

@imaskylorsaurus / imaskylorsaurus.tumblr.com

I dinosaur

I tried prunes for the first time ever today and so far

  • They made my tummy hurt
  • I am farting more than I’ve ever farted in my life
  • My farts smell like old people
  • I finally know how old people get that old people smell. It’s prunes.

Im currently unemployed and looking for a job

The rich guy I hook up with sometimes has increased the frequency he hits me up to hook up.

In my career search, I am closer to securing a position of “Trophy wife” than I am finding an actual job in my area of interest.


I have a problem with the fact the original pretty little liars series cut the part about Emily’s mom being obsessed with chickens. Like I get they changed the character in so many ways, but they could’ve kept the chickens


“Imagine a room full of everyone you’ve ever slept with”

Well half the men I’ve slept with are Jewish or Asian, so it would probably look like a med school orientation


I just looked up the lyrics to Karma by Taylor Swift because I was trying to figure out if it was “punch you in the face” or “punch you in the ass” but apparently it’s “aren’t you envious that” and I am shook


Today I was telling my boss about how I don’t remember anything from upskilling week and she asked me why. I couldn’t think of a good lie so I told her the truth which was I was having a pregnancy scare that week.


One time at work I got an email that referenced some place called “Djibouti”, and I thought to myself “that sounds like an African country I never bothered to learn the name of”.

Guess what Djibouti is?


I feel like Mamma Mia is probably a shitty movie to watch on a plane after having an unprotected threesome, but I love me some ABBA


Why do trans people love crochet?

Because knitting is too binary for them


While I’m here, I do want to address some rumors. I’ve read a lot of gossip online that I’m dating every little white boy in Hollywood. They think I’m collecting members of One Direction like Infinity Stones.

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