
My little nook

@goodiesintheclosetlove / goodiesintheclosetlove.tumblr.com

Mostly reblogs of what amuses me. A bit of valdaya, and whatever else catches my fancy...with an occasional thought from moi.

taron egerton gif + gif icons / giftangle mini pack .

click HERE for a total of 87 hq gifs + gif icons / giftangles of british actor TARON EGERTON (born 10 november, 1989). many of these are with period styling (‘50s + ‘80s + ?????????? faux medieval? who tf knows). others are from personal videos publicly shared by friends, and recent interviews. i made all of these gifs from scratch for myself, bc i love to use his face but i’m lazy and disorganized. i may add more. just need a neat page for them.
content warnings: kissing, s*xual content, body image, scopo (eye contact to the camera), blood, implied violence, a rich movie star wearing the same 5 snapback caps over 10 years.
featuring: eve h*wson, s*ki waterhouse’s ass, the back of emma r*berts’ head, vaguely j*mie dornan’s shoulder. also taron’s real-life girlfriend emily.

@hmmm-duck‘s Henry Cavill 30 Day Challenge

2. The role which made you fall for him

So I’ve already told you that The Witcher was the first thing I watched with Henry in it. Around a month later, after I had finished the then-current season of Vikings, I was still in the mood for more historic drama shows.

By chance, someone of the peeps I was following posted a gifset of Henry as Geralt, Melot and Charles Brandon on horseback. I think there was a caption or tags that said the Charles Brandon one was from The Tudors.

I remembered that my mom had watched The Tudors when it came out and as she really is into this kind of shows she also got the complete DVD box of the series. So I borrowed the box and watched The Tudors. Initially, I didn’t expect Henry to play such a big part in the show. When I saw that gifset, I expected him to have only a minor part, maybe for one episode and then he probably would be killed off.

Oh Boy, was I wrong! His portrayal of Charles Brandon got to me. I love his character’s development. But mostly what made me like him was that out of all the characters he is the one who mostly stays out of meddling in other’s affairs or striving for power. I also feel like he was one of the few who always was aware of the consequences and who deeply hurt and regreted certain decisions he made. I really fell for his character. And I literally cried when he passed away at the end of the series.

As I usually do, I also watched the behind-the-scenes extras and realized that Henry seemed like a really lovely human being. So I went on YouTube and binged on every interview I could get my grabby hands on, and it hit me what a polite and humble person he is. I realized that I had been wrong about him and that I agreed a lot with what he had to say and that he indeed is a huge nerd and gamer. And as a gamer and nerd myself who shares his love for The Witcher games and fantasy stuff he felt like a familiar soul to me (if that makes sense). So, yeah that’s how I fell down the Henry Cavill rabbit hole and I haven’t recovered since.

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