


truly, madly, deeply, in love with a british boy named harry. i might start to write?¿

I am loved. I am divine. I am growing as a person. I am beautiful. I am magical. I am going to open up more. I am going to make progress in my personal relationships. I am going to succeed at my job. I am going to be more clear minded. I am going to speak up about my feelings. I am going to sing more. I am going to dance more. I am going to create more art. I am going to be clear about emotions and intentions. I am in charge of my mood. I am the setter for the tone. I am powerful. I am going to remember that not everything is linear. I am going to be okay.


nobody likes the “bad boys” who insult and degrade their partners while wearing pastel polos with popped collars, people like REAL bad boys who wear leather jackets and take a lot of care in how they shape their pompadour and carry around stiletto switchblades and care about their communities and ride a motorcycle and rebel against the government and says stuff like “NOBODY insults my gal” and gets in fistfights with dudes who catcall their girlfriends. THOSE bad boys are the guys everyone wants.

“I offered it to Rihanna. I was very conscious while i was peeling it. I thought i was going to spray her in the back of the head. But it was okay.”

— Harry Styles talking about his adventures with orange (via flytoyous)

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