
3 LITTLE WORDS... || starter pack

Send me one to see how my muse reacts. Some are fluffy, some are angsty, some are smutty, some are something else entirely…

Some of these may be triggering or NSFW!

  • “I love you.”
  • “I hate you.”
  • “Go fuck yourself.”
  • “I guess so…”
  • “I guess not.”
  • “Love me, please.”
  • “Don’t say that.”
  • “Don’t do that.”
  • “Don’t touch me.”
  • “Please, hold me.”
  • “Pain changes people.”
  • “You haven’t changed.”
  • “Please don’t go.”
  • “Look behind you.”
  • “Go kill yourself.”
  • “I can change.”
  • “Don’t ever change.”
  • “Want a hit?”
  • “Do you smoke?”
  • “Fuck me now.”
  • “Take my hand.”
  • “Lead the way.”
  • “Duck and cover!”
  • “Just go home.”
  • “Take me home.”
  • “Walk me there?”
  • “Everyone, shut up!”
  • “Just shut up.”
  • “Please stop it.”
  • “Please don’t die.”
  • “I need you.”
  • “I want you.”
  • “Want a hug?”
  • “Want a kiss?”
  • “Are you sure?”
  • “Are you lying?”
  • “That’s the truth.”
  • “I’m not lying.”
  • “Oh my God.”
  • “For fuck’s sake!”
  • “I got it.”
  • “I found it.”
  • “Call me later.”
  • “Text me later.”
  • “Don’t call me.”
  • “Are you crying?”
  • “I wasn’t crying.”
  • “Please don’t laugh.”
  • “Please don’t cry.”
  • “That’s a lie.”
  • “What’d they say?”
  • “What’ll it be?”
  • “It’s last call.”
  • “It’s almost midnight.”
  • “Do you promise?”
  • “That’s a promise.”
  • “Are you serious?”
  • “Don’t bullshit me.”
  • “I punched him.”
  • “I killed him.”
  • “I kissed him.”
  • “I love him.”
  • “I hate him.”
  • “I lied before.”
  • “I’m so sorry.”
  • “I’m not sorry.”
  • “I’ll come over.”
  • “Can you come?”
  • “Want to cuddle?”
  • “Maybe we should.”
  • “Maybe we shouldn’t.”
  • “You don’t say.”
  • “Make me come.”
  • “Did you come?”
  • “I stole it.”
  • “I broke it.”
  • “Any bones broken?”
  • “Are you okay?”
  • “Are you hurt?”
  • “That must’ve hurt.”
  • “He was lying.”
  • “It’s our song.”
  • “Can I help?”
  • “Help me out.”
  • “Please, for me?”
  • “Anything for you.”
  • “I doubt it.”
  • “I believe you.”

A quick and easy plotting guide

Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse!

My muse(s):

Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse

Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other

Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship

Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 

I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other

Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!

Anonymous asked:

Turning slowly as the sound of heels clipped across cobble stone, a grunt sounded from heavily inked pages. "It seems to have come to enjoy, our company hussy. You appear to have gained taste." (sentientbook)

@ kainé  // @sentientbook

❝ ugh… cram it BOOK, I’m not staying. ❞ kainé rolled her eyes, folded her arms and looked elsewhere. despite staying having been the plan, in the beginning, weiss pissed her off,  so instead, she dropped a few healing salves (which she may or may not needed for herself in the future) and walked away from her companions once more. she was just fine on her own.

@shadelaced // continued from here.
          AND SHE POSSESSED a tongue as refined as her steel. ( HOW QUAINT, ) he’d muse, wordlessly– hand falling to the hilt of his still sheathed blade, fingertips tracing over it as he canted his head to the side, ever so slightly. I didn’t come here seeking a fight, no. He’d eventually offer in response, stormy eyes narrowing, afterward. But I’ve never been a man to deny a challenge, either.

In reaction to his narrowed glance, her hands once again held tightly to the hilts of her swords, and from them rose a blackened smoke. Hopefully, this guy proved to be more of a challenge than her last opponent. He, sure enough, looked like it, but looks weren’t enough. A beat passes and without a word, she’s quickly turned herself around and charging in his direction, and lunging with both swords. 


Though her choice in attire may be questionable, her sword arm wasn't -- of that he was certain, after witnessing her dispatch a towering foe with relative ease. "Impressive."

@ kainé  // @noxborne

with her opponent defeated and on the ground, Kainé quickly glanced over her shoulder to find where exactly the voice came from. And from the corner of her eye, she spotted him; a tall, blond man clad mainly in white, a serious face, and was that a metal arm?

     ‘ Ohoho~ look at that sunshine, all that hard work's finally got you a fan! BWAHAHAH! He looks tough enough... Why don’t we have some with this one, yeah? ‘

An audience wasn’t something she normally had when fighting, and sure as hell wasn’t something she needed. ❝ You wanna be next? ❞

      Well… this is gonna be fun. Talk about inconvenience; their little squabble had been interrupted by approaching shades – and in numbers. Had they been attracted to the women’s bitching and moaning? Zero wouldn’t have been surprised,  hey, bigmouth! You know how to use those toothpicks you call swords or are they all for show?

      ❛ they’re closing in pretty quickly there, don't you think sunshine? sure it ain't something to do with your new friend here?  ❜

with tyrann ( a constant annoyance ), the addition of this ‘creepy-ass flowery eyepatch kid’, and now the shades. kainé had had just about enough. a groan of annoyance passed her lips. over the grating noise of tyrann’s voice in her head, she heard the younger female’s speak, a remark no less crude than the ones before it.  ❝ ugh... just shut it and get ready, dumbass. i just hope you can fucking see with that ugly ass fern on your face. ❞ bickering aside, tyrann may have been right about the girl. there was definitely more to her than a loud mouth and bad attitude, now just wasn’t the time to figure out what that was.


hello there! it’s been a while since i’ve shown my face around these parts > w < ;;; i’m still in the process of making icons, but please give this post a like and/or reblog if you’re interested in writing with a kainé (feat. tyrann) from nier.


SORRY FOR THE LACK OF ACTIVITY,  but i’ve officially got myself a job now! and because of that, i’ve been pretty busy with trying to balance the new job with my schooling. you can expect activity to continue being low here and on all my other blogs until i get the hang of all this. I’m thinking activity will pick up more during the weekends but i’m not 100% sure? anyways… thanks for being patient with me and sticking around!


small update: it’s fall, so i’m back to attended college classes two days out of the week (whilst looking for work). the workload is fine now but bound to pick up as the term progresses (it always does). & i’ll also be trying to balance my tumblr time over more than a few blogs. long story short, this blog & all my blogs will have pretty low activity.

list of blogs (in case anyone is curious.) @fatecarrier - Frodo Baggins @loveforsook - Dettlaff van der Eretein @honorvalued - Titus Drautos/General Glauca @endsought - Nooj @shadelaced - Kainé


“There’s no turning back now hussy.” The book sighed as he glanced over towards the woman slowly.


   ❛ yeah, no shit… ❜ her tone is c o a r s e, however, the words that fall from her lips are spoken softly and slowly. turn back? Like hell, she would. she takes n o t i c e of him from the corner of her eye, but her focus remains on the p a t h ahead. her once loose hands curl tightly into fists, inhaling q u i c k l y and exhaling slowly, she steels herself for whats to come. 

❛ You ready for t h i s..? ❜

❛ oooh, time for you all to face the scawwy shadowlord. you gonna hold hands all the way there?? bwahahahah !!

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