
Forest Heart


Forest/Crow | 22 | she/they/he/it | Queer | Pagan | Mostly reblogs, nature, science, fandoms, and shitposts with the occasional bit of my writing or art tossed in

I want to make a museum.

I don’t know what kind or what all it would even have in it. 

It’ll probably just put a ton of different stuff into a huge building and it’s seemingly not organized in any specific way but it actually is and it’ll be great-

I’ll have fossils and bones and replicas and then there will be huge exhibits and there will be artwork and stuff that’s actually alive and artifacts and all sorts of ways for people to learn about stuff-

ooh, and rocks

lots of rocks

and fungi!

But anyways, I just really want to create something great where people can learn about the things they fear and don’t understand and hopefully grow to love- I want a place where people won’t be blinded by the expectations and norms of society because in this one place- everything is strange and frightening and hard to understand, but that’s what makes it so wonderful. I want a place where I can preserve the past and also bring it to the present, make you feel like you were there, find a new kinship with people that lived thousands of years before you took your first breath. A place where you’re allowed to let free the wild thing inside you that the world has made you cut back in order to fit in. A place where you can learn to understand why you’re like that- why your brain works the way it does, and even though you’re different, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. Oh fuck I’m crying-

Okay, an update on the museum, on how it’ll be organized: chronologically. I don’t care where it came from, whether it was man-made, an animal, a plant, it’s going to be in chronological order. To show that we’re the same. That we all grew together, that we’re made of the same things. No matter where we’re from, what we look like, no matter our race, our religion, our species, or when we lived, we got to the point we’re at now together. We all got to this point, growing and striving and dreaming for something greater. Whether that was just hoping to survive, and pass on our genes, or whether we wanted to leave behind something a little more permanent, something that wouldn’t be forgotten. No matter who we are, we came from the same particles. Showing how we all grew as one, just proves that point further.

If my museum ever houses human remains- the exhibits will be laid out like a tomb. However they were laid to rest by the living they left behinf, will be replicated to the best of my ability. The way that human remains are dealt with? Is atrocious. They are separated from the belongings that their friends and families so lovingly laid to rest with them. There is no altar, no offering of food for the afterlife- they are treated lile a specimen, rather than like a person, who was once alive just as we are now.

Museums have very little respect for the dead.

So if at all possible? I hope to rectify this. Those remains cannot be returned, they will be stolen from their graves now that we've unearthed them. So if they cannot go home, they should at least be made to feel at home. Their exhibits should be reconstructions of their resting places, the best that we can manage. The items they were buried with, positioned as they were found. If in their religion, food was left for the dead? There will be offerings left for them every day. We have not allowed the dead to rest in peace. I hope that will be changed one day.


Poll for writers and artists

Whether you write fanfic or original works or paint/draw, be it fan art or original work or whatever else - I have to know, because I have a feeling this is going to be very decisive:

Please reblog for sample size!

Follow-up poll

Not talking about obvious plagiarism here - genuinely just about fan art or fic or stuff inspired by things you made

“Many people seem to think it foolish, even superstitious, to believe that the world could still change for the better. And it is true that in winter it is sometimes so bitingly cold that one is tempted to say, ‘What do I care if there is a summer; its warmth is no help to me now.’ Yes, evil often seems to surpass good. But then, in spite of us, and without our permission, there comes at last an end to the bitter frosts. One morning the wind turns, and there is a thaw. And so I must still have hope.”

— Vincent Van Gogh

“If I am worth anything later, I am worth something now. For wheat is wheat, even if people think it is a grass in the beginning.” 

- Vincent van Gogh


The biggest scam your brain is telling you is that everybody else is human and allowed to make mistakes but that you yourself have to be perfect and flawless to deserve their company


apparently people are now purchasing thick water to make slimes with because of a trend on tiktok

thick water is for disabled people who can’t swallow properly. stores usually have extremely limited supplies of it.

please don’t buy thick water for fun or to make slime with. it’s literally the only way some disabled people can drink anything. It’s not a fucking toy


I’m torn about this. Don’t we normally encourage folks to buy accessibility products to teach stores to carry more of it? Like, if it’s the last one on the shelf maybe leave it for the intended buyer but if there’s a shelf-full and you’re buying one? Idk


there are EXTREMELY FEW DISABLED PEOPLE WHO NEED THIS PRODUCT. A statistically TINY group of people who have to go store to store to buy it in bulk because they don’t keep more than 4 on the shelf

It’s not like a weighted blanket or compression socks. You won’t increase production by buying them all from the store because this product is literally so little-used that most people in the notes don’t know what it is and have never heard of it






I've noticed as someone with physical disabilities and celiac, that while making mobility aids more accessible is generally a benefit to those who do need it, the opposite appears to happen when it's applied to food. Because of fad gluten free dieters, gluten free food has actually become MORE UNSAFE for people who have actual celiac. The manufacturers are catering to the fad dieters, not the people who actually have to rely on gluten free food for health.

More and more often I'm buying gluten free food that look legit but then I get home and see that I've missed "made on equipment that processes wheat" warnings on it. Or if I'm ordering groceries online, it'll be labeled as gluten free only for the box/jar/whatever to have warnings on it in person. In one obscene case that I talk often about, I nearly bought "celiac certified" ramen that was made from BARLEY! Meanwhile the manufacturers of these dangerous foods marketed as gluten free are still jacking up the price for a criminally low fraction of the amount you'd find in regular food. This was happening before covid and has just gotten worse.

Speaking of, at the beginning of covid I went hungry even when my SNAP was plentiful because people panic bought all the gluten free food. I couldn't find anything in multiple stores. I don't know how high the rate is in my city for celiac, but I'm still suspicious that this was due to the celiac population.

I've been told by epileptics that the same thing is happening because of fad keto dieters. Food that is mislabeled as ketogenic for the fad dieters is dangerous for epileptics to eat because the nutritional ratio is off and it's screwing up their careful and strict diet that's supposed to be so they can control their goddamn SEIZURES.

Tl;dr: don't touch specialized diets if you don't need them. You're not making them more accessible to people who need them, you're making the food manufacters cater to people like YOU instead of the people the diets claim to help and making it even more dangerous for us to eat.

(And if all you care about is money, know that you're wasting it on shitty food in the first place which makes no fucking sense to me)


unavoidable that you will be the villain in someone else's story. You will be painted in an unfavorable light. You will be the irredeemable one. and all of this will happen despite how nice you might usually be or how kind or how respectful or how warm. and you will just have to move on.


The radius and ulna are among my favourite bones specifically because they do this

I hate this. I hate that they do this. I think about this every time I rotate my wrist. It seems like the sort of thing that would go wrong in all sorts of horrible ways and leave a bone sticking out of my skin. and yet it keeps happening. every day of my life.

I rotate my arms regularly just because I like it when they do this.

iiiiiii dont. think thats how bones work


Here are two videos on Reddit demonstrating how the radius bone rotates around the ulna bone: link / link

Yeah i doubt someone would make these gifs for the purpose of an online joke so I have no choice but to believe it

i have a degree is bones (bioarchaeology) this is how bones work and i hate it

i have a bones degree too (paleontology) and i love this is how bones work bc in some animals it is NOT how their bones work and that tells us SO FUCKING MUCH

Wait can you please elaborate? What exactly is implied by that difference?

in some animals the radial head is oblong instead of round, so even though they are separate bones they cannot rotate very well

its a trade off between mobility vs stability, rotation is good unless its not

so basically if you climb trees or the like more mobile is good, but if you're more cursorial instead - running fast on the ground and don't give a shit about trees, then mobility is BAD - you want stability

cats have a rounder radial head than dogs, they can supinate (palm up) their forearm much easier - and hey look at that cats are also better at climbing trees than dogs

the most extreme examples of this is found in animals like horses where the ulna and radius are now fused together, MAX STABILITY ZERO MOBILITY

so basically if all you have of an extinct animal is the proximal radius you can still make a bit of a guess as to how it moved in life~

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