
Ryan T


Dutch wannabe // bisexual // tired DM // pagan

Wtf there’s has to be some sort of gender pronouns, how will people be able to say if there a boy or a girl, wtf

Umm why? In Finnish we refer to people as you know people and not with our personal presumptions of their gender. Hän pronoun refers to a human being and Se to animal or a thing. But in dialect everyone is Se.

Yeah but I’m sure there’s a female ans male pronoun somewhere in that language 

No in Finnish there is not. And I should now because it’s my mother tongue. Why it seems so weird to you? Many languages don’t have gender pronouns. English is just an exception because English scholars adopted the idea from Latin. There is no “she” or “he” in Finnish. there’s no way to refer to people being women or men except if you are like “that man did this” “My friend Alex who is a girl did that” but people can read the context you know if it’s relevant without being like my FRIEND ALEX THE MAN who has a penis, no titties, likes beer and women. I mean in English you don’t have genders for objects like in French and you are doing fine right? So we are doing fine without gender pronouns.

The word tyttö I that refers to the female gender 

Tyttö means a girl but it’s not a pronoun. You can say a girl did this but you can’t say she did this. Or what do you mean?

That’s what I mention there hast to be some sort of words that refers to a any sort of gender. Even if there’s no she or he is used 

Of course, we have words for expressing gender, as man=mees and woman=naine, but if the sentence is written with a pronoun, you have no way of knowing who is doing it. 

“Ta jooksis” just means (in Estonian) that someone was running. Was it a woman, man, cat, dog or a bird, no one knows if there wasn’t any context - you just know that is was a living object. 

We don’t have gendered pronouns, eg. she and he. What’s the rocket science part of this? 


being a macroorganism is so stressful. i want to know what my cells are doing. I don’t like how unsupervised they are


my cells govern themselves, I’m mostly just a figurehead

my body is a constitutional monarchy and i am its powerless queen


fake conversations in your head of you venting to someone

working through trauma by yelling at no one while driving alone

validating yourself by imagining situations where bad things happen to people and you save them

reinforcing trust in your loved ones by imagining situations where bad things happen to you and they save you

Explaining things to your therapist in an imaginary session

Projecting all your trauma onto an imaginary character and imagining others comforting them

Wanting fictional characters to have all the emotional support and physical affection you’ve always wanted

Writing a character that goes through the same troubles as you and give them loving family and friends to help them cope


these are actually healthy copong mechanisms

Oh, thank goodness.


anytime i hear someone use the term “man cave” i feel my body sag as it craves death


its not any better than boy pussy tbh

may or may not be misinformed on what a man cave is


Ted Cruz isnt laying eggs anymore and hes a losing all his feathers more than normal I’m worried hes sick

Please be more clear that that’s a funny name you gave your chicken


Bruh 😂😂😂😂😂😂.


He caught the gay


So my friend once hooked up with a recently out doctor. Apparently it was doc first time but the fingering made my friend melt. Turns out doc was just doing what he did on prostate exams. So doc in the closet was basically destroying prostate left and right under the guise of prostate exams. Gay finds a way

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