Anonymous asked:

Have you seen the film, worst person in the world? If so, what are your thoughts.

Yes, I did. I absolutely loved it. One of my favourite movies I watched last year.

I thought about the movie for quite a while afterwards - about the choices women have to make, and how we are judged differently from men when we do (or don't) choose a certain path in life.

Sorry - I don't have time to write them all down, perhaps in the future (or ask me on Instagram if you'd like to chat!)


Ikebana by Chi Kim Vu. photo © Allyson Chong

Anonymous asked:

What is a typical saturday & sunday for you?

Writing, writing, writing. Going to the Korean deli with my boyfriend. Cooking copious amounts of soup. Sleeping in. Making matcha. Playing chess. Going to the beach, if the weather permits. Going to a cafe and read, if the weather's dreary.

Anonymous asked:

Congratulations on your book! You must be so proud, wishing you lots of success. Are there any plans to publish it in English too?

Thank you so much. It's out now and it's even on Goodreads.

I hope the publisher will show interest to have it translated. I'll keep you posted.


Inguna Butane @ Margaret Howell Fall/Winter, 2004 Ready-to-Wear

Anonymous asked:

You should do blog posts on here! Like mundane posts, what you did today, reading recs, etc. I miss the blogging era cataloging day to day minutiae. I really like your writing style. Just a suggestion (that I truly hope you take).

Thank you for your kind compliment. I am in the process of finishing the last edits of what will be my first novel. It's hopefully coming out at the beginning of next year....

After that I hope I'll have a bit more time to write down little everyday thoughts again. All my free time is now dedicated to rewriting, restructuring around 300 pages of text...

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