
A Pokéfan and Splatoon Page

@arcaninesfavoritetrainer / arcaninesfavoritetrainer.tumblr.com

I'm not limiting my, uh, blog to Pokémon, but it is my favorite with Splatoon running a close second. Now with corgis and huskies ^_^

rb this with ur opinion on this shade of pink:


This is magenta, and not pink. Unlike pink, magenta doesn’t actually exist. Our brain just invents magenta to serve as what it considers a logical bridge between red and violet, which each exist at opposite ends of a linear spectrum.

TL;DR this color is fake (and also I hate it)


Wait til you learn about Stygean Blue

Your brain is a badly-designed hot mess of bootstrapped chemistry that will tell you that all kinds of shit is happening that has no correlation to physical reality, including time travel. It just makes things up. Your brain is guessing about what’s happening when your eyes saccade, what’s happening in your blind spot, and what the majority of the visible light spectrum looks like, and you don’t know it’s happening because it doesn’t aid your survival to become aware that a lot of what you see is fake.

The human eye only has three types of color sensitive cones, which detect red, blue, and green light. Your brain is making up every other color you perceive.

Let’s have a little fun with that thought. This is the visible spectrum of light.

You will of course note that yellow is on the chart. Yellow has a discreet wavelength, and is therefore a distinct physical color. But we can’t see it.

“Sorry, what the fuck?”

What we call yellow is just what our brain shrugs and spits out when our red and green cones are equally stimulated. We have light receptors that can pick up on the physical spectrum of light we call yellow: that’s why yellow things don’t just look like moving black blocks to us. But your brain has no fucking idea what the color yellow looks like. 

Some animals have eyes that can perceive the color yellow! Goldfish have a yellow cone in their eyes. If they could talk, they could tell us what yellow looks like. But we wouldn’t be able to understand it.

What your brain actually sees of the color spectrum:

We can measure the wavelength of light, so we know that when we see ‘yellow,’ we are seeing light in that 550-ish nanometers range. But we don’t have a cone in our eyes that can pick that up. Your brain just has a very consistent guess about what color that wavelength of light could be. We decided to name that guess ‘yellow.’ We can’t imagine what yellow really looks like any more than a dog can imagine the color red.

Here’s the funny thing: your brain is never perceiving just one photon of light at a time. Something like 2*10⁸ photons per second are hitting your retina under normal conditions. Your brain doesn’t individually process all of them. So it averages them out. It grabs a bunch of photons all coming from the same direction, with the same pattern, and goes, “yeah, that cup is blue, fuck it, next.”

That’s how colors blend in our eyes. So sure, if a photon of light with a wavelength of 550 nanometers bounces into our eyes, we see what we call “yellow.” But if we see two photons at the same time, coming from the same object, one of which is 500 nms and the other of which is 600 nms, your brain will average them out and you will still see yellow even though none of the light you just saw was 550 nms.

So how does magenta factor into this?

Well, as we’ve just established, when your brain sees light from two different slices of the visible light spectrum, it will try to just average them together. Green plus red is yellow, fuck it. If it’s more red than green, we’ll call that ‘orange.’ Literally who gives a shit, we’re trying to forage over here. There are bears out here and it’s so scary.

What happens if you take the average of blue and red light, which we perceive to be magenta? What’s the centerpoint of that line?

Fucking green.

Hey, that’s not gonna work? We live on a planet where EVERYTHING IS GREEN. If something is NOT green, that means it’s either food, or a potential source of danger, and either way your brain wants you to know about it.

So your brain goes, WHOOPS. Okay - this is fine. We already made up yellow, orange, cyan, and violet. We’ll just make up another color. Something that looks really, really different from green. 

And so it made up magenta.

So, physics-wise, is magenta “real?”

No; there’s no single wavelength of light that corresponds to magenta. But you’re rarely seeing only a single wavelength of light anyway. And even when you are, every color other than RGB is a dart thrown on the wall by your meat computer. This is the CIE Chromaticity Diagram:

Explaining this thing is a little more than I want to take on on a Saturday morning, but I’ve included a link above that goes into it a little more. The point is that only the colors that actually touch the ‘outline’ of the shape actually correspond to a specific wavelength of light. All of the other colors are blends of multiple wavelengths. So magenta isn’t special.

Given that color is just a fun trick your brain is playing on you to help you find food and avoid danger, is magenta real?

Yeah, absolutely. Or at least, it’s just as real as most of what we see. It’s what we see when we mix up blue and red. It would be disastrous from a survival standpoint to perceive that color as green, so we don’t. Because it’s not green. Light that’s green has a wavelength of around 510 nm. Stuff that’s magenta bounces back light that is both ~400 and ~700. Your brain knows the difference. So it fills in the gap for you, with the best guess it has, same as it does with your blind spot.

The perception of color exists within your brain, and your brain says you see magenta. So you see magenta.

So I googled Stygian Blue and…





Hyperbolic Orange is the color my soul is

Dark tumblr show me the forbidden colors

We are back on this again.

Ok, so how is the Chimerical Color Demo thing supposed to work cause I've been trying for like 20 minutes and nothing is going on?


I spent the morning at the archery range with my coworker and somehow I consistently struck my target—every single time—in the groin. My arrows were snugly nestled side-by side, right in the crotch. It is my specialty.

Why are you shooting at Bigfoot?

it’s an American tradition

someone had previously shot off his thumb, so I took the severed digit, wedged it delicately between his thighs, and told the range that I’d buy a drink for whoever shot it off.

surprise to surprise: it ended up being me, resident expert on shooting Bigfoot in the groin. the makeshift dong flew up into the air, turned end over end a few times, and flopped onto the ground several feet away.

???? American???? I’m what??? I’m crying I’m American and literally have never heard of this?????? Pls explain

shooting Bigfoot in the dick is a long American tradition. in some states you’re not considered a real adult until you can zap him right in the wanger. I’ve heard that Nebraska won’t even let you drive a car unless you’ve made your BFDS (Bigfoot Dick Shot) with a qualified witness present. in my hometown someone’s marriage got annulled and they served time in jail because it came out that they’d cheated on their BFDS.

Uhhhh wtf????

it’s not super well known outside of North America (I’m not sure if all of Canada dies BFDS or just British Columbia) because it doesn’t make it into our media much because, well, you can’t show Bigfoot’s dick on TV, can you? it wouldn’t be right. if you just visit the States, you don’t have to do BFDS, but if you plant to emigrate it’s a legal requirement.

note: it’s illegal to kill Bigfoot. you have to shoot him in the dick but if you kill him you have to pay a huge fine and it goes on your permanent record. unfortunately the money that comes from BFDS never seems to get put back into the community.

This is only in the northern regions of North America, us folk here in the south western part have to actually catch a chupacabra with a licensed member of fish and game present. My dad almost got a dishonorable discharge from the navy because his paperwork got lost.


I was walking through the toy aisle at Target when I found this thing and had a VIOLENT AND IMMEDIATE FLASHBACK to when JP first came out and they had a bunch of REALLY COOL T Rex toys that I would have sold one of my scrawny small-child limbs for but my mother wouldn’t get me one because they were “too violent and also ate people” :(


on closer inspection, it makes a lot of really obnoxious noises and is also Too Expensive. BUT FEAR NOT I found this slightly smaller dude wedged in the back!


now we enter the testing phase

yup. looks good.


Can we take a moment to appreciate that we can use this as a rosetta stone to say “EXTREME CHOMPIN’ “ in four languages?

OH SHIT YOU’RE RIGHT, let me check the garbage to see if it’s still there! hopefully I didn’t destroy it in my excitement

*roar sound effect*


update update: I re-sized her collar and found a bag of toy bones at the craft store. I haven’t put this much effort into a non-school thing since my last job search, help

(secret bonus: the other side of her tag)


There’s more!


I love.

I saw that people are reblogging the thread again, so I thought I’d give you all an update on how Wexter is doing!

(just fine)

Wexter And The Case Of Her Continuing Marvelously Naughty Garden Adventures

OP and Wexter can break all my toes and I would still send a thank you card

Wexter says SHE WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THING (but she might chew your ankles a little bit maybe)

so it’s come to my attention that at some point this weekend Wexter blew past 100,000 notes, and I for one think that’s very cash money of her.

it’s been a few weeks, I suppose we should check up on the AHSGSHGAFB?!


well that’s just,,,


op update: how’s wexter doing????

pretty good


Oh no! If she stays in the snow she’ll be cold!

she has a scarf now so it’s fine


So much has happened and i love her more


Dildo Generator

Online 3D experiment by Ikaros Kappler which is described as a “Extrusion/Revolution Generator” ….

Created with three.js, you can alter the bezier curves and angle of the form, and is designed with 3D printing in mind (models can be exported and saved, as well as calculated weight in silicone).

Try it out for yourself (if you wish) here

the time is now

hell yeah

ah yes, the ol rolling pin dilda


it’s called the purple ramjet

which end do you start with? the answer is yours to decide

shove a vase up your ass

not even jesus could save yall motherfuckers’ souls


i call it the matterhorn

cackling just continues to get louder as I scroll through

i think this is the first time an internet community has discovered something customizable and adamantly refused to make penises


of course this is the post where tumblr is like “Seems sfw to me!”


I call this one the Megahorny

Just cram an entire table lamp up there

Me every time this post crosses my dash:

My laugh at this post is auditory evidence of just how sick I still am.


I’d usually post this to my NSFW blog but this is making me laugh so unreasonably hard that I can’t fucking breathe and therefore deserves to be on my main blog

Compiling some of the best ones from the replies-

How you gonna do us like that bruh???



en garde

This post is getting better and better


hot take: Pippin is the only one of the hobbits who is ‘team Arwen’ in the ‘who is the most beautiful woman in the world’ argument

Pippin, after being formally introduced to Arwen for the first time: hey Merry. do you think if I asked nicely enough she’d marry me instead?

Merry: Pippin. *lays a comforting hand on his shoulder*

Merry: I think it is worth a shot.

Pippin: got it *wanders away*

Frodo: why would you do that

Merry: I want to see if he’ll really try it

Aragorn accepts the challenge knowing full well that, as he can literally read minds, it is impossible to beat him at rock paper scissors.

Aren’t you forgetting the minor detail that Pippin would likely never think of which one he will throw?

consider: Aragorn accepts the challenge assuming he’ll win easily. Pippin wins immediately.

Arwen: well, now I must marry him. we ageed.

Pippin: :D

Aragorn: Arwen please

Arwen: I love my tiny fiance

I love it

Elrond: I don’t like it either but you agreed that if he beat you in fair combat then he could marry Arwen

Elrond: so now my daughter must marry this hobbit

Arwen: I’m comfortable with that

Aragorn: please this isn’t funny

Arwen: you should have thought of that before you accepted the challenge, I’m engaged to Pippin now.

Pippin: listen I know this isn’t actually going to end with me marrying you but this is still the best day of my life so far

Meanwhile, several people have had to check on Merry to make sure he takes a breath between bouts of intense laughter.

They get to Lothlorien and Pippin cheerfully explains to Galadriel he’s engaged to her granddaughter now, while Aragorn is facepalming in the background. Galadriel, who can also read minds and has far more of a sense of humor than people give her credit for, gives Pippin a seat at the Big Elves Table at dinner and solemnly kisses his cheeks welcoming him as a kinsman


Eddie Brock in Venom 


so many critics said he over-acted. that this movie didn’t deserve tom hardy’s level of acting. excuse you, maybe if more bad movies had people like tom going balls to the wall, they wouldn’t be bad movies

Tom was excellent in this movie for the mere fact that Eddie reacted like any sane human being would to the circumstances. With fear, panic, and disgust. Also, the movie itself was amazing considering they didn’t hypersexualize Eddie and try to make him all sexy when he’s dealing with an intergalactic being infiltrating his body and controlling him.


And yet they are still the sexiest pair of boyfriends ever 😍

As a Venom fan boy, Tom Hardy was the perfect fit to play Eddie Brock. He has the right attitude and build for it and I'm excited for the next movie.


I should know better than to reread this thread whenever it comes across my dash. I always cry.

Mr. Rogers was there for me when my parents materially COULD NOT be, and he taught me so much about being in love with the world.


“Did you grow up as one of my neighbors?” YOU’RE RIGHT, I’M CRYING, I’M DEFINITELY CRYING!


Real quick PSA

Hey folks, if you donate plasma, whole blood, platelets or what not make sure that you get a good amount of pressure on the gauze after they take the needle out of you. I didn't do that and I ended up soaking through not only the gauze but the adhesive bandage that they use to keep it in place. If for whatever reason you can't get the pressure yourself, ask the people there to do it, they want to keep you safe too. Don't be like me and be bleeding through the stuff in the grocery store while trying to buy Swiss rolls

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