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found a video of the worst torture/execution methods in history ! sooo happy to see many of my own fav torture methods on here. the rat bowl is my favourite :) but im very very fond of the honey&milk boat ride and the gibbet. video below the cut for anyone whos interested. the graphics r pretty intense tho w lots of gore


happy whumptober

I can't personally stomach the extreme ends of whump anymore, but I'm glad that they existed and continue to exist Examining why I became sad at certain fanfics helped me get around dissociating the second I tried to think of trauma thanks to all the fanfic writers out there


So what this paint company does is take iron pollution from abandoned mines that are polluting soils and rivers and makes iron based red pigment paints out of it.

Basically they realized hey no one's cleaning this shit up, it's polluting the streams, killing all the fish, making the water undrinkable and there's a huge market for it so why not make money by cleaning it the fuck up?

They remove this stuff by the industrial bucket load from the rivers. The idea is if it's in a painting, if it's in your home, it's not poisoning wildlife.

anyway its cool as shit, please support tf out of these people https://gamblinstore.com/reclaimed-earth-colors-set/


My hypothesis is that in like 10 years gen z is gonna have a big cult boom the way the boomers did in the 70s


It’s already happening on tik tok. There’s a fun new thing going round that’s citing common symptoms of depression and anxiety as signs you’re about to have your awakening and that you are actually an alien and the reason you don’t feel right is because you’re home sick for your own galaxy. So that’s fun.


agreed, and i don't mean this in a "haha gen z is so dumb they're gonna join a tiktok cult lmao" i mean that conditions are perfect for the formation of cults right now.

  • high unemployment and a lot of underpaying, pointless jobs = people are looking for things to do with their life, a purpose
  • skyrocketing cost of living = most young people will not be able to live on their own, meaning some will end up in a group living situation with people interested in recruiting them
  • it's a time of great cultural and political upheaval, nothing feels real, people are desperate for meaning and human connection. cults promise that
  • there is a new wave of acceptance and understanding for ways of life outside the norm, which is great! ...except for when cult leaders tell you abusive and controlling practices are just their culture, their religion, their lifestyle, their beliefs, their tradition, and if you disrespect it you are the problem
  • social media influencers have already shown us how easy it is to build a cult of personality and attract people from anywhere in the world who are interested in the exact brand you are selling
  • spirtuality is having a boom, as are things like astrology, crystals, tarot, meditation, energy... those things aren't bad on their own but they are often used as tools of cult spaces
  • wellness. i think a lot of people are already in wellness cults. you can make people do a lot of things in the name of "wellness" and a big factor of maintaining a cult is keeping members in a state of decreased cognition..... like say, with regular fasting
  • i think people are just unaware in general of how cults function, especially because the satanic panic was a big stupid false alarm that convinced the youths that dungeons and dragons or doom were gateways to cults, which are scary evil child murdering, satan-worshipping gangs. people don't know how to spot them in real life.

[ID:  Spongebob wrestling meme format. Buff Patrick labeled "predatory cult" flexes and growls in a wrestling ring at a stern, buff Spongebob labeled "my intelligence". In his corner Mr Crabs is labeled "my education". Final panel shows Patrick and whistling Spongebob walking out hand-in-hand, both labeled "rationalizing why this isn't really a cult" /ID]

(This is actually more relevant here than standalone.) 

Our popular media has tended to portray people in cults as ignorant or as losers when that’s really not how they work. Cults don’t want dead weight they have to support; they want talented, clever, energetic people they can exploit to siphon wealth and labor out of.

Some are religious, but some are political. You find yourself moving into a house full of Maoist revolutionaries because capitalism really is that awful and ecological collapse is imminent—but for some reason, the leader of the self-crit sessions is also the person everyone else in the house is in a polyamorous relationship with, and they can’t see anyone else outside of the house without her approval. Or you need a little extra money and you get told you’d be so good at selling Keto products. You’re a natural, and after you get through these first tough months, the leg under you will be developed enough you only have to work if you wanna hit bigger goals. Etc.

Loneliness, a lack of purpose, and desperation all make you susceptible to cults no matter how smart you are. In fact, your very clever brain is also extremely capable of redirecting your thoughts away from realizing you’re being exploited and abused because, after all, you’re not some idiot, are you? 

We’ve got a ton of very clever young people fully aware that they’re going to have to suffer through decisions of the selfish dead, and they’re going to crave salvation of all different kinds because the future is going to suck, and it won’t have been their fault, and they won’t be able to do anything to stop it. 


#coquette #waifspo #lizzy grant #nymphette #fairycore #soft #divine feminine #lana is god #female manipulator #femcel #high femme #lily rose depp #it girl #anya taylor joy #dollette


HOW TO WRITE 20 PAGES (from one girl w/mental illness 2 the rest of u, but please keep in mind all of this is just personal Stuff That Worked for me n u might be different):

  • first of all, and probably most importantly, make that paper about something you actually give a shit about. if you can write an essay on how long shakespeare’s dick is when you’re talking to your friends, that’s a good topic. don’t choose something u don’t care about, you will Want To Die
  • “okay but the only topics are ones i don’t care about” talk 2 ur teacher 99% of the time if you’re like “here’s a well-thought-out thesis can i talk about this instead” they’re like “sure lmao i just couldn’t think of other paper topics to suggest”
  • “they said no” cool find the one u hate the least and try to tie it into something u like. for example i really hated this stupid paper i had to write about a stupid book so i ended up writing about the food inside the book and whether or not it was a historically accurate depiction of food. turns out i fucking love talking about food. i also remade some of the old recipes and brought them in as part of the presentation of my project and people went fuckken nuts bc BREAD. basically i thought about “what motivates me? uh food” and followed that. it was a 45-page book about bread and i looked like a really good student when really i just love bread (somewhere, oprah smiles over me)
  • the 20-pagers are the ones you Actually Cannot Do the night before. i know we all got real fuckken cocky back in hs when we learned how to do 5 pages in one night w/out trying too hard but 1. as a teacher now i can tell u for sure that teachers do know you rushed it, we just Don’t Care bc We’re Not Paid Enough and 2. twenty pages is not the same thing. you need to actually take the time to do it. this is the actual version of “you’re not in hs anymore” DONT lie to yourself and think “it’s fine i’ll do it in one day” you will !! Regret it!!!! 
  • “raquel. raquel. listen to me. do you actually believe i’m capable of time management. raquel i have depression i barely manage to exist.” same. but the truth is that when i started like?? actually following the rules of timelines and taking my time etc it actually really helps mental illness. you don’t feel pressured all the time by a deadline, so your anxiety chills a little bit. small progress being acceptable means that on depression days, you don’t have to worry you’re fucking it all up. when it’s 15 minutes every day (even if it’s only 1 word a day) it feels a lot better.
  • ask the teacher what timeline they’d recommend. they actually Know.
  • always ask if it’s informal or formal (if you can use “I” statements or not). informal essays can rely on personal feelings and are so much easier and trust me if you find out on the day it’s due that you could have written 12 pages about your feelings instead of 12 pages of research, you will Be Very Upset
  • i lie to myself all the time and move the deadline up. i write it in my agenda as at least 2 days before it’s due. surprise!!! i tricked u, self!!! you can’t procrastinate!! 
  • agendas/planners need to be what actually works for you. i liked to prioritize w/colors + keep lists. i really love crossing things off lists. it’s like… a balm. for me, i usually say i have to finish the first 2 things, start the 3rd thing, and “touch” at least half the list. if i finish the whole list i get a prize. also i get to cross off everything which is so satisfying i’m sure it’s someone’s idea of a rush. there’s so many “how to” documents on these that i won’t get into it but frankly?? if you don’t write it down you will not remember it. “yes i will” no you won’t greg. just do it. write it down. write it where u can see it. not there, greg. greg, somewhere good. my friend is smart af and uses a post-it on her laptop. that doesn’t work for me bc i can just? use my hand to cover the anxiety? so choose somewhere good greg.
  • nervous system, skeleton, meat, skin. nervous system is the thesis. skeleton is quotes/data. meat is the analysis of that data. skin is the fancy transitions + beautification.  meat goes on both sides of bone, and skin goes all around. nervous system has to touch everything. do what your teachers have been begging u to do since 3rd grade and start w/an outline. do this while you read/research. i usually have a starter thesis like “lady macbeth is a feminist ICON” then take the quotes i think fit. but if while you’re reading u realize u wanna talk about the use of feminine language and how shakespeare parallels daintiness w/sharpness, u still have a bunch of quotes you can use or not use. this works also w/research papers. just pull what u think is something u wanna talk about. copy-paste it but leave a link to where u got it. then put a bullet point under that says roughly why u mention it
  • if you just write the outline like you’re keeping notes to yourself you’d be amazed how quickly you write the essay bc we get stuck in academic language but it’s easier to translate “this is why bees are the #bomb” into a paragraph. i mean you just rewrite your notes to yourself in academic speech. “The above passage illustrates the growing necessity of pollinators such as bees in an agricultural environment.”
  • keep track of your sources + label them. don’t just write “(SOURCE)” instead if you’re using multiple sources use the lazygirl way which is (SA1) or whatever shorthand u have for each source. then when you need to finish your sources you go to your little source document, find the one labelled SA1 and then “Find+replace” w/the actual source.
  • integrate quotes so it reads w/clarity which means don’t do this but if you’re running late on it and don’t have time to look up the quote u want to fit this situation, technically you can “use any” word you want (56). so yeah “there is” a moral question about it but you “can” make up quotes (79, 90). don’t “actually” do this unless you’re seriously in a crunch. which u shouldn’t be, bc u managed ur time, right?
  • running late part 2 (which again would never happen bc you followed my advice and made a little time table for yourself but anyway if it does somehow magically happen) i really recommend using school computers to do your work. ur surrounded by people who will hold u accountable + u will focus
  • running late pt3 on the day of it being due, around 5 PM, be honest w/yourself and see where you are. if you’re like “it needs 2 more hours” okay. but if you’re like “this is……… not started” email the teacher. they’ll be so much more receptive the earlier you do this in the process. it looks like “i’m genuinely struggling and i hope to finish this on time but i’m worried i won’t” instead of “i started this at 11:58PM and am asking for an extension”. please also just… be honest? 
  • “my teacher won’t accept late work!” they all say that, he probably will, particularly if you have a note from the school therapist being like “lmao she’s got so many mental illnesses idek how to help her”
  • “no he really doesn’t, he doesn’t care” you can file for disability if you have mental illness, and, in fact, you should if it’s something that often stops you from completing work on time. i didn’t bc i found that it just let me procrastinate for a longer time, but having that on file means you can go to the dean.
  • “no!!! raquel you’re not listening i have 2 pages and he doesn’t take late work!!!!!!!!!”  okay. yeah that’s bad. but nerves, skeleton, meat, skin. what is it that you’re struggling with? is it that your can’t find any quotes to back up your thesis? impossible, tbh, you need to be more willing to purposefully misuse quotes (don’t do that). but the better option is to just change the thesis. 
  • “i don’t even have that!!” did you. do the reading? if you even just watched the movie, you probably have an opinion on something even if it’s “this is bad.” you can use that. use why you didn’t like it to write a hate-fueled examination on how whiny the main character is and why u think the author is trying to point out how miserable cis white boys are to deal with. 
  • “i don’t have enough sources!!!” go to wikipedia’s page about it and look @ the sources. try to like actually read some if you have time but frankly in a hurry a student (me) might be compelled to just slap the source in there. 
  • “how the fuck do i analyze this”. u know how ppl agonize over why an actor breathed in a scene. melt into that kind of thinking. you can literally force the words to mean whatever you want. i’ve talked about word choice so specific that i based a 12-page essay on three separate uses of the words “my dear”. i talked about the possessive “my” and how it developed for like 5 of those pages. and always repeat the thesis like a million times. after every analysis you should talk about how it links to the thesis. that is like a free 3 sentences every paragraph.
  • “i did all that and it’s still 3 pages too short” quick ways to Beef Him Up: definitions are great in research papers + essays bc you can talk about either word choice or like the definition of every process used in getting the data. also make the conclusion hella informative (it should answer “what does this mean moving forwards” most of the time, tie it into modern life or into the past). thicken ur intro with “here’s a quote from this guy about it and what he personally felt about acid-base titrations”, use a paragraph to talk about the history of the data/book, use a paragraph to talk about the modern reception of the data/book. also look for where you can use two words instead of one even tho like grammatically don’t do that.
  • worst comes to worst, brevity is the soul of wit. most teachers prefer concise over rambling and all over the place. if you choose to scoot under the page limit, tho, your writing etc needs to be exceptionally clean. frankly i’ve only done this once and it was terrifying
  • make computer read it aloud 2 u before u submit. “raquel….. i can’t look at it anymore”. you’re not looking @ it, you’re discovering you wrote “breath” not “breathe” and u need to change it
  • tutoring centers exist, i worked in one, and this is how i know they actually Help and have Good Ideas
  • ask about extra credit and do it tbh
  • good luck…. breathe. and remember u are astronomically more important than a grade could ever be.

Absolutely beautiful advice, some of which I follow and some of which I need to. Thank you for all of this!


a few years ago, i made a flowchart for my partner in order to convince them to leave a pathfinder group that was actively making their life worse. today i revised my original chart to convince a friend to leave her d&d group that is actively making her life worse.

here is the chart. i promise its utility is not only with tabletop RPGs but it does have a high hit rate for those


I feel this has wider application


Girls pose by a jail that recalls the witch trials of 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts. Photo taken in 1945.

I recently learned that the water in Salem was contaminated with the fungus from which LSD is derived and a legitimate theory for the whole thing is that everyone in the town was tripping balls 


This might be the greatest thing ive ever seen on the internet

We did a whole massive thing on this in history. I believe the fungus in question is called Ergot and it’s terrifying. It makes your muscles spasm so when they had seizures that was the reason, not because they were possessed. One woman had to be strapped to her bed, she was seizing so bad. And, like ‘theybuildbuildings’ said, it had the same effects as LSD; as soon as you touch it, let alone consume it, it messes with your entire system. The worst thing is, you practically always had a bad trip. Many complained about bugs crawling under their skin or monsters emerging from the shadows to scratch and bite at them until they were screaming. It was a horrendous thing and the worst part is, Ergot is still around. It grows on crops and, if your wheat isn’t properly treated, it can be eaten and you’ll most likely experience the same as the women of Salem. 

god i love history

This is hella cool and almost correct… 

The effects on the people of Salem were probably from consuming bread with the fungus in it, not from contaminated water. And apparently rye is way more commonly affected than wheat. In fact, often the members of the clergy were able to afford nicer bread made from wheat and thus were not as commonly affected.

You don’t go on a spasm-y trip just by touching it. You have to consume it for weeks, which results in chronic poisoning. ( If you stop eating it early enough, you may recover. So when people suffering from these “demonic possessions” took refuge in churches and stopped eating low-grade rye bread they were sometimes miraculously healed. 

More interesting facts:

Ergot poisoning can result in convulsions & hallucinations, or it can cause gangrene, depending on which group of active alkaloids are present. (Horrifying, either way.) It killed a lot of people in Europe in the Middle Ages. 

In Europe, often there was a strong correlation between wet summers (which provide ideal conditions for ergot) and reports of witchcraft/ possession. And in Norway and Scotland, records of witch persecution are only found in areas where rye was grown and used to make bread.

And I just learned right now that one author dude translated the word “Beowulf” as “barley-wolf” which could indicate a connection to ergot. The LSD-like effects could be a valid explanation for stories of Old Norse warriors going into the a sort of trancelike battle rage.

(this is exactly the kind of stuff my herbology medicinal plants class is about, it’s so cool omfg. we had a lecture on ergot last week.)

Source: vintagegal

2023 Year of Whump

For everyone who can’t commit to or is intimidated by a daily writing/art challenge, I present a different take on the whump writing/art prompt challenge, reframed for those who create slowly, inconsistently, and on crip time.

In this yearlong writing/art prompt challenge, you choose monthly or weekly. You can go back and forth between monthly or weekly each month. If you choose monthly, you can pick prompts from any week during that month. You’ll end up with anywhere from 12-52 completed contributions at the end of it. The weeks begin on Sunday.

Tag contributions with “2023 Year of Whump” and then “2023 Year of Whump January” (or another month) for any prompt done during that month, so people can see all contributions.

For each week’s available prompts, there are physical/sensory, emotional/psychological, environmental/situation, comfort/caregiving, and dialogue prompts (in that order). You are welcome to mix and match, use only one or a combination of any or all, and to interpret each liberally. You can interpret them creatively, and there are probably infinite possible ways to do so for each prompt. I suggest (but can’t really require) tagging descriptively to help people find content they’re interested in and/or filter out content in their squicks or triggers.

Choose your own adventure

January 1: caged / deceived / unemployed / whispered reassurances / “Who would ever believe you?”

January 8: restrained with belt buckles / abandoned / icy tundra / holding hands / “Save your tears”

January 15: experimental injection / threatening loved ones / warehouse / warm bubble bath / “I promise this won’t hurt”

January 22: grabbed in the dark / public humiliation / hospital emergency department / soft weighted blanket / “You must have imagined that, dear”

January 29: chained to a table / betrayal / end of a relationship / handwritten notes of encouragement / “I’m begging you; I’ll do anything”

February 5: impaled / death wish / jungle / home cooked meal / “Don’t leave me”

February 12: involuntary implant / feeling like a burden / museum / cat cuddles / “I don’t know who I am anymore”

February 19: lightheaded and faint / appeasing out of desperation / abandoned lighthouse / gentle wound care / “I’m your only choice now”

February 26: gunshot wound / trembling with fear / library with soaring shelves / leaving the lights on / “You’re home now”

March 5: emergency surgery / denial / palatial mansion / getting a private bedroom / “Don’t you know; I’ll always know where you are”

March 12: amputation / mockery / apocalyptic nuclear wasteland / firefighter carry / “Just keep looking at me”

March 19: severe fever / rejection / cocktail party / swaddled in blankets / “Do you have any idea what I’ve done for you?”

March 26: starvation / losing the last bit of hope / maximum security prison / getting pain medication for the first time / “Missed me yet?”

April 2: infected wound / resignation / forced to watch / tight hugs / “I promise I’ll be good”

April 9: tied to a pole in the sun / weakening resolve / bustling city square / standing up to threats and mockery / “There’s nothing to apologize for”

April 16: poisoned meals / death of loved one / cursed mountain / hot bowl of soup / “You’ll never get out alive”

April 23: branded / constant insults / forced labor camp / forced to participate / taking bullets in their place / “I’m doing this because I love you. One day you’ll understand.”

April 30: painful wound care / sarcastic defiance / psychiatric hospital / walking them home / “I don’t need help; I’m fine”

May 7: whipping / trying to hold back tears / airplane / offering a kind smile / “I wish it had been me instead”

May 14: tracking chip / hypervigilance / county jail / warm bread / “You don’t know who I really am”

May 21: drained of blood / violated / ancient ruins / soft slippers / “Not my face, please; I’m begging you”

May 28: shackled to a radiator / heartbroken / deconsecrated temple / back rub / “Be careful what you ask for”

June 4: gagged / ineffectual rage / soaring skyscraper in a glittering city / new, clean clothes / “I didn’t mean it; I’m sorry”

June 11: broken jaw / quiet despair / yawning canyon / going to appointments with them / “Oh you WILL be sorry now”

June 18: burned / rules with moving goalposts / arid steppes / whispered reassurance in public / “I don’t remember where that one came from”

June 25: drowning / losing grounding in reality / trash pit / offering a hand / “You’re hurting me; please”

July 2: kidnapped / ostracized / civil war / safe house / “I would say I’m sorry but then I’d be lying”

July 9: defenestration / stalking / shantytown / paying the ransom / “Don’t fool yourself; you LET this happen to you”

July 16: crushed hand / online harassment / courthouse building / cuddling / “You wanted this, didn’t you”

July 23: detonating bomb / existential dread / lakeside villa / getting a ride / “I know exactly what you need”

July 30: earthquake / homesick / horse barn / compliments / “Get up and walk.”

August 6: nausea / panic / dusty attic / human shield / “I don’t think I can stand up anymore”

August 13: collapsing building / exhaustion / mountain village / helping with food / “RUN.”

August 20: tied to another captive / desperation / public housing projects / new shoes / “You don’t have to pretend anymore”

August 27: strangled / overwhelmed and frozen in place / secret lab in basement / respecting boundaries / “You didn’t have to do this”

September 3: poison gas / screaming uncontrollably / left for dead / combing hair / “Everything I’ve done, I did it for you”

September 10: thrown against wall / painful involuntary spasms / mom’s house / rubbing shoulder / “Your life means nothing”

September 17: smashed kneecaps / dividing loyalties / seat of government / vigilante revenge / “I haven’t taken everything from you. Not yet.”

September 24: stomped on / lies / failed escape / watching TV together / “I promise I’m telling the truth; you have the wrong person!”

October 1: heavy shackles / separated from child / rapid-flowing river / getting a guard dog / “No matter what, you’ll always have me”

October 8: suspended by wrists / exiled / fortress / helping make good an escape / “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to hurt you”

October 15: coughing up blood / detested by peers / train tracks / holding them up to walk / “Looks like you forgot something”

October 22: forced drugging / gaslit into doubting reality / university / financial support / “Sorry, I can’t hear you over the screaming”

October 29: collapsing to the floor / waking up from nightmares / big box retail store / baking cupcakes / “You’ll stop crying if you know what’s good for you”

November 5: handcuffs so tight they’re bleeding / discrimination / small town diner / proper medical care / “No one should have to go through this alone”

November 12: brutal beatdown / helpless / history repeating itself / having choices / “You look so pretty like that”

November 19: suffocation / bystanders refusing to help / schoolhouse / protection in public / “Just one more time, I promise”

November 26: stabbed / flashbacks / castle / reminders of home / “I can’t remember the last time I did this”

December 3: tooth knocked out / panic attack / boat / photographs from before / “Stay still, or it’s going to hurt”

December 10: forced to eat something vile / forgotten by loved ones / homeless shelter / help with paperwork / “Do it if you know what’s good for you”

December 17: electric shock / shivering / boot camp / verbal reassurance / “It’s for your own good”

December 24: stress position / filth / recording studio / wiping away tears / “It’s not as bad as it looks”

December 31: left out in the cold / disgrace / conference / foot washing / “I didn’t mean it; you have to believe me”

Hmm... I should practice writing to improve it...

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