
| Look at that devil lookin’ ass smirk on his face!!  You know they're never up to any good when they have this damn smile on.LOL 

Envy: “I started a war” Envy: :)  |


// I’m not sure if I have enough followers for this, but like for a starter call!


Envy from Full Metal Alchemist!  If you’re interested in roleplaying with a brand spanking new Envy, I would more than appreciate a nice little reblog to help water my crops! I’m looking forward to roleplaying with all of you… That is if the community will have me~!

Anonymous asked:

What's your opinion on roleplaying with those in different fandoms? 👀


// I love it! It helps with muse development and creativity in general! So bring them to me, so I can make some cool AU!


Chopper ran up to the homunculus and gave him a big hug, squealing in delight at the sight of him. "I love you, Envy!"


What was this thing that latched itself onto his skirt? Proclaiming love for the sin when he would swear up and down he’d never seen this thing a day in his life.  It left  Envy sour, casting a death glair downward with nose crinkling in disgust. What a bold move, he thought, touching him so freely despite claiming to know him so well. Maybe he was something that ran into him before....some chimeras actually get to keep their memories before forcefully being fused with other creatures, assuming that is what he was.

“What kind of little chimera are you?” Words spat out before abruptly wedging an arm between the two of them. 


Would Father care if he went and had a little fun on his own? Perhaps, but it wasn’t something that weighed too heavily on thoughts, with ideas of malice and mystery on the brain. Envy leaned against rusted piped outside of some bar that he couldn’t tell you the name of, within the streets of Central, where a gentle breeze brushed the monster’s green locks of hair. It was nice. Helped cleared his head, but didn’t take away from the tingling excitement that ran through him. 

“I don’t know what needs to happen,      but it needs to be soon..Eyes shifted from side to side every now and again.  What did he want to do? Nothing was too far-fetched; like shapeshifting into someone and robbing a store, but that was child’s play...this excitement called for something more... Something far more, but what? 

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