


“He wasn’t sure how he would feel about seeing the slaver, even if Watto had nothing to do with bringing any harm to Shmi. Watto had treated him better than most in Mos Espa treated their slaves, and hadn’t beaten him too often, but still, it hung in Anakin’s thoughts that Watto had not let Shmi go with him when Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had bought out his slave debt. Anakin understood that he was probably just deflecting some of his own guilt about leaving his mother with Watto, who was a businessman, after all.” AOTC Novelization

It’s easy to blame TLJ, since it was terrible, but I do want to stake a claim to “TFA threw the OT trio under the bus and positioned OT heroes as failures in need of redemption”. I think that element was always poison and without a thorough explanation/justification as the core of the trilogy, excitement would always wear off and disappointment would always creep in.


I am very firm believer that TFA is what ruined everything. TLJ did what it could with a bunch of terrible cards, because JJ Abrams is fundamentally bad at telling stories, obsessed with secrets, and doesn’t understand things like satisfaction and pay off. 

I’d dispute that only because 1) I hate TLJ with every fiber of my being and 2) I don’t think it was written with any reference to TFA except scraps of an outline (which is why Finn gets to be lectured on the evils of the First Order; the script was written without knowing that he shook off brainwashing within the first ten minutes of TFA to become a hero; they only knew that he’d be a stormtrooper).

JJ is fundamentally bad at telling stories and is obsessed with secrets, though. And I think anyone who thinks that he had a plan that was derailed or that he tried to pick up again in IX is lying to themselves – I say with honest empathy because I’ve been there, but no. He assumed someone else would pick up the fragments he outlined and do something cool with them, but had no plan of his own. The problem is that no one else has a good plan either.

I also don’t think it’s totally impossible to write a story where the OT heroes are thorough failures that is unsatisfying to the audience -- but it’s HARD. SO HARD. And it also has to be the main thrust of the story instead of sideline that just implies that no victory will ever stick and everyone fails in the end because hope is a lie.


It’s easy to blame TLJ, since it was terrible, but I do want to stake a claim to “TFA threw the OT trio under the bus and positioned OT heroes as failures in need of redemption”. I think that element was always poison and without a thorough explanation/justification as the core of the trilogy, excitement would always wear off and disappointment would always creep in.


I am very firm believer that TFA is what ruined everything. TLJ did what it could with a bunch of terrible cards, because JJ Abrams is fundamentally bad at telling stories, obsessed with secrets, and doesn’t understand things like satisfaction and pay off. 

I’d dispute that only because 1) I hate TLJ with every fiber of my being and 2) I don’t think it was written with any reference to TFA except scraps of an outline (which is why Finn gets to be lectured on the evils of the First Order; the script was written without knowing that he shook off brainwashing within the first ten minutes of TFA to become a hero; they only knew that he’d be a stormtrooper).

JJ is fundamentally bad at telling stories and is obsessed with secrets, though. And I think anyone who thinks that he had a plan that was derailed or that he tried to pick up again in IX is lying to themselves -- I say with honest empathy because I’ve been there, but no. He assumed someone else would pick up the fragments he outlined and do something cool with them, but had no plan of his own. The problem is that no one else has a good plan either.


no offense but how the hell did disney get away with making a multi billion dollar star wars blockbuster film trilogy and not plan out any of the story beats or plot points in advance I didn’t even write essays for school without at least???? knowing where I was going with what I was writing ??? The idiocy,???? The. The incompetence???? sickening

They made 3 products they knew would sell. If they added anything to the plot/continuity, it was by pure mistake


Yo how come when the Senate refused to take action when the Trade Federation was blockading Naboo it’s okay for Padme immediately loses faith in the government but when Anakin has very little faith in most politicians based on personal experiences with slavery his ideas are dangerous and wrong

Furthermore how come Padme loses faith in the government then continues to work in said government she has no faith in for another thirteen years instead of letting her experiences with injustice on Tatooine and violence and intolerance on Naboo act as formative experiences that shape her into a different kind of leader, and then use her place of privilege to make the kind of change Anakin is powerless to


Someday I’m absolutely going to lose my shit on one of the normies saying that Vader destroyed Alderaan/loved the Death Star.


The only two things you can do right now are 1. Get organized for mass movement and 2. Never, in any exchange, give a single inch to the lies of warmongers. No, they didn’t have to do a strike, no they don’t have to invade, no there doesn’t have to be a war. Don’t concede, or hedge, or equivocate this position. Just one staunch ‘no’. 

I do think it’s important to remember that there are no auteurs in corporate settings and the blame is probably largely at the feet at some corporate bozos whose names we’ll never know. Lucas interviews make me think that this would’ve been a likely outcome no matter whose name was slapped on at the end.

That’s probably true! I think there are lot of factors at work. Why was TLJ written before TFA was released, without knowledge of its content? Why didn’t Disney signed JJ to three -- obviously it has been done before, but was that a result of JJ not wanting to be locked down for 10 years, Disney’s production schedule requiring a faster schedule than one director couldn’t respond to, or JJ just asking for too much money (in Disney’s eyes), so they thought they could have a new “auteur” for each one until that blew up in their faces and they had to backpedal?

But, fundamentally, I also think the pitch was bad. I read the spoilers about Luke being missing and hated them instantly, before TFA came out. Was the pitch from JJ or was it workshopped by Disney? No idea, but I can’t JUST blame production or corporate bozos when I think there was almost no way to make the story itself work. The impulses behind REQUIRING the nostalgic inclusion of the original cast and behind making them failures who have no impact on the current story are almost impossible to reconcile. I think the audience would have confronted that in the third chapter no matter who wrote it because of all the stories JJ, Disney, and whoever else could have chosen to tell, they chose to tell one that ultimately wouldn’t make fans happy.


It’s easy to blame TLJ, since it was terrible, but I do want to stake a claim to “TFA threw the OT trio under the bus and positioned OT heroes as failures in need of redemption”. I think that element was always poison and without a thorough explanation/justification as the core of the trilogy, excitement would always wear off and disappointment would always creep in.


People will honestly ask “Does that poor person deserve food?” but never ask “Does that CEO deserve ten cars, three houses, and two yachts?”

And before you respond with “the poor person is buying that food with someone else’s money”, the CEO bought those luxuries with money earned from other people’s hard work.


I do want to make it clear that I’m 110% sure that TROS is more enjoyable and watchable than TLJ, if only because the cast is very charismatic and JJ knows how to utilize that as a director. Plot, theme, and literally everything else... probably as bad as the reviews I’m seeing. Charisma and likability if you don’t think past the closing credits (AKA, exactly what TFA was like), almost certainly there.

I’m now going to spend the rest of the day obsessing over how I think you can make a sequel to TLJ because I honestly love nothing more than trying to write bad ideas.


I can’t believe there’s a new Star Wars movie coming out on Friday, but I CAN believe that Disney’s media machine is already blaming fans for the fact that it’s a pile of shit.


every western movie ever made: The wild west is dying. theres no more room left for cowboys anymore…

me everytime: :(

every samurai movie ever made (both edo and bakamatsu periods): The bushido code is dying. there no more room left for samurai anymore…

me everytime: :(

A lot of westerns are remakes of samurai movies

those samurai movies were very often heavily inspired by 50′s and 40′s westerns


Cowboys and samurai are brothers separated by time and space.

Best duo.

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