
mine hips doth not bare false witness

@serialoutput / serialoutput.tumblr.com

31 years of age, pan/demi, gender-something. Web Developer. A personal blog for whatever.

Oh nooo I hadn’t noticed that my cat’s automatic feeder was getting low on food so as usual she dashed off when she heard the machine start but I couldn’t hear the usual sound of her food falling into the bowl so I went to look and my poor cat was just. Sitting there. Staring at her empty food bowl. Then for a second she glanced up at me then right back to her bowl with the biggest, saddest, most bewildered eyes you could ever imagine on such a small creature. I filled her bowl and the machine right away ofc but I still feel a little guilty 😭

Quick artist’s rendition


sorry but i want to hit every american talking about not wanting to vote democrat anymore with hammers. lol

yes the democratic party also sucks but you know what sucks more? republicans winning elections because the left is too idealistic to vote. fuck you. not only would that have massive repercussions on human rights and just about every social issue in your country but it influences international politics too dipshit!! a far right government in the us is bad for the whole world!! i dont care that you dont like liberals you dont have to like them just fucking vote for the party that doesnt want poc and queer people dead. yes even if they have shit stances on things like israel. because its better than having a republican government. fucks sake

i just. i want to grip these people by the shoulders and shake them. i dont care that you dont like biden. i dont like biden. but if your other options are trump and desantis you have a moral obligation to vote for the guy that isnt trump or desantis. abstaining wont get you a better government that doesnt contribute to genocide itll get you a far right government that contributes to genocide even harder



i don't know if any of my followers actually need to hear this but: speaking as an ex-far-right activist. you are competing against people who are trucking their 13 adult children to the polls the minute those suckers turn 18, with prefilled lists of the most far-right politicians on every ballot to vote for.

do they agree with every policy of every one of those politicians? no! they're like "eh, he's on the kkk board and we kinda don't like that, but he'll vote against abortion rights every time, and if we don't vote for him then the democrat will get in". (real example. i was in a campaign ad for him as a toddler. he is still in office.)

so the only way, the ONLY way that anything even remotely centrist let alone left-leaning can get done, is if we are also willing to say "we don't like this guy, but he's kind of on our side, so we gotta vote for him because the other person who could get in is Against everything we stand for". and help with resources of who holds what positions, and with getting our friends to the polls if we can, and so forth.

presidential primaries start in just a few months. that's when you can vote for whoever you like best to try to get the democrat nomination. in november, no matter what, vote your fucking ticket.


Vote blue because my parents vote for whatever loser blindly hates my transgender ass

Vote blue because the reds want us all dead yall for real


Just for the sake of information:

No election, anywhere, at any time, has EVER been called off due to "lack of voter interest".

Instead, what happens is that the ballots of the people who did turn up and vote get counted, while the ballots of the people who abstained from voting (or were prevented from voting, or who just didn't bother to show up to vote because they didn't care) don't. And as far as the electoral results are concerned, all three of those things are lumped together as "did not vote".

Your principled refusal to vote is treated exactly the same as the "fuck it, I can't be bothered" decision of Joe Disinterested Bloggs.

(And for fuck's sake, if you're wanting a shouting chance of getting a candidate you ARE willing to vote for in the general election, then show up at the fucking Democratic primaries in your state.)


Voting is not our only tool for improvement and change.

Voting may not be our best tool.

But voting is ONE OF OUR TOOLS, and the assholes who want us all dead or in prison absolutely DO use it - and voting is the only way to block their elections.

We outnumber them. Even in most of the red states. They win elections through voter suppression, gerrymandering, sometimes outright cheating - not public support.

Nationwide, there are 48 million registered Democrats and 36.4 million registered Republicans.

The races only look close because

  1. The media industry likes close races; it sells more papers/gets more views.
  2. They work damn hard to shut out Democratic voices, especially marginalized ones.

And one of their big tactics is "nobody is really worth voting for."

Maybe nobody is. But I absolutely promise you - someone is worth voting against.


In all seriousness, here are a few resources I think are helpful with regards to understanding just how thoroughly Henry Kissinger screwed the world over:

  • Kissinger by Behind the Bastards. This is a 6 part series done by the podcast Behind the Bastards, with the hosts of The Dollop on as guests. It's super funny and a very accessible foothold into understanding the scope of Kissinger's vast career.
  • Kissinger's Shadow by Greg Grandin. This book provides an in-depth analysis of Kissinger's tenure in the white house, covering both how he got into office, the changes he made in office, the policies he put forth, and their repercussions on the world.
  • ETAN's category on Kissinger. The East Timor and Indonesia action network has long been an outspoken critic of Kissinger's, and they've aggregated a lot of helpful articles here.
  • The Trial of Henry Kissinger by Christopher Hitchins. While Grandin's book focuses less on the specificities of Kissinger's crimes, Hitchins has no such qualms and details each of them in depth.

I truly think understanding Kissinger, the way he thought, and the things that he did, are all indispensable when it comes to understanding the modern political climate and how foreign policy works in America and therefore, by necessity, in the world at large. The sheer amount of damage he was responsible for should never be underestimated.


Im gonna shill for Marie Kondo again but this is why I find her books (yes, books, the TV show is fun but ultimately misses a lot of the core ideas) so good.

A lot of home org advice fully misses this aspect. Kondo not only acknowledges it, but leans into it. And ultimately this helps motivste me to keep my space tidy - it's really hard to me to keep on the nebulous goal of self-care, but much easier to get up and put things away if I envision my salt and pepper grinders as like, retail workers who are now standing in an empty shop (my dining table) and just wanna go home (the spice rack where they live).

Normie tidying process: that heater should be put away for summer! I mean, I'm not gonna need it

Me: well it's just chilling and also I can't be arsed.

Kondo: that heater has done a good job keeping you warm over winter and now it should get to go have a rest in the cupboard

Me: !! Sabbatical for my heater!! Thank you for your service sir and have a very nice break!


can't believe there are still people out here in the year 2023 that genuinely think aang should have killed ozai

"even avatar yangchen said—" that's not the POINT, the point is that aang is the LAST airbender the LAST air nomad the LAST person following these teachings, the point is that if he breaks his vows the air nomads will truly die out with him, forever. the point is that the monks taught him all life is sacred and even if ozai is a piece of shit who everyone agrees deserves to die, aang refuses let ozai force him to give up the last thing he has of his people, their lessons, refuses to let ozai wipe the last air nomad from the earth and finish what his horrible family started. the point is that aang beats ozai because his spirit is unbendable, the point is that he takes the man whose ancestors set his on fire and robs him of the ability to hurt anyone ever again, the point is that the Fire Lord ends the fight kneeling before the Last Air Nomad and THAT is the ending aang deserved


Something about the whole "Eming is born of Hua Cheng's desire to live and Rouye is born of Xie Lian's desire to die," and then how Xie Lian wears funeral colours and Hua Cheng wears wedding colours. God oriented towards death and stillness and self-denial. Ghost oriented towards life and hope and happiness.

Oh oh oh. The way that makes my brain sparkle! Like, they are complimentary opposites. They each contain a tiny piece of the other. Like Yin and Yang (and there’s something there about how ghosts use….Yang energy? To stay alive? But Gods use the other? I forget which is which.) They are each complete alone, but together they form a greater and more powerful whole.


Level of respect a class of teens I have to teach art to have for me when I walk in: 0%

Level of respect after I draw sasuke from memory on the whiteboard: beyond anything you could possibly imagine

the true reason i rarely teach classes is to keep my ego at bay


hey folks,,,,,... glad 2 b here on tubblr . here's a little self-portrait of me,, a human male

on my way to work at the job factory :) lets get this bread !, and by bre,d i mean human money dollars haha. dont even like bred

feeding the ducks

(disclaimer: i do Not live in thi,s pond. i live in a home House.)

ah . allow me to introduce my two lovely childen . Child and Baby . :) they are both just regular Men just like their old man(me)

Oh thank you so much! I love hearing about the activities of normal men!


i was doing a bunch of fact checking earlier and as far as I can tell this is 100% true

which should fucking HORRIFY everybody because white phosphorous is a nasty, cruel and torturous weapon that should never be used against anyone let alone civilians.

basically it burns and burns until there is no more contact with oxygen, so shards of it will burn their way down to bone inside the victim's body and often re-ignite when doctors try to dig them out. It is easily fatal or permanently disabling and causes excruciating injuries


Jesus fucking christ

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