

https://linktr.ee/anyanary Commissions: closed
Anonymous asked:

have you ever considered drawing,,,fengqing?? <3

I actually do have like 5 wips of them lmao

Worry not I'll post them at some point 🚶‍♀️

Anonymous asked:

Heyyy could ya draw a chubby fem y/n kissing (or making out) with alhaitham?

Sorry I don't take requests, I would say "look out for my commissions" but those open once a year on a blood moon when I feel like it so- lol


I devoured your art for like an hour today. I'm a starving woman for your art. Please, I kindly beg you, make more. (it's really really pretty, thank you for sharing it with us)


Hagsjsgajsgz thank you so much! ❤️

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