
Random Thoughts And Stuff


Twitter: @LtlAbs, DNI: MAGAs, TERFs, Sylkis, Biphobes, Antisemites. This is a queer friendly, intersectional feminist, kink friendly, left leaning blog, also an anti-Loki series, anti-Sylvie, anti-Sylki one. Deal with it.

I will not play nice

I don't care who you are or how long we've known each other or what else we have in common. If I see any antisemitism on your post, I'm blocking.

Lumping all Israelis together as "genocidal" and blaming them for the actions of their government? Blocked.

Holding all Jews responsible for the actions of Israel's government? Blocked.

Repeating the antisemitic "From the River to the Sea" chant? Blocked.

Repeating any sort of antisemitic conspiracy theory? Blocked.

Using slurs such as "Zio"? Blocked.

My blog is full of reblogged posts explaining why it's bad to hold all Israelis and Jews accountable for Bibi's government, why certain phrases, words, and actions are antisemitic, and other little tidbits so I won't go into it again.

Zero tolerance. I will not put up with it.

And yes I have anon messages turned off. Sending anon threats and harassment is cowardice, and I don't suffer cowards. If you're going to say shit to me, you're damn well going to do it under your Tumblr username so I know who to block and so others will know you for who you really are.

I am way past done.

Anonymous asked:


"as a self hating race traitor Jew" off to a great start

"Israel is a colony" Colony of WHAT?

"The Zionist Jew is responsible for all antisemitism" Great, victim blaming.

"It's Israel's fault that people think all Jews are white" Implying that Israeli Jews are all white

"Israelis killed Yiddish" First of all, Yiddish is alive and well and second it's dying because of the Holocaust not because of Hebrew.

I'm going to say this is Holocaust inversion even if OP doesn't make the comparision just becuase I hate them and it's close enough. They did the whole "zionists sided with the nazis" when it was a desparate big to escape Germany and not the fucking molotov-ribbertrop pact.

Did they censor 'Return' like it's a slur?!

OK wise guy where did the Israelites return to after they left Egypt if Israel has nothing to do with being Jewish?

The end with them blending the Shema with the yiddish curse where they promise to kill the state of Israel and spit on it's grave is the cherry on top.

Then the obligatory "I care about palestineans" then why did you NEVER once mention Palestine in your antisemitic screed?

Which zionism do you mean all 15 of them?

They can't spell "white supremacist" LMAO

May your name be blotted out and your deed forgotten, traitor.

We will outlive you


The blocklist in the notes and OP showing their ass

Do these Pick Mes seriously think the antisemites on the left or in Hamas will spare them once they stop being useful?

I'm not even Zionist and I'm offended. Way to throw your own people under the bus.


The "Happy Dhimmi myth" (i.e. the myth that Jews were "treated so well" as Dhimmi, or third-class citizens, in the Muslim world) is a LIE that needs to be dismantled.

It is perpetuated by RACIST and ORIENTIALIST white idiots who believe in the Noble Savage myth, i.e. they literally believe that Muslims are too "simpleminded" to treat anyone poorly.

Case in point, all the RACIST Leftists who claimed that Hamas couldn't have printed out color maps of the Israeli kibbutzim where they RAPED, TORTURED, AND MURDERED JEWS, because these Leftists literally believed (get this!) that the Palestinian people are too "primitive" to own color printers!!

It boggles the mind that Leftists can be that bigoted against the Palestinians, but here we are.

It's time to dismantle this Orientalist "Happy Dhimmi" lie once and for all.

Jews in Muslim countries were subjected to the Jizya, a literal TAX FOR BEING JEWISH. If Jews couldn't afford to pay the Jizya, Muslims often used this as an excuse to MURDER JEWS IN POGROMS.

Jews were held in financial bondage in Muslim countries for CENTURIES. And yet Leftists are so bigoted that they can't acknowledge this.

Time to learn Jewish history! Because Jew-hate makes you stupid, kids! And it also makes you a fucking racist!


i just saw a gifset of that scene in the loki series where he does a bunch of random theatrical moves in the hopes that it will activate the time-slipping and all i could think about was 'yes this is definitely the most powerful sorcerer in asgard, the guy who studied his craft for over a millennium' and i just sighed. goodbye loki who was a multi-faceted, fully realised character. hello comic relief loki who does bizarre dance moves in front of another person fully believing that it will activate random mystical powers.


So Israel stole land…

Well, I have some good news for you.

We will gladly give the land back! No, seriously.

But only after YOU -- the world -- return your land to the native people you stole it from.

When the Australians give the island back to the Aborigines.

And the New Zealanders give their island back to the Maori.

When the Americans and the Canadians and the Spanish give the whole continent back to the Natives.

Alaska to the Eskimos and Inuit.

Hawaii to Hawaiians.

When China frees Tibet.

When South Africa returns to the original Africans.

When Egypt returns the Sinai to the Bedouin and Pakistan will revert back to India again.

When the Swedes and Norwegians give the land to the Sami.

When the English frees Ireland and Scotland.

When France returns to the Gauls.

And Iraq is returned to the Babylonians.

And Persia is Sumer again.

Then and only then will we gladly give our land back.

But not to the pretend watermelon people 🍉 --- but to those who were there before us.

To the Canaanites, the Amorites, the Moabites, the Girgashites, the Hittites, the Midianites and the Levites.



They no longer exist.

So we will stay here.

But YOU can happily go back to where ever YOU came from.

And if you don't like it, well… Keep your mouth shut.

- The Jewish people who returned to their land after thousands of years.

Chag Sameach and Am Israel Chai!

HT @BearShai for putting this together.

Anonymous asked:

always throwing the "million jews who were violently ethnically cleansed from arab countries only a couple decades ago" argument but funny how you never mention it was because of israeli colonialism. guess what that would never have happenend if israelis didnt decide to start an apartheid racist fascist state

u can’t make this shit up y’all. apparently collective punishment is fine as long as it’s jews!


honestly though shit like this really exposes how empty a lot of y’all’s activism is. y’all have been insisting since october that israel shouldn’t have retaliated, that killing tens of thousands of palestinians as revenge for october 7th was immoral because it was collective punishment against a civilian population for the actions of hamas — which is correct! collective punishment is wrong!

and yet when y’all are confronted with ONE MILLION JEWS being ethnically cleansed from around the arab world because of the establishment of a state they didn’t live in — and a lot did not have any interest in living because they were happy in their three thousand year old communities — suddenly it’s fine to massacre and ethnically cleanse, again, ONE MILLION PEOPLE. WHO THEN HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO FLEE TO THE STATE THAT THESE COUNTRIES SUPPOSEDLY OPPOSED.



because also it’s not like these countries just decided on a whim one day that actually their jewish populations, who they had lived in peace and harmony with and never, ever, ever, ever oppressed or persecuted, should probably skedaddle!! that’ll teach israel a lesson! each of these countries had histories of antisemitism, some more than others. when you look at the swana countries who have no jews (or single or double digit number of jews) left, you will see a history of jewish persecution being swept under the rug.

y’all love to tokenize brown jews but god fucking forbid you acknowledge the single most traumatic series of events in their recent histories.

i’m not shutting the fuck up about this!!!!!!!!!! you CANNOT claim to be fighting for justice and real change if you refuse to acknowledge reality. you cannot make real change until you acknowledge why things got this bad. if those million jews hadn’t been cleansed from their home countries and fled to israel, i don’t think israeli politics would be as extremist as they are today.

because you understand, right, the fact that palestinians’ collective trauma and oppression pushes them towards extremism. i have been hearing people say “october 7th was an act of resistance, when a people are oppressed for this long of course they’ll lash out!” from y’all for MONTHS so clearly you understand that trauma and persecution makes people desperate. it’s human nature. we don’t want to die! we don’t want to be persecuted! you will never ever see me saying october 7th was “resistance”, but i absolutely do understand why so many palestinian civilians in both palestine and israel are resorting to increasingly desperate measures to try to gain their freedom, and that this often pushes people into extremism.

so put yourself in the shoes of the jews who have just been violently ethnically cleansed from arab countries. your parents and grandparents had talked about the unequal treatment they’d faced, some had even been through pogroms, but generally jewish life in these countries had been fairly comfortable. as you hear the news coming out of europe in the 30’s, and restrictions from colonial powers like the vichy and italian regimes start to make life increasingly more dangerous, you start to get nervous. suddenly, you can’t work or attend school alongside your non jewish neighbors anymore. some of your neighbors are indignant on your behalf. some start to say it’s good. some even start to get violent. suddenly, troops start shipping you and your community off to labor camps. you watch as your friends and family and children starve, suffer, and die of sickness.

when you’re finally release, you return to find your synagogue burned down. soon after, your non jewish neighbors start passing around pamphlets full of antisemitic propaganda. one day, a group of people starts looting jewish businesses. your shop is destroyed, your possessions smashed, and your home is ransacked. you and thousands of others are left homeless and without prospects. there are whispers among the community about escape. you’re devastated at the thought of leaving the land your ancestors have lived for three thousand years. this is your home. you were best friends with the little muslim girl who grew up just down the street. you don’t want to leave. but after a crowd storms the jewish quarter, killing dozens of your community members, it’s clear you have no choice. you have to flee. if you’re still lucky enough to have possessions or money, the government seizes that. and the only place willing to take you that you can afford to get to is the country your non jewish neighbors and government have been accusing you of being more loyal to.

you arrive in The Promised Land, the land that promised to save you, exhausted and traumatized. there are tens of thousands of others like you, arriving in the place named in your prayers, written in millennia old manuscripts and prayer books. and yet the land that was supposed to save you is now under attack by the very people you were supposed to be saved from. you get used to ducking into bomb shelters, hearing about another group of civilians killed in a terror attack, and you wonder when will it end? when will they finally just let us live in peace?

you become bitter and jaded. the memories of the people who had been your neighbors for hundreds of years, who you talked with at the shops and sold rugs to, who brought bread to your home after passover to celebrate with you, fade and are replaced with memories of labor camps, pogroms, expulsions, and bombs.

white people halfway across the world living in countries whose wartime regimes placed you or your parents in labor camps to die of starvation or disease just a few decades ago tell you that you have no right to live in the land in which you are a refugee, they tell you to go back to poland — a country you or anyone in your family or community have ever been to, but the mention of which sends your ashkenazi neighbor into panic attacks as they remember hundreds of their community being beaten or stabbed to death and more hundreds being locked in a barn and burned alive by their polish gentile neighbors — they tell you that the violence you and your community experienced and are experiencing is deserved.

your world is nothing but death and bombs and violence and you cry out to god for salvation, and he sends you benjamin fucking netanyahu, who promised to avenge the pain and suffering and trauma that consumes you. you believe him. you don’t care who gets hurt, because no one ever seemed to give a fuck when it was you and your community who was hurting. people say “never again” and you don’t believe them.

this is the pain and trauma that has radicalized many israeli jews. this is the story you need to understand if you want to have ANY hope of peace, because you cannot approach a traumatized population with “who fucking cares also it was israel’s fault anyway just go back to your own countries and stop being evil genocidal maniacs” and expect to get anything but a massive fuck you. and frankly it’s fucking ridiculous that a lot of you can’t seem to understand that.


My childhood best friend was an Israeli Jew who moved to the states when they were twelve. They would have panic attacks at the sound of a fire engine because it reminded them of bomb sirens. A twelve year old.

Being a Jew is fucking traumatic. The reason Israelis are radicalized is because trauma is radicalizing. The same is true of Palestinians. We've put two indigenous ethnic groups in one land and told them only one can actually be indigenous, and whoever isn't has to leave, and to leave means certain death and extermination.

Now do you understand why neither side wants to give up?

We’ve put two indigenous ethnic groups in one land and told them only one can actually be indigenous and whoever isn’t has to leave. And to leave means certain death and extermination. Now do you understand why neither side wants to give up?

this is pretty much the most succinct and accurate explanation of the core issue of the conflict i have ever seen.

“waaah waaah waaaah why are you justifying israel’s actions” if your takeaway from this post is “bombing civilians is fine” then you are fucking stupid and please just block me. the takeaway from this post is “simply screaming ‘baby killer!!!!!!’ at a bunch of jewish refugees and children/grandchildren of refugees who fled genocide and ethnic cleansing is not going to help. if you want anything to change, you have to acknowledge the trauma that contributed to the political climate in israel, and eventually the rest of the world is going to have to take responsibility for their part in that trauma and do some fucking teshuvah for goddamn once instead of just continuing to brush antisemitism under the rug.”

Jews are the abused cat hiding under the furniture, and a lot of "activists" just want to put the cat down. But if you want to see change, maybe, just maybe, the answer is to stop abusing the cat.

Holy fuck, that is the most victim blamey shit i have ever seen in my life. "The Jews bought the ethnic cleansing on themselves"....if you believe that, please block me because you are a disgusting waste of sperm and egg.

How about you actually crack open a damn history book and read about the centuries of antisemitism prevalent in that region.


The ease with which *so* many people in leftist activist circles have been able to entirely dehumanise Israelis so they can feel righteous in baying for their blood and maintain their self delusion that they're the ones who care about humanist values has truly been one of the most sickening things to witness.

To the point where a post I made saying I admired the performance of an Israeli woman in a fucking song contest had me swamped with anon hate all night. You can pretend to yourself all you want that you have a righteous and moral cause but I see you. I see what you are - nothing but hate filled bigots indulging happily in the oldest of hatreds.

Anonymous asked:

I don’t know who the fuck ben gvir is but the fact you’re trying to deflect criticism from netanyahu for his genocide of Palestinians is sickening

is this bc i said i don’t think we talk enough abt how ben gvir, a prominent right wing israeli politician who is currently calling for the resettlement of gaza, should be thrown into a wood chipper. bc i thought y’all would be on the same page here.


it’s important to me that the ppl who reblog this know that this was the follow up:


Me when I know nothing of this issue and yet still have big thoughts and opinions


Me when I’m more interested in hating someone cuz it’s fun than I am in identifying politicians doing harm to people in the Middle East.

Pro-"BENJAMIN G'VIR" 🤣🤣🤣 Western Hamasnik?

Once again going after people WHO ARE ON YOUR DAMN SIDE or would be if you weren't such an antisemitic dumbfuck.

For the truly uneducated, G'vir is to Netanyahu what DeSantis or McConnell are to Trump. A croney. A lapdog.

Criticizing him is not taking away from criticism of Bibi, its highlighting more of the corruption in the Israeli right wing government.

Holy crap, maybe educate yourselves about the very country you're blasting.

Then again you useful idiots claim to boycott Israel yet still use the Internet, so...

Anonymous asked:

block zionists


Okay since people are fucking losing their minds over my opinions on the war, let me set everyone straight.

Firstly, I go by the Jewish definition of zionism which means that Israel in some form should exist in Southern Levant.

I am a zionist by that definition and do not support the western definition of Zionism as it twists the original jewish definition. I am proud to call myself a zionist by the Jewish definition.

I believe in a peaceful two state solution.

Jews are indigenous to Southern Levant and we deserve self determination and same with Palestinians, hence a two state solution.

I am anti hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organization and they want all jews dead.

I want the hostages back and believe more people need to talk about the hostages being brought back home besides jews and Israelis as we are the main people who mention/talk about it.

Rape is not resistance.

I do not support Islamophobia and anti arab sentiment/racism and I also don't support racism in any form.

I hope this helps


Also strictly anti-Apartheid, like the land was for Jews whe. under Islamic Imperial rule.

We believe in equal rights and don't do Dhimmitude.


I hate hate hate how cold and sharp I’ve become after October 7th seeing people I liked and respected posting malicious disinformation after disinformation saying that they can’t possibly be antisemitic while basically spouting the protocols of the elders of Zion.

Seeing how little they actually care about misinformation because they refuse to fact check what they post or if they do fact check and see it’s wrong refuse to believe that and make up conspiracies.

The fucking call outs and harassment campaigns of any Jew who won’t parrot the right lines. Labeling Jews who aren’t Zionists as sneaky crypto-Zionists for talking about leftist antisemitism. Refusing to acknowledge leftist Jews who are Zionists and working towards peace and Palestinian liberation because they don’t fit with goyim’s definition of Zionism.

That this movement has manipulated Jews into hating other Jews. That leftists refuse to see the violence brewing towards Jews. That they can talk to neo Nazis without realizing it for hours and then going oops how silly was I not realizing what they were right away?

That there have already been attacks against Jews by leftists! That we’re constantly being gaslit about how noooo there isn’t any antisemitism in leftist movements and if there is you’re actually wrong and it isn’t antisemitism.

And it’s going to get more violent towards Jews unless leftists actually start taking antisemitism in their movement more seriously. But it doesn’t matter that Jews are being targeted because of what’s going on in Gaza so how dare we be worried. How dare we be afraid.

I’m done I’m so tired and I’m afraid for my family my tribe. Im done arguing with goyim who want to flat out call me a genocide supporter because I know my heart I know I don’t support it and you can’t gaslight me into believe that I do.

It's gotten to the point that anything going against leftist ideals and beliefs (which has rightfully, if not horribly tacitly pointed out by the right) is labeled as "zio propaganda" which is just the leftist version of "fake news". Both sides are very clearly antisemitic now.

I too, have felt myself become colder and sharper. In the days immediately following 10/7, I lost a friend, and the amount of people who said my friend deserved to die bc he was a Jew who made aliyah made me so, SO distrustful of people. And it hurts. I don't support genocide. I do support a solution of peace. But the same people who spout hamas ≠ palestinians will, in the same sentence, equate all Jews with the current government of Israel and hold us responsible for their actions.

Like, I am so far past done with the left that I, for the first time in my life, simply refuse to say I'm a leftist anymore. Not when so many so called progressive people would willingly push me into the firing squad line simply because I don't fit their definition of a good Jew. They have shown their colors now. And I don't care for it anymore.


Your beliefs help guide YOUR life.

You don't get to judge others and force them to suffer because of your personal beliefs.

Accept this, though; you are afraid and cruel.

Anonymous asked:

"Well, Jewish people need a place where they won't be discriminated against" Great! Wonderful! So make every country in the world safe for Jewish people. Don't commit a genocide and set up an ethnostate.

Nice neo-nazi dogwhistless anon

Here's an idea anon: YOU get off your ass and help fight antisemitism in your area if you are so against Jews having our own place.

Instead you and others like you are justifying the very idea of Zionism...ironic, ain't it?


It is absolutely disgusting to frame Jews as "ungrateful brats" for daring to (correctly) say "nobody came to our aid in WWII" while you yourself are being an ungrateful brat stomping your feet and screaming and crying that over 400,000 Americans "gave their lives to save the Jews."

This patronizing and frankly victim blaming "community notes" on a speech made by Netanyahu is pretty damning! I smell some Hitler particles coming off of this, what about you? And we all know Netanyahu is a criminal clown but this quote:

Was not incorrect.

It says so much about how you view the Holocaust if you agree with the American (and other Allies') perspective on the Shoah. History says otherwise. The Allies only cared about the Shoah when it was politically beneficial and convenient to frame themselves as liberators and heroes.

They turned boats carrying Jewish refugees away, the USSR sank some of them, drowning hundreds. All these governments denied entry visas. The United States allowed Nazi sympathizers to hold rallies and stage protests, while normal Americans prided themselves on their neutrality (more Americans were sympathetic to Syrian refugees entering in the 2010s than Jewish refugees in the 1930s).

American (and British) forces entering "liberated" camps were often "shocked" by what they found. And yet the world knew for years about Hitler's antisemitism, the Nuremburg Laws, Kristallnacht. So not only were they aware of the danger posed to Jews, most people as well as their governments didn't care. And their "shocked" reaction to discovering evidence of genocide should tell you they certainly weren't motivated to join the war to stop a genocide!

To demand that a people be "grateful" to you for doing nothing and then helping defeat the Nazis (for your own benefit) which stopped the genocide they faced after only a paltry 6 million people were murdered... you are the real brats. Thankfully a few brave naïve Twitter people pointed out under the predictable comments things like the Yad Vashem... or the fact that so many people saying "I've never heard a Jew thank a goyim for anything!" were met with "you probably don't know any Jews lol."

The legacy of the Holocaust/Shoah to people like this is "Worship us, sanctify our names and deepthroat our cocks forever because we think we saved you." Like how dare you think Jews should forever be on their knees kissing your feet because you deigned to "end" a genocide after 80% of Europe's Jewry was gone. Your true colors show the moment any Jews ever question America's exceptionalism and beneficence. This happens a lot. If an Israeli ever says a single thing that does less than imply sunshine comes out of America's ass, a lot of the (right wing) American non Jewish Israel supporters immediately go off the fucking rails and "threaten" to stop their support.

This is the dangerous side of American Philosemitism. Because without fail, and I mean without fail, this jingoistic kneejerk temper tantrum instinct in Americans invites literal Holocaust deniers to come out of their toilets and start spewing their vile nonsense. And do you know what all of these people crying about their peepaw's sacrifice for those ungrateful Christ Killers say in response to these Nazis? Nothing.

Their support for Jews is entirely contingent on how much Jewish people kiss their asses, or how much they perceive Jewish people to be kissing their asses, and America's ass. Childish!


I have no doubt in my mind that if magneto witnessed the genocides happening right now he would stand by the protestors and the civilians fighting against them, Palestine, Congo, Haiti, etc. this man would protect the students who are protesting in campuses. At least the magneto in x-men 97 and the original animated series (do not argue about magneto in other continuities I swear to god-)

And he would be against KOSA.

Genocide so fake that they need a comic book character to comment about it

Uhh imma need you to elaborate on that one buddy-

That the supposed genocide on "Palestine" is so absurdly fake that a comic book character who has attempted to commit Genocide repeatedly is needed to validate the belief in it

You people do realize Magneto is Jewish and a Holocaust survivor, right?

Hamas is literally trying to genocide the Jewish people. I seriously doubt he would side with them.

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