
Astrology Stuff

@astropunkk / astropunkk.tumblr.com

Gemini Sun/ Aqua Moon/ Leo Rising   Please Read The FAQ

Sun in the houses: where your strength lies.

🦋Sun in 1st: strength in your ego, you know what you’re about and there’s nothing stopping you. Self assurance and confidence will take you far.

🦋Sun in 2nd: strength in your power, you’re a go getter for the better things in life, wealth comes to you with more ease than others. You’re powerful and get what you want.

🦋Sun in 3rd: strength in your knowledge, these natives want to know everything about everything and encourage those to learn, engage, chase the truth. Your knowledge will take you far.

🦋Sun in 4th: strength in your home, your environment will always be set to fit your needs. You find comfort in making things your home and you offer comfort to others. Expressing yourself to fit your aesthetic.

🦋Sun in 5th: strength in your resources and creativity. You have the natural talent in expressing yourself physically, there’s a love and appreciate for art heightened here. This coeincides with your sunny happy vibe that attracts others to you.

🦋Sun in 6th: strength in work ethic. You like being out and being productive and for you this is getting sh*t done. May be a health nut as well, you keep yourself and others healthy and going. An active body, an active mind. Good at making work connections.

🦋sun in 7th: strength in reputation. You may find that your life is at ease when it comes to how people look at you- you’re often put on a pedestal when people speak of you, your reputation if used correctly can aid you in work and resource gain.

🦋sun in 8th: strength in your vision. You see things for what they are, and you have a great understanding on the bigger picture. You see the truth in people and you tend to hold close relations. Enterprises may be considered a hobby of yours- the truth and revelations everywhere benefit you.

🦋sun in 9th: strength in your spirit and ability to reach a “higher mind”. This placement tends to come with some spiritual elements. You’re a natural explorer and your mind will take you there despite if you want it or not. Your higher power benefits you, listen to it.

🦋sun in 10th: strength in your drive. You may have noticed from a young age you have been quite the go-getter, with this placement when you want something you’ll go after it no matter what-be careful to not place recognition above your self worth or even equalizing the two. You hold influence and this will benefit you in this life, use it wisely.

🦋sun in 11th: strength in your inclusiveness. You have the power to bring people together, in the power in which you choose, you are able to lead the pack per se and you will find great luck when you do so. At the same time, you will find luck when you stray from the pack and represent your own individualism. Find the balance.

🦋sun in 12th: strength in your perception. You may have noticed that you are able to see things for what they are on a  more profound level, you’re a visionary and you can shape the world around you to fit the images you seek. You’ll find the best things probably come to you when you are introspective with everything. Your sensitivity is your power now your downfall. 


Sun 10th house (Placidus) & 11th house (Whole signs). Both resonate actually!


what the signs fall for (or should fall for)

+ check venus signs!

aries: adventure and recklessness. you want someone that knows what they want and someone that will pursue you endlessly. you want a person that is exciting, daring and brave. thus, you may have a tendency to fall for individuals that are good with their words and know how to have a good time.

taurus: stability and supportiveness. you fall for individuals that can crawl under your skin in the best ways. someone that knows what to do when you’re upset and always answers when you call. you fall for people that know the little things about you and always stand by your side. you’re not one to fall for individuals that are fickle and are hard to pin down.

gemini: you fall for people who give you the opportunity to travel and are willing to experience an abundance of fun moments with. you love the ones who can put up with your weird behaviour and can keep you entertained. geminis tend to be flighty individuals and depending on your chart, you may find it difficult to find one person that you want to stick with for the long term, so finding someone that has similar interests, a sense of humour you enjoy, and someone that puts up with your different moods is someone you are likely to fall for.

cancer: comfort is something that is of utmost importance to you, so it’s no surprise that you fall for people that take care of you. you’re kind of like a baby; you need hugs, constant attention, and someone that will love you unconditionally and always take your feelings into consideration. people who do all of the aforementioned are the types you fall for (or should, at least), but sometimes you have a tendency to fall for the ones who also cause you the most pain. but be careful with your heart, cancer, because you are often too attached to leave people even when they are the ones breaking your heart.

leo: you love being showered with love, as well as showering others with love. for you, love is something that should be grandiose and you love showing off the people you’re with, whether it be on social media or just simply talking about them. so because of that, you adore the type of people that allow you to show them off, while also giving you the attention you crave. you want someone you can be proud of, someone pretty, and someone who makes you feel like you’re living some sort of fairytale relationship.

virgo: you fall for people who are intelligent and who you can see yourself form a stable relationship with. earth signs tend to prefer stability over reckless behaviour, so you might be prone to falling for individuals who are either really smart in class or ones who have good charisma, goals, and confidence. while you are prone to being headass, you don’t like the overly emotional types, so you are probably more likely to fall for people who are more in control of their emotions.

libra: you have a tendency to fall for all sorts of people, as you crave love and intimacy. you generally enjoy people who are flirty, know how to keep you interested, and make you feel safe. however, libras have a tendency to put up with a lot due to their need to keep peace, so sometimes you may find yourself falling for the wrong people but you stick with them anyway.

scorpio: you fall for the passionate and intense types; you like people who commit themselves to you as much as you commit to them. when you are in love, you tend to throw yourself fully into the relationship without considering boundaries or limitations, and to have someone allow you to do all of this makes you feel wanted. scorpios also tend to crave sexual intimacy, so anyone that knows how to please you in that manner will probably win you over.

sagittarius: you fall in love with adventure and creating new memories. you love people who can make you laugh and give you freedom, but someone that is also willing to go along with your crazy plans. you don’t like being limited in love because then you tend to get bored and go looking for someone else, so to find someone that allows you to flourish without suffocating you is someone you will consider keeping around.

capricorn: you fall for people with power and status; people who are capable of showing their determination and commitment in anything they throw themselves into. but you also have a soft spot for the goofy types – you enjoy people who make you feel like all the worries on your shoulders slip away like water. you fall for stability, comfort and support.

aquarius: you fall for the people who don’t want you, or the ones who don’t show you how much they want you. you don’t like feeling suffocated by individuals who feel the need to message you all the time or shower you with affection, as you adore your freedom a little too much. so you tend to fall for those who make you chase them rather than them chasing you.

pisces: you tend to fall for the people that are a little dangerous and detrimental to you, as you are obsessed with the idea of saving others or being saved yourself. even though you deny it, you secretly love a little drama and emotional outbursts in your relationship as you need to feel like you’re constantly needed in order to be completely happy in a relationship.



A THREAD written by an Aquarius Sun conjunct Uranus who wants you to break the rules and throw off all your conditioning.

ARIES RISING: To break down your childhood conditioning, stop going it alone. No one is holding you back, everyone’s actually just waiting for you to say “you wanna do this together?”. Stop forcing your agenda or thinking you have to do everything first or alone or the hard way.

TAURUS RISING: To break down your childhood conditioning, get involved with danger and be emotionally transparent please: life conditioned you to be safe and secure. Get involved with yours and people’s demons and break through the material, the 3D reality of this world.

GEMINI RISING: To break down your childhood conditioning, stop darting about all over the place physically & mentally & stop trying to bring logic into everything and constantly serve the facts, because you were conditioned to always prove how clever you were.

CANCER RISING: To break down your childhood conditioning, stop giving a shit and stop caring for people who don’t give you the same back. You were conditioned to always be there for people emotionally or just physically, so break away, detach, be free.

LEO RISING: To break down your childhood conditioning, CRY IN PUBLIC and show your deepest, darkest emotions. Stop putting on a happy face when you’re going through living hell - we can tell because we can feel it even though you’re a good actor. Just be honest about feelings.

VIRGO RISING: To break down your childhood conditioning, stop taking on the role of doing everything for everyone. People need to do things for themselves and you don’t need to fix absolutely everything and everyone. Fix yourself and detach from everyone’s problems.

LIBRA RISING: To break down your childhood conditioning, stop giving a shit. You’ve been conditioned to constantly be polite, to be a people-pleaser. The truth is only your parents asked for it, no one else ever has, and no one is asking for it anymore. Be assertive and bold.

SCORPIO RISING: To break down your childhood conditioning, stop hiding every goddamn thing about yourself. What are you actually protecting yourself from? What are you hiding? When we’re all dead and buried, what will it even matter what you’re hiding?

SAGITTARIUS RISING: To break down your childhood conditioning, spend time in one place and actively care about getting to know little facts, about people. You were conditioned to kind of not give a shit, and this has halted your ability to get close to the stuff around you, now.

CAPRICORN RISING: To break down your childhood conditioning, be a baby. You had to grow up quick. Allow yourself to be a child. Cry openly. Tell people about your needs. Let other people take charge.

AQUARIUS RISING: To break down your childhood conditioning, open your heart. You were conditioned to not care about relating personally, but relating personally is such a gift you’re missing out on. Talk about things from YOUR perspective, how it’s affected YOU personally.

PISCES RISING: To break down your childhood conditioning, stop sacrificing and start living. Everyone is always doing things because you don’t stop to realise how much you don’t do things, how much you sacrifice to let them do things instead of you. Be selfish.

Fire Sun + Fire Moon: Insatiable
Fire Sun + Earth Moon: Invincible
Fire Sun + Air Moon: Uncontrollable
Fire Sun + Water Moon: Undeniable
Earth Sun + Fire Moon: Indestructible
Earth Sun + Earth Moon: Insightful
Earth Sun + Air Moon: Inspiring
Earth Sun + Water Moon: Intriguing
Air Sun + Fire Moon: Unstoppable
Air Sun + Earth Moon: Introspective
Air Sun + Air Moon: Inquisitive
Air Sun + Water Moon: Irresistible
Water Sun + Fire Moon: Impassioned
Water Sun + Earth Moon: Irreplaceable
Water Sun + Air Moon: Ingenious
Water Sun + Water Moon: Intuitive

Vesta + Self Care

Vesta in Aries self care: Exercise! Take part in a drinking game. Intimate exercise..with another person. Explosive ranting. Make time to celebrate smaller victories. Mix up their routine. Take on an online challenge. Make empowering poses in the mirror. Give themselves a pep talk. Smash rooms.

Vesta in Taurus self care: Bubble baths/salt baths/baths galore, naps, indulge in favorite food, have a homebody day, learn to say no or find firmness in small decisions, cuddling, cancel any stressful plans, aromatherapy, spa days, massages, soundscapes, garden, start a collection, nature walks.

Vesta in Gemini self care: Write/blog about what they think or feel, find a safe space online, meditation, learn something new or try a new genre, unplug for a day, create a happy or inspiring playlist, rant to a friend or find support, get lost in a app game or puzzle game.

Vesta in Cancer self care: Any artistic hobby, coloring books, try a new recipe, cuddling, naps, spend more time with family, browse thru images of puppies/kittens/babies, Feng shui, journaling, volunteer, be near water, donate/let go of old clothing/items.

Vesta in Leo self care: Grab a glass of wine or craft beer, ANY FORM OF SELF EXPRESSION, shopping spree, art therapy, sun bathe, exercise, girls/guys night- especially dancing, take their time at the farmers market or flea market, block toxic people and do a social media purge.

Vesta in Virgo self care: Drink more water, eat healthier, try a light detox, get routine sleep, use those sick days, read more, volunteer, play puzzle/strategy games, reorganize the home, join a culture team/get involved with extracurricular at work, find time to clean, list things you want to improve but also what you’re doing right!

Vesta in Libra self care: Yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, play a musical instrument, try a new look, acupuncture, artistic hobbies, join a social club, make time for socialization, take on something you’re “bad at”, spa days, stay on top of work/life and social/alone time balance, bird watch, star gaze, go on a picnic, bring nature indoors, aromatherapy.

Vesta in Scorpio self care: Create their own personal ritual, baths in hot springs, meditation, reflective art, physical intimacy, physical activity that is empowering from martial arts to boxing to pole dancing, time by the sea, journaling, help others emotionally, get their energy out at a loud concert.

Vesta in Sagittarius self care: Exercise, learn something new, be out in nature, long drives, attend church/temple/mosque, time off work as much as possible, watch a sunrise/sunset alone, smash rooms, loud concerts, get to know a stranger, learn mindfulness, vacations, self-discovery books or classes, teach someone else something.

Vesta in Capricorn self care: Remember to take lunch breaks, USE SICK TIME, write positive messages on sticky notes, long late night walks, make time for relaxation, sleep in, improve the home environment with a DIY project, spend more time with animals/children, make a new routine, work with their hands, have a shopping day or moment.

Vesta in Aquarius self care: A weekend in Vegas/vacation with friends, meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, join a club, unplug from time to time, make alone time introspective, do something nice for a stranger, open up to loved ones more, people watch, learn something new, karaoke night, a group outing with coworkers or acquaintances.

Vesta in Pisces self care: Make time for video games/movies/books, get into a new series, attend church/temple/mosque, indulge in alone time, artistic hobbies, spa day, naps, make their own tea, do one thing a day that makes THEM happy, make someone else smile, give comfort, long showers, donate.


the type of person i imagine the signs in a relationship with (houses edition)

Venus in the 1st: Someone who appreciates the time and effort you put into your appearance. Someone who is charming and has a pleasant personality, and will spend time with you and enjoy it, no matter what the activity.

Venus in the 2nd: Someone who knows your tastes, likes, and dislikes. Someone who understands your need for security and makes you feel comfortable, and wants a long lasting commitment.

Venus in the 3rd: Someone who values communication and gives you intellectual stimulation. Someone who is good at keeping conversation and keeping things fresh and exciting.

Venus in the 4th: Someone who is sentimental and loving. Someone who is sympathetic and understands you. Someone who is supportive and keeps you calm and stable.

Venus in the 5th: Someone who is playful and intense. Someone who is romantic and goes out of their way to show you their love. Someone who can be a bit dramatic, but still very fun.

Venus in the 6th: Someone who appreciates your small gestures and notices small details. Someone who gives back and is thoughtful. Someone who understands your subtle and cautious ways.

Venus in the 7th: Someone who is peaceful and doesn’t cause drama. Someone attractive and charming and values the relationship, and values you, and isn’t afraid to show it.

Venus in the 8th: Someone who is intense and passionate. Someone who makes everyday life different and special. Someone who understands your fears, and loves to talk about deeper subjects.

Venus in the 9th: Someone who loves to adventure and explore. Someone who doesn’t restrict you or make you feel trapped and gives you space and freedom, but is enthusiastic and dedicated.

Venus in the 10th: Someone who recognizes your talents and specialties. Someone who is serious and willing to commit. Someone who admires and respects you, and respects your talents and work.

Venus in the 11th: Someone who is friendly and loves to go out with you and your friends. Someone who is not only your lover, but your best friend. Someone who is unique and values your special traits.

Venus in the 12th: Someone gentle and not overbearing. Someone who sacrifices for you, but doesn’t expect anything in return. Someone who takes things slow and is understanding of you and your needs.


moon signs and their difficulties

Moon in Aries: control, whether it be of yourself, of others, or events in your life

Moon in Taurus: getting too caught up with something that troubles you, holding grudges that make you feel weighed down

Moon in Gemini: confusion, of what you want, how you feel, or what you’re doing in life

Moon in Cancer: having your heart rule your head, causing you to act out of pure emotion instead of rationalizing 

Moon in Leo: the fragility of your emotions and putting a tough front to guard them, scaring others away

Moon in Virgo: pushing yourself too hard, and fearing that if you stop your work will be for nothing

Moon in Libra: caring too much about the opinions of others, finding yourself trying to impress everyone

Moon in Scorpio: not being able to accept pains from the past or a current insecurity within your life

Moon in Sagittarius: feeling as if there is no true home for you, or that you will never find what it is you are looking for in life

Moon in Capricorn: fear of expressing your emotions, as others could take advantage of you

Moon in Aquarius: feeling alienated and isolated, as if you don’t belong in your current setting

Moon in Pisces: having extreme difficulty keeping your head from wandering, feeling tortured by your never-ending “what ifs”


Aries: Laws of Life when I am in it 

  • Don’t stand in my way or make me wait  
  • Don’t moan or bring down the mood with negativity 
  • Don’t complain that the food, or I am too spicy
  • If I loan you money - pay it back, I don’t like debts or fighting about money - everything else is fine 
  • Don’t treat me like a child even if I am acting like one 
  • Let me find out things for myself 

Taurus: Laws of Life when I am in it

  • Help yourself so I don’t have to 
  • Don’t wake me up I don’t care what time it is 
  • Don’t touch any of my food or it will become a police matter 
  • Don’t rush me or change plans at the last minute, there’s no guarantee I’ll attend
  • Pay back your debts - don’t just assume i ‘have enough’
  • Respect my privacy and don’t intrude on my personal space
  • If you ‘break it’ you bought it  
  • There is always room for dessert 

Gemini: Laws of Life when I am in it

  • Don’t interrupt me when I’m speaking 
  • What I said yesterday is irrelevant 
  • Opposite day can be any time without warning 
  • If you’ve told me a story once I don’t want to hear it again 
  • I talk a lot, but I have a lot of secrets too, I’ll talk about those when I am ready 
  • Don’t tell me to ‘grow up’ cause your jealous of my eternal youth
  • If I crave sugar I could be sad or nervous but I’m not certain and if you are touching my sensitive spots I will probably use inappropriate humour
  • I’ll probably be late and leave without telling anyone

Cancer: Laws of Life when I am in it

  • Don’t come into my life and then just leave 
  • If I say ‘nothing is wrong’ you should keep asking me what is wrong
  • If you touch any of my midnight snacks in the fridge we are done
  • Don’t try to make me a ‘morning person’ 
  • Just let me have my moment, I may be ‘grown up’ but sometimes it doesn’t feel that way  
  • Yes I know I am moody stop reminding me??
  • There is always room for dessert 

Leo: Laws of Life when I am in it

  • Don’t ignore me or give me silent treatment 
  • If I say ‘nothing is wrong’ you should keep asking me what is wrong
  • Don’t try to change or rearrange me 
  • Just let me have my ‘moment’ while all things revolve around me 
  • Don’t question my loyalty or exploit my vulnerabilities and generosity 
  • I’m doing things my way. End of story.
  • Remember my birthday

Virgo: Laws of Life when I am in it

  • Ask me if I am in the right headspace to hear and help you with your problems, and I will do the same 
  • Don’t tell me I am being ‘irrational’, I know it is probably irrational, but just listen to me I am finally opening up
  • Don’t touch my things. Don’t use them and try to put them back in the same place. I will notice. Straighten it out. Rinse it off. Please.
  • Don’t make me stay if I don’t feel comfortable 
  • My silence means I don’t want to hear your voice or mine

Libra: Laws of Life when I am in it

  • Be happy for me about my new relationship, or at least pretend to be
  • Don’t make me use my temper 
  • I know when people say things behind my back, so try if you want to
  • I am your friend, I want to help but I am not your 24/7 therapist 
  • I won’t tell you if I am not feeling well so you need to ask
  • Don’t assume that you can use me and think I won’t just cut you out of my life 
  • If I don’t like a person or a place - theres a reason, I trust my instincts and I will leave, come with me or not 

Scorpio: Laws of Life when I am in it

  • No you don’t need to know my name or birthday. Respect my privacy
  • Once you betray me, you are dead to me, so you may as well act like it and not come near me
  • If I don’t respond to your message, don’t keep messaging. Don’t query me about my whereabouts or question my decisions  
  • Don’t question my sanity. Seriously. Ever 
  • Your lies will hurt me more than a truth ever could 
  • Don’t make me regret letting you into my life 
  • I need to vent, lament, and cry alone, if I say leave me alone I mean seriously don’t disturb me

Sagittarius: Laws of Life when I am in it

  • It’s 5 o’clock somewhere 
  • Don’t ask for my honesty and then get offended by the truth 
  • Don’t try to convince or convert me - about anything
  • No I don’t have plans but even if I did you probably wouldn’t be in them
  • Don’t accuse me of shit or start drama over nothing 
  • Don’t hang around if you don’t like surprises 

Capricorn: Laws of Life when I am in it

  • Don’t speak down to me or treat me like a child 
  • Don’t expect me to solve all of your problems 
  • I will give you advice but I don’t want any 
  • I know where I came from and what I have been through - you don’t have to
  • If I haven’t responded don’t keep repeating yourself to get one
  • Sarcasm is my defence and I use humour at the most inappropriate moments just a warning 

Aquarius: Laws of Life when I am in it

  • Don’t intrude on my personal space. Drama is so boring
  • Everything ends with a question mark
  • Don’t question my beliefs or opinions, I’ve spent more time questioning and uncovering than you know 
  • I need freedom to breathe, I need my own space and I won’t change for anyone
  • We don’t use clocks in this bunker 
  • What I do with my mind and body is my choice and it has no impact on you

Pisces: Laws of Life when I am in it

  • Leave my brain alone 
  • Don’t expect me to be a morning person, wake me and live a nightmare
  • You can’t ‘borrow’ my shoes, my feet don’t fit into normal things
  • If I am crying offer me water so I don’t dehydrate and also affection
  • Don’t exploit my sensitivity and generosity 
  • When I say ‘yes’, chances are I want to say ‘no’ 
  • If I don’t like a person or a place - theres a reason, I trust my instincts and I will leave, come with me or not 
  • There is always room for one more glass



ingmar bergman for the signs

Aries: “There’s always a tension in me between my urge to destroy and my will to live… Every morning I wake up with a new wrath, a new suspiciousness, a new desire to live.”

Taurus: ”The temperature of love can only be measured by the loneliness that precedes it.”

Gemini: ”In every soul there are thousands of souls trapped, in every world thousands of worlds hidden.”

Cancer: “Reality is perhaps not at all what I imagine. Perhaps it doesn’t exist, in fact. Perhaps it only exists as a longing.”

Leo: “Don’t you think I understand? The hopeless dream of being. Not to seem, but to be.”

Virgo: Only someone who is well prepared has the opportunity to improvise.” 

Libra:  “To feel. To trust the feeling. I long for that.”

Scorpio: “Perhaps we are the same person. Perhaps we have no limits; perhaps we flow into each other, stream through each other, boundlessly and magnificently. You bear terrible thoughts; it is almost painful to be near you. At the same time it is enticing. Do you know why?”

Sagittarius: ”I make all my decisions on intuition. I throw a spear into the darkness. That is intuition. Then I must send an army into the darkness to find the spear. That is intellect.”

Capricorn: “I have always had the ability to attach my demons to my chariot. And they have been forced to make themselves useful.” 

Aquarius: “I think I am a better ghost than I am a human being.”

Pisces: “I am living permanently in my dream, from which I make brief forays into reality.”


• signs in 8th house

Aries 8th:

In your intimacy you bring heroism, you are willing to give parts of yourself to your person, to be there, to save them,  domination, you kno what you want you are even aggressive, lots of sex appeal, ability to enchant, the ability to lead, uncover the truth makes you very suitable to protect your lover.

Taurus 8th:

In your intimacy you bring your sensuality, you want to feel everything deeply with the power of all senses, beauty, with your own swag but also you can bring and see the beauty of your loved one and express that, investment, into everything you and your partner experience together, you know how to keep a lover interested in the long-term.

Gemini 8th:

In your intimacy you bring your higher knowledge, your intelligence, the depth of the bond between you and your partner is the bridge of your communication which you hold very valuable, innovative, such a working mind paying attention to detail which is meaningful to a partner who likes that, extremely charming , extremely curious too.

Cancer 8th:

In your intimacy you bring such emotions, maintaining your emotional bond with your loved one, you are able to create that space for them where they can freely express themselves emotionally and be honest about their feelings,  the nurturer, you love taking care of your person, you also possess that strength in being able to defend them so strongly, you sense things others don’t that alone takes the bond further.

Leo 8th:

In your intimacy you bring such charisma, such personality, confidence and powerful personality, which makes your person feel more secure and safer to be alongside someone who knows what they are doing, you are literally the light to your person, the light which is able to bring out the most hidden truths, an important part of your intimacy and the 8th house generally.

Virgo 8th:

In your intimacy you bring intelligence, ability to be practical, reasonable and real which grounds both you and your partner even if the world around you is falling apart, you are someone who is not afraid to be picky because you cannot be easily fooled, such adaptability is also refreshing for your intimate bond, ability to change up things but adapt quickly because you learn, you might also keep partners close who are in need of healing, you are a healer.

Libra 8th:

In your intimacy you bring such charm, seductiveness which makes everyone fall at your feet, being so breathtaking does not take away of your strong sense for justice, knowledge and how well you can carry yourself verbally, with such grace, that calm energy and vibration will bring such peace and harmony into your bond, you are a people-pleaser but you can also grant your person that peace necessary.

Scorpio 8th:

In your intimacy you bring everything in a way powerful level, ability to recognize human psychology, strategy, sex power, ability to transform, all of this is too much for some people, that is why people who recognize your depth and lethal persona can come close to you, going through all of the darkness the 8th house offers in order to learn and transform can lead you to dark, toxic partners before finding your light and your rightfully suited partners, it is a long journey, but only a journey of self-improvement and light.

Sagittarius 8th:

In your intimacy you bring such freedom of expression, the search after wisdom and the truth which makes you so inspiration to your closed, tight circle with your loved one, you can bring such clarity, a desire to explore and see, taste, you are also the one who will make them laugh untill their belly hurts, you are the one to see the bad and good of life, to find the truth, to eat all the good fruit life offers and translate it to not taking it too seriously, with great humor, with laughter, fun and a joy to be with you.

Capricorn 8th:

In your intimacy you bring passion and ambition as you do in your everyday life, your approach is strong, directed and maybe traditional which sometimes Is a good thing, you will love creating little traditions with your loved one, your spirit is that of a fighter and not a quitter even after a failure, you can bring order to chaos, very reliant, your partner can rest their head on your shoulders, you are a bit steady and slow at the beginnings, just so that you can master it.

Aquarius 8th:

In your intimacy you bring revolution, you bring rebellion, you bring weirdness that is unique and unconventional, love trying new things with your loved one, experimenting and bringing noveity to your bond is always refreshing and leaving your partner asking for more, generous and giving, but also their mind does wonders which may sometimes seem so distant, remember the depth of the 8th house allowed you to enter it, which means they are not going anywhere.

Pisces 8th:

In your intimacy you bring your compassion, your intuition, your artistic skills which can always make your partner melt, make your partner see you in awe and be surprised, the depth of your romance and emotions is incredible with the 8th house, traveling to worlds together with your loved one is so intimate, but also teaching them your wisdom.


girls like her were born in a storm

lightning in their souls: virgo, scorpio, capricorn, aquarius
thunder in their hearts: aries, taurus, leo, libra
and chaos in their bones: gemini, cancer, sagittarius, pisces


“Being a person is getting too complicated’.-Margaret Atwood


Woke Up Feeling Sad- R.L. Kelly

Vapour Trail- Ride

I Love You- The Brian Jonestown Massacre



“I can’t explain what I mean. And even if I could, I’m not sure I’d feel like it.”-J.D. Salinger


Heroin- The Velvet Underground

I Love You, Honeybear- Father John Misty

Lover, You Should Have Come Over- Jeff Buckley



“I have been subconsciously punishing myself”- Jack Kerouac


Dear Prudence- The Beatles

Take Care- Beach House

I Saw You- Wolf Alice

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