
tumblr trying to be like tiktok then trying to be like twitter then giving us the 3rd unreality inducing immersive ad, its staff members being condescending to the userbase, the marketing team trying to parasocialize their way into your pockets, youtube trying to do away with adblockers after upping the percentage of ads by 40% and making it so even if your video is demonetized watchers will still get them, youtube removing the dislike button then making it so you don't get a home feed if you have watch history turned off, google being able to remove your synched bookmarks if they don't comply with their policy, if i listed every way in which twitter has gotten worse in the last year this post will be as long as a novel, ai generated articles and images everywhere, google searches sucking ass in general, reddit charging for its api, KOSA being introduced into the US senate, tiktok in general, every social media under the fucking sun introducing log in walls, being unable to browse most sites on mobile from the sheer amount of popups taking over your screen WAUUUGH social media being products and thus requiring infinite growth and thus trying to introduce newer and newer shit that alienates its dedicated userbase. saturated sludge era of the internet


just seen someone criticize the divine comedy by saying that it's not relatable which is of course incommensurably stupid because relatability should never be the only criterion through which one can judge the validity and quality of a piece of work &c but also. just because you tedious unimaginative losers have never been on a journey to hell and purgatory with your long dead favorite writer doesn't mean others haven't. happened to me



i'm spitting out good omens art like it's a full time job rn.. my brain refuses to put the artistic capacity anywhere else sorry


women r really put in this horrible position by feeling pressured to renounce femininity as a way of detaching themselves from patriarchal society, yet at the same time doing that can feel like femininity is inherently wrong or vulgar. so we’re put into a dichotomy of ‘shaving your legs and calling yourself a dumb bimbo is actually feminism!’ and ‘wearing lipstick betrays your fellow sisters in feminism’ both of which are such shallow beliefs… on one hand denying that shaving, wearing makeup, adhering to traditional standards of womanhood and beauty IS a choice that’s absolutely impacted by patriarchal influence, the male gaze, and misogyny. on the other hand, renouncing it feels like femininity = wrong and masculinity = good, and reminds me of Deborah Tannen’s idea of marked vs unmarked identities. That is to say that both of these ideas, both radical and liberal, still hinge on men’s perspectives on femininity to exist. And this isn’t to renounce either of these ideas or even share solutions it’s just to express my frustration!!!! Like!! Will the existence of women always be wrong no matter what !!!! And of course this goes double for trans women!!!


who are you when you are not watching tv or movies? when you aren't playing video games or reading a book or fanfiction or listening to music or whatever other kind of media that you engage with? who are you when your mind isn't in another world or story, when you are forced to sit with yourself and the only experience you have is your own sensorial life? can you define yourself outside of what you consume? who is that person? do you like them? can you bear it? can you bear it?

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