


Rest in peace Yeolie.
šŸ–¤ā™“ļø/I N F P /24/She/HeršŸ–¤
~Minors Beware~

funny how youā€™ll be like oh no iā€™ve got this mental issue handled its fine & then suddenly one day you realize itā€™s having an actual negative impact on your life


Thing is, I'm not just anti-fatphobia as in "I don't want people to be mean to fat people"

I am pro fat liberation as in "I want to dismantle the systemic biases against fat people and the diet culture and medical industrial complex that feeds into the very real systemic oppression that fat people face"

I don't see fatphobia as a mere interpersonal issue where if you are being nice to fat people or saying things in a polite way to them you're automatically free of fatphobia. I see it as essential to challenge every bit of diet culture myth that we might encounter and break the unscientific ideas of "health" as defines by weight, fat, calories, bmi, and other nonsense. I see it as essential to view fatphobia as the political issue it is and take it seriously as such, and to unlearn and help others unlearn oppressive baseless ideas we have assumed to be true and natural.


really fucking irritating how many people think theyve invented blistering new social commentary by being like "what if a kink... forms because of trauma and social violence" without ever asking that same question about the sexual desires and practices that they consider normal and therefore natural and therefore not in need of explanation or justification

"oh, you feel more desirable when you're wearing fancy and/or skimpy underwear? don't you realize thats because of classism and patriarchal beauty standards? you dont need lingerie, you need therapy. sign my petition to make wearing two-piece bathing suits in the presence of minors a felony because the people at the pool didn't consent to be part of your misogyny fetish so if you think about it you're really assaulting those kids"


So you're telling me that Gojo got reincarnated as the very top of BoFurin High.


one of the more valuable things Iā€™ve learned in life as a survivor of a mentally unstable parent is that it is likely that no one has thought through it as much as you have.Ā 

no, your friend probably has not noticed they cut you off four times in this conversation.Ā 

no, your brother didnā€™t realize his music was that loud while you were studying.Ā 

no, your bff or S.O. doesnā€™t remember that youā€™re on a tight deadline right now.

no, no one else is paying attention to the four power dynamics at play in your friend group right now. Ā 

a habit of abused kids, especially kids with unstable parents, is the tendency to notice every little detail. We magnify small nuances into major things, largely because small nuances quickly became breaking points for parents. Managing moods, reading the room, perceiving danger in the order of words, the shift of body weightā€¦.itā€™s all a natural outgrowth of trying to manage unstable parents from a young age.Ā 

Hereā€™s the thing: most people donā€™t do that. Iā€™m not saying everyone else is oblivious, Iā€™m saying the over analysis of minor nuances is a habit of abuse.Ā 

I have a rule: I do not respond to subtext. This includes guilt tripping, silent treatments, passive aggressive behavior, etc. I see it. I notice it. I even sometimes have to analyze it and take a deep breath and CHOOSE not to respond. Because whether itā€™s really there or just me over-reading things that actually donā€™t mean anything, the habit of lending credence to the part of me that sees danger in the wrong shift of body weightā€¦thatā€™s toxic for me. And dangerous to my relationships.Ā 

The best thing I ever did for myself and my relationships was insist upon frank communication and a categorical denial of subtext. For some people this is a moral stance. For survivors of mentally unstable parents this is a requirement of recovery.Ā 

This post has helped me so much Iā€™m glad Iā€™ve come across it again

It has honestly saved some of my relationships and it could have saved others if I had taken it to heart earlier

Itā€™s how I approach all new relationships, and Iā€™ll state this outright to be clear

I canā€™t stop myself from overanalyzing initially, but I have regularly stopped myself from obsessing over or acting on my overanalyzing

Thank you so much for making this post


What to do if you have a demand you desperately need to fulfill and you can't:

  1. Make up a shitty little character in your head to give you the exact opposite demand, so you can avoid THAT demand while getting done what you need to get done. "Do not brush your teeth." Fuck you Janet, I'm gonna do what I want.
  2. Make up a story that would reframe the task at hand as an act of rebellion or spite. "I live in a world where showering is illegal and if I get caught I'm going to jail for a thousand years."
  3. Use that task to procrastinate on other tasks. "I've got homework I really need to do...hey I haven't done my laundry in a while."

Google: How to cope with executive dysfunction as an autistic adult.


"How to support your child withā€”"


"Executive dysfunction is a thing that exists. that's the article."


"Executive dysfunction exists and we will explain how to deal with it in the next blog post [click] How to help your BABY AUTIST SMALL CHILD with executiveā€”"


"Did you know that vaccinesā€”"


"Executive dysfunction in adults with ADHD can be treated with stimulants likeā€”"


"Not all autistic people are dumb babies. Some, like Elon Musk, are successful executivesā€”"


"Hello, we are another article stating that executive dysfunction exists and then offering no solutionsā€”"


"Hey you dumb baby autist. Haven't you tried just making a to-do list? Haven't you tried just wanting to do stuff? Fucking lazy idiot."




"What crystal is best for autismā€”"


"Make sure to give your autistic baby child an orderly environmentā€”"




I am Sisyphus. The rock has rolled down the hill again.


I would be so powerful if even one of my executives functioned. Just. Even a single one of them. Please. Please .

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