

@northeasternwind / northeasternwind.tumblr.com

21+, cannot be relied upon to tag but i try

What if a villainess fell in love with a girl who was also sort of her, and who she also sort of was as well? What if they never had a conversation, but everything they did was for each other? What if her name also meant "the world" and when the villainess says she's saving the world she ALWAYS means the girl? What if the girl's name became holy, and "Because it's what she would have wanted" became a litany, a prayer never spoken but engraved into every act of kindness? What if the villainess killed one god and then another and it didn't matter because none of them were her god?

Fellas, is it gay to manipulate things so that a man will fall in love with you because you think your god, your world, could find happiness with him once she takes back control of your body? Is it gay to see HER in every moment of romance he thinks is budding between you?

Anyway, everyone should go check out "The One Within the Villainess" everything it does is insane and I'm losing my mind.


the issue with writing for yourself is that you will get sucked into rereading your own fic over and over and pretend it’s “editing,” but really you’re just reading because it’s exactly what you want to read. because you wrote it. for you.


The midjourney stuff just reminds of when we were trying to find a new platform to host the ao3 donation form, and companies kept trying to tell me about all their "ai" features that would track donor engagement, and figure out the optimal pattern to email individual donors asking for follow up donations, and all the ways they suggest we manipulate people into staying on our websites. It was a great way to filter out who either wasn't listening to us when we described our ethics and donor base, or just didn't believe us.

Now granted ao3 is a unique case based on a) the amount of page views we get in any given time period and b) the fact that most donors absolutely do Not want to be identified as such anywhere, (the default "list of recent donors" module got nuked Immediately) but it surprised me some that the concept of "donors who value their privacy and would be furious at even the whiff of AI" is unique. Some of us really are just existing in different worlds.

The last part was kind of insane, honestly. When we started changing platforms for the donor database, I kept telling them that yes I was aware we already had an account for the volunteer database, and no that could not be connected to the donor database. And they said yes fine sure and then connected them anyway. And I called them back and said, excuse me, I'm confused, I can see both databases. And they said, well, yeah, but it's only you, someone has to be able to see both databases to give other users access. The other users can't see both. And I said, no, we have been asking for a completely separate database. I should not be able to see both. And they said, you are one organization, one organization can't have two databases. And I said, last year someone used our volunteer email list to commit approximately one thousand felonies. Please feel free to imagine how much worse it could have been had they had a way to use volunteers' email addresses to get their legal names. We do not want this to be something anyone can do no matter how much we trust them. Let me describe those felonies to you in more detail. And they emailed me two hours later and said, you can have two separate databases.


This post feels like watching an iceberg go by in clear water. The amount of stuff going on beneath the surface of AO3 just astonishes.


(ID in alt)


Submitter comment: I'd like to submit this '[s]tudy of defensive behavior of a venomous snake as a new approach to understand snakebite' not for it's topic (worth studying!) but for it's insane methodology, which... well, I'll just let the researcher speak for himself:

[Q: Why did you decide to do this experiment?

A: Snake behavior has been generally neglected as a field of research, especially in Brazil. And most studies don’t examine what factors make them want to bite. If you study malaria, you can research the parasite that causes the disease—but if you don’t study the mosquito that carries it, you will never solve the problem. Up until now, the popular wisdom was that the jararaca would only attack if you touched it or stepped on it. But that was not what we found.

Q: Why did you need to be the victim?

A: The best way to do this research is to put snakes and a human together. In this case, the human was me. We put the snakes inside a ring on the floor of our lab until they got used to it, then I stepped in wearing special protective boots. I stepped close to the snake and also lightly on top of it. I didn’t put my whole weight on my foot, so I did not hurt the snakes. I tested 116 animals and stepped 30 times on every animal, totaling 40,480 steps.]


Now that Eurovision is over, I want you all, especially the Americans, to take a good hard look at how the voting results turned out when people boycotted the event.

In the UK, the viewing figures were down about 2 million people compared to last year. Up to 2 million people made the conscious decision to not watch and not vote because of Israel's inclusion.

The final results of the public vote, Israel came in first place in the UK and got 12 points. Because the only people watching and voting were people who backed Israel or at least didn’t care one way or another.

This doesn't matter. It's a music contest. The boycott was still the right thing to do because it is just a show at the end of the day, and the viewing figures have more impact than the results.

But it is also a good object lesson to show you what happens if you boycott a vote over something that does matter. Choosing not to vote in, let's say, a presidential election will have similar results.


Three of our bird pen doors have carabeners attached.

The first, a purple one, keeps the interior barn pen door from being unlocked by Wendy, who figured out she can pull the "fuck me, locked myself in again" string and let everyone out into the barn.

The second, a blue one, keeps the exterior barn door closed because I put a different release latch on it so I could let them out into the flight pen without having to go outside which resulted in Wendy learning she could let herself out in the morning. Now it mostly holds the door shut because the door board has warped slightly.

And then there's this one.

This is the Carabener of Shame.

This one goes on the pen 1 door, because it's a terrible latch

Don't buy this latch for your peafowl pens. If you wiggle the door enough (like the wind can do on a windy day), it unlatches. It doesn't necessarily open, per se, but it doesn't stay turned right and can pop out of place. Not ideal.

So for peace of mind, I added the red carabener to the latch.

Wind can't open that!!


Literally every time I open this door, I put the carabener on my belt loop so I can have both hands free to open the coop doors inside and check on birds and close the middle door etc.

And then I forget it's attached to my pants, and I leave without applying it. When I get in, Sark tells me I'm wearing the carabener of shame, and I must then walk all the way back out to put it back on.


if you tag me in a chain post and i don’t do it it’s not because i hate you it’s because i am very lazy. i love you thank you for tagging me.


I fuckin love waffles.

Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive thesis about breakfast foods. Also, I'm not referring to plain waffles, but rather to a wide range of waffle phenotypes with different combinations of fixin's. I don't think waffles are the only thing one should eat. I don't think all waffles are perfect. I don't think all waffles are identical. I don't love waffles to the exclusion of all other foods. I don't think waffles have a history that is wholly untouched by some form of bigotry. I'm not trying to say that waffles are the only acceptable food to consume. I'm not casting aspersions about people who don't eat waffles. I don't mean to say that waffles are the most important issue of our time. I'm not aware of any particular form of waffle-elitism, but if there is such a thing, I'm not endorsing it. I'm also not endorsing any problematic trends relating to waffles. I'm not trying to denigrate people who either dislike and/or simply cannot afford waffles. I'm not referring to any specific waffle you may have seen or heard about recently.


OP hates scrambled eggs.


Part 7, the final comic in my SIGN OF THE FOUR chapter. (Part one), (part two), (part three), (part four), (part five), (part six).

The context for this conversation is: Holmes has had no work from Scotland Yard due to rumors about his and Watson's relationship. He responded to this with excessive cocaine use and then working himself unhealthy on the one case that came along; Mary Morstan's. Meanwhile, Watson befriended Mary, who is also gay, and realized that a lavender marriage with her could make him and Holmes safe, as well as granting her more freedom. Watson has not yet told Holmes of his decision.

canon scene under the cut, which is achingly poignant in its own right:

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