

@daeziies / daeziies.tumblr.com

lily // she/her // femme lesbian // infj // 4w3 // capricorn // crushing hard on florence welch // a mainly sander sides blog

lesbian friendly films

90s films 

  • Aimee & Jaguar - ‘99
  • All over me - ‘97
  • Better than chocolate - ‘99
  • Bound - ‘96
  • But i’m a cheerleader - ‘99
  • Edge of seventeen - ‘98
  • Everything relative- ‘96
  • Fire - ‘96
  • Fried green tomatoes - ‘91 
  • Go fish - ‘94
  • Heavenly creatures - ‘94
  • High art - ‘98
  • It’s in the water - ‘97
  • Revoir Julie - ‘98
  • Show me love - ‘98
  • The cheery orchard - ‘90
  • The watermelon woman - ‘96

Asian leads/main characters

  • A piece of our life - Japanese film, Drama 
  • All mixed up/Manji - Japanese film from 1964 and remade in 1983, 1998, and 2006. Drama/Comedy
  • Blue - Japanese film, Drama/LGBT
  • Candy rain - Taiwanese film, Comedy-Drama 
  • Circumstance - Drama 
  • Drifting flowers - Taiwanese film, Drama/Romance 
  • Fatal frame - Japanese film, Horror
  • Fire - Indian film, Drama 
  • Ghosted - Taiwanese film, Thriller/Drama
  • I can’t think straight - Drama/indie 
  • In my end is my beginning - Korean film, Romance 
  • Life is peachy/Ashamed - Korean film, Drama 
  • Love/juice - Japanese film, Drama/romance 
  • Saving face - Indie/Drama 
  • Sayew - Thai film
  • Spider lilies - Taiwanese film, Romance/Drama 
  • The cherry orchard/sakura no sono - Japanese film, 
  • The handmaiden - Korean film, Drama/Mystery
  • Three veils - Drama/Romance 
  • Topless - Japanese film 
  • Two weddings and a funeral - Korean film, Romance 
  • Whispering corridors 2: memento mori - Korean film,Horror
  • Yes or no - Thai film

Black leads/main characters

  • Bessie
  • Black.womyn
  • In my fathers house
  • Like a prayer 
  • Looking for LaBelle 
  • Pariah
  • Rafiki
  • Set it off
  • Storme: the lady of the jewel box
  • Stud life 
  • The skinny 
  • The watermelon woman 
  • The women of Brewster place 


  • Blockers
  • But I’m a cheerleader 
  • Codependent lesbian space alien seeks same 
  • D.E.B.S 
  • Drool
  • Edge of seventeen 
  • Fried green tomatoes 
  • It’s in the water
  • Itty bitty titty committee 
  • Imagine me and you
  • Life partners
  • Nanette 
  • The four faced liar 
  • The perfect family
  • Who’s afraid of vagina wolf?

Coming of age 

  • But i’m a cheerleader
  • Blue (2002)
  • Lost and delirious 
  • Pariah
  • Show me love/Fucking Amal 
  • The miseducation of Cameron Post

Period Pieces 

  • Atomic blonde 
  • Carol
  • Farewell, my Queen 
  • Fingersmith - BBC miniseries 
  • Heavenly creatures 
  • Reaching for the moon
  • San Junipero - black mirror episode 
  • The girl king
  • The handmaiden 
  • The hours
  • The secret diaries of miss Anne Lister 
  • Tipping the velvet - BBC miniseries


  • Appropriate behavior 
  • Blue is the warmest color
  • Carol
  • Circumstance 
  • Desert hearts 
  • Disobedience
  • High art
  • I can’t think straight 
  • Imagine me and you
  • It’s in the water 
  • Jack and Diane 
  • Jenny’s wedding 
  • Princess Cyd
  • Rafiki 
  • San Junipero - black mirror episode 
  • Saving face 
  • Show me love/Fucking Amal 
  • The handmaiden 
  • The watermelon woman
  • Three Veils 


  • All cheerleaders die
  • Contracted
  • Fatal frame 
  • Heavenly creatures 
  • Jack and Diane 
  • Jennifer’s body 
  • Whispering corridors 2: Memento Mori


  • All cheerleaders die
  • Jennifer’s body 
  • Thelma 
  • The Carmilla Movie


  • Atomic blonde 
  • Black swan
  • Bound 
  • Ghosted 
  • Set it off 
  • The handmaiden
  • Thelma 

Teen flicks

  • All cheerleader die
  • Blockers
  • But I’m a cheerleader 
  • D.E.B.S 
  • Edge of seventeen 
  • Jennifer’s body
  • The Carmilla movie 
Heroes to Villain, A Guide:

"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

Harvey Dent, a.k.a. Two-Face, The Dark Knight

A hero is someone good, somebody whose morals are never in question and someone who stays the course of good for all time. Until... they don't.

A hero who has battled through horror and loss can easily lose their way and find themselves on a darker path. We have all suffered something in life and in the throes of that, we often find ourselves thinking dark thoughts or not acting like ourselves. This can be one of the hardest things to do right in any story, so let's have a look at it from the inside out using 5 characters: Book!Theon Greyjoy, Anakin Skywalker, Book!Tyrion Lannister, Carrie White, Magneto.

In the Beginning

If we accept that your protagonist was a hero, we need to know what kind of person they were. Who were they before hand? Everyone, even if their life has been shit, sees goodness in life at first. Begin when we are first introduced to them.

  • Theon Greyjoy: He was a smiling playboy with notions of grandeur who loved nothing more than hunting and whoring.
  • Anakin Skywalker: He was once a slave but made himself into a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars.
  • Tyrion Lannister: He was an intelligent, kind playboy.
  • Carrie White: She was a picked-on, plump and unpopular girl with a terrible home life but with a hope things would improve.
  • Magneto: He was a caring son who had only his mother in the world.

Though each has a different beginning, we see positivity in all of them. Every hero is hopeful and believes in good.

Sowing the Seeds of Darkness

In every hero, there are seeds of some unsavory trait lingering under their persona. No person is squeaky clean. Having a bad trait doesn't always mean that character will turn bad however. But when looking at any character, you can see how they COULD go bad.

  • Theon Greyjoy: He has illusions of grandeur, he wants to make his father proud, he is rash, he is sullen, he is resentful
  • Anakin Skywalker: He can be a sullen person, he is comfortable in battle and can be very rash and violent.
  • Tyrion Lannister: He's intelligent, prudent, pragmatic, shrewd and sharp
  • Carrie White: She's a religious fanatic with deep disgust for anybody who doesn't follow her mother's brand of fanaticism.
  • Magneto: He is very comfortable with inflicting violence and horror upon people, he doesn't trust in people, he is full of unsated rage and hatred.

Peering through the Veil

You ought to let your characters show these through their actions. Even if it is just a glimpse. Percy Jackson is a great example of this. We have watched him grow up since he was 12 but in the newer novels, we have begun to see a darker side to him. He tortures the goddess of misery and even begins to share some startling traits with the primary Hero turned Antagonist, Luke Castellan. Though I doubt Rick will turn Percy villain, showing the seeds beginning to flower is enough to plant doubt in our heads. Harry Potter also experiences this when he tortures one of the Carrows for spitting in Professor McGonagall's face. Even his deadpan comment would chill you, "I see what Bellatrix meant, you have to mean it."

  • Theon Greyjoy: We first begin to see Theon's nature in the scene in A Game of Thrones, after he kills the wildling threatening Bran. When Robb points out the rashness of the action, Theon answers back in a distant tone.
  • Anakin Skywalker: He went to go see his mother after a vision, finding her dead. Anakin goes on a rampage and kills everything in the village before burning it down.
  • Tyrion Lannister: In a Clash of Kings, Tyrion has his first taste of power. The exchange between he and Janos Slynt shows Tyrion's villainous side.
  • Carrie White: Carrie is walking home and she begins to think bad thoughts about a neighbor, using her powers to shatter the window. This shows her disdain for the people in her life.
  • Magneto: When he is sitting before the banker in the Swiss Bank, he snaps and pulls the metal filling from the teeth of the banker. Then his torture of Emma, when he almost shatters he diamond form.

The Reasons Why

Every Villain has a sob story. Especially those who were once heroes.

  • Theon Greyjoy: Was taken from his home aged ten by the man who invaded his home and destroyed his father's kingdom. He was raised with the knowledge that he would be killed by Ned, if the Ironborn threatened Westeros.
  • Anakin Skywalker: Anakin saw a vision of Padme dying and believes the Sith have the power to save her.
  • Tyrion Lannister: He is abused by his father and Westerosi society for his dwarfism.
  • Carrie White: She is abused by her mother, humiliated by her peers and abused by society.
  • Magneto: His mother is shot by Nazis nd he is abused by them

The Breaking Point

Though we may laugh at the tragic villain backstory trope, there is an interesting flip. Heroes can have a sad backstory and fight through it to still be good but what makes a person turn evil. The Breaking Point is the tipping point between hero and villian. This is the final straw that drives the hero into the arms of Darkness.

  • Theon Greyjoy: His rejection from his family, the Starks and then the people of Winterfell. He murders two farmboys, one who could very well be his son as he was banging the miller's wife, orders the death of many people he knew well and betrays Robb, his best friend.
  • Anakin Skywalker: Padme refuses to help him and then he strangles her to death beginning his turn to darkness. He casts off Anakin to become Darth Vader.
  • Tyrion Lannister: His wife is gang-raped by his household guards with his unwilling help, his girlfriend betrays him, his father tries to kill him after years of emotional abuse, he is cast down and vilified by those he thought his allies. He soon begins to talk openly of destroying Westeros, his dreams of killing and raping Cersei and the destruction of the legacy of House Lannister.
  • Carrie White: She is humiliated with a bucket of pig's blood at prom leading her on a path of destruction and revenge.
  • Magneto: After slaying the man who killed his mother and saving humanity from a Nuclear war, Erik joins the others on the beach. When the humans try kill them via missiles, Erik snaps and tries to kill them all.

The Hero Turned Antagonist: The Failure of Dave and Dan and the Destruction of Daenerys Targaryen.

Now that we have looked at how to turn a hero into a villain, I want to point out the dangers of the trope and how it can be done wrong. Daenerys is never shown as a possible villain until the last season. There are no prior points and scenes to back up her turn to darkness. Tyrion's speech to Jon even highlights how stupid casting Dany as a villain is when he points out that killing the slavers was evil. Anybody with the wits of a pea would gave listed this as a good act of Dany's, though a violent one. It is a long and difficult road to turn a hero into a believable antagonist and Dany, though with her troubles and issues, does not fit the template. It was lazy writing that killed a perfectly good character.


I’m a Pisces and that’s why I gotta go home.

I’m a Scorpio and that’s why y’all are so cute


I’m a Scorpio and that’s why im gay


I’m a Sagittarius and that’s why y’all have a lot more fun than me

I’m a Gemini and that’s why we are going to be honest

im a leo and thats why this isnt spying oh FUCK

I’m a sagittarius and that’s why you have to be with me


I’m Pisces and that’s why I’ve never been so happy to see

I am a virgo and that’s why y’all have a lot to worry

I am an Aries and that’s why you don’t have a good night

Oh okay

im a pisces and thats why y’all like me

I’m a Taurus and that’s why I wanna dye my hair pink

cool beans!

I’m a Sagittarius and when you are a man who has probably not a twink is the way I am.


I’m a Leo and that’s why y’all don’t have to be with me

I’m a Sagittarius and that’s why I was wearing a black and white and blue eyes

im an aquarius and thats why you are not doing this again

I’m a Taurus and that’s why I gotta say hi


I’m a taurus and that’s why I’m asking you to do it for me and I’ll pay you back for the rest of the week and I will be there is a lot of work to do and I will be there at the same time and place and I’ll be there in the morning to see if you can get a good night’s sleep ????????????

I am a Taurus and that’s why my grandpa is a little scary

im a pisces and thats why I cant remember it

I’m a Taurus and that’s why I’m blushing again

Accurate xD

I’m a Gemini I love y’all so I gotta love ya

I mean, love y’all 💜💜

i’m a leo and that’s why i’m crying

aight 🦁🦁


i’m a capricorn and that’s why i am so sad

dang that’s deep


Who Needs a Kingdom

Week 13


Notes: unbetaed as usual for the weeklies, sorry for any inconvenience!!


He’d lost him.

Roman was six foot, loud, and followed at all time by at least three guards.

And somehow, in the crowd, Logan has lost him.

Which would have been fine, Roman wasn’t a child, he could hold his own, except for one tiny, minor detail.

He was the prince, and today was his inauguration.

So here Logan was, running through the streets frantically to find the little lost lamb before the wolf got him.

The wolf, in this case, represented by none other than the endless march of time towards a stubborn deadline.

Time was of the essence.

“Roman?!” Logan called into the crowd, harried.

Distantly, he could hear the prince’s carefree laugh.

Attempting to shoulder through the crowd, Logan again cursed his short stature.

Logan caught a flash of red and gold, and then lost it just as quickly as he was thrown roughly to the ground.

He sat there, disoriented, for a couple of seconds, trying to catch his breath.

He didn’t realize he’d closed his eyes until he opened them to see Roman, face oddly serious, knelt in front of him and rather closer than he had a right to be, what with the difference in class.

“Your highness, you seem to be a tad close.” Logan said casually, ignoring his racing heart.

Roman smirked, the worried scrunch in his brow fading. “I see.” He said, reaching a hand down to Logan. “My apologies, Lo-lo.”

Logan cautiously accepted the hand and let himself be pulled to his feet. When he tried to pull his hand back once he was up, however, Roman insistently held onto it.

“Prince Roman!” Logan hissed under his breath. “You’re to be kinged in the hour, and here you are, having a romp in the square!”

Roman’s mood seemed to drop, becoming more somber. He sighed, tapping one of his fingers on the back of Logan’s hand where it was still held captive. “Yes, and?”

“And you must be back there before it starts, do you not understand this?”

As Logan spoke, he pulled harder at Roman’s grasp on his hand.

“I do.”

“Then, your Highness-“


“-Lets go. Let me assure you, you are already in enough trouble with the king as is.”

Roman hadn’t stopped walking. He just kept pulling Logan along. He also didn’t reply.

At least, not until they reached the start of the woods, which were mostly deserted.

“Logan... i don’t want to be king.”

Logan narrowed his eyes skeptically at Roman. “What do you mean?”

Roman groaned and flopped back onto the grass. Logan very carefully sat down beside him.

“I mean.... I mean, all that... the planning and the meetings with other countries and the councils and the war and- and i can’t do it, Logan. It seems terribly stifling to me. I’d be a terrible king, surely you realize this.”

Logan thought about it. Roman was energetic, for sure. He was bright and dramatic and intelligent and creative. But more importantly, he was kind.

Logan could see him as a good king.

But Roman was also restless, impulsive. He was an adventurer, he craved the old stories his mother read to him in his youth, he wanted to go out, to explore, to meet people and live life to the fullest.

Roman wanted to live.

And that was something he couldn’t do as king.

“I can.” Logan said finally. Roman seemed to deflate beside him, but Logan cut off his halfhearted protests with a raised hand. “But I know that you wouldn’t be happy. So what do you propose?”

Roman switched moods faster than Logan had ever seen before.

“Y- you’re not gonna drag me back?”

“No, I am.”


“Honestly, Roman, you can’t seriously believe your little plan to disappear would result in anything but chaos?”

“... I didn’t know where to turn.”

Roman’s voice was soft, vulnerable as he said this, and Logan’s heart aches for him.

“Well, you could have turned to me, for one.” He teased gently. “More importantly, you have to talk to your father. You can’t just disappear. Secondly, make a formal statement to the people. “


“Thirdly, have a plan. Where are you going to go?”

Roman paused, and then looked away awkwardly. “Well, um... I was... hoping that maybe you? Would come with me out to Pherry Pass?”

Logan stopped short. “You- “

“I know!! I know, but... you’re the closest friend i’ve ever had, Logan. The only friend. I don’t... I don’t know what i’d do without you.

Logan stammered, before giving a brisk nod as he tried to compose himself.


Roman brightened up, suddenly shooting up and bouncing where he sat. “As soon as possible! We’ll do the announcement, the apologies and formalities and whatnot, and then it’ll just be me and you, Lo. Out in the country with a couple horses and some goats and a chicken or two and it’ll be wonderful!!”

Logan smiled, and this time, when Roman grabbed his hands, pulling him up to twirl in a circle, he didn’t pull away.

“Yeah, Ro.” He whispered late that night, after a bashful conversation with the king and a hundred answered questions. “It sounds beautiful.”


omg this is perfect !! 💖💖💖


While in a heightened state of anxiety due to the influence of Virgil’s room, Logan says (generally unprompted), “Yes, I’m about to provide more exposition, Thomas. Just bear with me?” In other words, it was hinted at very early that Logan’s greatest source of unease is in the notion that he will not be listened to. In this essay I will–

explain why Logan is the most hated side in the universe, not to be confused with the least liked side by the fandom, as stated in @vantruce‘s polling results, that would be Roman. For example, despite claiming to love rap and poetry, Logan has never again shared any rap, or any poetry at all, with the others, after being mocked for his attempts to be insulting. Looking back, jokes about Logan being “the least favorite character” may have more to do with Logan being the least favorite among the other sides, and Character!Thomas. 

Logan exemplifies logic, the appeal to logic, language, learning, and of course, knowledge itself. He has also been shown to know things Thomas himself does not, because he clearly can learn, develop, and grow on his own. Despite this, Logan is still dependent on Thomas, as he is Thomas’ Logic specifically, and Thomas has shown that Virgil is his Anxiety (SvS, opening scene) and “no one elses’.” Regardless of their need for each other, Thomas does not like Logan. 

Thomas goes out of his way to avoid Logan’s concerns, wants, and ideas. While he may hold some sort of affection for Logan due to the nostalgia of wanting to be an engineer or enjoying science in school, Thomas uses Logan’s traits and wants nothing to do with Logan himself, similarly to the sides using Deceit’s ability to lie to themselves, each other, and Thomas, while shunning Deceit from the group and being outright hostile to him. While Thomas does not hate Logan the way the sides hate Deceit, similarities are still present in the dynamics. In Accepting Anxiety Part 1, Thomas makes note that Logan’s presence means he has messed up, and nothing more. Deep down, Thomas does not value Logan’s input or advice, and instead sees him as an authoritarian and annoying figure. Thusly, it can be understood that Thomas does not like Logan. 

Patton and Logan but heads constantly. Patton deliberately ignores, brushes aside, or flat out acknowledges with the intent to sweep under the rug, Logan’s feelings. While he does not seem to dislike any side, barring Deceit, Patton does not seem to enjoy the way Logan comments on his methods of helping Thomas. He expresses love of Logan suddenly and violently, and never stops despite Logan always becoming visibly uncomfortable. No matter how awkward and upset Logan seems to get when Patton makes these remarks, he considers to do so. While Patton’s stance on Logan is hard to pinpoint, it seems to be either unhealthy or aggressively dismissive in nature. 

Roman goes out of his way to constantly mock, belittle, prod, annoy, and even bully Logan. He constantly mocks Logan’s ideas, calls him offensive names, and treats him very similarly to how he treated Virgil pre-Accepting Anxiety. Despite earlier claims he could handle Roman’s treatment of him in a bullying manner, Logan seems to be very upset by Roman’s actions, even physically lashing out against him (Learning New Things). Despite being told by both Thomas and Patton repeatedly to be nice, Roman continues to treat Logan poorly, and in the same episode, tells everyone that Logan has proved “he is the worst.” Between the constant attempts to tear Logan down and dismissal of Logan’s likes, interests, and wants, it’s very clear that Roman does not like Logan at all, perhaps even almost as much as he used to hate Virgil. 

While they seem to have a reasonable relationship on the surface, Virgil also displays open contempt for Logan, both his ideas - “I kinda hate you right now shut your dirty mouth,” (LNT) - and his personal appearance, repeatedly. Virgil may not hate him outright, but he is just as uncaring toward Logan as the others, despite Logan’s attempts to befriend him, such as attempting to come to his rescue in part 1 of Moving On, and even inviting him to a debate, which Virgil shut down without Logan’s permission, something that seems to upset sides greatly (My Negative Thinking). Virgil’s behavior towards Logan is more uncaring than cruel, but he still often ignores and insults Logan, so it can be understood Virgil does not like Logan. 

Deceit’s stance on Logan is difficult to determine. He seems to enjoy openly mocking Logan, yet also holds some respect for him. In SvS, Deceit seems to become irked when, disguised as Logan, he is thwarted by Patton insisting Logan wouldn’t understand idioms - something Logan shows that video he knows how to do, likely because after the others’ taunting, he finally tried to learn some. Deceit is both aggressive to and oddly compliant with Logan, such as when he plays into Logan’s attempts to be called on. He also seemed to know about Logan’s “pet project,” which no one else seemed aware of, not that anyone would have let him use said plan. Their relationship is difficult to figure out, but it can be assumed Deceit does not like Logan. 

With that, we have our solution - Logan is not listened to because everyone dislikes him, and their constant showing of how little they like him has made him both insecure and reserved. In the first episode, Logan seemed delighted to be there. As the episodes drag on, Logan becomes more and more depressed-like, attempting to be heard only to be ignored or ridiculed, and extremely upset. Because of this, Logan is never listened to, and is living his worst nightmare - being useless and ignored. 

Anonymous asked:

A2 E4 for the fic square thing please!!!!

these are from AGES ago but mama didn’t raise no quitter 

A2 – fluff. E4 – logan x roman

Touching Stars

Logan sprinted through the trees, breathless with laughter, the taste of watermelon still on his tongue. He knew these woods like the back of his hand, an edge that Roman, tripping through the underbrush, didn’t have.

“Logan are you serious!” Roman called out, the crash of sticks accenting his words.

“Keep up!” Logan called back, chest full of sunshine and eyes bright. The moon shone, barely half full and shrinking, casting shadows and light on the forest floor.

“I’d be more successful if you didn’t run like a streaking tree sprite!” Roman yelped and Logan snorted, shaking his head.

He hopped over a protruding root and skidded to a halt at the base of a tree, assessing the branches for a few moments before jumping and grasping the lowest one. By the time Roman reached him, he was three branches up, and Roman glared at him from the ground.

“When I said I wanted a forest adventure, this is not what I meant,” Roman said, each word punctuated with a heaving breath. He leaned against the trunk, staring up at him. “How am I supposed to get up there?”

“Climb,” Logan said, peering down at him. “It’s not that high up. I believe in you.”

“Great,” Roman said, the sarcasm lost in his softened gaze and the gentle way he held his body. “I’ll get right on that, then.”

Logan’s lips quirked, dimples shining in the moonlight. “I’ll be waiting.” And with that, he continued upwards, the cold wood warming under his palms, bark scratching lightly against his skin.

He heard Roman’s deep, insufferable sigh, and then felt the shifting of another climber. One handheld after another. Logan knew this tree; he’d spent hours in this tree, leaning against the trunk, climbing branch after branch with a book stuffed in his shirt.

While Logan had to be a bit more creative with climbing, his limber body slipping through spaces to maximize his use of branches, Roman could haul his entire body up with just his arms.

By the time Logan reached his favorite spot, the one where leaves parted to show the sky, Roman was directly beneath him.

Logan settled, half against the trunk, half against another branch, his feet propped comfortably. Roman heaved himself up one more time, muscles bunching and shifting beneath his bronzed skin, and pressed himself in a similar position across from him.

“So is this your secret hideout?” Roman asked, smile crooked.

Something soft bloomed in Logan’s chest and he looked away, ignoring the heat gathering in his cheeks. “Something like that,” he said, quiet.

Roman followed his gaze to the outstretched sky, expression soft and content. “I can see why.”

“Sometimes I reach out,” Logan said, pointing to the pinpricks of stars and stretching out his arm, as if asking for a dance. “And I pretend I can touch them.”

Roman laughed, a rumble from deep in his chest. He glanced to Logan, eyes playful and mesmerizing. “What do they feel like?”

Logan pulled his arm back with a noncommittal sound. “Like wasted dreams.”

“That’s interesting,” Roman said.

Striking green eyes found amber and Logan furrowed his eyebrows. “How so?”

Roman smiled, eyes crinkling at the edges, and stared at the stars. “I think they’re a million successes.”

“Successes, huh?” Logan hummed thoughtfully.

“Yeah,” Roman said. His hand found Logan’s, somewhere in the middle, wrapping long fingers around his wrist and pulling, pushing towards the stars. “Look how brightly they shine. Could wasted dreams fill the night sky so completely, create something so bright?”

“Maybe,” Logan said, threading his fingers through Roman’s, careful and concise. The cold breeze pressed against the warmth of Roman’s skin, rough and calloused. “Maybe they’re dreams that never came to be, but find purpose in igniting the night sky.”

Roman laughed again, feather light. “Are you sure you’re not a poet?”

Logan smiled, then. “Watch out. I might steal your scholarship.”

Roman’s laughter was bright and full, shining like the stars Logan so enjoyed. “You just might,” he said, eyes twinkling, a sea of golden brown. He pulled their hands back from the sky but didn’t let go. I’ll follow you. I know it’s not conventional, I know it’s not smart. But I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth, pointing at stars and clouds, and we’ll make our own magic, our own rules.

Logan breathed, the earthen scent of the forest twining with Roman, a glittering sun, sea spray and golden beaches.

Their hands settled comfortably against one another, the light of the moon and stars accenting Roman’s features, and Logan… Logan realized, then, that maybe, just maybe, he had been reaching for the wrong stars, when Roman, the brightest star he’d ever known, was right in front of him.


this was so cute!!


Cold Cold Man

Ship: Romantic Logince

Inspiration: Cold Cold Man by Saint Motel

@pllandcompany I know you like Logince


Logan wasn’t known for showing affection in front of others. Really, he wasn’t known for showing any type of emotions. Any that he received, he would just ignore. He would wave it off or give a simple nod. People who truly knew him knew not to take it to heart, others weren’t as accepting. He’s gotten yelled, berated, and even told offensive things. Logan just gave his famous stoic expression, looking at his watch.

“Are you done or does your ego need more boosting? If you’re done, excuse me.”

It came to a surprise when he got in a relationship with a certain affectionate man, especially someone loud and always having his presence be known. The day he introduced his boyfriend, Roman Garcia, to his friends, it caused an uproar. They immediately asked questions and wanted details, but Logan stopped them with a fixed glare. Roman just smiles and loops his pinky with Logan’s behind his back.

Neither showed really any affection in public, Logan having his ever famous stoic face and monotone voice. Roman his bright smile and boisterous voice. Even when away from the friend group, they just had small talk and didn’t even hold hands. Many people would question Roman why he was with Logan, and Roman hums as he places a finger on his chin.

“Well, I like him a lot. Why wouldn’t I be with him?”

That simple answer never satisfied anybody, but Roman changed the conversation. Logan was asked questions as to why he was with some so loud.

“Why do you care about my love life?”

No one asked him anymore after he would always answer with that. No one could even begin to think why anyone would be with such a cold man.

Roman seemed to always have to start everything, Logan just adding in every now and then. Roman seemed to be the one to brighten the room while Logan dulled it back to normality.

Logan was a cold man to the world. One person even stepped up to compliment Roman when Logan didn’t, making Roman blush and Logan just sigh. Logan’s friends would talk with Roman as Logan read his book, holding Roman’s hand under the table (his friends never noticed).

That’s all the public saw and they just had to stop asking why this couple was even together.

Behind closed doors, Logan would pull Roman into a chaste kiss, Roman smiling behind the kiss. Here, Roman would see Logan’s shy smile and the blush that littered his cheek. Roman saw Logan completely, the soft hardworking lawyer who would wake up with messy hair in a NASA shirt and star boxers. Roman saw the affectionate side of him, where at random Logan would kiss his cheek, would have long playful debates about mundane things. Roman would hold Logan close to his chest, seeing how small and loose Logan was when asleep. Even out in public, when it was just them or no one paid attention, they would holds hands or link a finger together. Roman would steal a kiss, grinning at Logan’s lost look.

Logan felt lighter with Roman. He felt more alive, and though he didn’t show it to the public, he was a very affectionate man. He would shower Roman with flowers and homemade dinner. He would kiss him when alone or anytime behind doors. Logan would even surprise Roman at his office, hiding behind a bouquet of sunflowers or red roses, holding lunch in his free hand. He’s never felt this type of love, never felt this type of warmth. Roman brought him out of his shell and showed him different wonders of life. Logan loves Roman, even if he didn’t show it around others. However, Roman didn’t need him to. Just him showing while in their apartment, eating a nice plate of food in front of the tv, a kiss on the cheek and on the lips every so often was enough.

Logan was a cold man to the world, Roman was a bright man. They were opposites outside. But Roman knew Logan was the complete opposite. He didn’t need anyone to tell him who Logan was, because he truly knew who this man was.

He wasn’t a cold man by any means. He was a man full of warmth and love.


this was so cute!! so well written too!


First day of life up until 6th grade 

Jumped all the way to Freshman year of High School

Then I cut my hair Junior year, why did I do that

Slowly it started growing back and then….

I finally felt comfortable to express myself (the picture on the left was my debut)

At this point in my transition I am 6 months into HRT

A year on HRT

Over a year and a half on hormones. My transition hasn’t been the clearest path but I am so happy that I am on it.


2 years since my coming out 

2 years on hrt

2.3 years on hrt

2 and a half years on hormones 

Its been a while since I’ve done an update so here it goes

At this point I am 3 years into my Hormone Replacement Therapy. I’m thriving. 

These pictures were taken days apart and I am 3 and a half years into my medical transition (The picture on the right was also posted by Instagram on all their major social media handles attached with an interview I did with them for International Women’s Month)

During this time I was 4 years into HRT. Clearly living for it.

I am currently 4 and a half years into HRT, 5 years into socially transitioning, 6 years into when i first came out to my community around me and I’m loving life more than I ever thought I would. 

Lil mini update!! It’s my 5 years on hormones and I think that’s quite the milestone to be proud of so here’s some pics since the last update.

Can’t wait to see how the next 5 years go!


I will always reblog this post. It’s so heartwarming.


Find your REAL Angel name

• First two letters of your last name • First vowel of your first name • Third letter of your middle name (or parent’s first name if you don’t have a middle name • Last consonant of your last name • Add IEL or EL to the end!



all the letters that aren’t the vowels i think

also for me it’s heeetiel


That sounds so dumb



omg peinkel


The Way Your Mother Warned You

Summary: Roman and Logan both have a deep love of poetry. What happens when Roman uncovers a poem that was meant to be forgotten?

TW: mention of fighting

Paring: Logince (Logan x Roman)

# of Words: 1,222


A/N: This is my first fic on tumblr, I have more on my Ao3 account- Siesiewrites

Logan and Roman belong to @thatsthat24 and @thejoanglebook


Logan had a deep appreciation for poetry. There was something about the rhythm of a rhyming poem that calmed and soothed him. The simplicity of a haiku was wonderful. Poetry gave him a way to vent to the world without making a sound. His favorite to write were Odes. A poem of thanks, thanks that he could never say aloud. He would often write one for his boyfriend, Roman.

Roman also had a love for poetry, though of a different kind. He did share Logan’s love of haiku and rhyming schemes (though his were mostly the ‘roses are red/violets are blue’ type). Roman loved the Greeks epic poems and the fantasies they conjured. His love of non-traditional poetry knew no bounds. The way the words seemed chaotic in rhythm but fit together perfectly. These were the ones he mostly wrote for Logan.

Each had their own way of giving them to the other.

Roman, of course, was usually random and out of nowhere but on a rare occasion they were planned down to the last detail. Once he recited a poem he had wrote after their first date on the morning of their two year anniversary (their friends would argue it was their four year anniversary because of how long they acted like an old married couple). Another time he had called Logan in the middle of a board meeting to recite a poem he had finished just moments ago.

Logan’s poems were rarer and he was more quiet about it. Slipping a folded piece of paper into Romans back pocket while kissing him goodbye as he headed work. Under Romans plate, while he was in the bathroom at restaurants. Roman had quickly learned to check his pockets and under most things, he left unattended for any period of time. Because most of the time his search came up empty, Roman sure was excited when he did find one.

Though most of the poems where exchanged, some were better off being forgotten.

Roman found one of Logan’s while putting new sheets on the bed. It was tucked between the mattress and bed frame. From the indentation the plain spiral-bound notebook left in the mattress, Roman guessed it had been there a while. As he flipped through he noticed it was blank. Just as he had decided to use it for a doodle book Roman came to the last page. On the top right-hand corner was a date.


Roman knew that date all too well. He and Logan had been officially dating for almost five months. He and Logan had been living together for almost two months. It was also the date of their first major fight. They had the occasional argument, sure. But those were minuscule compared this one.

Roman had stormed out and Logan had shut himself in the bedroom. When Roman had come back in he found the bedroom door locked and soft crying coming from the other side. When he knocked he was ignored. So Roman sat outside the door and waited. He had made Logan cry, a hard feet indeed, so he figured he deserved it. He ended up falling asleep as he sat, back against the door. When he woke he was in bed, Logan curled tightly around him. Logan looked as if he was afraid that if he let go Roman would disappear.

The morning was filled with apologies and kisses. That night they had talked it over and found a better solution. Though Roman still felt extremely guilty for making the stoic Logan cry.

As Roman read through the poem he could feel his heart sink.

Spots of the page were slightly yellow and curved as if stained by tears. Roman had no doubt that they were. The poem was non-traditional and mistakes were scribbled over as if the writer couldn’t be bothered to erase them. It read:

I love you like a knife loves a heart Like a bomb loves a crowd The way your mother warned you about, essentially. But I can’t help it I want to scream for you to leave For you to be anywhere that isn’t near me But you stay Through the good and the bad You stay When I push you through the door You turn and wrap your arms around my neck You refuse to cross the threshold And you stay You stay through it all When I hurt you, You patch yourself up and hug me tighter If I had one wish Oh a wish it would be I would wish for you to leave Find someone who could treat you better Someone who could give you the life you deserve You tell me, 'it’s fine’ That, 'I’m just a diamond in the rough’ But I’m the dull knife The feral stray I’m the thing everyone warns you about But you think, 'it couldn’t hurt me!’ But I do After all, I love you like a knife loves a heart Like a bomb loves a crowd The way your mother warned you about, essentially.

Roman felt the tears run down his face as he read the poem again, then again. Old feelings of guilt and sadness hit him like a truck. He knew that Logan blamed himself after the fight. No matter how many times Roman assured him it wasn’t.

Just then Roman heard Logan as he walked in the door. The 'I’m home!’ that rang out was sharp but was underlined with relief. Relief as responsibility slid off Logan’s shoulders as he crossed the threshold.

Roman dropped the notebook and ran out of the room, straight into his boyfriend’s arms. Roman seemed to wrap himself around Logan, tucking the smaller man into his chest.

Logan laughed, the purest of sounds in Roman book. “What have I done to deserve this marvelous affection?” His voice then changed to one of concern as he looked at the tear tracks that ran down Romans face, “Have you been crying?! Why?”

Roman said nothing but instead started to hum. He swung Logan around to the made-up tune. Logan decided to wait to press the subject and allowed himself to melt into Romans embrace. When a poem entered Romans mind he stopped humming but continued to swing Logan.

The poem was hardly original. Just an edited version of a poem from one of Romans favorite childhood books. In fact, only one word had been changed. But that didn’t bother Roman. Even though the poem was for the world.

His world.

His Logan.

So Roman whispered it into Logan’s ear.

I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living My Logan you’ll be.

They separated after a while of swaying to the sound of nothingness. Logan would go into the room to change. He would find the notebook laying open to the poem. He would understand why Roman was crying.

That night would be again filled with kisses and apologies. But this time the apologies would come in the form of a head laying on a shoulder as they watched a movie. It would also come in the form of an arm wrapped around the other as they slept side by side.

No words would be spoken. None had to be. Poetry, after all, is not always something that can be put into words.


i love my poetry nerds!! this was so beautiful omg i’m almost crying

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