
@visza-blog / visza-blog.tumblr.com




pra os que conhecem o sasha, tem muses no mesmo universo que ele ou simplesmente tem interesse em conhecer o universo dele......

( que eu desenvolvi muito mais do que eu deveria )

eu to escrevendo um documento com todas as informações importantes sobre como funciona a islândia, a magia, e etc, até o terreno, fauna e flora.

então, quando ele tiver finalizado, ‘cês teriam interesse que eu disponibilizasse aqui?

to @visza​
Days off were something Itachi liked, but were to learn what to do with it - or better, how to spend it. They were rare, and for that same reason the young ANBU captain didn’t know what rest or have fun was. Since morning he was looking for things to do, and most of them involved some kind of job; cleaning the house, doing the dishes and Sasuke’s obento, some paper work his father told him to do, but he knew that that could wait, and yet there he was, finishing the last document of the pile in front of him. He stared at the infinity of written characters and its meaning, losing himself into his own full-filled mind. What was he doing? He should be resting, or at least doing something to bring him pleasure. Not paperwork. Finally, he sighed and rested the pen beside those papers, they were already done anyway.
Itachi, though, decided to put some thought into what he was going to do now; his workaholic brain reminding him of that document he could take to the Hokage, but he discarded it immediately. That also could - and would - wait for another time, a time that wouldn’t be during his day off. At some point, after long minutes spent just staring at the ceiling, Itachi concluded he really didn’t know what resting was. But for the Legendary Sannin’s sake, he knew someone who did! Kakashi was the answer, and a great company at that. His mind instantly made the way through the village to his senior house, and by the time he was leaving the Uchiha compound - making a mental note to plant some new flowers on the gateway - his eyes found a quite different figure wandering around. The boy - or a girl? - seemed to be lost, and was probably looking for someone to give them information, but at that time nobody would be around that area. He knew, he lived there after all. The Uchiha approached the clearly foreigner, not too close, just enough to be seen.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ— Can I help you? You won’t find ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤanyone around here now - that is, ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤif you’re looking for someone.
He spoke slowly, that person didn’t seem to be planning on attacking him. That, though, didn’t make him less uncomfortable. He’d never spotted that person in Konoha before, what could they possibly want?

                  having fun, since way early in his life, was sasha’s main motto. that was the biggest reason for his constant travelling - the curious personality, undying need of learning and meeting new worlds, new cultures, new people... that kept him moving, even if it meant he would instantly vanish if the Warriors were to find someone more fitting to hold their power. that would not happen very soon, though, would it? so, he had plenty of time. and he made sure to take advantage of that.

                  and N O T H I N G could stop that boy.

                  this time, he ended up in a very beautiful village. thankfully, the landing was not as messy as it was at first - he was practically thrown back to earth, every time he decided to travel to a different time. but with practice, and sort of... getting used to the brutality of the powerful magic, he found his ways of levitating before landing face to the ground. using two complex spells at once was way more difficult than he thought at first. but, hey, learning was something sasha was very good at.

                  he was tired, he definitely was. but he was not in a hurry to find some place to rest. the wizard made sure to take his time to look at every single thing he could. it was so different from everything else he had seen until now. unfortunately, he still had not had the opportunity to interact to any person at all. where he walked, there was no one to be seen. 

                  that was probably the reason why he jumped when he heard words directed at him - the man caught sasha completely off guard, his presence not being noticed by the blonde until he decided to speak. his hand instinctively landed above his own heart, now racing a little bit, while the other one held firmly at the wooden staff; big, emerald eyes staring at the other man. noticing how awkwardly he reacted, sasha let out a shy and reserved laugh. 

                  ❛ —  damn, you scared me!  

                  jokingly, he waved his own hand, giving some steps towards the other. sasha definitely did approach him- even though he made it very clear that sasha’s presence made him uncomfortable. that’s why he made sure to still keep a safe distance between them both.


                 ❛ —   hello!                     i am very sorry for causing any inconvenience...                     but i am, in fact, searching for information about this place.                     could you tell me where am i?

          Olha o sorriso tão preciso, ela sentiu muita a falta disso.
          ❛ — Por onde esteve? Você me preocupa desse jeito. ❜ ou devia deixar as perguntas para depois? Apertou um pouco o abraço, sem conter o doce sorriso e sua felicidade ❛ — Eu senti tanto a sua falta… ❜ de fato, estava até chorando um pouco - não por sentimentos ruins, muito pelo contrário!

❛ — eu realmente não tenho nenhuma desculpa válida pra dar...não tem mesmo, porque a culpa é do mun imprestável. e deu uma giradinha com ela, antes de colocá-la no chão de novo, sem soltar-se do abraço.


❛ — não vai acontecer de novo, eu prometo. ❜ não queria vê-la chorar por sua culpa, afinal. e uma das mãos a largou apenas para que enxugasse as lágrimas antes que tivessem a chance de escorrer.

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