
The Canadian with a Gun


I don't actually own a gun...

This blog is being spammed by porn bots amd I can't delete it so I'm going to start a new one called thecanadianwithagun I just wanted to let you know if any of you wanted to keep following me :P


Gushers has the perfect opportunity to profit off this tide pod craze and release giant gushers but instead they just continue to post stupid memes on Tumblr and otherwise do nothing new at all


Gushers has the perfect opportunity to profit off this tide pod craze and release giant gushers but instead they just continue to post stupid memes on Tumblr and otherwise do nothing new at all

Disney’s Pencil Test for Frozen (2013)

Is it just me or does 2D always seem to move more fluid and emote better than 3D?

It’s not just you. 


my dick is malleable, it can be shaped into any form i desire, and with the magic of stop motion technology, i have crudely recreated every wallace and gromit movie using nothing but my plasticine dick. recently, my dick has dried up, and is now permanently shaped like the steamroller from bob the builder

do you ever see a post you made 3 years ago and now have no recollection of ever having writing and just think “no, there’s no way i’d ever put something like that on the internet” and yet there it is, your username undeniably attached to it. it’s an experience not unlike coming across a gravestone with your own name and date of death written on it and you realize that you’ve been dead for 3 years and have been existing this entire time as a soulless entity.


“The players’ adventure isn’t over yet. Now they have to make the fraymotif to bring their dead friends back, and then go and try to break the game so it never destroys anyone else’s planet again.”

Suggested by anonymous


I disagree. While I agree that Santa isn’t real, it’s possible that ghosts and magic exists. I do think that there are spirits walking among us but they’re not harming the living.

Grow up.

If people are religious or superstitious let them be. Grow up.

No. :)

You can be against religion or superstition all you want, that’s your opinion and you’re free to express it. But I do hope you don’t think you can force people not to believe in these things, because you can’t. You can’t force me to not believe in God any more than I can force you to believe.

But i can talk about how your beliefs are bullshit. No one’s trying to force ya to do anything

Of course you can believe that. I think your lack of belief is bullshit. We’re both free to think and say those things.

As far as “no one’s trying to force you to do anything” - the fact that your response to somebody saying “let them be” was a simple “no” would insinuate otherwise. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it sounds like you’re refusing to leave religious folks be and allow them to believe what they want.

I’m constantly hearing atheists and agnostics say things like “you can believe whatever you want, just keep it in your church and your home, don’t bring it out in public.” But not bringing it out in public is a direct contradiction to one of the major components of Christianity (the sharing of the Good News.) If somebody is telling me that I shouldn’t be talking about Christ in public, then yes, they are trying to force me to do something - they are trying to force me to shut up.

Again, I don’t know whether or not you believe Christians should actually be barred from speaking of Christ in public, but a lot of people who share your sentiment do claim to be in favor of that. And people in favor of that are absolutely trying to force Christians to shut up.

At least i dont believe things with no evidence lol


You live in a single time line which limits your ability to understand the universe since you can only experience your timeline and only the moment you are experiencing now since everything before it is a memory  and therefore cant be experienced again , and after is not yet not experienced and cant be untill your there , and no motre than a fraction of a fraction can truly be experienced since you cannot experience more than your own experiences not anyone elses.You also cannot gain anymore knowledge than the tool of the time in which you live allow you to and even thats limited since even the best tool cannot tell you everything  You therefore can not say anything about the existence or none existence , of destiny , the soul   and countless other things simply because you are limited in what you can experience  and what you can use to gather evidence

I agree with all that but come on

If you agree with it that makes you edgy too. You see, all yall come at me about trying to silence and hurt religious people but the SECOND i speak my beliefs im a piece of shit edgy fuck who should shut up. you know who should shut up? FUCKING PREACHERS THATS WHO.

You dont get it this isnt because of your beliefs but because your behaving like an asshole ,

Simply by responding to people who start arguments with me? Simply for speaking and having my beliefs? My beliefs that are facts and are based in logic and not “faith”

It's ok to not believe somthing but it's wrong to talk down to pwople because of their beliefs you are both in the wrong of this. You don't have to agree but you should respect


I get that he is from a place called Victoria (presumably the Australian one?) but it’s all the more hilarious if you think of him as an actual Victorian, his mind aflame with the wonders of Morten Harket and refusing to silence him.

This is about gay resistance

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