
Jutsu Astrology


Ask: OPEN // Sixteen // ENTJ // Gryffindor // fire, mercury, cap, 4th House Dom ♑sun, ♓moon, ♍rising

An oldie, but a goodie: the Rowan cross

Today on my romps around London, I found a twig from a Rowan tree. A tree of so much magical potential that one of its many nicknames is, in fact, the Witch Tree.

How could I NOT do a spell with it?

So today, I did a little home warding charm called a Rowan cross, for warding the home from negative energy and ne’er-do-wells. This particular charm goes back a long way here in Britain – a few hundred years, at the best guess. I reckon you could also carry this with you while traveling, both to protect your things and to keep from getting lost – another use of the good ole’ Rowan tree.

Here she is, with instructions to follow:

For this, you need only two things

  • A twig at least 6 inches long, or 2 twigs of 3 inches or more, either from a Rowan tree or any other tree you associate with protection and the home.
  • Red thread, string, or yarn
  • (optional) Glue

You can do any sort of mood-setting ritual you like. Personally, I simply lit a while candle.

If you have one 6+ inch twig, cut it in half. Once you’ve got two little twigs to work with, decide whether you’d like to glue them in the middle to make a cross to help you get started. Personally, I didn’t bother. They stayed fine after my first couple rounds with the yarn.

Tie them together in the middle loosely with your yarn. Now, we wind the yarn!

So as not to make this stupidly linguistically awkward, I found a nice little diagram on how to do this if you’re unfamiliar with this pattern. Basically, you go over to the right side of the twig, under to the left side.


You can cover as much or as little of the twigs as you like. Personally, I just went until I felt it was done.

I tied the yarn around one of the rungs and passed it over the flame, asking it to protect my home.

Then you can hang it in front of a window, a door, whatever entrance you’d like to protect.

Ta-da! Thanks, Rowan tree.


It's Time for Samhain! (Oct 31- Nov 1)

What is Samhain? In the Celtic calendar, Samhain marks the end of summer and the harvest season, and the beginning of the dark, cold winter months. It falls opposite Beltane on May 1, which represents the beginning of spring and the life-filled growing season.

It’s believed that the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest on Samhain. Historically, people were worried that they would encounter ornery spirits if they ventured outside on Samhain night, so they dressed as ghosts or wore masks to disguise themselves. Folks would leave treats on their front porch or place an extra setting at the table to welcome any friendly spirits who stopped by. You can see how these Samhain rituals easily morphed into our modern-day version of trick-or-treating in costume.

Nighttime bonfires were another of the long-standing Samhain rituals - this one was thought to help combat the impending darkness of winter and the fearful chill that accompanied the idea of roaming spirits. Because the veil between living and dead is believed to be the thinnest on this night, Samhain is also a powerful night for divination and spellcasting by candlelight.

Usual Symbols of Samhain:

  • Ale or Mead
  • Pumpkins
  • Skulls
  • Besom or Broom
  • Beans
  • Cauldron
  • Bats
  • Keys
  • Squash
  • Pomegranate
  • Nuts
  • Apples and Cider
  • Bones

Herbs and Plants for Samhain:

  • Rosemary – Associated with remembrance and is needed during this season in taking time to honor the memories of our ancestors and other lost loved ones. Can be used in an incense blend and at ancestor altar
  • Fall Flowers – Includes flowers like marigolds and chrysanthemums. Are associated with protection and chrysanthemums come in handy with connecting to the spirit world
  • Apples (the fruit, branches and blossoms) – Is considered sacred to a lot of gods. A good apple harvest means that the gods have shown the community their favor. You can use apples in different rituals, especially divination
  • Pomegranates – Is associated with the realm of the underworld and helps with communication with the dead. It is also associated with fertility of the fall.
  • Squashes, Pumpkins and Gourds – Is associated with abundance and provides sustenance for your family when the fields become bare and covered in snow. Is linked to psychic awareness and development and protection.
  • Mugwort – Is associated with divination and dreaming. Using Mugwort baths or incenses in the rituals can focus on treating depression, especially with the seasons changing
  • Rowan Trees – The branches and berries are a way to keep evil spirits out of your house and are associated with good health. If you plant a tree near a grave, it will prevent the dead from rising.
  • Sage – Is associated with cleansing and grounding. Is a great incense to cleanse your home to bring in the new and out with the old
  • Hawthorn – Has been associated with the gateway between humans and the spirit world. Is also rumored to an area where you can see fairies.

Crystals for Samhain:

  • Amethyst – Aids in opening one’s third eye and is valuable to be able to see Samhain’s spirits around
  • Black Obsidian – Is great for grounding and protect from evil spirits. Can be used in scrying when speaking to deities and spirits of Samhain
  • Citrine – Is used to honor the sun. Aids in prosperity spells and carries joy
  • Black Tourmaline – Wards off unwanted spirits from your property and can be buried into the ground to protect from psychic attacks and spirit intrusion
  • Orange Calcite – Orange is a sacred color to Samhain. This stone is associated with one’s sacral chakra and can cleanse and align reproductive organs, sexuality and get creativity flowing
  • Bloodstone – Known to heal cardiovascular illness and disease. Can help with ancestry links and work
  • Spirit Quartz – Is great in helping communicate with the spirits of Samhain and releasing old and toxic habits
  • Lepidolite – Used to appease the fairies that roam during Samhain
  • Serpentine – Is associated with snakes and aids in remembering past lives. Loki seems to like this stone and may be great to use for him if you work with him during this season
  • Dragonstone – Dragons are guardians of the earth, spirits of place, and connect us to Mother Nature. Helps say goodbye to the old years and our old selves
  • Skull shaped Stones – Since skulls are symbols of Samhain, skull shaped stone can help with symbolism during this holiday. They represent the life-death-rebirth cycle, wisdom and our ancestors

Spells and Rituals:

A Samhain Tea (Apple and Hawthorn Berry)

  • 1 apple, sliced
  • 2 Tablespoon dried hawthorn berries (or 4 Tablespoons fresh)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • A pinch of cloves
  • 4 cups water
  • Honey, to taste (optional)
  1. Combine all ingredients in a small stockpot.
  2. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 10 minutes.
  3. Strain the plant material from the tea, then transfer the tea into two mugs.
  4. Enjoy one for yourself, and leave the other on your table or front porch to nourish any wandering spirits who may pass while the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest.

A Pumpkin Spell for Prosperity

  • A pumpkin
  • Some paint
  • Go to the pumpkin patch (or local store) and select a pumpkin. Or let the pumpkin choose you.
  • Bring it home and paint prosperity symbols on it – money signs, runes for prosperity or harvest glyphs (whatever means prosperity to you).
  • Then place by your front door to invite prosperous vibes into your home this Samhain season.

Bonfire Release Purification Spell

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Source of fire (bonfire, fireplace, candle flame)
  1. Gather your materials and sit by the fire.
  2. Take a few minutes to just listen to the fire crackling.
  3. Gaze into the flames and connect with this powerful element.
  4. Next begin to think about what habit or person you are releasing this Samhain. Think about why you’re purifying your life from this thing or person.
  5. Then write the habit or person down on the piece of paper.
  6. Fold it away from you 3 times.
  7. Hold it in your hands and allow all of the negative thoughts and energies inside of you to “drain” out of you and into the paper.
  8. Then throw it in the fire and say,
“After this Samhain, never again. Never again. I release _________ from my life by the power of the Samhain fire. So, mote it be.”

How to Make a Samhain Altar

  • Beautiful autumn leaves or flowers that you collect on a nature walk
  • A candle
  • A mugwort bundle
  • A string of rowan beads
  • A bowl of apples or a small pumpkin
  • A hawthorn wand or bowl of freshly picked hawthorn berries
  • A picture of your ancestors
  • To make an altar, first find a corner of your home or a table surface where you can arrange a few treasures. You don’t need a ton of space. You could use the top of a dresser, the corner of your desk, an unused side table, etc. 
  • After you’ve assembled your altar, spend some time sitting quietly in the space. Light the candle and/or mugwort wand, sip on a cup of Apple & Hawthorn Berry Tea and meditate on this energetically powerful day. 

I could find specific written instructions for a crystal grid but I found a video!

Let's get ready for Samhain and have a great and safe time!


🥐Ways to Celebrate Mabon🍂

Mabon is the second harvest festival in the Wheel of the Year that is celebrated on the autumnal equinox. 

🍎Make apples into bowls! Carve out an apple so that the filling is gone and all that is left is a thick bowl-shaped apple shell. You can put small plants in these, offerings to spirits or deities, or you can place a candle inside. Put it on an altar or windowsill and it’s complete! 🍎Donate food! If you have food to spare, donate some to a local food pantry. Also, if you have pet food or toys to spare, donate to those to a local animal shelter! Mabon is a great holiday to give back and donating what you can is a wonderful way to celebrate the equinox! 🍎Burn bad habits! Literally. If you have a fireplace or somewhere where you can safely burn things, write down your bad habits and throw them in the fire. Then write down good habits you wish to have and hang it near the fireplace or on the fridge if you don’t have a fireplace. This season is all about change, so burn away the bad and work towards positive change! 🍎Spend time with friends and family! Surround yourself with good company and have a fun time! You can visit an apple orchard, watch a movie and eat sweet treats, spend time in the living room together, enjoy a meal with each other, and more. 🍎Bake and share! Apples are an ideal ingredient for homemade goods this time of year. Share your homemade treats with friends, family, or share them with a deity or spirit as an offering. Not only will you get to enjoy your goodies, but your loved ones will, too! 🍎Visit the deceased. Gather some fallen leaves (or flowers if you prefer), acorns, and pine cones and adorn the deceased’s grave with them. You can also light a candle for them and pray or talk to them. Take time to remember them on this holiday. 🍎Harvest and take care of your plants! Gather your herbs or take extra special care of your plants. You can use your harvested materials right away, dry them out, and/or store them away for later use! If your plant is not ready to be harvested, treat it to some new soil or fresh water! 🍎Make or buy wine! Unless you’re underage or an alcoholic. Otherwise, get or make some wine and celebrate! Who doesn’t like to get a little drunk on holidays? 🍎Take time to bask in nature! Winter is coming soon and those walks in the park won’t be as pleasant. Spend some time in the woods, an apple orchard, a lake, or just in your backyard and embrace what nature has to offer! 🍎Meditate or do some spells for balance! Mabon is an ideal time to perform spells that help balance your life. You can also meditate to relieve stress or whatever it is you like to do to relieve stress. Take time to relax and take care of yourself this holiday!


Wheel of The Year ✧ Yule (December 20th-23rd) ✧ General meanings: winter solstice, new beginnings, rebirth Crystals - Bloodstone, Clear Quartz, Emerald, Ruby, Garnet, Diamond Animals - Bear, Boar, Deer, Eagle, Owl, Tiger, Wren Herbs - Chamomile, Ivy, Mistletoe, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Cedar, Cinnamon, Cloves, Frankincense, Juniper, Myrrh, Orange Deities - Odin, Ra, Isis, Brighid, Demeter, Gaea, Diana, Mithra, Lugh ✧Imbolc (February 2nd✧ General meanings: candlemas, hearth, and home Crystals - Amethyst, Bloodstone, Garnet, Onyx, Ruby, Turquoise Animals - Burrowing Animals, Bear, Deer, Groundhog, Lamb, Sheep Herbs - Acorns, Angelica, Basil, Bay, Blackberry, Chamomile, Crocus, Jasmine, Lavender, Rosemary Colors - Green, Brown, Red, White, Pink, Yellow Deities - Brigid, Triple Goddess, Eros, Osiris, Pan, Herne, Aradia, Athena ✧Ostara (March 20th-23rd)✧ General meanings: spring equinox, renewal and duality Crystals - Amethyst, Aquamarine, Clear Quartz, Agate, Jasper, Moonstone, Rose Quartz Animals - Butterfly, Chick, Rabbit, Lamb, Robin, Worm Herbs - Clover, Daffodil, Honeysuckle, Iris, Jasmine, Lemon Balm, Lilac, Lilies, Mint, Peonies, Tulips, Sandalwood, Tangerine, Ylang-Ylang, Geranium Colors - Pastels, Gold, Light Green, Blue, Pink, Yellow Deities - Eostre, Astarte, Aurora, Kore, Osiris, Dionysus, Ares, Adonis, Venus, Aphrodite, and Narcissus ✧Beltane (May 1st)✧ General meanings: may day, love, and fertility Crystals - Emerald, Garnet, Malachite, Rose Quartz, Tourmaline Animals - Bee, Cat, Cattle, Dove, Frog, Goat, Leopard, Rabbit, Swallow, Swan Herbs - Coriander, Crocus, Curry, Daffodil, Dandelion, Dragon’s Blood, Fern, Flaxseed, Hawthorn, Nettle, Paprika, Primrose, Snapdragon, Peach, Rose, Vanilla Colors - Bright Greens and Blues, Purples, Yellow and Red Deities - Bel, Pan, Maeve, Tanit, Flora, Gaia, Danu, Herne, Aphrodite, Artemis, Brigid, and Diana ✧Litha (20th-23rd)✧ General meanings: summer solstice, warmth, and the sun Crystals - Amber, Carnelian, Citrine, Diamond, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Tiger’s Eye Animals - Bee, Butterfly, Cattle, Horse, Robin, Sea Creatures, Snake, Bird Herbs - Basil, Calendula, Chamomile, Heather, Heather, Mugwort, Wild Thyme, Peony, Roses, Daisy, Sunflower, St. John’s Wort, Cedar, Clove, Lavender, Mint, Pine, Sage Colors - Blue, Gold, Red, White, Yellow, and Green Deities - Aphrodite, Astarte, Freya, Hathor, Ishtar, Venus, Athena, Artemis, Dana Kali, Isis, Juno, Apollo, Helios, Ra, Sol, Zeus, Prometheus, and Ares ✧Lammas (August 1st)✧ General meanings: first harvest, abundance, and gratefulness Crystals - Citrine, Golden Topaz, Lodestone, Moss Agate, Obsidian, Peridot, Aventurine Animals - Calf, Pig, Rooster, Salmon, Crow Herbs - Apple Leaf, Basil, Clover, Goldenrod, Heather, Ivy, Marigold, Peony, Poppy, Rose, Rosemary, Vervain, Sunflower, Sandalwood, Frankincense Colors - Bronze, Green, Gold, Light Brown, Orange, and Yellow Deities - Lugh, Demeter, Ceres, Corn Mother, and John Barleycorn ✧Mabon (September 20th-23rd)✧ General meanings: autumn equinox, feast, and bounty Crystals - Amber, Citrine, Cat’s Eye, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Yellow Agate Animals - Eagle, Blackbird, Owl, Salmon, Stag, Wild Goose, Wolf Herbs - Bittersweet, Chamomile, Marigold, Rue, Sage, Yarrow, Cinnamon, Myrrh, Frankincense Colors - Brown, Gold, Orange, Red, Yellow, and Green Deities - Mabon, Inanna, Demeter, Persephone, and The Horned God ✧Samhain (October 31st)✧ General meanings: new year, spirit, and potential Crystals - Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Jet, Obsidian, Onyx, Smokey Quartz Animals - Bat, Black Cat, Cat, Owl, Raven, Crow Herbs - Allspice, Calendula, Chrysanthemum, Deadly Nightshade, Mandrake, Mint, Nutmeg, Rosemary, Sage, Thistle, Wormwood, Hazel, Benzoin, Sweetgrass Colors - Black, Gold, Orange, Purple, White, and Silver Deities - Crone Goddesses, Hekate, Hel, Lilith, Kali, Ishtar, Arianrhod, Rhiannon, Persephone, Baba Yaga, and Isis


Mabon Blessings, dear one!

May this change in seasons bring you abundance and growth.

Take this time to step back and look at the bigger picture. You have worked hard to build yourself up. Don't take your strength for granted.

Remeber, the shop will be beack up on Oct 1st! Some surprises are 'in store' for you guys.

Onthegowitchery | Etsy | IG | FB


⛤Mabon Spells, Part I⛤

Before we start, I’d like to inform you that this topic has been broken down in 3 posts since I’d like to share some Spells, Deity Spells and Kitchen Magic, before the actual celebration, to make the entire thing more readable and give our fellow witches enough time to get ready!

I will also share a Mabon Masterpost with all the content I’ve posted regarding the festivity.

This is a list of spells that are a MUST for Mabon!

⛤An Acorn Mabon Spell for Prosperity


  • An acorn
  • Marker or paint with paintbrush
  • Small spell bag or sachet
  • Small bell (you can get these from craft shops)

⛤How to:

  • Cleanse your space in whatever way you prefer.
  • Set the magical Mabon mood – turn on music, burn incense, light a few candles, etc.
  • Gather your ingredients and tools.
  • Cast a circle, if you so choose, and invoke the elements.
  • Hold your acorn in your hands and envision prosperity flowing from the acorn into your hands and through your entire body like a soft orange light.
  • Keep the acorn in your left hand and pick up the little bell in your right.
  • Say the following 9 times:

Blessings of oak, earth and the Mabon season.

Flow through this acorn into my home.

Each time the front door opens,

The Mabon bell rings and prosperity flows in.”

  • Now draw or paint the Mabon symbol onto the acorn
  • Place the acorn and bell in the small bag.
  • Thank the earth, Mabon spirits, and energies present. (Release your circle if you cast one).
  • Hang the Mabon spell bag on your front door, until the Autumn season has ended.
  • Then bury the acorn near the front door. Cleanse and re-use the bell.

⛤A Mabon Bath Spell for Balance

Wherever balance is needed, decide you’re ready to improve those things and cast this Mabon spell.

⛤What You’ll Need:

  • Sunflower petals: linked to the Sun and properties include good luck and joy. 

Also a traditional herb used on Mabon.

  • Chamomile: also linked to the Sun and properties include prosperity and warding off negative energy.
  • Rosemary: for purification, health, and clarity of mind and memory
  • 3 crystals (of your choice, but I recommend clear quartz, citrine, and amber)
  • Muslin bag (optional)

⛤How to:

  • Cleanse the space and set the mood. Turn down the lights and turn on some music, if you choose.
  • Light a candle or two.
  • Draw a warm bath and add the herbs to the water (if you have a bag, add your herbs to the bag and then to the water. This makes clean-up much easier!)
  • Place the 3 crystals around 3 sides of the bathtub (not in the water, but on the tub itself).
  • Get in and soak while focusing on balance. 
  • Meditate on what balance means to you and how you could use more of it.
  • You can chant or repeat the following incantation:

“I invoke the energies of Mabon,

On a day of balance,

We welcome the Autumn season,

May the balance of night and day

Bring my life balance in every way.”

Soak in the bath for as long as you feel it’s necessary.

Then emerge feeling balanced within yourself and all around you.

⛤Quick Balance Spell

Mabon is observed on an equinox, a time when there are equal parts of light and day. It is the perfect time to reassess and work toward balance in all parts of your life.

⛤You’ll need:

  • Black candle
  • White candle
  • A pen
  • Some paper

⛤How to:

  • Set up your altar to reflect the harvest. 
  • Place a black and a white candle on opposite sides of the altar, and place a piece of parchment in between them. 
  • On this paper, write down the aspects of your life that you feel need to be brought into balance. 
  • As you contemplate those aspects, light the candles and say:

"As day and night are now in balance,

so to let my life find balance."

⛤Mabon Ritual

This is a ritual to honor the duality of life and death, sadness and celebration.

⛤You’ll need:

  • White Candle
  • Black Candle
  • A red apple
  • Some spring flowering bulbs

⛤How to:

  •  Place one white and one black candle on your altar.
  • In the center, place one red apple to represent Avalon, the Land of Apples where some traditions believe Mabon was held captive
  • As a symbol of rebirth, also have on hand a small bowl of spring-flowering bulbs
  • Light the candles and say:

"You walk the paths of darkness and


You do not fear the coming of the night.

Again you'll rise from the mists of


For you are Mabon, the Great Son."

As a lasting tribute to this holiday, plant the bulbs. When they bloom in the spring, you'll remember Mabon and the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.



🍂Autumn Equinox Celebration Feast! 🍂

I’m hosting an Autumn Equinox Celebration Feast on 9/25, so I’m going to be making so much food today and tomorrow… and the cleaning. Ohhhh, the cleaning. But it’ll be worth it, since my apartment will be filled with warmth and lovely smells and magic all weekend!

To give myself breaks throughout the day today and tomorrow, I’ll be detailing my progress with cleaning and cooking, plus the spells that go along with them.

On my cooking list is:

  • Roast chicken
  • Mashed potatoes with homemade chicken gravy
  • Corn on the cob
  • Honey-Soy-Ginger-Glazed carrots
  • Garlicky green beans
  • Pumpkin bread & blueberry bread
  • Applesauce
  • Fireball apple fritters
  • Pumpkin dip with sugar cookie “fries”
  • Rosemary soda bread
  • Possibly other things if an idea strikes me and refuses to let go

I’ll also be doing a rosemary cleansing spray and my favorite “welcome home” edible simmer pot to cleanse the space and really create that atmosphere of autumnal abundance.

I’m so excited, I can’t even explain how excited I am!!! I’m looking forward to sharing my recipes with my friends and with you. :)

🍂 The tag for my party preparations and/or recap will be #The Feast 2021. 🍂


Mabon apple twist bread

More mabon goodies!!! This is something I devised while looking at various recipes and having a apples that needed to be used up. I think it turned out fairly well.

7 apples - fertility/abundance

4 cans of pillsbury crescent rolls

1tspVanilla extract- beauty/self love

2tbs Ground nutmeg-prosperity/luck

1tbs Ground cloves-prosperity/good relationships

3tbs Cinnamon-happiness/wealth

1/2 Crushed Walnuts-protection/empowerment

2/3 cup butter ( used vegan butter but dairy works fine) -tenacity/nurturing

1 cup sugar (preferably brown but white works fine)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Dice apples into bite size peices

then add apples, nutmeg, sugar, cloves, butter, cinnamon, and vanilla extract into pan

Keep them on medium until apples are soft.

(My stove was right between 4-3. And

it took 5-10 minutes till they were soft)

Open up the pillyberry dough and take out a single triangle from each one

(This will be used to patch up while we’re the apples break through if your like me and over stuff them)

Take the remaining dough and roll them into four separate balls

Roll out the balls into basically dough lines

Load up each line with the soft apples

Then pull on the sides to fill and create long dough filled apple things

Repeat for each ball of dough using the dough you pulled out to patch wholes along the way

Put non stick stuff into your pan (I just brush mine with olive oil)

Twist two lines of dough into a braid like thing

And repeat with the other two

Then brush over both twists with left over goop from the apples

Sprinkle on the crushed walnuts and bake for 30-35 minutes


Sigil Making Process, by Richtor

We received an ask sometime last night regarding a personal method for how to make sigils. Since we’re unsure who that was directed to, we are going to answer that individually. I also want to add a thank you to the person who asked, for the added compliment to our sigils; we do work hard on our designs, and I’m sure I speak for all of us here at TSW when I say that recognition is appreciated. :)

With that being said, here is my own method for making sigils.

I start with a statement of intent. Pretty basic, a trait shared throughout most of the resource links. I tend to write mine all in capitals now, but that’s not something that needs to be done. The statement ultimately depends on what the sigil needs to do for me (or requested by others to do): “The book in which this sigil is written cannot be lost or stolen;” “I am confident in social situations;” “I am conquering my stage fright.” As you can see, the statement can be for almost anything - my favorite thing about sigil magic is how flexible it is, how much ground it can cover, how many things you can do with it.

I also try to keep the statements in present tense, with words like “is” or “am,” versus “will” or “shall.” This lets the sigil know when to act / work. Using present tense words implies that these things are already happening, so the sigil knows to start doing it as soon as possible; if you use future tense words, the sigil will work, but it is unsure as to when it will take effect - could be weeks or even months.

Okay, for my statement of intent I am going with “The book in which this sigil is written cannot be lost or stolen,” as an example. Once I have my statement written down (in all capitals, no spaces between words), I remove all repeat letters. “THEBOOKINWHICHTHISSIGILISWRITTENCANNOTBELOSTORSTOLEN” turns into “THEBOKINWCSGLRNA.” A lot easier to work with than that dense sentence. I “compress” it even further, however, and break down each letter into its basic shapes. “THEBOKINWCSGLRNA” becomes “- | / \ ) O ( ~”. I do this because I personally find it easier to work with lines and shapes over whole letters; sometimes it’s difficult for me to disguise the letters or make them fit together properly.

From there, I am ready to make a sigil. For the most part I just play around with the shapes, put things together and see how they look. I like experimenting with designs and shapes and layout, so my process is never the same. Sometimes I get the design in the first few sigils. Sometimes it can take me 8-10 rough designs to get one that I like / think is good enough. That is based on my own personal sigil aesthetic - it is important that the sigil looks good to you. Sometimes I’ll even ask other people’s opinions on designs, to solidify my own opinion. (Honestly, the boyfriend is usually my guinea pig for that.) I end up with what I call a “sketch sheet,” the page I used to experiment with my sigil designs, and that looks like this:

Once I have my sketch sheet done, and a design that I like, it’s time for me to scan it and upload it to my computer. From there I open it in Photoshop, where I move and rotate them (for the most part they are usually never done straight across, and some even end up sideways because they look better from an alternate perspective), clean them up, and do any other minor edits I need to do. Once that is done I open that file again in Paint Tool SAI, where I make a digital copy. I essentially trace over my sketch with a pen tool - that makes it look clean and neat. Once it’s completely digital, I send it back to Photoshop where I give it that white outer glow. The finished product looks like this (which is what gets uploaded to Tumblr):

And that is my sigil making process. It shares a lot of traits with other methods, but that’s okay for me. It works, and I get attractive looking designs, and that’s all that matters. I hope this was helpful, or informative. 



Sigil Making Process, by Rook

My sigil-making process is very similar to Richtor’s, except instead of using the English alphabet, I use a personal symbol-based alphabet and substitute those symbols out for the letters after I’ve condensed the statements of intent. Here is an example of some of the symbols: 

None of these symbols are intentionally based on any language, although I do see parallels in some instances. Some of the symbols I made when I was a wee child, and they stuck.

From there, I figure out what I want to do with the sigil. If it’s to be worn or used on an object, I tend to put it in a shape of some kind - contain it within a circle or a rectangle or a triangle. Containing the design in a shape makes me feel like it is protected or enforced. It emphasizes some action. Having pieces stick out of a basic design reminds me of roots or anchors, meant to attach to a person or thing. 

From there, I draft. Pardon the lighting, I just moved into a new house and we have only a few lamps.

Usually I will end up with a finished design on paper in ink before I turn to photoshop, but occasionally I will go work in photoshop while drafting as well. I do my photoshop designs using a trackpad, which is hard, let me tell you. I personally like using a rough, sketchy-looking brush to contrast against Richtor’s super smooth lines. Gotta have a little bit of individuality, you know?

It doesn’t matter if I end up using none of my symbols in the final sigil. I’ve gone through the effort of attempting to incorporate them in the sketches, therefore the intention is very much solidified in the final sigil through me.

I also use common iconography to represent words rather than symbols, such as a sword for ‘harm’, an eye for ‘watched’, a heart for ‘loved’. These tend to resonate well with others and seem more approachable than some of my personal designs (which mean something to me, but look like weirdness to others). 

Here is the final product for the sketchpage above:

I hope that clears something up for you, anon! Or at least piques your interest. :)

– Rook


Illness Banishing Poppet

One of the most heartbreaking things in the world is to watch someone you care for struggle with illness, while you’re unable to do anything to help them. While I will never recommend that anyone choose magical cures over modern medicine, this sympathetic spell may help to speed recovery.

Intent: To aid in recovering from an illness.


  • Green or White Candle
  • Paper Poppet
  • Burning Bowl
  • Bowl for Herbs
  • Cedar Chips
  • Herbs: Green Sage, Parsley, Thyme, Thistle (If you can’t find Thistle, then Fennel may be substituted.)

Cut out a small person-shaped paper figure to be your poppet. Place it in the bottom of a clean, dry fire-safe dish. Something with a flat bottom is preferable for this particular spell. Combine a pinch’s worth of each of your herbs in another dish and have them ready.

Light a green or white taper candle and carefully drip the wax onto the paper figure, creating a wax shell. Every so often, add a sprinkle of the herb blend to the bowl so that the herbs blend with the hot wax.

When the poppet is completely covered and resembles a wax figurine, wait for it to cool, then carefully scoop it out of the bowl.

Hold the poppet in your hands and name it thus:

“Poppet, I name you Sickness. As you diminish, so shall [Name]’s illness diminish. As you are destroyed, so shall [Name] be restored.”

Add cedar chips to the bowl and light them. Once the wood has caught, throw in the poppet. Burn the poppet until it is completely melted down to greasy ash, adding chips as needed. Wait for the bowl to cool, then rinse out the ash and either bury it or cast it into running water.

Disclaimer: This is not a substitute for medical treatment, nor is it a guarantee of recovery. It is only meant to help, and I hope it does.

- from Grovedaughter Witchery: Practical Spellcraft; © 2017 Bree NicGarran

Chronic pain relief spell jar
  • Lavender buds (pain relief and anti inflammatory)
  • Cannabis (pain relief)
  • Clove (anti inflammatory)
  • Cayenne (pain relief and anti inflammatory)
  • Pink Himalayan salt (detox and restore)
  • Amethyst (block and reduce pain)
  • Rose quartz (general pain relief)
  • Ashes from Sigil for pain relief, written on Bay Leaf then burned (I used the witch wheel on chaostarot.com) ({Phrase: I will find relief from pain})
  • Sealed with green wax for health

All crystals used are crystal chips and 2 pieces of each, please change it up to fit your needs and/or supplies available. A little bit about myself 😬 I have 3 herniated discs, scoliosis, arthritis and a severely pinched sciatic nerve so I’m usually always in pain and then I’ve also got anxiety, depression and PTSD. I make medicated (cannabis) lotion bars that help but some days I need that little extra TLC 😘 so I’ll definitely update after I charge this baby up tonight with the full moon 🌒🌕🌘 stay safe my friends


So I got my first tattoo yesterday and I love the idea of tattoo spells. I think it would be similar to s*x magic because of the high energy. I still (obviously) have a lot more exploring to do on that type of magic but I plan on making an in depth post about it when I figure it out and do more research.

My new tattoo is very symbolic for me. The scorpion represents my sun sign and also transformation. The sunset/sunrise over water symbolizes transformation, the sun, and water element of course. I think it makes an awesome personal symbol for myself. 🦂 ☀️ 🌊

Can’t wait to get a shark next!🦈


Subtle Protection Amulet

Any jewelry – a ring, pendant, locket, cuff link, tie tack, bracelet – can be transformed into an amulet. Ideally, the article of jewelry should contain iron, gold, (preferably) a black gemstone such as obsidian, jet, or onyx, or contain a protective symbol such as a pentagram. 

Whatever is chosen, cleanse it with blessed salt water, then clean water, and thoroughly dry it before consecrating. 


  • chosen article of jewelry 
  • protective sigil drawn on paper 
  • black candle 
  • protective incense 
  • protective oil 
  • cup of salt water 
  • pin or needle 
  • athame or wand (optional) 

Cast a circle (optional). 

Carve a pentagram into the black candle with a needle or pin. After carving, anoint the candle with the protection oil from both ends to the middle, and place it in a holder in your work space. 

In front of the candle, set the jewelry on the sigil. Place the cup of salt water to the left, and the censer of burning incense to the right. Anoint your wrists, forehead, and the back of your neck with the protection oil. Light the candle. 

If you have a wand or athame, point it at the jewelry; otherwise, use the index finger of your dominant / projective hand. As you do this, send and visualize energy being absorbed into the jewelry, both from you and from the sigil underneath. 

Say the following to seal the spell: 

Sigil of power, ignite this spell,  Protective force this [jewelry] shall bear;  Within this charm, energy swells,  Keeping me safe whenever I wear.
Orb of security twice the length  Of my outstretched arms –  Radiate from this amulet  And shield me from all harm! 

Pick up the jewelry and anoint it with a bit of salt water. Hold it in the smoke of the incense, then pass it over the flame of the candle, to consecrate it in the four elements. 

Conclude the rite. 

Wrap the jewelry in black cloth when not in use. 

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