
i'm not sure what goes here

@orangedodge / orangedodge.tumblr.com


Repeating myself but "no one can save Westeros because the system bad" being such a popular buzzword/enlightened political take makes me insane to this day because it is literally so fucking dumb. It dismisses every single choice our main characters ever made, rebranding them as pointless, futile, naïve or self-interested when asoiaf's main theme is precisely the gravity, impact and responsibility of individual choice. Yes there is a system and yes characters are often crushed in it but their individual choices are always at the very center of the narrative. You are talking about a book series that became famous for its POV structure, for the love of god. "The only thing worth writing about is the human heart in conflict with itself" like here is not the place for pseudo-marxist think pieces. I do understand that your investment in asoiaf starts and ends in a pretty princess getting her happy ending (preferably with a pretty prince) in her pretty castle but it would be more authentic to just say so instead of trying to discredit characters that both can and are actively trying to save Westeros at a great personal cost.

Also, GRRM has explicitly said that his main interests are not political systems or historical processes, but in individual choices, that he believes in the "heroic school" that says history is shaped by individuals and their choices:

NG: A Song of Ice and Fire has much of the complex texture of authentic history, both generally and in its specific echoes of actual historical episodes. What laws and principles (if any) in your view govern human history, and how has your understanding of historical processes shaped the series? GRRMHistorical processes have never much interested me, but history is full of stories, full of triumph and tragedy and battles won and lost. It is the people who speak to me, the men and women who once lived and loved and dreamed and grieved, just as we do. Though some may have had crowns on their heads or blood on their hands, in the end they were not so different from you and me, and therein lies their fascination. I suppose I am still a believer in the now unfashionable "heroic" school, which says that history is shaped by individual men and women and the choices that they make, by deeds glorious and terrible. That is certainly the approach I have taken in A Song of Ice and Fire. (source)

This isn't to say that GRRM doesn't care about political systems at all or that we shouldn't discuss them, but his focus is clearly on the individual character choices, and he does believe their choices matter and can make real changes.


Bigots in leftist communities are usually not infiltrators or invaders purposefully trying to undermine your movement; they're usually just leftists with bigoted ideals from living in a bigoted society.

Framing all instances of bigotry in your community as coming from "somewhere else", from fakers or far-right agents or whatever, just lets you ignore your own bigoted ideals, the bigoted behavior of your friends and the people you like and trust, and your own complicity in it all.

"Don't let [insert bigots] piggyback off our movement!!" They aren't piggybacking, they're your friends, they're your allies, they're your community leaders, and they're you.


can 2024 please be the year where we stop acting like Jadzia's bisexuality was subtextual and that her queerness should be treated with the same validity as other common headcanons. i love queer headcanons! i love thinking about gay subtext (intentional or unintentional)! but i cannot possibly understand how kissing a woman, professing your love to her, and risking your future to spend your lives together is somehow subtext. (well i can understand because 1) fandom doesn't like to focus on queer women nearly as much as queer men and 2) seeing queer women who later marry men as somehow not "actually queer" is just. classic biphobia.)


Thank God for Chris Claremont, bringing all of that back down to Earth

I can completely accept that Kurt would feel some obligation to hear out Irene and Raven. The revelation that Irene is his birth mother and that he's not related to Azazel after all should be hugely significant to him. The discovery of Irene's memories, and Raven's memories, being tampered with should give him pause. And most importantly, the fact that it clearly matters to Rogue is something that really should go a long way towards Kurt giving this a chance.

But no, he should not trust either of them. That previous issues tried to portray Kurt as excited to have a happy family in Irene and Raven, after everything they've done (to him, to his friends) was just patent lunacy from the authors.

He does not like them, but he is willing to give them a fair chance to slowly begin to earn his trust. That is a far more reasonable, emotionally honest, take on where recent events have left Kurt with regards to his evil mothers


Sometimes the fact that GRRM has, amid all his efforts to have nuance and a wide spectrum in his female characters and to deconstruct certain tropes, played the daddy's girl tomboy in contrast to the hostility or complete elimination of the female figures in her life trope completely straight over and over again, with basically every female warrior he wrote, from his female lead to two whole secondary POVs to one note extras (with the exception of the Mormont ladies yeah at least, maybe when we get more Alysane content I will be less grumpy about this), leaves me kind of bitterly shocked tbh


people who are afraid of snakes are fuckin’ WILD, like dude, just carefully step over these fat babies’ sausage bodies and gently move the burmese python chillin’ against the door, then you become unfathomably rich. i would do this for $10. i would do this for FREE. 

I would pay $10 to do this


Can the snakes be part of the prize package? Because look at them! ❤️


Asking because I don’t know how to tag properly/don’t have enough tlt brainrot followers on my own blog: I had this revelation that New Rho Could be short for “New Rhodesia” which would say a LOT about the original colonists of the planet (the trillionaires(?))


ooh this is juicy! For context: "Rhodesia" was the name given to Zimbabwe and Zambia by the British, after Cecil Rhodes (you may know him from the Rhodes scholarship. also the imperialism)

I started replying to this and it went horribly long so I'm gonna put it under a cut. My tldr is that I don't think it's a direct reference, both because of naming patterns in TLT and because I don't think the trillionaires who escaped earth would be referencing Cecil Rhodes on purpose, but I also don't think it's a wild leap to make.

I'm throwing this in the tags and I'm 👀 to know what people think.


raise a glass to the posts you love that end up deleted. to the fanart and fanfics you lose track of and can't locate. to the blogs you used to look through that ended up unexpectedly disappearing. to the things you didn't archive because you always assumed they'd be there.


The early solicitations only said that Kitty was going to be working as a barista in Exceptional X-Men, and it's since been corrected to announce she's working as a bartender again.

One of the other details that's come out (I think from one of Tom Brevoort's postings) was that she was also going to be living with a former classmate from Stevie Hunter's dance studio. This would technically include any of the New Mutants. 👀

Even knowing I'm just clowning myself, part of me is really excited to start clowning myself over this Mekanix 2.0 looking book

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