
bkdk killed me


just some random quotes for my favourite bnha ship

Hello to everyone that follows and sees this.

So, I might not post as much as I would due to mha not being what I'm really into at the moment.

I love mha and I will still be posting, but I'm just not into mha as much as I was. Its gonna be over soon and I'm trying to find more interests. (I am very much into Friday night funkin at the moment)

I'm really sorry about this, I really like bkdk and its still my favorite ship, but I just don't have much to post anymore.

I'm sorry about this update but I really hope this is okay. Thank you all for following even though I'm not very active.

Thank you


Izuku: happy new year kacchan

Katsuki: thanks, I dont fucking care

Izuku: you cared yesterday when you were drunk off you're ass

Katsuki: I dont remember yesterday


Katsuki: YES, finally a cut off from this fucking shitty year, YES


Izuku: at midnight, you dropped everything you where doing and kissed me then told me 'you where the only thing getting me by'



I got this story idea.

So deku is just completely f-ing mad, and when he's just walking around, he sees bakugo who he immediately thinks is the love of his life.

So after stalking bakugo for weeks, deku finally kidnapped him and ties his legs and arms to a bed, and leaves him there telling bakugo he's the first person deku has ever loved that hasn't died in his arms.


So, a bkdk au where the two met in Juvie?

So bakugo is there because, well, it's bakugo. This is no quirks so he gets caught for, I don't know...stealing for a homeless woman he met. He gave it to her then gave himself up.

But deku was caught for, not really doing anything, he was falsely accused for...maybe a woman's cat going missing then being found in his apartment?

Bakugo has been there a million times for the same thing so everyone knows him well, but its dekus first time so he spends most the day sitting in a corner by himself trying not to cry.

But when bakugo finds out he has to room with deku he calls him a 'useless crybaby' which only makes deku sad so...

They sleep but then the next day, there on lock down as a kid escaped.

Bakugo just reads on his bunk while deku rocks back and forth in a corner. He stops for a second to look over at deku who has tear marks on his eyes. Bakugo just leaves him be.

To put it short, they fall in love in jail.

Thats it.


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