. Finale denier. No shame. This is my emotional support dumpster, there is room for everyone in here. Rowena is my goddess. I worship at her feet.
B*bros and W*nicest is not welcome here.

The Great Thumb Comparison

I am honestly surprised I haven't seen anyone do this already, so I guess I'll just have to do it myself

One picture is a screenshot of Misha’s hand from Gotham Knights

One is a screenshot of one of Alma’s recent(ish) posts

I’ll let you connect the dots


misha telling the story from njcon last year and how it got picked up by so many news outlets and warner brothers told him to just not say anything about it. oh god why


Transcript: (Audience cheering and laughing after Misha said "I think I go both ways" about what side he sleeps on, which is not in this video. Someone loudly laughs and says "Nooo!") Some - some - someone is, just to - just to get me, is gonna, like, just - just, outta context, that one little phrase, and send it to just Jared, and go, "Once again...!"

Um...I - I had this - was it last year? I think it was last year, in New Jersey - I had uh, an unfortunate...slip of the tongue...bad choice of words, idiotic moment, and - that then precipitated, uh are you aware of what I'm talking about? [Audience laughs and replies "yes"] Okay, cool.

That then precipitated this whole host of - well it precipitated somebody tweeting something that said "Misha Collins has come out as bisexual", and I was like "Oh, no no nonono, that's not what I meant, I'm sorry". And then, that got picked up by The Advocate, and it got picked up by Newsweek, and every other [stammers] news outlet online.

And, then I got a call from Warner Brothers, and they were like, "Hey, so... erm, kind of a tricky situation here...", and I was like, "yeah, I'd like to, like, somehow, yknow, like, uh...". They said, "Well is there a world in which you could just...just let it go?" [audience and Misha laugh] (whining) I'm like "I'm not gonna - now I have to pretend to be of a sexual orientation that I'm not for the rest of my life? ....Okay." (as WB) "It's just, it'll be better for the show, if you..." [Person recording laugh sighs and says "Oh, god..."].

(in normal voice) Fun times. Um [Audience laughs, someone says "I do remember that"] thanks. But I - I'm actually mostly a back sleeper, that's my primary..." [Clip ends]


anyway this is why I like doing alternate takes on season 9 specifically. Cas being beset by an inhuman hunger. The fuck van thesis. Dying of exposure and coming back as a demon. You know. Little stuff.

my ultimate season nine au human Cas I think combines Fallen Cas being inherently inhuman and possessed by an insatiable hunger with the fuck van thesis. He is full of cravings but they're all tangled together and satisfying one abates them all even slightly. Sex and drugs and the need to hunt, carefully learning what will numb the hunger pains and what isn't worth risking for the lowered inhibitions. Satisfying the need to hunt and bite and kill by clearing out a nest of vampires but now he's vibrating out of his skin with the need to be touched so badly that he barely has the patience to clean the blood off before he's looking for someone willing to take him to bed for the night. Treading a dangerous line every time he does, because intimacy satiates something in him that's desperate for the connection of the host but everytime he has his mouth near someone's throat he has the urge to bite down so even his indulgences are an exercise in self restraint.

Anyway, you know. You know?

Cas and his fallen angel hungers are something I've contemplated a lot with many variations but it mostly comes down to like. How much of the hunger is kind of psychosomatic. If Cas physically does require massive amounts of food or is wired to need to consume life force in the form of blood and flesh, then that would drive him further to the fringes, like living in the woods, dodging hunters that catch onto his trail all the while hunting other monsters so he can satisfy his own hunger. But if it's more like, his physical body only requires a relatively human amount and form of sustenance, but the experience of hunger never fully goes away, then it'd be more about hedonism and finding the best way to satisfy his somewhat murky urges. In this case I think he'd still feel compelled to hunt on some level and probably wouldn't be able to resist tearing into people with his teeth in a fight, but his bloodlust would be more metaphorical, and he wouldn't feel the need to consume the bodies to survive. But there's still an element of danger because, well if his hunger can get worse and worse without him starving to death, then there's a very real possibility that he could reach a threshhold where he loses himself entirely. And I think he'd skirt near that line very by trying to ignore and repress or even punish himself for his urges by starving himself.

Anonymous asked:

I feel like the end of that finale left it open ended in that jensen COULD be back for another season or not. They seem to have tied everything up (the cartel people and the whole thing with Sunny and Buck). So it seems they’ll do something new. Either way if they ever do a new season I’ll probably just be watching it because of Jensen. In some ways I’d be okay with Jensen starring in another Season but in another I’d hope he can go on and do other projects that maybe really reign in his talents (him crying in that last episode was 💋👩🏾‍🍳. But I’d love to see him in a comedy where he has a major role (not in the same humour as the buddy games though, something more like glass onion/knives out, once upon a time in Hollywood or something idk. Just not toilet

I'm gonna be honest, i lost interest in the show because (which sucks bc Jensen was amazing). But from what I did see and from reading his interviews, I got a feeling that they left the door open for his character just in case. Either for him to be in a few episodes and wrap it up or just to pack it away with one sentence from another character. I've already said it before, so i kinda sound like a broken record but I do hope he's done with it and that he does something else. I wish he did some type of a movie (he'd be amazing in a comedy or action/comedy type movie). Or maybe he's gonna do another show, i just hope it's something....(not to sound like a bitch but) better. Either way I'm excited to see what these new projects he's got lined up are because I have thoughts and theories and none of them are making sense dhjdkks


I lost interest in the show for the third season (which is sad, so sad) and even Jensen couldn’t revive my desire to watch. The writing was lackluster and transparent. It wasn’t a mystery or thrilling. There was nothing to watch and wait to see, or be surprised with for me after, maybe, 3 episodes. It was predictable, rather than gripping.

Leaving things open to bring Jensen back is a good business decision for the producers, but I hope to see Jensen move on to something grittier or funnier, with more substance, where his talent shines.


the way that in the trap dean says "i hope you can hear me. i hope you can hear me." this man has spent his whole life loving cas silently. loving cas in the dark quiet corners of his soul no one can find, not even himself. and then. in that moment. he gets down on his knees and begs for cas to hear him. thinking they may never find each other thinking they're about to die he confesses out loud what he has kept quiet for a decade.


the people have spoken!

  • supernatural’s top dilf is castiel (120 of 329 votes)
  • second place is humanity's very own dilf of murder, cain (62 of 329)
  • third is garth fitzgerald iv!!! (31 of 329)

fun little facts!

  • write-ins: metatron (1 of 329), reigen arataka (1 of 329), stan richardson (1 of 329), and gabriel (1 of 329)
  • john winchester had five (5) votes but someone submitted a minus one (-1) in his name, dropping him down to 4 of 329 (1.2%)
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