
∘◦ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐶ ⋯ ⋯ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐶ ◦∘
[ID: A gif of a dark skinned person with long, white hair sitting down on a bathroom floor. They hold a cross necklace in one hand, and the room around them is covered in blood and flooded with a sickly yellow light. In the other hand, it switched between a knife, three flowers, and a cross. The person is dressed in all white. /End ID]

Get a clue, Mob!

[ID: a digital drawing of tsubomi from Mob Psycho 100. She stands, looking at the camera and leaning down without bending her knees. She wears dress shoes with "100" as the buttons, leg warmers and socks, a pleated skirt, an oversized hoodie, white button up, and multiple bracelets. Tsubomi has long, black hair partially pushed back with hair clips. The background is a flashing heart pattern. The drawing has a yellow tint. /end ID]

your art style is... gorgeous. i cld look at it for hours. its so. expressive.. and creative.. i dont even have words.. its so good ♥️


amamxkkgjamfjdjangjaj I can't express how happy this ask made me aaa, thank u so much!! <3


All my friends are Dead !

[ID: A gif of Denji from Chainsaw Man. He sits looking at the camera and holding Pochita. Below him are the remains of various people such as Aki, Power, and Angel Devil. The drawing has purple tones and Denji is slowly blinking. /End ID]

[ID: A digital drawing of Maka Albarn in blue tones, with a bright yellow background. The camera is angled high and she's holding the soul eater scythe up towards it. The color of her eyes and blade shift throughout the rainbow. /End ID]

[ID: a reply from @/agendercryptidlev reading "btw the flashing of this matches up with bigshot from deltarune" /End ID]


[ID: A digital drawing of Maka Albarn in blue tones, with a bright yellow background. The camera is angled high and she's holding the soul eater scythe up towards it. The color of her eyes and blade shift throughout the rainbow. /End ID]

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