

@drink-bread / drink-bread.tumblr.com

Art sideblog: drink-bread-art | Instagram: @Drink_Bread | Reddit: u/Drink_Bread_ | They/She/He/It | I think pyro from tf2 is pretty neat | TAKEN AND LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO CHEAT WITH!!!!!!!!!!

I’ve been on tumblr for a while now, and just like, never made one of these, even thoug I see everyone else having them, so….


My name is Bread (there are other names I’ll respond to, but that’s my main one) and I use any pronouns (including neopronouns) (go crazy with honorifics too if u want, but if unsure I like most masculine ones :3 )

DNI: I don’t really wanna stop people from interacting with me, because there have been things in the past I vehemently disagreed with but changed my opinion after seeing explanations. However, I am pansexual and genderqueer, so if you disagree with any of those things (or are exclusionary to any queer identities in general) you might dislike following me.

Interests (ones with colored hearts are ones I’m most likely to post about, but it depends on whatever’s most on my mind)

🩵 Team Fortress 2

💚 Jojos Bizarre Adventure

💖 Madoka Magica

💜 Revolutionary Girl Utena

♡ Kaiba

♡ Slime Rancher

♡ Stardew Valley

♡ Kill La Kill

♡ Steven Universe

I also make art!!! But I don’t want it to get drowned out with all my reblogs so my account for posting art is @drink-bread-art here’s some art you can find there :3


why even deny jewish indigeneity to the land of israel, it doesn’t change the fact that palestinians deserve better and it doesn’t help them receive better so why

why assert such an antisemitic position, why say that jews are really from europe or whatever and make it your hill to die on, why deny a simple fact when denying it doesn’t help palestinians whatsoever

jews are indigenous to the levant, that isn’t negotiable and any argument that tries to deny this very basic fact will never succeed in improving the lives of palestinians


"May thy riot gear chip and shatter"

Seen inside the occupied Portland State University library, where student protesters are preparing for a police raid


fountain in italy


This is what I tried to explain to US platforms like Patreon when they suspended my account for having a nude statue as the background image: I live in Europe, I can go and see a nude statue within a 5 minutes walk. Children can see them, they're not in some 18+ container. I will never understand those policies.


"No one cares if women / transmascs / afab people wear pants and boy clothes!!!"

On my knees begging you to talk to people who grew up in religious fundamentalist communities and high control groups / cults

When I was young my mother chased me through a store trying to force me into a dress. I had really wanted to wear a men’s suit. The “compromise” had to be a women’s pants suit because she insisted that a men’s suit would look terrible on me and wouldn’t fit my frame. My parents very much cared about me wearing “men’s clothing.” I can’t emphasize enough how fucking angry she was and the way she would grab my shirt and drag me with her to the women’s section. My dad was just as hateful if not more about it.

And I didn’t even grow up in a high control environment like OP is mentioning.

If you think like this way you don’t know/talk to enough GNC women/ transmasc people about their experiences.

I didn't wear pants in public until I had left home and moved city, and it was still scary. I used to go shopping and try them on in the changing room, hoping nobody I knew would see me, knowing if I actually purchased a pair I could never leave the house in them), and that I had nowhere anyway to wear them completely away from people who might see and tell.

Some girl-presumed kids can wear whatever they like. Very much not all.

the way going shopping is an extremely triggering experience to me because my mother would yell at me and guilt trip me evey time. I am talking tears, throwing things, yelling. Whenever I felt comfortable weraing an outfit my mom would scream at me and punish me and refuse to let me out the house If I didn't change. "I didn't raise a boy" That shit hurt like fucking hell. I was forced to wear earrings at school because "a lady must wear earrings" and otherwise anything I said was ignored. I got punished for wearing pants and for cutting my hair. I got harassed for it, mocked. My dad lent me his ties once, my mom almost kicked us bOth out. I got groped because "I don't count as a girl", fetishized, sent to therapy, a teacher almost failed me... and I didn't do anything. I was just wearing the same clothes as my brother. I grew up playing soccer when we still had the big gender wall... I was shunned by the girls, was never invited to parties or sleepovers and I wasn't allowed to go to the ones for boys. It's important that we look at these experiences as well, because growing up a girl even if you follow the rules is fucking exhausting. I send out a big hugs to the girls who are still growing up, the feminine ones, the masculine ones, the transmascs who hide their binders.


If you do not believe that Jews are indigenous to the place that was called Judea, Judea being the source of the words Judaism and Jew, then where are we supposed to be from?


We had a conversation in one of my sociology classes about this and I wrote down some of the wildest answers. I want everyone reading this to know that these are completely true things college students have said:

- “like somewhere around the northern part of Europe”

- “Germany”

- “Poland right? That’s where they came from right?”

- “Mesopotamia” (this one was said with a lot of confidence)

And my personal favorite answer:

“I thought Moses lead Jewish people across the Pacific Ocean to Europe?”

By the end of the conversation my sociology professor was very disappointed in the class because it took around 20 people giving crazy answers before someone finally said the Levant.


Behold, the American educational system.

More like, "behold, the American Students' ability to pay the fuck attention in class."

Cuz there is absolutely a class where I was told Israel is in the middle east, and Jews are in fact from there. XD

Half the time when people are like "oh, this wasn't taught in school" it was in fact taught in school they just didn't pay any attention in class.

Anecdotally I can tell you that all my anti-Zionists friends who don't know anything about Israel, Palestine, or Judaism until these past few months were all people who did not pay attention in elementary school and high school when we attended together, and from their own mouths/social media they cruised through their undergrads in the most mediocre non-attention paying ways as well.

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