

@frostbitten-desires / frostbitten-desires.tumblr.com

(if you like harry potter, dnce, and copious amounts of candy we just might become fast friends)

I want tumblr to get as angry about this as they did when the footage of dog abuse from a dog’s purpose leaked


A witch puts a spell on a girl, a sleeping spell that promises the girl shall wake through true love’s kiss. Men come and kiss her. She slumbers. Women come and press their lips to hers, but still she sleeps. Many years past, and the girl remains still. One bright morning,  a lost little boy finds her resting spot and clears the dust and grime from her face. He offers her a kiss on her forehead, and her eyes flutter open. She never feels romantic love for a man nor a woman, and she cares for the boy until the day she dies.

A young woman is imprisoned in a castle by a monstrously formed prince. The servants of the castle hope for them to fall in love, and when the spell is broken they assume their prayers have been answered. They are all surprised, but nonetheless pleased, when it is revealed to them that the young woman and prince are the truest of friends, and nothing more.

They say the kingdom is ruled by an evil queen, a woman who is incapable of loving. She is unmarried, she has no consorts, and she wishes for no partner. She is the wretched queen, the heartless queen. She must hate her daughter, for her daughter is beautiful, and women are incapable of liking another woman who’s prettier than themselves. It must be for this reason that the princess was sent away, not for how she was attacked by a man in the woods. They say the kingdom is ruled by an evil queen because she cannot love. The queen loves her daughter, and that is enough for them both.

There lives a prince who is forced to choose a bride at the ball. He meets many beautiful women, but find none which he loves. He spies one in a gorgeous gown and wonder in her eyes, and he dances with her all night long. The kingdom is sure he has found his bride. When the clock strikes midnight he tells her how he will never love a woman, or a man, in the way he is expected to. The beautiful woman smiles and tells him she expects nothing from him. The next morning the prince and the beautiful woman are missing, having run off together to see the world. They leave their shoes behind in their haste.

Many kinds of love exist. It doesn’t all have to be romantic.


people get kicked off of planes for simply speaking arabic (one of the top 5 most widely-spoken languages in the world), and nobody gives a shit.

but when nazis are given public platforms to speak, harrass jewish people, lgbt people, poc, muslims, etc, we’re told “it’s just free speech! it’s not like they physically harmed you, you have no proof that they will!”

people are saying “all the real nazis are dead, you can’t be a real nazi anymore. they’re just neo-nazis or white supremacists.” JUST neo-nazis? JUST white supremacists?

these monsters are not “people with conflicting views.” they are advocates for VIOLENT ideologies that call for the extermination of enormous groups of people.

do not be complicit in putting at-risk groups in danger because you don’t know the difference between violent, dangerous rhetoric and an “opinion.”

nazi ideology is violent by virtue of being nazi ideology. nazi speech is not “just” words. it is representative of something absolutely deadly. it is not something that can be fought with words, or positivity, or civil discussion.

these movements do NOT come out of nowhere. the physical violence doesn’t come out of nowhere. it starts with them spreading their ideas, through speech and propaganda, framing it as “opinions.” do not let them fool you. if you allow them to spread their ideas, you are allowing them to move forward. you are complicit.

Again, threatening to kill someone is cause for arrest. Threatening to kill millions of people should be no fucking different. Until our society understands that, self defense is always justified.

Anonymous asked:

This lady asked me where something was in the store and I told her pretty confidently, and she just replies with "Oh /good boy/, you knew the answer to that right away." It just sent chills up my spine, please don't talk to me like that

I’m so sorry. Too often we talk about males harassing female workers. I think most people forget the roles could very well be reversed sometimes. I don’t believe any human should be spoken to in that manner.


casse-toi: fuck off

salope (salop): bitch

putain: whore

sacre bleu: damn 

merde: shit

c'est des conneries: that’s bullshit

nique ta mere: fuck your mother

je m'en fou: i don’t give a fuck

conasse: ass/cunt

foutre: to fuck for example: Je te voudrais foutre. (I would like to fuck you.) 

I study Higher French, and think that this will be highly useful for further education 😂😂😂


hello friends associates colleagues

i’m so full of shit

I need a new show to watch! Something with an LGBTQ+ storyline (because representation) but nothing that will take up all of my free time and keep me from all of my studies (because my classes are hard). Aka, Shameless is on my list for spring break. 

I’ll take suggestions that don’t have those things but ya know, they’re fun. 

Send me all the shoooooowwwwwwsssss.

the fosters !!

Anonymous asked:

I've been working at Mcd for about a year now and all I can say is that it's not working at that place that sucks.. it's dealing with the people. I deal with drive thru a lot and the amount of people who come through and act like assholes cause they can is UNBELIEVABLE. I've been yelled at,accused of not giving the right amount of change,questioned for things that aren't in my power.It's not my fault you can't count right,or a mcchicken went up 21 cents, sometimes I want to yell "IM HUMAN TOO"

Anonymous asked:

Me: "Would you like a bag for that?" Customer: "Maybe." Me: *stares into camera like Jim from The Office*

Anonymous asked:

I wish customers would find the decency somewhere in themselves to not bitch about having to wait in a line/there not being enough cashiers. I get it, it's frustrating. But there's always a reason for it. We're understaffed, somebody's on their break, somebody called out, somebody had to leave to go clean up a mess, a customer had 800 coupons. It's not like it's happening because the backup cashier just went to the stock room to jack off, we are doing our fucking best. You can leave, I can't!

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