
Study Buddhy

@study-buddhy-blog / study-buddhy-blog.tumblr.com

20/ junior studying psychology/ trying to be kind to myself

06.10.17 // Constructive details keep getting more difficult every class, but I think until now I’m getting them!


the sun was shining today and I feel so happy :’) I started studying early in the morning, had a team meeting at work which was very nice, rode my bike home and enjoyed breathing some fresh air. I also made vegan hot choclate to have enough energy for my afternoon studying session :’) my next exam is in 9 days and I really hope it won’t be too difficult.. this semester has gone by so fast :D

hey you!  yes you!  you need a little motivation?  *grabs you close*  I got you.

here are 10 quotes you need to hear right now:

  • The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.
  • You create opportunities by asking for them.
  • Act as if what you do makes a difference. Because it does.
  • If your going to be weird, be confident about it. 
  • Normality is a paved road; its comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow. 
  • Don’t compare your chapter one to something else chapter 20.
  • To whom much is given, much is expected.
  • Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.
  • You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.
  • Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.

You’re welcome.


These are just a few things that I like to do to de-stress/relax

  • Drink water; it feels way better than eating junk food and replaces the munchies.
  • Listen to soft music (I’ve been liking the majority of the We’ve Done Something Wonderful album, AKMU, and these two spotify playlists). Then, switch to upbeat music that makes you happy/some jams.
  • Drink tea. I like oolong, green, earl grey, and peppermint.
  • Take a shower and wash your hair, face, and body. Use ones that smell good to you.
  • Do a face mask and moisturize!
  • Allow your skin to breathe and take a break from makeup.
  • If you want something sweet, eat some fruit. I find it usually satisfies my sweet tooth.
  • If you’re tired, take a nap either 20, 60, or 90 minutes long (the latest to start one should be 4 pm to keep from interrupting your sleep schedule much).
  • Watch a show that makes you laugh; nothing that gets you too emotionally invested.
  • Delete pictures from your phone you don’t need or want; import the ones you want to keep to your laptop, a flash drive, or external hard drive.
  • Make a list of tasks you need to complete from easiest/shortest time to completion to most difficult so that you won’t feel so overwhelmed. Finish a few easy tasks first, then work on some of the difficult ones, even if just a little. If you need a break, do some of those easy ones in between.
  • Write down your thoughts if your mind feels cluttered.
  • Exercise. Whether it’s dance, pilates, running, or otherwise, it helps to relieve stress.
  • Go out and enjoy the sun’s warmth. Soak in that Vitamin D (but wear sunscreen!)
  • Eat at least two meals a day, one should be breakfast. I got in the habit of one + 2-3 snacks, and I felt awful, hungry most of the day, and gained weight bc of a slowed metabolism even with less food and lots of water, so don’t do it.
  • Clean your room. Working in a clean space makes it easier to focus. If your room is clean, just tidy up a bit: make your bed, fold laundry, change your sheets, etc.
  • Don’t stress over minimal things. Try to think long term.
  • Encourage yourself to do and be better. Don’t be hard on yourself, you’re doing great. Love yourself. You deserve it.

ive been so, so tired lately but im trying my hardest to do schoolwork while maintaining my mental health. today i found out that my grade in archaeology is exactly what ive been aiming/hoping/studying for and im extremely happy that my work is paying off, especially when its my favourite subject!

i started CBT yesterday !! i know that it will work and that itll be hard and scary and im praying for it to go as smoothly as possible.

Source: hadestudy

Hey guys, so I’ve seen some posts around about daily routines so I thought I’d share my own. I consider myself to be great at being productive even early in the morning, and here’s how I achieve that. Hope this is helpful, and feel free to ask me questions if you have any!


16/100 days of productivity i didn’t have any school today since it was icy and snowing outside! 🌨❄️:) I decided to re-decorate my desk area, what do you guys think?


Friday, April 21, 2017 — Exams are coming

I am using the book “101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think” by Brianna Wiest for study breaks! It is such a great book, I highly recommend you to buy it!

Have a nice sunny day (from an anxious student!)


Literally do your work as soon as you know it exists. If you get homework, do it during your free or when you get home or on the train if you really want to, on the day you get it. Just got set an assignment? Get the draft done that weekend. It doesn’t have to be amazing and absolutely ready to send in, it just needs to exist. Just got sent an email? Reply when you see it. If you’re not sure how to response to it, write Dear (), leave a gap and then write Regards () and keep that in your drafts. Set a reminder on your computer or write the reminder on a sticky note that you’ve got that sitting in your drafts and you need to send it off in the next 24 hours. Need to clean your room? Don’t spend time thinking or planning how you’re going to clean it or how you’re going to change up the space in the process, just pick stuff up and put it where it should be until everything’s in order. Done. Seriously dude, when a task arises as an issue, tackle it as soon as you realise it exists. Remember, it doesn’t need to be amazing it just needs to be done. So, when the due date of the task creeps closer, you can go back, work with what you have and make it the quality you want it to be. 


18/100 days of productivity,  my motivation streak hasn’t ended yes, yaaay

today i started on my visual branding for my diploma, studied for my test in communication design tomorrow and organized some of my stuff. may the streak continue! 

(do any of you have some advice for my poor plant next to my dresser? i’m losing him :( )

(my studygram: itrytostudie)

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