
The One Who Does All The Danny Phantom Crossovers

@midnightsbloom / midnightsbloom.tumblr.com

Commissions Are Tentatively on hold (school assignments are in the way); but feel free to make inquiries! I might have an opening and I just haven’t had the chance to update
Side blog is Midnights-insomniac-bloom where I post/reblog whatever.

Hello everyone! I finally finished finals for spring (unfortunately my summer classes start May 4th and end June 15th) but I made time the other day to revamp my commission sheet so it’s more app friendly. If you are interested in commissioning me, shoot me a DM! Please be patient with commission times for once classes start, it will get hectic. Smaller commissions would be faster to do but classes is a wild card. Please read my Terms of Service for additional information. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSJVgxb0iLDz2nCI1EBB8DEEqkvtj5f8ubQ_EMLca3-3KBZX6xm-q2Y3kC7X0mP7g/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=15000


Room+lighting study I did awhile back for @chuwenjie’s class back in February! It was a very different approach to backgrounds that I never even considered, but taking this class has helped me not feel so hesitant with even attempting backgrounds and pushed me in the direction for improvement! My work wasn’t as impressive as my classmates 😅 but I definitely recommend taking her class when it opens again! I’ll be dropping more assignments from the class eventually :)


Animatic I did for a class assignment! I had less than a week to come up with the idea, storyboard it, and do a bunch of sound work🥲. Definitely looking forward to taking a small rest before my other summer classes start :”) Happy pride month everyone! I hope everyone has had a safe and good experience this month so far ❤️and to those who are not out yet, you’re still valid 🥺

Huge thanks to @starpaw0007 for doing the voice work for the main character!

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