

@clear-mask / clear-mask.tumblr.com

Hi, I'm Clear! Clumsy artist | Always struggling | Italy | She-Her I don't have a specific style so I always change it, but I'm here to share my ideas and passions through art: I hope you like It! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

Obey me!: How to transfer data (facebook)

I noticed that there is no guide as to confirm if the facebook link works as data recovery of Obey me! So I decided to do it myself, as I had the (bad) experience of not finding anything. First of all, don’t panic. The link works.

Even if you haven't done a "transfer code" and a "transfer password", your facebook account is just as reliable. This method also works if there is a factory reset of the mobile phone. 

⊱ How does it work? ⊰

1) Install the Obey Me! app on your new device > Title screen > Transfer Data

2) Choose your Facebook account / Apple ID and log in (even if it tells you that you've already done it).

3) When you are done, the game will show you this type of screen: Choose "Transferred Data".  If you look at the dates, you will notice that the last access is on December 24th in "transfer data", while in the first section “current data” it’s December 26th. In this case, having to recover the old data, we will click on the button with the earliest date.

I apologize in advance for my English, but I hope this guide was helpful to you. Disclaimer: this last screenshot does not belong to me, I found it on the internet and edited it.

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