@enatchios / enatchios.tumblr.com

i boarded a train, kissed all goodbye... and now my heart knows no delight!

[person in the late 1700s voice] and just when are you going to end feudalism? the holy roman emperor will just send hundreds of thousands of troops to quell your rebellions. we aren't getting anywhere like this, and haven't you heard the monarchs are adopting enlightened ideas anyway? there have been no successful capitalist states, all of the attempts have turned into failures or have installed a new monarch


im not racist i just have made broad generalizations and assumptions about black people and art without bothering to even look into it first - but ill still present my assumptions as correct. im not racist its just that my opinions on black art coincide with antiblack opinions - that black people are misogynistic and violent and enjoy it. im not racist its just that when this is pointed out to me instead of examining it i double down on opinions ive never bothered to check against the culture ive made assumptions about - im not racist, i just have never interacted with black art before but simultaneously i am confident that it is all misogynistic, all vile. i am not racist. i just dont like rap


hate to say it but "art" and "patrick" are what a 14 year old names achilles and patroclus in their iliad high school au

if this were still a proper country (and i'm saying this objectively anthropologically etc) we would be seeing patrochilles -> e/r -> artpatrick reincarnation fic by now.... just a thought

idk like. whatever. i could make a longer post but fortunately for all of you this is literally a movie for people who have sex


you are your own voyeur

attack of the clones script / “the good queen” by me / wayne koestenbaum / ethel cain

the wonderful thing about the challengers love triangle is it’s the couple that’s pining and yearning for the guy on the outside. like tashi and art are the ones that are Married like he got the girl she got his boy best friend but they’re the ones pining after patrick whilst patrick’s entire game plan has been i am in love with you and i will bother you forever until you realize you are in love with me too


i told ya shirt becoming patricks is like yes yeah he did tell ya!! he knew from day one it was throuple or bust or else WHY would he even tell art about tashi? he said dude look at this super hot tennis star WEEE should go hit on her after the match he said new bro group activity like that’s art’s problem is that he thinks this is him vs patrick for tashi whilst patrick has been saying since day one he is willing to share has been saying since day one to both art AND tashi that he is willing to share art with tashi and tashi with art but they said No! monogamy or bust and he said fine then bust then when they did he had to take matters into his own hands and get that threesome DONE and now he gets to have a cigarette in that hotel bed with art and tashi zonked out from the best orgasm theyve had in 13 years and say I TOLD YA


tashi’s COME ON at the final match when art and patrick hug like. challengers is about one woman’s journey to orgasm. imagine being edged by the metaphysical psychosexual situationship you started as a teenager thinking your husband doesnt satisfy you sexually and the guy that satisfies you sexually doesn’t emotionally and seeing them have simulated sex through tennis and finally coming (c o m i n g) together gives you the emotional and sexual release you’ve been chasing for 15 years.

they say there was no threesome in challengers so tell me what was the final match then


"kendrick lamar won a PULITZER" yeah he did, and DAMN. is an excellent album. but his music—and rap music at large—is worth listening to independent of the fact that the pulitzer committee deigned to recognize a musician outside of jazz and classical that one time.

listen to kendrick, don't listen to kendrick, listen to rap, don't listen to rap, whatever. people like what they like, and that is genuinely fine. but perhaps one does not need to condition one's acceptance of an artist based on whether or not a prize committee decided that artist was "good."

especially when that prize, whose name is most famously associated with free press, is being administered by a university that has decided to rebrand itself as the "fuck the free press" university.

I know someone who calls herself a feminist, puts her pronouns in her work email signature, donates money to women’s empowerment funds, and thinks we should deport more refugees. I also know someone who calls people ‘pussies’ when he plays video games, who doesn’t know what a pronoun is, and, for his defence of low-wage women workers in a highly-exploited industry, is a better, more strident defender of the rights of working-class women than almost anyone else I know. Of these two people, I know who is on my team, and who I want on my team, yet the standard liberal feminist calculation would have me chose the woman who loves a little deportation over the man who is occasionally uncouth, solely because the woman knows to keep her language civil, and the man doesn’t. Liberal feminists get incredibly caught up in the politics of language, because language is all they have. They don’t have a revolutionary programme for overthrowing patriarchy, so they’re forced to tinker around the edges of it, quibbling over word choice and jargon instead of building the coalitions necessary for destroying patriarchy.

We Should Not All Be Feminists by Frances Wright


friendly reminder that YOU 🫵 can make even the most relaxing innocuous activities into high stress situations if you’re mentally ill enough. always believe in yourself and your incapacity to conquer catastrophic thinking!

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