;;I M P

@iimpisms-blog / iimpisms-blog.tumblr.com


Drop a drink into my ask box and my muse'll prepare it:

Tea and Coffee (a.k.a. cute starters):

  • Earl Grey Tea - You muse sits down with mine to have a nice cup of tea.
  • Japanese Green Tea - My muse needs calming down and it seems like green tea’ll do the trick.
  • Expresso - It’s early in the morning and my muse needs to wake up.
  • Black Coffee - My muse is day-dreaming and needs to snap out of it.
  • Milk Tea - Muses want to cuddle and be comfortable.
  • Bubble Milk Tea - Muses want to cuddle…maybe make out.
  • Honey and Lemon - My muse is in bed, sneezing, and wanting to be nursed back to health.

Alcohol (a.k.a. fun starters):

  • Whiskey - My muse wants to get drunk with yours and do stupid things.
  • Gin and TOnic - Muses only want to get a little tipsy, they want a good time and not do anything they’ll regret.
  • Wine - Muses want a civil convosation and good company.
  • Vodka - Muses want to get piss-ass drunk and make out.

Iced drinks (a.k.a. NSFW starters):

  • Chocolate - Your muse finds mine naked in their bedroom.
  • Mocha - Both muses are feeling particularly kinky and want to try out some new gear they bought.
  • Macha Shake - Muses are having a bath together and a sharp burst from the hot tap sends yours clinging to mine out of shock.
  • Caramel - My muse wants to try out some food play with yours.

Smoothies (a.k.a. angst starters):

  • Banana - Your muse comes in on my muse, who’s crying, and asks them what’s wrong.
  • Strawberry - Your muse finds mine self-harming and wants to know everything.
  • Apple - My muse has locked themselves away and your muse has found them, needing answers and information.
  • Orange - My muse has been taking drugs behind yours’ back and your muse finds out. Your muse is worried for mine.
  • Blueberry - My muse has been starving themselves and just wants to be alone. What’s going on? Your muse is going to find out.
hearing the final words spoken from the lips of his friend a gentle nod was given, as the still air hummed in tune with the silence that surrounded them; while in a brief moment dark lashes hit pale skin as eyes closed and the raven breathed in deeply. this was their freedom, while it wasn’t as they had planned, it was still better to feel the gentle autumn breeze and take in the smells of nature than to have eyes open and find the world of the underground once more. though it would never be expressed, there were many times when levi held worry of such happening.
         ❝ oi farlan, don’t use too much gas we still gotta get back somehow and i’m not about to carry your sorry ass! ❞ levi called as eyes opened and neck cracked with the upward glance.
unlike his quick acting friend, levi found it easier to stay on more level ground as silver orbs scanned the landscape before fingers gripped the handle and shot the grapple upward on one side and then it soon followed in the same on the other. with the movement, he felt the wind rush through his cloak, cutting to the skin under his shirt, but a wave of ease filled in his body at the sensation of flying brought his heart to race and corners of his lips to twitch as if ready to pull into a grin; yet it never happened. the rush was gone as quickly as it had come on, once the grapple stopped the raven found himself adjusting on another branch as his gaze searched the area for a familiar face, causing brows to furrow downward as pale features pinched.
taking the triggers in hands, levi retracted it all back to his person before he took a half step forward on the branch. ❝ farlan, where the hell are you — ? ❞ a question spoke mostly to himself, but still loud enough to be heard if he happened to be nearby.

     ;;— As he flew off, Farlan could have sworn he heard Levi call after him, but as he came to rest on a higher up branch, it seemed he was mistaken. Up here the branches weren’t quite as sturdy, the blond having the one he was on wiggle a bit as he stood on it, but, it seemed stable enough. Just as well, higher up the light breeze in the air was much easier to feel, Farlan pulling his jacket just a bit closer to hide from the chill that came with it. All he saw were positives though, it was so much brighter at this height, more sunlight breaking through the thinning tree line. He took in the beauty, a smile forming. 

     ;;— Freedom. The feeling filled him up as he took a seat down on the branch. For the world felt so much less scary up here without the threat of titans. Oh how he longed to be like this forever. To feel wild and free, no walls to hold him back anymore, no more dark and dirty underground, just a big blue sky and land that went on for miles. 

     ;;— This warm feeling didn’t last long, as suddenly he heard an echoing crack beside him, turning just in time to see the branch he currently found himself sitting on splintering at it’s base. Icy blues suddenly went W I D E, reacting a moment later and haphazardly shooting one of his hooks. He was one lucky bastard, as it just barely gripped a particularly thick trunk of a nearby tree. Farlan, using a little bit of gas to fly forward, found himself landing against the trunk, turning back to watch the branch break off and fall to the forest floor with a thundering sound upon impact. That alone would attract whatever titan he was sure were in the area, and they would have to get the fuck out of dodge if they wanted to survive.


          “— ... That’s bad. That’s very bad.”

     ;;— And it got worse as his shoddy work with the grapple caused it to slipped free of the trunk, now sending Farlan on a free fall down to join his branch friend. 

          “— S H I T! LEVI!

     ;;— Calling out for his friend, the once again fucking lucky bastard just barely managed to catch a nearby branch. This one wasn’t unlike the other, and soon began to crack little by little, panic growing in Farlan’s stomach. His eyes scanned around him, trying to find something, he could hook a grapple into. The only thing close and sturdy enough though was the trunk of the tree he was currently dangling from. His mind formed an idea, and although it was.. well, quite frankly stupid, it was all he really had if he wished to survive. Shifting on the branch, another crack sounding, he placed his feet against the trunk and pushed himself away from it as he let go. That gave him just enough distance to quickly shoot a grapple into the huge trunk, this time really getting it deeply embedded into the trunk, and causing him to stop with a harsh jerk of the line that hurt his hip, likely bruising. But he was alive.

     ;;— Farlan looked up to take in his surroundings to find Levi standing not but ten feet away on a different branch. Good.

          “— Levi! We gotta get the hell out of here!”

Mike turned around sharp, yanking his pants up and buttoning it, going commando. It seemed it was mostly to cover himself up. His skin was still damp from the shower “How long have you been standing there?”

     ;;— Admittedly he didn’t doubt the rumors completely, he had just been positive others were over exaggerating. After all, he figured no one could be hung like that. Yet there Farlan stood, stunned and very very wrong in his assumption. For a moment he didn’t respond to the question, blinking at where the gigantic cock had once been. Eventually, still not looking up at the man, he spoke up.

          “— ...Long enough to know that thing has to break some sort of record or something..”

upon hearing the words leave farlan’s lips, the raven was quick to pull from the embrace as brows twisted and furrowed as a wave of panic caused an uncomfortable tightness in his chest as hands curled into fists at his sides.  ❝ i would rather you not assume that, i know you can be a real shithead at times, but that’s taking things a bit too far — ! ❞ levi stated with a hiss as his jaw locked.
both men understood how sickness worked, and having come from the underground they also understood that fighting something of this nature wasn’t like fighting a titan and that was frightening. any form of a sickness was scary, but it was because the unknown they couldn’t see, but for levi it was a deeper matter than that alone.
yet, it was only in silence that they seemed to agree on that, because they knew what could happen. it was a thought neither would openly admit, but it was clearly written in the tone each carried, as well as the way they reacted. farlan held concern and worry; while levi reacted in a stronger form as the boiling anger surfaced in his words and small actions.
however in the end, levi didn’t want to have this weight upon his shoulders, nor did he want farlan to carry it either, but before he could voice his thoughts a bark like coughing fit over took his vocal cords. it wasn’t until a few moments later that he was able to speak again, but this time gentle wheezes came out instead of words.
( @iimpisms​ / continued )

     ;;— As the smaller of the pair wiggled his way out of the rather lax hold Farlan had on him, a frown found it’s way onto his features. Soon enough he was being snapped at, insulted, for simply stating the obvious. For a moment he was unsure how to respond, as it had been a long time since Levi had been so angry with him.

     ;;— Fear was of course present in both of them, as sickness was a terrifying force. Coming from the underground, they were all bound to have lost at least one, likely multiple, person to such things. And there was little one could do about it, only making it that much scarier. Farlan understood this, he truly did, but he had not expected such a strong reaction from his friend, from one of the two people in this world he cared about anymore. Sure it was all scary, but he was simply concerned for his friend, was that really such a crime?

     ;;— Hands completely pulled away, rigid, now sat at his sides. Whatever part of his body had managed to relax before this moment now tensed up, as he even pushed himself farther away from Levi. Farlan’s gaze moved to a window, watching dark clouds roll across the sky, it was a distraction from the angry Levi beside him. He didn’t want to get too upset, or show that he was too upset, as he knew the kind of struggles Levi went through to express himself, but he couldn’t help as his voice shook, speaking up softly after Levi’s coughing fit subsided.


          “— I’m sorry Levi. I s-shouldn’t have said that.”

     ;;— Cursing the stutter he suddenly stood, wanting to get as far away from the unpleasant situation as soon as he possibly could.

          “— I’ll umm... be in the dorm if you like.. need me or something..”

     ;;— With that he walked off. He could help to some degree most of the time, or at least distract, but Farlan had never been good with anger. Had never been able to keep himself calm when snapped at by someone he cared for so much. On his way back, he stopped by the kitchen, quickly wiping up some black tea he “borrowed” from that Erwin guy. Once it was all brewed to what he knew was Levi’s liking, he walked back with it, leaving the tray on Levi’s bed as a form of an apology before going up to the roof where they had hung out that first night. Maybe he could clear his mind here.

       Auruo’s stare soured into incredulity. “How do you not see an entire person?” he blurted, shoving the clumsy moron away. “ How ‘bout you get your head out of your asshole before you go skulkin’ around the halls.” 
He didn’t know the perpetrator, for he’d never seen him around base before, beyond the undeniable fact that he was an idiot who had scuffed Auruo’s boots (clean, for once, after having been bullied into polishing them by Petra). 

     ;;— An annoyed tone filled the hall, causing Farlan to cringe just slightly before he was shoved back. He stumbled a step or two before steadying himself and fixing a deadly glare on the soldier before him. Though this is not how Farlan pictured the scene going, it seemed it was the card he was dealt today.

     ;;— Hands went to his hips, that scowl towards him never leaving.


          “— Same could be said to you, shit for brains.”

     ;;— Which was true, they both should have been paying better attention to where they were going, perhaps then they could have avoided one another. Too late now, and Farlan wasn’t going to dwell on ‘what if’s’ of such a stupid situation. He did that way too often already with much more serious shit. A scoff and a roll of his eyes later and he was on his way, going to meet up with Levi who happened to have just turned the corner, now heading in his direction.

          “— Yo, Levi.”

Meme: xFor: @ruckgrat​Status: Accepting !!Prompt: #235

     ;;— Sleep wasn’t coming, and after hours of laying in bed Farlan just wanted to be anywhere else. He’d wandered the castle like base, not looking for anywhere specific, just not wishing to lay in that fucking cot any longer. Once he found the dinning hall he’d been exhausted, not wanting to walk any longer, so the blond had parked himself on one of the many hard wooden benches. His knees were pulled up to his chest, head laying atop them with his eyes closed. Perhaps now he could sleep...

     ;;— But still, it seemed he was cursed to be awake forever. Those grim memories returned, Farlan attempting to will them away though they seemed cemented into his mind’s eye at the moment, much to his animosity. Darkness always brought out the demons from his past, and it seemed that even getting as far away from them, from the place they had happened, as physically possible they would still plague him.


          “— There are two kinds of people in this world… Those who suffer and those who cause the suffering.”

     ;;— Aware of the darkness in his words, Farlan had figured he was alone, simply thinking out loud in the dinning hall late at night. Only was his attention brought to another soul in the room when he heard the lighting of a match and then saw the light of a candle beside him through his closed eyelids. Slowly they lifted, hoping that it was just an unknowing cadet he could just shoo away. Sadly, he was met with his old friend, one that he knew for a fact would not let something like that slip past him.

          “— Levi... ha, of course it’s you..”


erwin's eyes seem to almost shimmer with some kind of esoteric knowledge—and despite the lightless atmosphere, the slightest upward curve of his lips can be registered in the pale glint offered by the moon. arms come to rest stiffly behind his back, the darkness of his mien intact as lips part to speak, ❛ though you underestimate me, i feel generous enough to warn you that this is the mere prologue of events later to come. ❜ with that, he starts away, waving a casual, ❛ goodnight, church. ❜

@commanity​ || x

     ;;— For a moment his face turns pale, mind reeling at the notion that this simple act had marked only the beginning of what would be known as Commander Erwin’s revenge. Of course, was a flick to the nose that bad? Not particularly, but there was just this awful fearful feeling growing in his chest at the threat. Perhaps it wasn’t his brightest idea to have pushed the nickname thing so far....                                                                ... but he still didn’t regret it.

     ;;— After getting over the initial shock of the situation, color returned to his cheeks, along with his sense as he watched the bigger man lumber away down the hall.

          “— It’s F A R L A N!

     ;;— He called out angrily, before picking himself up. Soon enough Farlan found his way back to his room where paranoia took over and for the first time in forever, he locked the door behind himself... and made sure the window was locked as well... and checked the room to make sure there were no traps or anything. When he was positive he was safe he went to sleep, still anxious as to what was to come to him.

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