
A huge and ancient dragon loses her clutch of eggs.  She decides to adopt an office building full of employees as her children.  But to keep them safe, she doesn’t want to let any of them leave.

“Mighty Opiess, Destroyer of Kingdoms, pl-”


“Uhh…..right. Mom. Um, so I have to get back home. I’ve got three kids who need dinner and I really think I should..go….back………why are you crying?”


Suddenly, every school holiday is Bring Your Spawn To Work Day.

She’s working on getting a school in the building.

Right, this is everyone’s fault.


The Vermillion Life & Casualty building housed other businesses than the insurance company that built it, but they still held the majority of the floors. The economic divisions did not matter to the ancient one; she had adopted all in the building. A tense week of negotiations after her arrival meant everyone could go home after their shifts, but they still needed to check in with her on a regular basis. IT had set up a speakerphone in her aerie for emergencies, and it chirped for her attention in the early afternoon.

“Yes, dear?” she rumbled.

“I’m sorry Ma, I have to leave early,” Karen’s usually clear voice was thin with stress.

“What is it?” Opiess asked in alarm, “Are you sick?”

“No, ma’am. I just got a call from the school about Rachel getting into a fight.”

“Come up. I will take you there.”

“Maaaa… “

“No. If one of our clan is threatened, we will answer the threat. If one of our clan has become a threat, we will correct them.” The dragon’s firm tone brooked no argument. “Come up.”

Karen had to admit that arriving in the school parking lot on a dragon did give her a slight edge to her presence when she came into the office. “What is the problem?”

The vice principal in charge of discipline shook her head, “Rachel punched another student, and will have to be suspended for three days.”

“He wouldn’t leave me alone!” the girl said, glaring at the middle-aged administrator. “He keeps poking me and pulling my hair-ties out!”

Karen turned to the school official, barely containing her anger, “This other kid get suspended for bullying her?”

“That is none of your concern,” she started, and was interrupted by a deep growl outside the office window.

“Injury to my clan is my concern,” Opiess rumbled. “I am told I am not allowed to eat those who abuse my children and their children. I am told we can, however, sue for damages.”

“Damages? He was only flirting,” the vice principal sputtered.

“THAT IS NOT FLIRTING!” Karen’s temper broke. “That is ABUSE, and you are teaching that kid that tormenting someone is okay!” She held her hand out for Rachel, “You will be hearing from our lawyer.”

When she and the child were outside, Rachel ran to hug the dragon.

“Thanks, grandma!”


This is everyone’s fault and the previous poster’s fault. I couldn’t resist.

-Mum Knows Best-

Perhaps, in the aftermath of the loving takeover of Vermillion Life and Casualty by a centuries old dragoness, things could have been worse. As far as Luke was concerned, all his major limbs were still intact and the monsterous entity that was currently sunning itself-er, herself-on nearby sun racks hadn’t reportedly eaten anyone yet.

At least that’s what he assumed. Turn over rates aside, Carpal Tunnel could be just as dangerous as a giant mouth full of carnivorous teeth for a paperweight warrior like him. But it honestly seemed like the dragon meant no harm.

Maybe she had been a little…suffocating at first, her giant, leathery wings spread wide behind her as she stood on her hind legs, easily staring into the 3rd story windows. She had proclaimed to all that been present inside as her newly adopted offspring, her great, booming voice softened by the telepathy she used to contact them all at once. Yeah, telepathy. It sounds cool but it’s still scary as fuck when you’re trying to get business done on the porcelain throne and a mysterious voice abruptly enters your head.

A week of terse talks and compromises had ultimately allowed everyone to leave, with the promise that everyone would return to “Mum” to check in every so often. Maybe some more than others.

Like right then, for example. Lucy the intern did not need to go find Mum every morning to say hi, update her on the schedules for the company that day-because all had learned very early on Mum will make her opinions known about insurance rates and no, there’s no employee in the whole space-time continuem who wouldn’t use that excuse to derail an otherwise boring meeting. She did not need to offer Mum coffee (did dragons even drink it?) or throw a couple of muffins into her gullet when there was extra to go around. Goodness, she didn’t have to do anything!

Yet there she was, walking over to Mum with purpose, the ancient reptile cracking open an eyelid to watch the girl’s fast approach. Luke was only nearby because damn him for being a good citizen that actually respects the Do Not Smoke sign but needs his fix: smoking by Mum at the sun racks was the best option then, as she never complained. Maybe because she breathes fire, who knows. But Lucy strode over to them, only losing the rigidity in her stance when she was a foot away.

Mum was up in an instant.

“Lucy, what is wrong?” Asked the old dragoness. Lucy only shook her head, her soft brown curls sticking to her tear-streaked face.

“I need a hug,” she whispered, so quickly that Luke barely understood her. But Mum did, she always understood.

Without a word she lifted her scaly head, gently nosing her beak against her “daughter’s” torso, the air she exhaled from her nostrils loosening more stray curls from Lucy’s scrunchie. The intern wasted no time in wrapping her thin arms around the proffered snout, burying her face against Mum to muffled the broken hiccups and sobs.

It was all a rather strange display for Luke who had already dropped his burnt out cigarette on the asphalt when he had seen the tears rolling down Lucy’s face. But there was no time to wonder why as the old, authorative voice entered his mind.

“Luke, be a dear and run down to the markets, get something sweet like chocolates for your sister. She is sad and suffering and we must ease her pain.” Luke gawked.

“Wha- wait, what?” He shook his head. “That’s too much, Ma, can’t I get her a candy bar from the vending machine?”

The golden, serpentine eye that narrowed at him instantly caused rocks to form in his bowels. “Nothing is too much for my children!” She replied. “You deserve the best. Now don’t be cruel, son, do as I ask.”

He still had objections. “My shift is nearly over, Ma. I have to go back in soon.”

She only snorted back, “I will talk to Richard, he will understand.” That was true, if only because the assistant supervisor was too focused on getting work done that he’d rather not waste time arguing with a sentient old dragon.

But Luke still pushed back. “I don’t have much money though Ma, it’s still two days before payday-“ The loud thud of something heavy and big answered him. He looked down at his feet where the object had come to rest.

Opiess, Destroyer Of Kingdoms and Office Bordem, had given him a gold ingot.

“…Christ, Ma.”

“That ought to cover expenses,” she sniffed, focusing her attention back on Lucy. “Take that and go on, use the change to get whatever else you think is necessary. Come on Luke, don’t drag your feet.”

The paperweight warrior sighed.

Opiess was appalled one day when one of her sons came to her, reeking of distress. Formerly a daughter, he had been thrilled when she celebrated his transition (evolution, she called it!) by insisting that whomever did not acknowledge it would answer to his Mama.

“What is it?” She inquired into Davis’ head as he approached her, shaking and shattered.

“Mama, could I… could I just hang out with you for a bit? Life is kind of sucking right now and I just need a friend.”

“Of course, my son.” She responded, knowing how happy it usually made him when she acknowledged his gender. Today though, his face seemed to crumble further and he brought his face against her foreleg, weeping.

“Thank you, Mama!” He mumbled, and she crooned the songs of the Ancients, of stars blazing in the night sky and the mysterious dwarves who mined for treasure in the most hidden depths of the earth. And she waited, knowing when he was ready that he would talk.

Finally, his tears expended, he released a shuddery breath and said, “My new boss told me that he would only let me keep my job if I agreed to meet him after work. That he… doesn’t accept me as a man and wants to teach me how to be a woman. If I lose this job, I lose my home. I can’t afford my apartment and there isn’t room for my dog and cat in the car…”

A hiss finally caught his attention, and Davis looked up to discover a fiery gaze focused on him.

“Bring me the newest member of the clutch. You boss, as you call him.”

“Mama, no. It’s bad to eat him- the police might have a problem with it. He might give you indigestion. Bad things could happen.” Davis pleaded, and Opiess listened intently.

“I will not eat him, if only because I can tell it would distress you.” He was reassured, before her voice rose. “Bring me Eric of the floor referred to as accounting.”

Soon, a very snide human stood before her, arms defiantly crossed as he scowled. “Had to tell the attack dragon did you, Miss Davis?” He sneered, barely offering any attention to the large angry face before him. “I swear, some monsters need to just disappear. I don’t know what /she/ told you—“

“/HE/ told me nothing that was not verified in that nasty little pea brain of yours, Eric, and if not for Davis’ consideration you would be well on your way to my second stomach right now. You are unwelcome in my nest.” She blew a carefully aimed stream of smoke to scorch the zipper of his pants, and he yelped in protest as the heated metal of the zipper burned him where he felt most sensitive.


A whisper soft hiss sounded in his brain. “You threaten to take my children away? I devour threats to my children!” Her mouth opened and swung towards him, and Davis jumped in the way.

“It’s just temper talking. He’s not a threat to be eaten,” Davis pleaded, and she paused.

“You defend him when he threatened you?” Opiess asked in bewilderment, and Davis nodded.

“He has a wife at home and a child on the way. He’s not a good man, but it would be hard for her if he didn’t come home,” Davis tried, and interest lit the angry face.

“You are out of the clutch, Eric. Davis is a better man than you, and that is why you shall live to see your hatchling. Your mate- wife, as Davis calls her, is welcome here. You may not approach my children again.”

With that, Eric turned and fled.

Davis wanted to point out that they didn’t know what qualifications Eric’s wife had, but Opiess murmured, “She shall keep me company. I can protect her from him, for I saw in his head that he hurts her. After the hatchling is born, I shall eat him so she is not stressed. Stress is hard for a brooding mother.”

Hearing that he hurt his wife, Davis grew silent, some monsters needed to just disappear.


This is one criminally underrated Batman villain.


Her physical condition didn’t allow her to age

No one took her seriously as an actress

And even when she was trying to get into a happy romantic relationship (albeit with another villain) he still couldn’t take her seriously as a consenting, sexually active and romantically interested adult

That’s a lot of blows to someone’s psyche 

and Babydoll is both a sympathetic villain and a formidable one

I remember this episode fucked me up a a kid. 


And man, do I wish we could see this Batman again: the Batman that consoles his villains, because the majority (if not all) of them are mentally ill people. And Batman knows this and wants them healthy again, not punished and GOD definitely not dead.

Baby Doll is so underrated as a Batman villain 

but her episode was perfect 

Batman: The Animated Series The story of one fucked up, traumatized little boy, doing his best to help other fucked up traumatized people.

The Batman that cares about the inmates is my favorite. He doesn’t put up with their shit, but he does try to reach out here and there and he’s as human as he can be to them.

When Harley was re-institutionalized, he got her that dress she wanted.

In the comics based on B:tAS, there was a time during Christmas that there was snow and it was Mr. Freeze’s fault, and he was making it snow because Christmas was his anniversary with Nora and she LOVED it when it snowed on Christmas, so Batman let him finish mourning before calmly taking him back to Arkham.

He never, ever gives up on Harvey possibly recovering.

Sure, Batman is going to throw punches and do what it takes to take these guys down when they’re hurting or threatening people. And he’s not going be a complete bleeding heart; he has to protect the innocent. He’s going to take them down and take them back to Arkham, but it doesn’t mean he’s incapable of being a bit human to the ones who deserve it.


Batman needs become human again

Because it needs to be here:


Remember that time a young girl with near god-like psychic powers threatened to destroy reality and the only one that could stop her was Batman because he had a previous encounter with her and was tasked with killing her to restore reality.

But instead, Batman sat with her on a swing and kept her company as the girl’s psychic powers slowly killed her.



Fuck you people making me emotional

The. Batman.


This is MY Batman, not the murderous fascist they’ve made him into.


stop making me cry about bat man villians


Listen. Listen. No one is ever going to be a better Bob Cratchit than Kermit the Frog.

no one is ever going to be a better Scrooge than Michael Caine, who treats the Muppets with all the respect they deserve as renowned veteran actors

According to a blip in the IMDB trivia section, Michael Caine told Brian Henson that he was going to play this as if he were in the Royal Shakespeare company. He was going to be the ultimate “straight” man in the world of puppets, running gags and humor. 

“Before production began, Sir Michael Caine told Brian Henson, “I’m going to play this movie like I’m working with the Royal Shakespeare Company. I will never wink, I will never do anything Muppety. I am going to play Scrooge as if it is an utterly dramatic role, and there are no puppets around me.” Henson replied “Yes, bang on!“” IMDb.com Trivia section

tis the season for this post to make the rounds again i guess

[image is a gif of Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Present dancing together]


Why yes, I am making a fix it comic for Rise of Skywalker. The ending crushed me, so in this comic I promise you good times! I promise you a happy ending!

The entire thing is written and will be about 60 pages, in three parts. This is the first 4 pages of Part I.

Enjoy and mourn.


I found this thing on Facebook… and I fell down the Humans Are Weird hole yet again. 😅 (I first did before I even started my blog - Pinterest is sooo full of these posts! And I keep falling down it from time to time, when I discover something new)


god im just thinking about how much going to public school in the MCU would’ve made me hate captain america. every time i got caught giving some bitch the finger or writing on bathroom walls or ditching class or stealing books from the library cause i got a fine or what have you, and then they gave me lunch detention or ISS and i sat in that dumbass eraser-smelling room and im in My Chair (the chair i always sit in and yell at anyone else who tries to take it), fuming, arms crossed, full of teen angst and hating everyone around me, and AGAIN had to watch this stupid fucking video ive already seen so many times that i know it by heart and every word grates on my eardrums and i’d just see this fuckin familiar face

and i would be ready to LOSE MY SHIT

Villain Origin Story

god imagine Steve giving Peter his Captain America is Disappointed in You face/lecture over something dumb and Peter just fucking dissociating and zoning back in to “Peter! Are you even listening to me???” and looking him in the eye and being like “I’m completely immune at this point. You can’t even touch me.” and walking the fuck away


the real reason why Peter agreed to fight cap at the airport

I also firmly believe that not a single teen in the MCU would take Captain America seriously. I’m positive he’d be a total meme, and anytime some sort of disaster is happening, all the kids would just laugh, like “good luck.”

The News: Captain America may be our only hope.

High school kids, snorting: What’s he going to do, tell the villain he’s disappointed in them and to make better choices?



Gen-X Supervillian confronting cap after years of PSAs: Oh no, it’s the star-spangled saint coming to tell me to make better choices. Whatcha gonna do, Cap, help an old lady cross the street at me?

Captain America, AKA Steve Rogers the pissed-off-Brooklynite who spent his youth getting into alley fights: The fuck are you talking about? Eat fist, dipshit.

Cap leans into it after four villains in a row get thrown for a loop by him insulting their mothers and swearing a blue streak during battles so he plays up the oh-shucks thing during interviews. That works great until the news catches him on camera saying “It was propaganda, you nazi fuckwit” while decking a superpowered alt-right millennial who came to attack a BLM march.

“It Was Propaganda, You Nazi Fuckwit” becomes the next meme. There are photo edits, there are tee shirts.

Steve buys a tee shirt.


OK so some kid keeps screwing around and breaking rules and getting into fights and gets detention so many times they once get detention for standing up and lip-syncing (complete with actions) to the entirety of the video during their detention, and finally a teacher decides to write to Steve, asking him to come pep-talk this kid in person into being a nicer version of themself. He agrees, and shows up, and the teacher leaves him in the doorway while the video is on.

Kid is grinding their teeth to the four hundred and seventh rendition of the same video and all of a sudden they hear “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?”



They turn and stare, and, yeah, that’s Captain America, in the flesh, looking quite a bit bigger and significantly more pissed than the one on the TV screen.


Or something of the sort. For the first time in years, the kid is thinking Captain America is worth paying attention to.

They talk, and the kid cleans up most of their act. Cap shows up at their graduation.

The teacher prides themself on their decision to ask Cap to show up.

If they’d stayed to hear the conversation, they would have fainted.



It’s funny b/c Spider-Man making no quips is usually code for “someone fucked up and Spidey’s on the warpath”. That’s probably why the fourth guy just said “uh-oh”.

the best thing about those panels is that you can feel peter’s agony caused by the inability to tell all the jokes


surgeries except theyre recorded like patch notes

Uterine lining will no longer spawn outside uterus or clip into organs.

2.1.12 Removed tumor


As I get older I’m finding that a lot of the “intellectuals” I used to admire are actually just condescending and pretentious. And also realizing how much more important it is to be present, considerate, and empathetic because nobody really knows what they’re talking about and anyone who claims to know everything about anything is feeding you bs.

“When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.” - Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

I am also realizing that actual intellectuals make their subjects easy to understand, and faux intelectuals will attempt to baffle.

“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.”

- Albert Einstein


my favorite American holiday is the one where we have a gopher predict the weather 

the gopher has spoken


Detroit: Become Human: In the future, humans will treat robots as subhuman objects despite robots looking and acting incredibly humanlike with personalities and independent thoughts of their own.

The entire world when a robot in space died: *making fanart and crying R.I.P. Oppy you beautiful little space explorer*



Same thing happened with a Japanese satellite a few years ago. Just before it finally died, they turned it around to face earth for the first time so it could see the place it was helping and people were bawling their eyes out.

Wtf you can’t do that to my heart

Humans will form emotional attachments to literally anything


i walk into starbucks and order a pumpkin spice latte with 13 shots of espresso. i tell the barista that i intend to transcend humanity and become a god. i ask for no whip cream

you say this jokingly but i had a customer actually order a pumpkin spice latte with 9 shots of espresso (also no whip) and when i asked her to verify that she did indeed want 9 shots of espresso she looked me dead in the eyes and said “i have 5 kids”

I once had a woman come in and ordered an Americano with 19 shots of espresso. The drink took ages. It held up the line. I asked her why, and she shrugged and said “I just don’t care”. We still talk about that woman. We never saw her again.

new cryptid: exhausted woman at starbucks


Actual conversation I had at register: “Hi, welcome to [Starbucks]! What can I get you, today?”

“How much is it to fill a Venti with Espresso?”

“I- I’m sorry?”

“A venti cup. How much to fill it with Espresso?”

“Oh. uh. Well, it’d be I suppose… I only have a button for a Quad. I don’t have special pricing for twenty ounces of espresso in a single… drink.”

“Price is the furthest thing from my mind right now. How many ‘add shots’ is that?”

*deep breath of fear* “It’d be a quad with,” *clears throat* “uh, sixteen additional shots of espresso. But, ma’am, I should tell you that the shots will start to get really bitter if they have to sit and wait for us to pull twenty of them-”

“Taste means nothing to me.”

At this point I am truly fearing for my very existence in the presence of what must clearly be an eldritch being.

“Oh. Well, okay.” I put on my absolute best customer service smile to hide my terror and accept that I must face this dragon, fae, or demon with dignity. “We can certainly get that for you! The price will be _____.”

She begins to pay, I shit thee not, with golden Sacajawea dollar coins. We are a block from Wall Street, and this eldritch demi-being is paying for an unholy elixer with golden coins. My life will end soon, I am sure of it.

“Do you still have the ‘Add Energy’ packets?”

My heart began to race at this request. “Yes ma’am.”

“How many can I add?”

Futile though it is, at least I know the rote response to this. “For health reasons, we won’t add more than one per drink and we cannot sell the packets individually.”

“One then.”

I alter the order and tell her the new price. She pays, dumps the change and five golden dollars into the tip box. I write the order on the venti cup and pass it silently to the girl working the hot beverage station. Normally we called and pass, but this was … not something to be spoken aloud.

My fellow takes the cup, not thinking anything of the minor break with protocol, until she sees the order. She stares at me. “No.”

The woman, which I call her for no other greater insight into her terrifying being is within my grasp, simply stands on the other side and says, calmly but with a commanding tone I expect of Admirals in bad movies, “Yes.”

My fellow barista pales before her task. But we are dutiful, we are true to our task, great though it may be. She sets about clearing the two brand new Mastrena’s of all distraction, and sets two tall cups in the ready position. The energy packet is emptied into the venti cup, and the shots begin pouring. 

The barista was damn near shaking. This woman’s gaze felt like the fires of the sun. Finally, the shots are pulled, the cup is filled, and the hand off takes place.

Our visiting Incomprehensible takes it to our milk bar and adds a dollop of cream. Satisfied, she proceeds to down what must have been half the damn cup.

Then she smiled at us, like a benediction and I was honestly filled with joy. And horror. She left, and we knew nothing more of her after that.

When I talk with other former employees, we quickly begin talking about “The Company” as if we’d never left, perhaps knowing that part of our soul still powers that awesome and terrible corporate machine. And when I share this story, other Baristas at first act shocked but quickly settle and comes the chorus, 

“Yeah, I had one like that.”

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