
‘For years, there’s only been one passenger waiting at the Kami-Shirataki train station in the northernmost island of Hokkaido, Japan: A high-school girl, on her way to class. The train stops there only twice a day—once to pick up the girl and again to drop her off after the school day is over.It sounds like a Hayao Miyazaki film. But according to CCTV News, it was a decision that Japan Railways—the group that operates the country’s railway network—made more than three years ago. At that time, ridership at the Kami-Shirataki station had dramatically fallen because of its remote location, and freight service had ended there as well. Japan Railways was getting ready to shut the station down for good—until they noticed that it was still being used every day by the high-schooler. So they decided to keep the station open for her until she graduates. The company’s even adjusted the train’s timetable according to the girl’s schedule. The unnamed girl is expected to graduate this March, which is when the station will finally be closed.’


Baby girl graduated


If you dare come at me about banning straws, I will throw you into the sun cannon. I’m disabled, I’m crippled, I need disposable plastic straws, and all those pricey ridiculous alternatives aren’t working as well. Plastic straws were invented for the disabled.

Way to shit all over a vital access need because you think straws are worse than corporate greed.

We all care about the turtles, the seals, the oceans, obviously. Notice how the easiest thing to yell about was something that would barely affect anything but appealed heavily to emotional discourse.

The disabled community is huge, and it can be joined by anyone. Most of those As Seen On TV products were invented for us. Society still mocks us and ignores us, and often outright harms us in multiple ways.

Communicate better. Listen better. But stop putting us out in the cold because you are inconvenienced by our simplest needs.

Straws aren’t killing the planet, its animals, or people. They’re a microscopic fraction of an iota of a percentage of the problem. You want to do something? Ban plastic fishing nets. Anything else is just a hollow feel-good gesture at the expense of real living disabled people.


i have an environmental degree and i’ve been saying this since this straw ‘debate’ started: its all a tactic by those in power to distract people’s attention from bigger issues such as fishing waste. don’t fall for it. and don’t be a dick to disabled people who need straws to make their lives easier.


Its also really fucking irritating that a lot of people genuinely do think environmentalists panicked over straws and are therefore hysterical in general. This did nothing but more damage to public perception.


thomas jefferson and sally hemings did not have a forbidden romance as many historians like to say. sallywas thomas’s child sex slave and it’s time that people know the truth about our founding fathers. 


u guys ever wonder if someone’s using ur pictures to catfish

no some of us are ugly

Anonymous asked:

My favorite headcanon is Ron teaching Harry to shave with some sort of charm that all the boys are taught growing up by their dad’s. But of course Harry never got to have that, so when he’s like 13 and hair starts forming on his face, Ron being the sweetheart that he is offers to do it for him.

I LOVE this idea. I can see Ron helping him out and Seamus wandering into the bathroom and giving them shit and Ron being all “Piss off” and just continuing to carefully shave Harry’s face all the while sharing horror stories of all the crap his brothers tried to pull on him the last summer when he first started shaving. “Stop laughing, Harry, or I’m gonna accidentally charm off your whole sodding chin!”


Omg and then Neville sidles in and is hovering because his dad couldn’t teach him either. And Ron finally noticing and doing some quick connections in his head and then just saying, “you next!”

WAIT A MINUTE. Dean doesn’t have his (magical) dad around either. What are you doing to meeeeeee.

Is Ron the only Gryffindor boy their year with a magical dad that is not dead, missing, or hospitalized? JKR WHY?!?

(Though it actually makes sense, considering when they were all born and what was happening. But STILL)

And in that moment Ron instantly accepted the role of Gryffindor Dad


This is why Ron’s a prefect lol


This is the content I come here for.

Ronald Weasley was sixteen and half way out of his armchair in the common room when he realized that he had put on his dad voice. Half of the other students presents had instinctively stopped what they were doing and were eyeing him guiltily, while the other half was mostly boggling at him. He promptly turned red and sinked back down, muttering “and I better not see that nonsense again.”


I grew up with a grandma who quilted, but she’d never been interested in passing along the hobby, so when she finally kicked it I was the grandkid who got all her materials, ‘cause I was the only one who knew how to use a sewing machine. Then, in 2015, a friend had a baby and I figured I’d make her a quilt, ‘cause how hard could it be?




Luckily I am the stubbornest human alive, ‘cause I never woulda finished otherwise. I didn’t know what I was doing, didn’t know the terms to look up how to do anything, I musta reinvented the wheel like eight times and it took ten months, BUT I DID IT.

Figured I’d suffered enough and would never do it again and now I’m on quilt #9 smdh


I’m hyperventilating.

Holy shit. Holy SHIT.


Oh my god.

I’ve gotta go lay down holy shit look at this how do we just walk by other human beings every day and live our separate lives when there’s a person sitting next to you on the train or in line for coffee who goes home and makes things like this what even IS being human holy shit.



Oh heck I did not expect the notes to blow up on this, UM

Okay so on a purely technical level, this is not that difficult, you just gotta come at it a little sideways.

The background of this sucker is just rows of 1.5″-wide fabric strips. I can’t remember the exact pattern, but I wanna say it was something like one row 6″ strips, one row 4.5″ strips, one row alternating? I don’t remember exactly, it was a while ago. That’s not difficult, you just lay it out and sew it all together one row at a time. It’s not hard, just tedious.

The fish are a lil different. I can’t draw, there is a disconnect somewhere and my hands are stupid, so I figured out probably fifteen years ago that tracing was the way to go. For this, I legit just yanked several photos of fancy-looking goldfish off the internet and traced over ‘em in Photoshop.

Once I had enough, I printed my outlines, laid ‘em out on the background to create the idea of movement, and then traced the outlines out on fabric and pinned the hell out of ‘em.

This woulda been WAY easier with Heat ‘N Bond, but I didn’t know that was a thing at the time. From there I just used just about every fancy stitch on my inherited sewing machine to make the fish STAY WHERE I PUT THEM, and also look good.

I have since learned this is called “raw edge applique” but whatever. It’s fun, it’s neat, you can do it with a bunch of stuff and impress the hell outta people. More recently, it’s how I’ve gone from this:

to this:

(this was another project I SUFFERED over unnecessarily, because I’m the dip that decided to quilt the waves, like a moron)

god that sucked but it looked SO COOL when I was done!


I’m very sorry to tell you that if you thought we would be less impressed with you after this update you were very mistaken. I’ll say again:

Holy. Shit.


I have so much respect for people who go to make something for the first time and are like….. “I’m gonna do a super advanced one.”


The Outbursts of Everett True was a comic strip that ran in papers from 1905 to 1927, wherein the aforementioned Everett True regularly beat the everliving shit out of rude people as a warning to anyone else who might consider being rude. Men have not only been taking up too much room on public transport for about as long as public transport has existed, but the people around them have been irritated about it for at least a hundred years. The next time someone tries to claim that manspreading is a false phenomenon, please direct them to this strip so that Everett True can correct their misconceptions with an umbrella upside the head.


I have never before heard of Everett True, but if he “regularly beat the everliving shit out of rude people as a warning to anyone else who might consider being rude,” I have a strong spiritual connection with him.


I fucking love him

i can imagine this guy’s voice very clearly in my head but i couldn’t put a name to it 

He also jabs racists in the eye!


I love the justice grandpa of fists

I’m very lucky to own a book that’s a collection of most of these comics (sadly not all of them) and would highly recommend hunting these down if you can. Sorry for the lack of a scanner but phone photos will just have to do.

He was a enjoyable cuss who didn’t care for war mongering.

Especially profitable war mongering and excuses for it!

He certainly didn’t like selfish husbands and fathers!

Politicians who turned on their words once they got theirs weren’t safe.

He said fuck the police!

He absolutely didn’t like people ruining little things for kids.

He stood up for foreigners. Especially those doing their best to communicate with limited second language knowledge.

He was not having any tomfoolery when it came to gun safety and laws. Especially with youth involved.

You had better not abuse a animal with him nearby. He’d right that wrong real quick!

And best of all him and his wife were both prickly cusses together. Relationship goals.


I have a new role model




“justice grandpa of fists”

It’s nice to see a fat dude in a political cartoon that’s NOT being used as shorthand for greed and corruption.

Hes like the personification of motherfucker unlimited


Reblogging this newer version of this thread with so many more strips I haven’t seen…why did this character ever disappear. Where did you go, Everett.


we need him more than ever…


Which do you prefer?

I prefer MasterChef Junior:


a wholesome post thank u


What’s best is I love all three portrayals, basically anything with this man in it he’s so precious.

UK Gordon Ramsay is dealing with sensible people and edible food. US Ramsay is dealing with people who have actual health code violations in their restaurants yet claim to be good chefs running an acceptable business. Masterchef Junior Ramsay is teaching kids how to cook. No fucking WONDER there’s a massive difference.


I just love this man, cause he’s so fucking REAL. Kids are cool. Cooking is cool.

But I too, when faced with someone who has pigeons in their kitchen and claims they own a food business, would want to scream a lot.

Y'all have got to see his youtube channel. He’s got a ton of videos where he’s just teaching you how to cook something and he’s literally so excited he bounces in place. He’s like, a human-shaped border collie, trying to bring you all his favourite toys at once and he can’t stop borking excitedly about it the whole time

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