
all the things


Me: I’m going to join tumblr and blog about all my favorite things. Not just a Harry Potter blog.
Also me: names my blog voldemorts-tap-shoes.

2024 Masterlist


OOTP Missing Moments

Fake Not Dating

Cockblocker Harry

Only One Bed

Muggle AU

Weasley Weddings


Hi I'm so freaking obsessed with your twitter.

Also what's your favorite Romione moment in the books and why?


ohohoho thank you, friend, i’m quite proud of some of the stuff i’ve posted on there B)

and as for my favourite romione moment in the books, when i read the question i first blanked out for a couple minutes, thinking of a bunch of smaller, sillier scenes. but then i remembered that i do have a favourite and it’s from chapter 11 of DH, when remus visited the trio at grimmauld place and filled them in on he goings on of the war -including the implementation of the muggle-born registry. ron’s response upon hearing this (after his immediate outrage) was

and it’s not just the hand holding and the “‘you won’t have a choice’ said Ron fiercely” that played out so vividly in my head like this:

but this scene demonstrates so perfectly the political weight of this pairing (muggleborn/blood traitor) which i think is the immovable narrative foundation of romione. all of their silly moments and idiosyncrasies aside, there is genuine narrative purpose behind this love. ron has always had an astute understanding of the blood supremacist politics of the wizarding world (need i remind that he was ready to curse shitco at the ripe age of 12 for calling hermione the in-universe slur) and just how wrong it is. ron is a pure-blood wizard and by design has so much privilege in this society bc of it, but by virtue of having parents like arthur and molly, he’s grown up knowing the importance of fighting against blood supremacist ideology. always.

so, after hearing about the completely horrifying muggleborn registry ("People won't let this happen," said Ron. "It is happening, Ron," said Lupin.), he immediately turns to his muggleborn best friend and love of his life and says “i’m making you a family member, i’m going to use the protection my family-name has and use it to protect you from the awful injustice of our situation, no you won’t have a choice but to let me help you”

i remember having such a… visceral reaction while reading this scene like holy shit .. these kids, THESE KIDS!!!!! this is the bone-marrow-deep love that makes me feel insane. this dynamic of the blood traitor/muggleborn always there, from CoS all the way to the epilogue. We get to see that romione is the story’s pure blood/muggleborn that finally made it (rip jily and tedromeda :(). we see it in hermione keeping her muggle last name after they get married (oh my god these two actually got married) and we also see it in the hyphenated Granger-Weasley (granger being first!) in their kids’ last names (oh my gof these two had TWO kids). they are a true symbol of change and progress in their world.

also this is one of those moments where i’m so glad that our only window to romiones relationship development is through harry’s narration because it so brilliantly shows the readers this blossoming love story instead of just telling us about it because harry obviously doesn’t have access to the inner thoughts of his two best friends, he can only witness them fall deeper in love. showing the audience acts of love is always more powerful and my god is this an act of showing your love to your beloved.

(and not to go on an unrelated tangent, but this is exactly why i could never ship my girl hermione w any DE or DE-adjacent character. no fucking way. not when the concept of a muggle-born registry exists in this universe, not when the antagonists in this story wish to eradicate people like her from their society. idk about the rest of y’all but im going to keep taking the narrative seriously bc the worldbuilding obviously has real world ties/implications and i like engaging with the canon. tangently to the tangent, i saw someone (a ron basher) on twitter say that ron, OUR RON FROM THE ABOVE EXCERPT, was “one bad day away from becoming a death eater” ohhhh ohhh i ought to beat you with sticks bc HUH? this is the same kid who said he would’ve boarded the train back to kings cross if he got sorted to slytherin, the house notorious for birthing DEs, at the tender age of 11)

anyways, all this to say is that romione is incredibly, realistically, materially romantic and i love them and i love their love <3


I’m obsessed with their hands here this is lovely 😍


Thank you, thank you thank you to everyone who submitted, read, reblogged, and supported the fest again this year! We wouldn't be successful without YOU!

Just like last time we created a feedback form for you to tell us what you liked and didn't. And we'd love to see what tropes you want to read next time!

And I've corrected the link to actually be the form (and posted on the right blog. reasons why adenei should not mix work and fic. woops)

We are so grateful for all of our authors and readers and supporters! THANK YOU ALL for another great fest! 🫶


Home Remedy

Fic Title: Home Remedy

Author Name: honouraryweasley12

Selected Trope: Cockblocker Harry

Brief Summary: The aftermath of Malfoy Manor is a time for healing and honesty for Hermione and Ron.

Word Count: 2550

Rating: PG

Any Trigger Warnings: Mentions of torture, descriptions of pain, hurt/comfort


Hermione tried her best to be silent as she haltingly snuck her way down the stairs of the cozy cottage. It wasn’t as if she could move faster anyway; her entire being was sore from the ordeal she’d experienced.

It was hard to believe they had narrowly escaped a few short hours ago. She should be fast asleep, letting her body rest and recuperate, especially given the amount of pain potion both Fleur and Ron had insisted she drink.

One small issue was bothering her though, distracting her from being able to truly slumber. Ever since she was little, she’d had trouble sleeping when she had a scratchy throat. She hated that ticklish feeling and needed to put a stop to it to have any chance at real rest.

She realized she’d need some light as she entered the darkened room. The wand of her torturer felt foreign in her hand, and she loathed it. That simple stick of dark wood had almost been her end. It certainly had been for others over the years. She nearly gagged in disgust at the thought of it. The lives that had been ruined, Neville’s parents in particular. She’d somehow been spared a similar fate.

Hermione found an empty jar and reluctantly conjured a bluebell flame to illuminate the tidy kitchen, surprised that the wand was capable of anything other than hurt—though the light didn’t burn as brightly as it should.

She shuffled around the unfamiliar space, soundlessly opening and peering into the organized cabinets, not wanting to wake the boys sleeping in the living room. Her thoughts veered, as they often did, to one of those boys in particular.

Ron had saved her tonight. Words had never been his strong suit—he’d often shown his feelings through his actions, all the way back to when he knocked out that troll to save her. At Malfoy Manor it had been both. His actions had brought her to safety, but it was his words that reverberated in her mind.

He tried to take her place with his words, and he’d shown her how he felt—how much she meant to him—with his screams for her in the midst of the worst moments of her life. An anchor she’d held onto. She’d almost lost the opportunity to share her own feelings with him… forever.

Hermione stumbled, suddenly weakened and dizzy. She had truly been seconds away from her death, the realization slamming into her. Her grief caused her to sway, unsteady, and her body spasmed with a wave of burning pain. She gasped for air, overwhelmed, her breathing shallow and her chest pounding.

“I’m going to kiss her one day. I don’t care if you know.”

“If she doesn’t snog you first.”


So cute! Perfect way to close out the fest @honouraryweasley12


Title: The new normal

Author: my-patronus-is-a-champagne-glass

Selected Trope: Only one bed

Brief summary: New parents Ron and Hermione share a bed in the hospital after the birth of their daughter Rose.

Rating: G

Word count: ~ 3,200 words

Trigger warnings: brief mentions of blood and torture

The soft glow of the street lamps that filtered through the curtains enveloped the small sterile hospital room, as Ron sat in awe, watching his exhausted wife cradling their newborn daughter against her chest.

Hermione looked gracefully beautiful in the dim light, a radiant glow emanating from deep within her. The soft curve of her cheek caught the gentle glow, while strands of her curly chestnut hair had escaped the loose bun on the top of her head, framing her pale face like a halo. That was probably what people called afterglow. Ron had only read about it, and until now, he hadn’t been able to understand what it meant. But as she lay there with their brand-new baby girl nestled against her bare chest, he knew exactly what people were talking about.

With a tender smile, he watched her gently caress the auburn hair of their peacefully sleeping baby girl, and shook his head in disbelief. He marveled at the strength that had emanated from her in the last thirty hours, both physically and emotionally. Overwhelming love and gratitude enveloped him for the woman beside him; the woman who had grown and brought their child into the world with unwavering determination and strength.

The pregnancy had been far from easy. Hermione had suffered from severe morning sickness practically her entire pregnancy. Ron vividly remembered the times when he had rushed her to the hospital in panic because she couldn’t even keep water down. There had been days when her weakness led the healers to keep her in, administering potions to replenish the essential fluids and nutrients crucial for both her and the baby.

“What are you thinking about?” Her frail voice pulled him away from the unsettling memories.

“How incredible you are,” he answered and rose from his chair, a gentle smile playing on his lips. He planted a tender kiss on her temple and whispered, “I love you.”

She turned her head to kiss him and he raised his hand to her pale cheek and kissed her back tenderly.

“I love you too,” she murmured, and he let his lips travel from her mouth, over her cheek, to her forehead, where he placed a final tender kiss before sitting down on the edge of the bed.

The baby girl stirred briefly, scrunching up her face, before she turned her head to the other side and went back to sleep. Ron gazed tenderly at the little being, once again feeling the urge to shake his head to comprehend everything that had happened in the last few hours.

The room was silent again, no words were needed. The only sound to be heard was the bustling hospital floor in front of the door and a distant anguished scream of a woman who seemingly still had ahead of her what Hermione had just gone through.

As he watched his little family, Ron’s heart swelled with endless pride and admiration. His gaze fell back from the sleeping baby to his wife, her tired eyes now closed as she was propped up against a bunch of pillows with their little girl bonding on her bare chest. It seemed as if she had finally managed to fall asleep. She looked so small and vulnerable, lying there with her pale face and her delicate shoulders free, exhaustion radiating from every fiber of her body. Ron knew that this moment would be etched in his memories forever.

Suddenly his stomach grumbled loudly and he noticed that he hadn’t eaten anything for more than twenty hours, as he had been so focused on helping Hermione through everything. Careful not to disturb the peaceful scene, Ron rose from the bed and tiptoed toward the forgotten hospital bag on the wooden chair in the corner, hoping to find a snack to curb his hungry stomach. After quietly rustling through the bag, he found an oat bar hidden in the depths of it and pulled it out with a content grin.

Just as he was about to take a bite, he heard Hermione’s muffled, weak voice in the background, and turned to find her watching him with a curious expression.

“What are you doing, love?”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. Go back to sleep.”

“What are you doing?”

“I was just looking for a snack. Are you hungry too?”

“No,” she replied with a soft yawn.

“Go back to sleep, love,” he told her again, approaching the bed and placing the oat bar on the nearby table. “I’ll be right here if you need anything.”

“You should sleep, too. I know you’re exhausted.”

“This isn’t about me. You’ve been through so much. You should really sleep while our little miss is still asleep,” he insisted, glancing at the peacefully slumbering bundle on his wife’s chest.

Hermione’s labor had been an arduous journey, spanning nearly thirty excruciating hours. She had endured each contraction with steadfast determination and bravery. She could still see her face in front of him, pain etched across it as relentless waves of intensity had swept through her body for hours and hours on end. The hospital room had echoed with the rhythm of their little girl’s monitored heartbeats and the whimpering sounds of Hermione’s labor.

Ron was well aware of his wife’s resilience. She had always been unswerving and able to cope with immense workload. Yet, the strength it had required her to bring a new life into the world had caught Ron completely off guard. The healers and midwives had worked tirelessly, offering support and guidance through the challenging process, both to her and to him. As the hours had passed without real progress, the toll on Hermione’s physical and emotional strength had become increasingly evident and very hard to witness. Yet, she had pressed on, drawing on pools of inner strength he didn’t know she possessed. Ron had found it very difficult to witness his wife in such intense pain. The room had seemed to close in on him as her distress had intensified and she had started crying and moaning in pain, her noises filling him with helplessness. Stricken by the echoes of the war, he had fought hard to separate her cries from the haunting screams of her past torture. He had to repeatedly reassure himself that this time her pain was necessary and held the promise of a huge reward - their long-awaited baby girl.

“You need to rest too,” Hermione interrupted his memories with a soft smile. “Both of us.”

“You just had a baby, love. I’ll take her and wake you when she needs to nurse.”

She gently shook her head, reaching for his hand. “No, come lie down with me.”

Ron hesitated, as he surveyed the small, cramped hospital bed. “Love, the bed is too narrow for both of us,” he reasoned gently. “You’ve given your last shred of strength and I want you to rest.”

She managed a weak smile. “I appreciate that, but I‘m not strong enough to argue with you right now. Please, Ron, I need you close.”

Ron sighed. “I’d love to join you, really, but I don’t want to add to your discomfort. I know you’re sore. You need to recover, and squeezing myself into this bed won’t help.”

Her exhausted eyes pleaded with him. “I’m not going to argue with you. Just lie down with me. I’ll only be able to sleep if you’re close.”

She gazed at him with her large, fawn-brown eyes, and he sensed his defeat. Despite knowing that wedging his tall, lanky frame onto the narrow mattress wouldn’t be comfortable or restful for her, he was equally certain that in the current situation, he absolutely couldn’t deny her any requests.


With a careful manoeuvre he joined her on the narrow hospital bed, kissing her pale cheek in the process.

“Let me take her,” he implored. “Then you can try to get comfortable.”

Hermione carefully placed the peacefully sleeping baby onto Ron's chest before turning to her side, letting out a wince as she nestled against him. Ron’s arm instinctively encircled her, supporting her in adjusting her tired and aching body.

As they lay there as a family of three for the first time, a tsunami of emotions overwhelmed him. The tiny, fragile being in his arms, a product of their love, made him marvel at the miracle of life. Ron had yearned to be a father for so long, but now that it had finally happened, the reality felt surreal and, at the same time, quite frightening. Nothing could have prepared him for the intensity of the emotions flooding through him in this very moment; emotions he didn’t even know were possible.

Hermione wiggled against him, a soft whimper escaping her lips as she attempted to find a comfortable position for her battered body. Feeling her movements against him, Ron instinctively adjusted his position to make more room for her on the cramped bed. Once she seemed settled against him, he pressed another kiss to her forehead.


“I told you to sleep, love.”

“I’m not tired.”

“Yeah, sure, I totally buy that. Just went through over 30 hours of agony, shed like ten liters of blood, but nope, Hermione’s not tired.”

“It just feels so surreal.”

“It does, I know what you mean, but seriously, try to catch some sleep. She’s likely to wake up hungry soon.”

“It was a wild ride, wasn’t it?” she mumbled into the crook of his arm.

“Wild is an understatement,” Ron quipped with a snort.

“I didn’t even realize I lost so much blood.”

“Honestly, I don’t know what’s considered normal, but to me it looked like a bit of a massacre. There was a lot. The healers were surprisingly cool about it, though, so I guess it wasn’t as bad as it looked.”

“Thank you for being there.”

“I didn’t do anything. You did all the hard work.”

“You did more than you think. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“You were amazing.”

“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Hermione asked, gently caressing the baby’s cheek with her fingertips.

“She’s perfect,” Ron answered, kissing the tiny head.

“I can’t believe she came out of me.”

“I can assure you, she did. I was right there.”

“It’s so surreal to think we’re parents now.”

Ron smiled down at the little bundle on his chest.

“You were incredible, love. I’ve never seen anyone handle something so intense with such strength.”

“I had my moments of doubt, to be honest, especially during the end.”

“You know, it was really hard watching you in that much pain. I was really worried when you started screaming.”

“I didn’t even notice. I’m sorry I scared you,” Hermione said, a grateful smile playing on her lips. “Thank you for staying strong for me.”

“You know,” he began softly, “I was reliving some of the darkest moments of the war.”

Hermione’s eyes looked up. “Ron…”

“Well, don’t get me wrong, but your sounds - the cries, the pain - it was hauntingly familiar. It felt like I was right back at the manor. I wasn’t prepared for it to be that intense. I tried to remind myself that this time, your pain would be rewarded.”

She nodded, her fingers reaching up to caress his stubbled cheek. “It's strange how life comes full circle, isn’t it? We faced so many evil and dark things together, and now we’ve brought something so good and pure into the world.”

Ron’s eyes softened as he studied her. “You were so brave, love.”

A faint, content smile graced her lips. “I had quite a good motivator.”

Ron leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead again. “I really wish I could’ve taken your place, or at least taken away some of the pain.”

As soon as he had said it, he realized he didn’t really know which situation he was referring to. The nightmare of his life when he couldn’t come to Hermione’s aid all those years ago, or the arduous and agonizing birth of their daughter, just a few hours prior? Perhaps he also meant both, and it was just as blurred together as it had felt a few hours ago.

Hermione sighed, leaning into his touch. “You did more than you know. You kept me going when I felt like I had nothing left.”

Her response subtly implied that she wasn’t specifying one event over the other either.

“I want you to sleep now,” Ron ordered gently and tightened his hold around her. "I’ll be right here.”

Hermione nodded, her eyes already closing. “I love you.”

“I love you more,” he whispered, pressing a final kiss to her temple, before slowly and carefully pulling the blanket up around the three of them.

As soon as they were settled, Ron looked down at the tiny fragile figure on his chest and then back to his wife whose breathing had finally started to become slower.

He had to take a deep shuddering breath as he was suddenly overcome by a boundless love surpassing anything his heart had ever experienced. He thought he knew what love was. He loved Hermione, and he loved her so deeply that he’d willingly sacrifice everything for her in the blink of an eye. But it had not dawned on him until now that he could love her even more than before after she had given birth to their baby girl. And in addition to the deepening love for Hermione, there now existed another love - distinct and incomparable to what he felt for his wife. It was something entirely different, pure and profound, so omnipresent, all-encompassing and unconditional that he almost couldn’t grasp its intensity. This had to be the kind of love everyone spoke of. This had to be the kind of love Harry and Bill had mentioned. Omnipresent, all-encompassing and unconditional, and although the little girl wasn’t even three hours old yet, and Ron had no idea who she would become, it was a love unmistakably destined to last forever.

He took in a shuddering breath and at the same time, their newborn daughter stirred. His gaze shifted downward, and a tender smile formed on his lips as he watched Rose’s uncoordinated movements. Her eyes fluttered, her mouth parted, and a soft whimper escaped, while her tiny fists clutched Ron’s shirt. Then she instinctively and heartwarmingly turned her little head, nuzzling against Ron’s chest with an open mouth.

“There, there, Rosie. I’ve got all the love in the world for you, but I’m afraid I haven’t got what you’re looking for. The milk bar is right over there with Mummy.”

Very gently, Ron caressed his daughter’s tiny back with his fingertips in an attempt to lull her back to sleep. He continued his tender efforts, hoping to soothe her so Hermione could get a bit more rest. Unfortunately, his attempts proved fruitless as Rosie’s quest for milk on his chest suddenly turned frantic. Shifting his hand, he cradled the small, unsteady head, providing support as the little girl turned it left and right with an open mouth, attempting to suckle on his shirt.

“Sorry, sweetie, Daddy doesn’t have anything for you,” he soothed and a second later Rose added her not so soft voice to the mix, letting out a croaking whimper.

“Oh, no, please don’t cry. Let’s wake Mummy, yeah?”

As the little girl’s whimpers intensified and her frantic search for sustenance continued on Ron’s chest, he gently reached out his hand to touch Hermione’s cheek to wake her up.

“Hermione, love, I’m sorry but you need to wake up.”

Hermione stirred and let out a small wince, her eyes opening but instantly closing again.

“Please, love, she needs you,” he coaxed, as Rose croaked again, her tiny mouth continuing to turn left and right, seeking sustenance from different parts of Ron’s shirt. Between each attempt, she expressed her frustration with a heartfelt cry.

“Hermione!” he urged a little louder while Rose’s cries escalated into full-on screaming, and a moment later her strident sounds echoed through the room.

“Shh, please don’t cry, Rosie. I’ll wake up, Mummy. Just hold on,” he tried to soothe the baby girl with gentle shushes as Rose alternated between heart-wrenching screams and desperate suckling on his shirt.

As his gentler attempts failed, he opted for a more determined shake of his wife’s shoulder, hoping that this would wake her up.

“Hermione! Rosie needs you. She’s hungry, and really upset. Can you please wake up?”

This finally startled Hermione awake, and she attempted to sit up in bed with a wince. However, the lingering soreness from the arduous labor seemed to make the simple act of sitting up very challenging. Noticing her discomfort, Ron quickly stood up to place the heart-wrenchingly screaming and uncoordinatedly flailing newborn in the crib so he could help his wife sitting up.

“Let me help you.”

He carefully supported Hermione, helping her into a sitting position, and positioning a pillow behind her back. Ron then picked up the starving newborn, who was still screaming at the top of her tiny lungs, and held her close, trying to soothe her as Hermione tried to find a comfortable position for nursing. The tiny newborn was in complete distress, wailing and squirming, and Ron was taken aback by how rapidly she had gone from deep sleep to full-on hunger-induced frenzy.

Once he was satisfied that Hermione was in a reasonably comfortable position, he carefully handed the wiggling baby over to her. She cradled Rose to her chest, whispering words of comfort as she tried to get the wildly flailing and screaming newborn to latch on. The little girl had become so desperate that it took several attempts before her cries finally subsided and she began to nurse.

Ron couldn’t help but chuckle softly and remarked, “Well, someone was really angry there for a moment.”

“Seems like she takes after her parents. Strong-willed and not afraid to voice her opinion.”

He chuckled again before leaning in and pressing a tender kiss on his wife’s lips.

“I love you.”

“Love you more,” she repeated his words from earlier and smiled up at him with tired eyes.

After planting another kiss on her lips, Ron took a seat on the edge of the bed again, watching the tender and incredibly peaceful scene in front of him. While the newborn peacefully continued eating, Hermione closed her eyes and tilted her head back onto the pillow.

“I am so tired,” she mumbled and let out a wide yawn.

Her yawn seemed to be contagious because a second later, Ron found himself yawning too. He was so unbelievably exhausted and almost felt ashamed for it, considering how his wife must be feeling after what she had endured. In the fog of his fatigue, Ron suddenly came to a stark realization – this was their new normal. He had to get used to being bone-tired because as of now the red-haired bundle would dictate their sleep patterns and redefine their routines, no matter how worn out they already were.

“I guess this is it,” Ron murmured to himself with a lopsided grin.

Hermione, her eyes still closed, chuckled softly, “Welcome to parenthood, love.”

What a sweet take on only one bed from @my-patronus-is-a-champagne-glass 🥹💕


The Girl From The Bar

Title: The Girl From The Bar

Author: Be11atrixthestrange

Trope: Muggle AU

Summary: While studying at a coffee shop, Ron spots a missed connection from years ago. 

Word Count: 2015

Rating: M

-Four Years Ago-

The Leaky Canteen was a total dive. As much as the Weasleys wanted it to be a high-end establishment, it simply wasn’t, and it would never be. Grime and dirt lived on the floor permanently, no matter how hard Ron scrubbed and mopped at bar close. The upholstery on the booth benches ripped and frayed, revealing the discolored foam underneath, the paint peeled from the walls, and there was a permanent smoky stench that permeated the air, even though there were strict rules against smoking indoors. 

That aside, the bar managed to remain a hot spot on Friday and Saturday nights. Maybe it was the centralized location, the event calendar that was always too packed to staff appropriately, or the fact that they offered half-priced cocktails to all hen and stag parties. Scratch that, it was definitely the half-priced drinks. That was the reason that it was always bursting with loud, messy, disrespectful patrons, yet still struggled to profit enough each month to pay the lease. 

“Another Gold Rush please!” 

Ron glanced over his shoulder to see a blonde girl, probably mid-twenties, leaning against the bar. The bartop, which was still wet with a combination of beer, vodka, and water, left a dark mark across her dress, but she didn’t seem to notice. One hand held an empty cocktail glass, while the other clutched the countertop for stability as she teetered to the side. 

“You doing okay?” Ron threw his dish towel over his shoulder and propped his elbows onto the bar to look her in the eye. As he had predicted, her pupils were as wide as saucers. 

“Sogood,” she slurred, flashing him a smile. “Havingsomuchfun.”

“Gotcha,” said Ron, rising to his feet. “One Gold Rush, coming up.”

He reached for a coupe glass and a boston shaker, and filled the shaker with lemon juice, orange juice, and honey syrup. He eyed the bourbon whiskey, which the cocktail would normally call for, but instead traveled to the refrigerator, where a small container of chopped jalapenos was waiting. He used a pair of tongs to plop one into the shaker, and a muddler to smash it up. 

A bit of ice and a few shakes later, the blonde was happily shuffling back to the dance floor, her drink dripping down her hand. 

While rinsing the shaker,  Ron half watched the flock of girls clad in feather boas and sparkly dresses laughing and bouncing in the middle of the bar. It wasn’t technically a dance floor as the Canteen wasn’t a nightclub, but the weekend crew didn’t seem to notice or care that there wasn’t an official DJ. In fact, Ron was just playing a random Spotify playlist, complete with the internet’s favorite early 2000’s dance hits. He didn’t even pay for the premium subscription, and the crowd was too drunk to notice they were dancing to car insurance advertisements between songs. 

“Interesting choice with the jalapeno.”

Ron looked toward the voice to see another girl sitting at the other end of the bar. Her phone was lying on a towel on the counter, screen up, as she scrolled with one hand. 

“Shit, didn’t see you there.”

The girl laughed. Ron took in her appearance. Like the other girls on the dance floor, she was wearing a sparkly dress, but the way she tensed up underneath the fabric suggested she’d be more comfortable in a pair of jeans. Her long brown hair formed tight curls that landed halfway down her back. Her makeup was simple and natural, and her deep brown eyes looked like he could get lost in them. She was beautiful, in an effortless, understated way. 

“When you’re completely smashed, it’s hard to tell the difference between the kick of a jalapeno and the bitterness of bourbon.”


“And she was completely smashed.”

The girl nodded. “I agree. I was actually coming over to suggest she drink water for the rest of the night, but it looks like you were on it.”

O B S E S S E D with this one 😍


Say Yes To Heaven

Fic Title: Say Yes To Heaven

Author Name: flaming-brown-witch

Selected Trope: Weasley Weddings

Brief Summary: Hermione and Ron dance during Bill and Fleur’s wedding. 

Word Count: 1467

Rating: T

Any Trigger Warnings: none

If you dance, I’ll dance

And if you don’t, I’ll dance anyway

Give peace a chance

Let the fear you have fall away

- “Say Yes to Heaven,” Lana Del Rey

“Okay. Out with it, Ron.”

Ron, who had been resolutely avoiding Hermione’s eyes while they danced, finally looked down and sighed. 

“Why are you acting so weird around Krum?” he demanded. Gritting his teeth and glaring in Viktor’s direction, he added, “Blushing every time he looks your way. You told me you weren’t interested in him anymore.”

Hermione’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not.”

“Then what’s with the blushing?”

“Well,” she said slowly, choosing her words carefully, “it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, so it’s a bit of a shock, I suppose.”

“Shock doesn’t make people blush, Hermione.”

She grudgingly acknowledged to herself that Ron had a point. The last time she saw Viktor in person, he had given her quite the farewell snog in a cloistered corner of the Hogwarts entrance hall. Hermione had gained much from dating Viktor, and a part of her was sad to end the romance. It appeared that seeing Viktor again stacked uncomfortably on their last moment of bittersweet intimacy, even though she was quite sure those old emotions were long gone. 

But there was no explaining this to Ron without ruining the night. And Hermione was determined to not ruin it, which had been surreally beautiful up until that point. She craved to soak up all the peace and joy she could with Ron before facing whatever was in store for them. So Hermione simply pursed her lips and said, “I think you’re reading into things.”

Ron stopped swaying to the music and let her go. “Oh, am I?”

Hermione felt herself edge towards anger, so she inhaled deeply. She moved her hands, which were resting on his shoulders, to clasp around his neck. “Look, I’m here because I want to dance with you. Not him.”

Her soft plea didn’t work. Ron stood stock still, arms firmly by his side, head turned as far as he could away from Hermione, and jaw tensing. Rejected and resigned, Hermione yanked away her hands and took several steps back.

“Fine then,” she snapped. “If you don’t want to dance, then maybe I should just dance with…”

Love a come and dance moment 😍 also, wizarding ballet YES PLEASE

@flaming-brown-witch absolutely crushing trope fest ❤️


He's Gonna Know

Title: He’s Gonna Know

Author: adenei

Trope: Fake Not Dating & OOTP Missing Moment

Brief Summary: Ron and Hermione sneaking around during 5th year because Harry’s miserable and they just like being in each other’s company. Don’t come at me there’s totally a universe where this COULD be canon (and it’d make 6th year hit so. much. harder.)

WC: 573

Rating: G

TW: None


“He’s gonna know.” Hermione paces the length of an empty classroom, head bent and brow furrowed as she shakes her head.

Ron shuts the door and turns to face her. “He’s not gonna know.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Yes, I do.



Ron leans against one of the tables and crosses his arms, waiting for her to finish her mental spiral. 

“But we never have rounds twice in one week. This was a stupid idea. We should have just said we were going to library or—”

“Right, and what would you have done if he said he was going to join us?” Midway through his retort Ron changes the tone of his face, making it higher-pitched as he teases, “Oh, did I say library? Sorry, Harry, that was just an excuse. Ron and I are actually just ditching you because you’ve been miserable lately. And we wanted to snog in private.”

“Oh, will you stop!” Hermione stomps over to him and smacks his arm.

He laughs jovially and grabs her by the waist, pulling her closer. “Aw, come on, you know rounds was the best option for an excuse.”

“I suppose you’re right,” she admits, hands settling on his shoulders as she lets out a long sigh. “You don’t feel bad for lying to him though?”

Ron shrugs. “I don’t consider it lying.” 

Hermione’s eyes widen, and he knows she’s about to admonish him some more, so he decides to distract her instead. His head dips down and his lips brush hers. A thrilling rush crashes over him—it’s the best kind of adrenaline rush. Even better than flying or finding one of the remaining chocolate frog cards to complete his collection.  This shift in their relationship is still so new, and he can’t help but make sure it’s okay to kiss her. Well, when they find time to be alone at least.

“How do you not consider that lying to him? We literally told him we had rounds tonight when we don’t,” she chastises.

“Okay, maybe that was a lie, but it’s not like we’re lying to him about us. We’re just…not offering all the details.”

Hermione attempts to bite back a laugh, but Ron smirks and breaks her resolve. “Fine, I suppose that’s fair. But what happens if he does find out?”

“He’s not going to.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Sorry, have you met Harry? If it doesn’t directly pertain to him, he usually doesn’t notice.”

“Are you saying as his best friends we don’t pertain to him then?” She quirks an eyebrow at him.

“No, I—” Ron stops himself. As much as he loves sparring with her, he’d much rather spend this valuable time doing something else. “Do you really want to sit here and argue when we could be…” He trails off as his gaze falls to her kissable lips.

The gesture makes her blush, and Ron loves evoking that reaction from her. “Oh, well, I suppose you have a point.”

“Brilliant.” Ron grins. “So, can I—”

He doesn’t get a chance to finish his sentence, though, because Hermione wastes no time closing the distance between them. As soon as their lips meet, all thoughts of rounds and their other best friend disappears from his mind.

For all he cares at that moment, Harry can stay in the dark about them for as long as is necessary, so long as he gets to keep doing this with Hermione forever.

If only! 😍


A Wild Romania Wedding

Title: A Wild Romania Wedding

Author: tumblr- Nena-96, Ao3- Nena96

Selected Trope: Weasley Wedding

Brief Summary: After receiving a wedding invitation from Charlie Weasley, the Weasley's are headed to Romania to celebrate in the beautiful unity between Charlie Septimus Weasley and the love of his life Aria Ung Honatel.

Oh, and let’s just say this wedding is going to be wild.

Rating: T (rating may change )

Word Count: 2,689 (first chapter of 5ish part)

Any relevant trigger warnings: none


It was just another tiring day here at the Burrow, the occupants in the living room were all sprawled around attempting to take a break from a day filled with chores courtesy of their dear mum. Which was crazy because they were all adults and none of them lived at home, yet that didn’t stop Molly Weasley from assigning each and everyone of them a specific task to complete. Hermione rolled her eyes as she tried to drown out the twins as they complained about having so much chores to do, which was odd because last she checked the ones who had the most to do were, Ron, and herself.

All day today, Mrs. Weasley had kept her busy and separate from Ron, it was almost like she thought if they were in the same room together that nothing would be cleaned. If you asked her it was most definitely unfair, it wasn’t like they were irresponsible. Then again, Mrs. Weasley did end up catching them in a very, uhm…passionate embrace when they were supposed to finish de-gnoming the garden. It wasn’t her fault that her boyfriend, Ron, looked incredibly handsome, and well Mrs. Weasley could’ve very well sent a Patronus to call them instead for lemonade. There wasn’t a need to come all the way outside…and well interrupt a rather nice snog.

She had managed to keep her focus for a solid five minutes, and threw gnome after gnome as far as she could over the fence, which wasn’t very far because a few of them had ricocheted off from the top and beach into the garden.

If anything it was Ron’s fault, yes precisely it was her insufferable boyfriend that caused them to be caught locked in each other’s embrace. If it wasn’t for him laughing at her, she wouldn’t have turned around to scold him only to be met with him pulling his maroon jumper over his head, Yet, that wasn’t what caused her brain to chor-circuit, not at all, it was the fact that the Ron had accidentally lifted not only his jumper but also his t-shirt up. Thus, presenting her with the most beautiful view of his toned and hard body. It hadn’t been the first time that Hermione had seen the constellation of thousands of freckles that decorated his fair skin; she had managed to take off his shirt a few times in the past, thank you very much.

However, that was the first time she had ever seen his skin glistening with sweat, and let's just say that seeing a droplet of sweat trail down his stomach, and down the line of copper hair before disappearing into the front of his trousers. Well, it was a bit much for a girl to handle, don’t you think?

Besides, there was absolutely nothing wrong with staring at Ron’s body, well that was if you were named Hermione Jean Granger. Which coincidentally she was the only one with that particular name, which meant only she was allowed to gawk-erm politely gaze upon the freckles on the youngest Weasley boy. To be fair, Ron wasn't a boy, he was a hundred percent man and the thought that she was the only one that gets to see him in this way made her cheeks blaze. If she didn’t already have a memory stored into her mind when needed to cast her Patronus, the very sight of her boyfriend was enough of a happy memory to last her a lifetime.

Before Ron could even get his jumper unstuck, Hermione had decided that it was enough torture on her behalf and proceeded to crash into him, sending them both down onto the grass. It was a bit comical, since Ron hadn’t been able to get his jumper off, this had given Hermione full control on their passionate snog, not that she heard any complaints from him. Her hands had a mind of its own, as they trailed up and down his hard chest, all while her lips never once left his. The kiss felt amazing, as it always did, his lips were addictive, she could almost understand how Lavender would always be latched to Ron’s lips like a plunger.

Key word being almost.

Did Harry learn his cockblocking ways from Mrs Weasley?? 😂

Weasley weddings by @nena-96


Sleep Hexed

Title: Sleep Hexed

Author: cheesyficwriter

Selected Trope: Only One Bed

Brief Summary: A No Voldemort tale featuring two idiots in love who don’t quite know it yet. Post-Hogwarts years.

Rating: T

Word Count (if applicable): 3,738

Trigger Warnings: N/A

Chapter One


Interesting, isn’t it? 

All humans need to have the energy to go about their daily lives. Although sleep is unavoidable, the task can become significantly compromised at any moment. 

For Hermione? Sleep has always seemed so simple, yet it causes her much more grief than she cares to admit. 

It’s midday during an impossible season of trials at the Ministry, and she can’t focus on the work that needs to be done simply because she tossed and turned all night long. Instead of her brain deciding that she needed proper rest before a full day of work, Hermione found herself laying awake for the fifth straight night in a row. 

Why can’t she sleep when it feels like she’s tried everything in the books to help her? Hermione always maintains proper hygiene, avoids caffeine as much as possible, performs a nightly Atmospheric Charm to keep her bedroom at an ideal temperature, and even has a set bedtime—no matter how often she has to remind Ron and Harry that the use of her Floo after ten in the evening should only be for emergencies!

Although the cafeteria is bustling with energy during the busy Ministry lunch hour, Hermione’s only point of focus is to mentally strategize ways to get at least an hour of shut eye tonight. Yet she nudges the food around on her plate with her fork, lacking any appetite to eat. 

Her legs are restless beneath the table as she fights the urge to bounce her knee in a jerky rhythm. Ron slides into the empty seat across from her, kinking an eyebrow in her direction as the table shakes from her incessant knee movement. He opens his mouth as if he wants to address it, but says nothing. Hermione bites her lip to hold back a yawn, her eyelids drooping of their own volition. 

“Ron!” Harry plops into the open chair next to Hermione without warning, his eyes bright. She jumps as his lunch tray clatters onto the table. “Mate, that match last night—”

“Was fucking brilliant!”

The two boys fall into a natural conversation, allowing Hermione’s thoughts to drift to topics that don’t involve her. She takes a long sip of her water, hoping the sensation will keep her engaged long enough to excuse herself to the loo without appearing suspicious.

Harry and Ron discuss Quidditch stats for the next five minutes, but her red-headed best friend steals glances her way every so often. A throbbing headache beneath Hermione’s temples grows stronger and stronger with the excessive noise in the room. As she reaches for her glass of water again, her hand collides with the rim and tips the clear liquid onto the table. 

“Bugger!” Hermione withdraws her wand and mutters a quick Scourgify, but nothing happens. She inwardly groans, agitated over her inability to even hold her wand with a steady enough hand.  

Unfortunately, she isn’t the only one who notices. Ron frowns and stops speaking mid-sentence, studying her movements with sudden interest. “What was that?”

“What do you mean?“ 

"You. With your wand, just now.” He nods at the 10 and ¾ inch of vinewood dangling loosely between her fingers. “You fumbled a simple spell.”

Hermione scoffs at the critique. “Thanks, Ron.”

“No! It’s just—” He blunders, gesturing towards her face. “I mean it’s you. You’re brilliant. Are you feeling okay?”

“I feel a bit off today. That’s all.” The retort snaps out of her mouth all too quickly. “Maybe I’ll leave early to get some rest.”

“Leave early?” Ron snorts, leaning back in his chair. “You mean actually leave on time with the rest of us for once?”

Hermione rolls her eyes but clamps her mouth shut. It’s baffling how he manages to keep track of her work hours when he’s usually the one cutting out early. But she’s certainly not going to tell him that. 

Ron sighs, propping his elbows on the table as he leans forward. A whiff of sandalwood hits Hermione’s nose, and she struggles to find a way to hold her own underneath the intensity of his gaze. 

The growing lump in her throat is too difficult to swallow down, so instead she averts her eyes while mulling over a way to steer the conversation in a different direction.

“Are you getting enough sleep, Hermione?”

He’s so dangerously close, it’s unnerving. Can he spot the dark circles around her eyes? She’s tried so hard to conceal them with magic this week. Hermione blinks as she fights off another yawn. In a curt tone, she responds, “I’m getting sleep, yes." 

Hermione omits the max one hour a night part, but still. 

Can’t wait to read more of this only one bed from @cheesyficwriter !


Have An Ice Day

Fic Title: Have An Ice Day

Author Name: voldemorts-tap-shoes/smjl

Selected Trope: Muggle AU

Brief Summary: Figure skater Hermione and hockey player Ron “meet-ugly” at the ice rink.

Word Count: 1580

Rating: G

Any Trigger Warnings: none


Hermione Granger only dates hockey players.

This fact was born out of sheer coincidence and not out of any conscious preference she has—quite the opposite in fact. Most of the hockey players she has to deal with on a daily basis are crass and obnoxious, and the thought of dating any of them brings a grimace to her lips.

She likes to think maybe she just has a knack for finding the good ones in the bunch, but she had no idea that Viktor was a hockey player—rather a talented one, in fact—when she met him during a foreign exchange program at her uni. And Cormac—well, it was hard to say that she’d dated him, if a single disastrous blind date could be counted at all, and he certainly wasn’t one of the good ones. He was the type to argue every call with the referees, and know all of his stats off the top of his head, repeating them incessantly and without provocation. And this was for a recreational team at their local rink; Viktor played on a low-level professional circuit and didn’t have the same obnoxious quirks.

So it’s not like she’s seeking out these hockey players. But still, the fact remains.

“He’s cute.” Lavender sidles up next to Hermione at the glass and slips off her skate guards before reaching up to fix her long blonde braid.

“He’s late,” Hermione gripes back, glaring past the scuffed up plexiglass panels at the current unknown object of her irritation. She definitely doesn’t know all of the hockey players at the Hogwarts Iceplex, but she’s sure she would remember the bright shock of red hair peeking out from beneath his goalie helmet while he takes slapshots from a puck launcher at the blue line. She and Lav are supposed to have the ice to themselves for the next half hour until their lessons arrive. Mostly she only gets out on the ice anymore to coach younger figure skaters, but her best friend still convinces her to skate with her for fun from time to time.

“Oh, will you relax?” Lavender scoffs with a roll of her eyes, tossing her plait back over her shoulder. “I bet we could share the ice.”

“Whether we could or not doesn’t matter,” Hermione retorts. “We booked the ice for 3:00 and it’s now 3:07 and—Lavender!”

Hermione’s indignant shout doesn’t stop Lavender from clanging open the heavy door in the boards and skating out onto the ice toward the unknown goalie. Her dress shimmers even under the dull fluorescents of the Iceplex, and Hermione flings off her skate guards to follow her with a groan.

By the time she catches up to her, Lavender has already finished showing off a basic spin move and is curtseying to the applause of the goalie. Hermione rolls her eyes; unlike herself, Lavender has no qualms about her preference for dating hockey players. “Hermione, this is Ron,” Lavender introduces him as Hermione slows to a stop outside the goalie zone. “He’s new in town.”

“Is that an excuse for not knowing how to tell time?” Hermione snaps back, addressing only her friend. “This is our ice time.”

The goalie—Ron—pushes his mask up onto his head to glare at her. Damn it; he is cute. Even though his bright blue eyes are narrowed at her, Hermione feels like she could drown in them.

“D’you know your clock is wrong?” He gestures up at the digital red numbers on the wall above the penalty box, which may or may not at any given time be accurate. A quick glance at her watch tells Hermione that currently, they are not.

“That’s beside the point,” Hermione snaps back, forcing herself not to get flustered by the handsome stranger.

Lavender grabs at her arm, fingernails digging into her flesh in warning as she giggles at Ron. “You’ll have to excuse her, she gets a bit crabby when she hasn’t eaten.”

“I’m getting a bit hungry myself,” Ron says. Though he’s talking to Lavender, his eyes keep flickering back to Hermione. “How’s the food in the Penalty Box?”

“Awful,” Hermione blurts. She can hardly stand the smell of grease and beer that permeates the Iceplex pub, but she does pop in from time to time to see her friend Hannah, the bartender.

“What Hermione means is, there’s plenty of restaurants nearby, and maybe we can take you to one of those sometime,” Lavender corrects, though that’s not what Hermione meant at all, and she forcibly restrains an eye roll. “Show you around town.”

“Sure. That sounds great.” Ron smiles, and Hermione can’t help but notice how nice it is—not a given with hockey players. Although since goalies have to wear a mask, she supposes it’s less common for them to be missing any of their teeth. Honestly, she’ll never understand why they don’t all wear full cages on their helmets; idiotic machismo, probably. “I’ll get out of your hair, then.”

He gathers up his gear from the bench under Hermione’s impatient eye, and when he exits the rink, leaving the girls alone at last, Hermione turns on Lavender with a glare. “Since when do you need a chaperone to take a guy out?” she complains. “I don’t need to watch you slobber all over him over dinner.”

Lavender skates a wide circle around Hermione. “I said we because I knew you wouldn’t ask him out yourself.”

Hermione scoffs. “Me? Why in the world would I ask him out?”

“Because he was so totally into you. God, you can be thick sometimes.”

Hermione raises a skeptical eyebrow at Lavender, who drops easily into a sit spin, her glittery skirt fanning out around her. Lav still dresses in old competition outfits when they go skating, just for the fun of it, and she always turns heads. By contrast, Hermione is wearing her favorite fleece-lined leggings and an oversized sweatshirt, her frizzy curls piled into a messy bun atop her head. The glitz and glamour was always her least favorite part of figure skating.

“And what makes you think I was into him?” she retorts, folding her arms across her chest. Cute or not, the last thing she needs in her life is another hockey player.

Lavender affords her an eye roll as she rises out of her spin and slows to a stop. “You mean besides the way you were undressing him with your eyes?”

“I—I wasn’t—”

“Uh huh.” Her best friend grabs her hands and begins gliding backwards, pulling her around the rink. “Honestly, Hermione, he seems nice. You can give him a chance.”

“Oh, yes, and I’m sure he’ll be quick to give me one after that delightful first impression.”

“I doubt you’re the first uptight figure skater he’s ever met.”

“Doubtful you’re the first that’s ever flirted with him in net, either.”

A smirk twitches on Lavender’s glossy lips, and she winks at Hermione. “What can I say? We can’t all be in denial about our romantic preferences.”

Forty-five minutes later, after they’ve concluded their lessons, Lavender loops her arm through Hermione’s and steers their steps toward the pub. “One drink,” she coaxes as they march past the rows of smelly, overstuffed hockey bags that line the hallway between the ice and the locker rooms. A neon sign overhead with two letters burnt out and a gap in the row of bags mark the pub entrance in the middle of the hall. “I promised Seamus. And we’ll see if your new friend is still here.”

“Lav, he’s—” The words catch in her throat as she spots him at the bar, showered and in street clothes now, sipping on a frosty pint and chatting with Harry, one of the few hockey players at the rink who she’s neither attracted to nor repulsed by. If he’s friends with Harry, he can’t be all bad.

Lavender gives her a nudge in his direction and then prances over to the ragged leather couch in the corner where she deposits herself into Seamus’s lap with an exaggerated giggle. Hermione sighs and approaches the bar, shooting a nervous smile at Hannah in greeting. Ron turns and meets her gaze, and one corner of his lips quirks up. “Hi,” she says tentatively, sliding onto a stool next to him.

He pushes the little paper tray in front of him across the bartop towards her. “Mozzarella stick?” he offers, his smirk widening. “Or would you rather stay hungry and keep grousing at me?”

“No, thank you. But I am sorry,” Hermione apologizes. She means it, but she pushes the greasy offering back towards him. “We got off on the wrong foot. I don’t have much patience for the chaos of the rink.”

“You don’t say.” Ron smiles to lessen the impact of his quip, and Hannah leans against the bar to interject as she sets a glass of water in front of Hermione.

“To be fair, Hermione here does the rink’s bookkeeping, so she gets stuck with more of the chaos than anyone,” she explains to Ron, who looks at her appraisingly.

“You work here, too?” Hermione nods. “Come on, you must like hockey, then. To spend all this time at the rink.”

Harry snorts from Ron’s other side, and Hermione leans around Ron to glare at him. As she does, she catches a whiff of something spicy like cinnamon, and her heart gives a little thud of appreciation. “Not really,” she admits. “But I think it’s growing on me.”

Did someone say hockey romance?



Title: The Storm before the Calm

Author: my-patronus-is-a-champagne-glass

Selected Trope: Weasley Weddings

Brief summary: As Ron navigates the storm of pre-wedding jitters and the playful banter of Harry and his brothers, his quest for a private moment with Hermione intensifies with each passing minute. In the end a clandestine private first look is the ultimate antidote to his jangled nerves.

Rating: G

Word count: 8,320 words

Trigger warnings: -

Ron took a deep breath as he stood in front of the mirror in his old attic bedroom. His mother had insisted he spend the night in the old creaking wooden bed. Upon arriving yesterday, the first thing he had done was ask his dad to remove two huge spiders from the ancient roofbeams.

The room felt strange, somewhat unfamiliar. The vibrant orange walls pressed in, almost suffocating him. Had they always been so vividly orange? It was a mystery how he had endured this color all these years. Ron was still a strong supporter of the Cannons, but aside from shirts to support his beloved club and his distinctive ginger hair, the color orange no longer played a significant role in his life.

He ran his fingers through his hair, as a wave of memories flooded his mind. It seemed like just yesterday that they had been planning their mission in this very room until very late in the night. The war had ended more than three years ago and today, he was about to marry the brilliant bushy-haired witch who had been his constant through it all.

As he adjusted his tie, Ron’s mind replayed their journey – all the ups and downs of the past. His love for her was a steady flame that had grown from the embers of friendship and could weather even the strongest storms of life. A tender smile played on his lips and a profound warmth spread through his chest as he imagined Hermione in a beautiful white gown.

He wanted her to be his wife more than anything, to officially start this new chapter of their lives but the nerves tugged at him and he felt his hands get sweatier and his knees grow weaker by the minute. The impending chaos of the day, the countless guests, and the grandeur of the wedding ceremony somehow felt overwhelmingly daunting. He didn’t need all this fuss, all these elaborate decorations, all these people. All he craved was her.

The more Ron stared at himself, the more the mirror seemed to reflect not only his appearance but also his internal struggle. As he stood there, looking at himself, a gentle knock on the old door disrupted his thoughts. It creaked open to reveal Harry, his jet black hair disheveled as usual, clad in a white dress shirt, black dress robes, and curiously, a pair of grey sweatpants.

Ron raised an eyebrow. “Nice outfit choice, mate.”

Such a lovely moment on a special day 💕 romione wedding day by @my-patronus-is-a-champagne-glass


Never been privy to

Fic Title: Never been privy to

Author Name: reallybeth

Selected Trope: cockblocker Harry

Brief Summary: She’d been with Ron when it was just the two of them, of course, and she’d been around both Harry and Ron loads of times, but this would be different. Hermione was going to be able to see for herself how Ron was whenever it was just he and Harry, something she’d never been privy to before now.

Word Count: 3k

Rating: T

Any Trigger Warnings: None

Thanks to JonRiptide for the beta!


Hermione ran her hand through her— or more accurately— Harry’s hair for the umpteenth time, eyes briefly lifting from the book in her lap to scan the common room. Letting out a small sigh, she tried to appear nonchalant while internally cursing Harry for talking her into this foolish idea in the first place. His suspicion of Draco Malfoy and his going ons that year had been more than a little concerning. Her friend was adamant that Malfoy was hiding something, and something very important at that. Harry was in too deep, too invested in the idea that the blonde was a death eater to see sense. Even so, Hermione hadn’t expected him to take it this far, and furthermore, she never thought she’d willingly be a part of one of his wild schemes.

“All you have to do is sit in the common room,” Harry said, his eyes pleading with her. “Talk a little if anyone approaches you, but otherwise just stick to reading or something.”

“Polyjuice potion, Harry? I still don’t understand why you need me to do this,” Hermione argued, frowning at him, “I don’t see the point.” 

Harry sighed. “Malfoy disappears every night after dinner. I need to follow him to find out where he’s going. Later, if he suspects I was trailing him, I’ll have witnesses that can affirm I was hanging out in the common room. I’ll use the cloak, everything will be fine.” He shrugged as if this was all the explanation she needed.

“What about Ro-” Hermione stopped and swallowed before continuing. “What about Ron?” she asked, her voice low. “Why don’t you ask him to help you with this little plan of yours? I’m sure he’d be willing.”

“I would, but he’s always with Lavender,” Harry said. “Besides, he’s not the best at pretending….”

“That’s true,” she conceded, knowing full well Ron tended to express his emotions openly on his face and wouldn’t play the part of Harry very well. “Say I agreed to this?” she asked. “You know Ron and I aren’t currently on speaking terms. If he were to talk to me thinking I was you, he’d probably realize I wasn’t in a matter of seconds.” 

Harry shook his head in the negative. “He has big plans with Lavender tonight, apparently. Ron, uh….” Harry had the decency to look sympathetic towards her as he continued. “He told me not to wait up.”

“Merlin, mate, why are you so nosy today? You always stay out of things between me and Hermione. It’s like your number one self-care rule.” 🤣🤣🤣

He’s either staying way out of it or cockblocking, there’s no in between

Great fic from @reallybeth9


Do You Like Chocolate?

Fic Title: Do You Like Chocolate?

Author Name: Mertronus

Selected Trope: Muggle AU

Brief Summary: Ron’s senior year begins with an unexpected surprise

Word Count: 2,040 (Chapter 1 only)

Rating: T

Any Trigger Warnings: None

Chapter 1

Ron walked through the doors of Central High and took a deep breath. Senior year. This was it…his final year of high school. There was so much to be excited about this year. He was at the top of the totem pole, so to speak. An upperclassman. All of the other classes would look up to him—and not only because he was one of the tallest in the school.

He was also one of the starting wide receivers for the Central High School Chiefs football team—for the third year.

He had homecoming and prom to look forward to, as well as the senior trip.

But there was also so much he was dreading. Ron tried not to dwell on those things as he located his new locker near his homeroom. He sighed and swiveled the dial to enter his code—then tried again when his locker refused to open. On the fourth try, it finally unlocked. Typical.

Central High wasn’t rundown or anything…but it definitely wasn’t new. Everyone knew that the lockers rarely opened on the first try.

“Weasley,” came a voice from beside him.

“Potter.” Ron leaned against his now-closed locker and watched his best friend fiddle with his own, just three lockers away. “So, you can drive to my house, eat my mom’s breakfast, pick up my baby sister, and just ignore the fact that your best friend was sleeping right upstairs?”

Harry laughed as he shoved his gym bag into the locker. It had only taken Harry two attempts to open it, Ron noticed with annoyance.

“Your baby sister is a junior now and would put you in your place if she heard you call her that.”

“She could try,” Ron chuckled. “Now back to why you didn’t wake me up.”

Love a high school Muggle AU!

And because @mertronus is an angel she’s already finished and posted the rest of this 😍


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