
No Exit (2.16) / In My Time of Dying (2.1) / All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2 (2.22) / In the Beginning (4.3)


Sam and Dean are canonically soulmates

It's Winchesterland as in SamDeanland only because


The way people try to argue against this is ridiculous, just because Ash doesn’t say the words, “You two, Sam and Dean, are soulmates.”

First, the guy nods at Sam and Dean when he says the word, and they both look uncomfortable since they aren’t in a fantastic place right now. The soulmate part of this scene wouldn’t even have been written if it weren’t giving us the info that is pertains to Sam and Dean. Soulmates sharing a heaven wouldn’t be relevant otherwise, so it wouldn’t need to be mentioned.

Also, people who argue Dean needed to use a road to find Sam because they weren’t in the same heaven are missing the fact that Dean could ONLY find Sam without some sort of spell (like Ash used) BECAUSE they are in the same heaven. Thus, soulmates.

It’s really not that hard.


the thing about wincest is that it's wrong-toxic-dirty-dysfunctional-nasty-fuckedup-disgusting and it's beautiful-gentle-sweet-tender-sacred-miraculous-worshipful.

it is beautiful-gentle-sweet-tender-sacred-miraculous-worshipful at least in part BECAUSE of the fact that it is also wrong-toxic-dirty-dysfunctional-nasty-fuckedup-disgusting, NOT in spite of it.

It's trangressive. It's monstrous. It's sacrificial. It's redemptive. It's paradoxical. It's defiant. It should not be all those things at once and yet it is.


Slowly catching up on the Spn:TAN podcast, listening to the Criss Angel is a Douchebag episode.

After talking about filming Genevieve’s scenes, Bob Singer remarked that that had been an interesting night’s filming, and Rob and Rich immediately made “Go on…” type remarks with a meaningful shift in tone of voice, perhaps hinting at something salacious around Jared and Gen, as they’ve been keen to belabour that point since starting on season 4 - only to have Singer go into a story about J2 going out for dinner and being late back, and then Jared having beef with Singer after he told Jensen off for it.

Made me laugh that R&R try hard to help out with the bearding implications, only to have it fall apart as the story turned out to be a J2 date night.


Beginning sketch. Because Of course; Siken. I’ll finish and color it.

“0 how he loves you, darling boy. 0 how, like

always, he invents the monsters underneath the bed to get you to sleep next to him, chest to chest or chest to back, the covers drawn around you in an act of faith against the night.”—  Richard Siken

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