
All Things Kallura


art blog +Just a cute blog about the relationship between Keith and Allura in Voltron DotU, Force, and Legendary Defender. No hate on other ships, but will occasionally post arguments in favor of Kallura / hit me up if you've got any cross over requests!
Anonymous asked:

Hello there! Do you think there was ever a chance for Keith and Allura to be together from the creators side? I've heard about how they were pushing for Allurance or for Shiro to be with Allura until they decided to make him gay. Why did they tease us in season 2 like that with Keith and Allura if they never had any intention to go any further than just to make a reference to this couple in every previous series?

they teased her with everybody and i think at the end just randomly chose Lance... even though Kallura and Shallura would make more sense both through the narrative and personally. so not much of a chance

Unbeknownst to the lovebirds…

Allura surprises Keith with breakfast in bed! …oh dear, looks like they’ve got some unwanted guests too  💘  art by @autumn-sacura


and you know what else is super frustrating on my re watch? nobody ever put that bitch Pidge in her fucking place, ever. 

Not one fucking time did Lance snap back and say something like “Can you fuck off? Quit being a fucking jerk.” everytime she made a stupid snide comment about how much of an idiot or a bad pilot he was. both shiro and allura are silent on this and how much of an obnoxious douchebag she’s being all the time is never brought up

 thats like the bully in school hitting you in the back of the head with spitballs every morning in class and the teacher looking the other way

Every time she jeopardized the team and got her way and not a god damn PERSON IN THE ROOM CALLED HER OUT ON IT!! Not once was she ever punished for nearly killing every body by being a selfish ass bitch!

my absolute favorite was every single time she talked over allura, disregarded her words, refused to sit down, shut the fuck up, and respect Allura’s authority. Nope, bitch pidge gonna do whatever the fuck bitch pidge wants to do

bonus points for the time she went to go rescue her brother ALONE for some reason? fuck the team i guess. why the fuck didn’t Hunk go? aren’t they close????? and what happens if voltron needed to be formed in her absence? this is the point Shiro makes to Keith after he blows the team off to do dumb Blade shit. so.. whats the difference here? that Pidge had permission to leave? but nobody went with her, and she still left the entire team vulnerable to an attack for however long she was gone. everybody was mad at keith for ditching them but Pidge does the exact same thing almost the very next episode- and they all make the point that they’re mostly mad because they needed him and he was gone. pidge was gone too!!! but everything is just fine and dandy...???????????? who knows

fuck whoever wrote pidge tbh


please for the love of god someone stand up and acknowledge the fact that Keith is not white. IDGAF what Voltron: Legendary Hot Garbage made him or his fucking unnamed (couldn’t even fucking give him a name) father, he has always been Japanese and I’ll continue to refer to him as Japanese. but you know they just had to have only 1 asian guy, fuck the other one i suppose. LM and JDS and whoever else was in charge of his character needed so badly to sit the fuck down and watch the original content because they just did his entire character dirty, just like the rest of the casting. 

This is the same production team that turned Lance into the worlds whiniest bitch ass motherfucker who moped around for Allura despite having almost 0 development with her for 7 entire fucking seasons. The same production team that said “should we let Coran say goodbye to Allura before she goes and dies for no reason? fuck it, we need sappy bullshit with Lance that makes also no sense. that’s good. we’re doing that”

they tried “so hard” to be inclusive and fucked up every aspect. Pidge in general? failure. LGBT rep? failure. properly writing Keith? massive fucking failure. Giving Hunk anything? dumpster fire failure they didnt even try. Every single thing about Shiro was a god damn California wildfire from start to finish

it’s been MONTHS and i’m still angry and salty about this trash bag show. ugh

Open letter regarding the treatment of Princess Allura in VLD

Here is my letter regarding the poor treatment of Princess Allura in the VLD series. I’m hoping it will inspire more people to write their own for the @justiceforallura but, if for some reason you are unable to do so, you can cosign this letter instead. Simply reblog with “I cosign” in the comments. For those not on Tumblr you may do the same by retweeting on Twitter. (Notes in comments and DMs will not be accepted. We want to spread the word to as many fans as possible!) There is strength in numbers! We must make ourselves heard and understood!


This is a letter to the license holders of Voltron, as well as anyone else involved in the making of DreamWork’s “Voltron, Legendary Defender”.

As a young girl in 1984 I stumbled across a TV show that immediately grabbed my attention. It aired in the afternoon when I got home from school, and it was a small miracle when I could get to the one television in the house first. It was thrilling to me: a giant robot, sword fights, and yes, even romance.

Then there was Princess Allura.

Allura was something you didn’t see enough of in that day. She was a determined young woman who simultaneously ruled a planet and protected it. For a young girl like me she was the epitome of womanhood. But the show was geared towards young boys and girls like me weren’t considered important to its success.

Back then I believed fandom was something Star Wars had. I didn’t know there were others out there who loved the show as much as I did. Especially not other girls. So imagine my joy when, thirty-two years later, I found others who cherished this series as much as I had. We excitedly dove into the reboot, starting blogs while publishing fanfiction and fanart. We reminisced about days of long ago, sharing memories of our favorite characters and episodes.

Some of these women I’ve formed bonds with are women of color. To them Allura of old was a beloved character that they could only somewhat identify with. Yet the new princess was much, much more than that. She looked like them. She was the object of affection for multiple suitors in the show. She was smart yet girlish. And they could cosplay as her without worrying about backlash.

VLD did that for them. They gave those girls someone they could look up to who they could see themselves in. It was even lauded by Allura’s voice actress, the lovely Kimberly Brooks, as progressive. There was so much possibility, so much promise with this new Princess.

And yet, that promise was broken.

As seasons went on we saw a woman who literally lost everything, then lost some more. First she lost her planet and her people. When we find out there are still Alteans alive 10,000 years have passed. They don’t know her (although in the alternate reality she is still considered the savior of the Alteans after an equal amount of time has passed.) She is rejected by them. And, in the end, she dies because of them.

Do you honestly think there is any positive takeaway from this? My friends had to frantically call everyone they knew who watched the show to tell them not to watch it. Can you imagine? This wasn’t Game of Thrones. This was a series that was supposed to be a modern telling of an old classic. Instead it was a modern day lynching of a beloved princess.

Granted to say beloved is maybe incorrect. The showrunners did a very good job of reducing her to a side character, even though she was a leader and a paladin. Collectibles? Merchandise? Toys? She’s barely visible. Backstory? That went to the Galra villains. Happily ever after? She literally was a bone thrown to a popular character. Every effort was made to erase her from her own story.

So my question is, why hasn’t this been addressed? After the uproar around Adam’s death in season 7 an apology was issued at least, although it was half-hearted and forced. Then how is it a main character, with more than 2 minutes of airtime and literally a legacy character, not important enough to comment on? The killing of minority characters has long been used in media and as of late is beginning to be pushed aside as it should be. Any person of color watching a series should not expect the character who “represents” them to be the one who dies when things go wrong. Red shirts may be a long-standing joke amongst Star Trek fans but it isn’t something that should apply to skin color.

It’s unconscionable that between the executive producers, writers, and rights holders, that nobody thought to stop this from happening. Killing a woman of color in a show that’s rated Y-7 is dangerous and disgusting. The takeaway for children may vary depending on their own race but either way it’s detrimental. And for adults, for my beautiful friends who wholeheartedly embraced Princess Allura, it’s completely devastating.

How you decide to approach this from here out is up to you. WEP, as the rights holders I would encourage you to be vocal about this. Chances are this happened outside of your control, and if that is the case you should stand with us and say so. It won’t damage the Voltron brand, it will bring forth a new determination to see this done right. Why? Because those of us who have loved this legend for so long want to see it finally done properly. If you tell us this was not what you wanted we will be first in line the next time it’s reborn.

For Dreamworks, if you value us as consumers of your other shows and movies, please know that our trust is damaged. Whether you directed the writers to do this, or you signed off on it, or you simply couldn’t be bothered to correct the actions of others, you bear liability here. We don’t want a new ending. We don’t want a new season 8. For us the show died with Allura and we can only see the possibility it held through the lens of our imagination. All we ask is something to make us believe again, to give us hope that the next time will be better.

For the Executive Producers, we know you’ve moved on. Even though we defended you through Season 7, we are aware now of the disdain you held for us. We expect nothing from you, honestly.

For everyone else involved in the show, we love you. Your hearts went into this series and we see it. You’ve become our heroes, and we thank you sincerely for the work you did.

For the fans left heartbroken over the final season, please keep the faith. Make those calls. Write those letters. Silence is viewed as acceptance. Let your sisters know that you stand with them, and let the powers that be know we stand united.

Thank you for your time and understanding.

Your fandom friend,



Thank you for reading and sharing. Let’s get #justiceforallura trending!


I cosign.

Thank you @rosesnvines 🤗

 fuck how she was treated. I just had a similar conversation with my sister about it. this is the fucking truth thank you


when vld doesn’t give you the formalwear episode your heart needed so you try to take up fic writing for the first time to remedy that but then writing chapters of fic is super hard so you take a break to draw how you picture allura in her undercover formalwear attire for the intergalactic gala they attend :)

Anonymous asked:

since you like kallura you should check out @/bravepaladinsedits on here, they made a really cute edit of kallura

of course!!

Anonymous asked:

Hi KAllura fellows, VLD has just ended and there're already rumours about possible sequel/spin-off/live action. Some Tumblr users (klancers & sheiters) are pushing their followers to contact DW and express their preferences about the contents of future shows. Maybe this's the time to come forward and, politely, raise our voices to WEP and DW, make them understand that there's more of us than they think and we want the true Voltron lore to be respected. Does anyone have an idea how to do this?

I don’t want Dream Works anywhere near Voltron again honestly. They’ve already tarnished the show and the characters enough that it should just be left alone and picked up by someone who actually respects and enhances already existing lore.


what still really bothers the shit out of me is how the writers for Netflix Voltron just kind of decided that Keith was no longer japanese in order to give him a fucking lame alien mom story. originally, his original roots were an important part of his character and the fact that the writers stole his entire identity and gave it to Shiro (how fucking creative right) is mind blowing 


When you think about Allura and Lotors plot and romance, it surrounds Keith quite a bit. It’s through Keith struggling as a new leader that Allura and Lotors dynamic is first introduced when the team is separated in The Hunted. It’s Keith’s desire to stop Lotor that takes him away from the team and allows Kuron to become their leader. Keith’s absence is what let’s Lotor become trusted by the team, specifically Allura (I don’t believe for a second Keith would trust him and i do think that had he been there him and Lances combined suspicion and stubbornness would’ve swayed the teams willingness to trust him). It’s Keith who finds the truth about Lotor and destroys the relationship the prince and Allura had been building. When Keith needs to return to the team in order to fight Lotor it’s Alluras lion he sees being attacked. Inside the rift when faced with the choice of abandoning Lotor it’s Keith who talks Allura through it, despite the fact we’ve seen Lance already comfort Allura about Lotor and the matter of Keith having not even been with the team through our Lotors stay. And after the tragic break up Lotor and Alluras relationship is never brought up again, except by Keith in a fit of rage.

I think it says a lot that Keith is still connected to Lotor and Alluras relationship despite the fact he was present for none of it. Maybe it’s just me though, I’m just rambling at two am so who knows.


 Kallura Month: New Beginnings

 day 1 prompt. art by @ashterism & idea credit here.  pls no reposting~! 
Anonymous asked:

remember when people didn’t hold media for ten year olds to the same standards as oscar nominated things?

are you implying that just because something is catered towards children it’s okay to have them poorly written?????? also people have been criticizing and analyzing children’s media for years. y’all see shit with disney movies if something flops EVERYONE is talking about it.

also i don’t like the implication that just because something is made for children it can be made poorly. yeah there are children shows that are INTENTIONALLY made to be silly and fun and not plot driven. but if you have a show that’s plot driven and the plot sucks??? that’s disappointing to viewers of all ages.

also why the hell is there a problem with children’s media being held at a high standard? many people enjoy it and that means children have a more diverse and more nurturing upbringing because creaters take better care of their works and don’t get sloppy. children deserve to have good television shows. not shows that tell them that if you’re attracted to the same gender you’re destined to die.

people are allowed to criticize pieces of media. people are allowed to criticize pieces of media they’ve been heavily invested in and loved for over 2 years. ive been in this fandom since the show started dude and ive fucking defended it to hell and back too im ALLOWED to fucking say when it’s fucked up. im not hurting anyone by stating my opinion and im not telling anyone to agree with me so fucking leave me alone.


fucking PREACH!!!


“It hurts when you have someone in your heart, but you can’t have them in your arms.”

(Yeah, those aren’t tears of joy…)

@thekallurashipper @kallura @kallurathings @kalluralove @kallurameintrigued @honestlyprettychill @kireiscorner

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