
honk honk *sucks your blood*

@vampire-clowns-r-us / vampire-clowns-r-us.tumblr.com

Jasper/Lyric// 20 // minors can follow but please do not dm or anything // transmasc butch genderqueer // fae/they/he/ze/vi or any other neos // Puerto Rican-American // physically disabled (hsd), adhd and autistic, c-ptsd (most likely) // getting into punk, folk punk, and goth music, already love pop punk and basically any queer music. recs welcome and appreciated! // Aphrodite worshipper // i LOVE vampires. and pirates. // in a relationship w the lovely silvermoondarkening aka Fiona as well as zoot-zut aka Luna // i am a polyamorous omnisexual lesbian, i also use both gay and queer to describe my orientation // i will not allow: racism, ableism, sexism, islamophobia, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, terfs, transmeds, maps or any variation thereof, minors in kink, nsfw ddlg+ (sfw agere and system littles I'm absolutely fine with, though remember this blog is not child safe), and more. i will block you, and report if applicable. // nsfw blogs outside the dni feel free to interact. i do have an nsft blog, dm me if you want the url. i will occasionally reblog implied nsfw or educational posts containing sexual content. i will do my best to tag accordingly. // you are totally free to unfollow if you want for any reason, i don't care. //

the problem with “you don’t owe anyone else anything” is that what I think people first meant when they said it was “don’t apologize for existing, you do not owe others for tolerating you being alive especially if they are cruel to you” but what everyone online took it as “if someone in your life ever asks you for anything ever you should kill them”


one time a guy i know whose girlfriend was heavily pregnant didn’t tweet anything for a whole day so i texted him ‘congrats on your baby’ and made him think i had some kind of baby precognition 

like six months after that just after halloween i asked to see his son dressed as a ‘fat baby pumpkin’ and he was like ‘who told you’ and i said ‘no one. it’s halloween. you have a fat baby. he’s going to be a pumpkin’ 

bbc sherlock wants what i have


there’s something so interesting about how harrow is not haunted by ghosts or the paranormal but by neural networks and the craving of something you no longer remember. gideon doesn’t walk the halls as a specter but she haunts every fiber of harrows being through sheer muscle memory. the mind forgets but the body keeps the score. or something like that


2019-2021 Jeep Wrangler


This is what the original post used to show. Not sure how it violates community guidelines, but who knows what those even are anymore


[ID 1: The "This content has been removed for violating Tumblr's Community Guidelines" image. End ID 1.]

[ID 2: tags reading "if you say so" End ID 2.]

[ID 3: A lime green Jeep Wrangler with a bumper sticker on the back window that reads "Defund Paw Patrol" in all caps white text on a blue background. End ID 3.]


i think that all the people who argue about gender by saying "the woke left cant even define a woman" need to get hit with the "who are you" question by a buddhist monk. no, thats your name, who are you. no thats your profession, who are YOU. no you fucking idiot thats your species, who are YOUU. dumb bitch u cant even define yourself

see this guy gets it

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