
So Many Fandoms



Okay, here's my idea:

The British should put a time limit on the Monarchy.

Not like declaring a republic tomorrow, but deciding on a date in the future that ends the British Monarchy.

And there's a perfect date for it coming up!

October 14th, 2066.

A thousand years since the Battle of Hastings. A thousand years of this one specific bloodline ruling England.

Call time on the Monarchy after exactly one thousand years. Nice, and neat.

Even better: Charles isn't living 44 years. He'll be gone in about twenty. Now William? He's what, 40? Yeah, he can live another 44 years. His great grandmother was over a hundred, his granny was 96, William can make it to 84 barring accident or assassination.

So on October 14th 2066, William the Last steps down a thousand years after William the First won the crown.

Nice, neat, and fair. William gets the crown he's been waiting forty years for already, but ten-year-old George grows up without expectation of it.

Have a nice big abdication ceremony, even.


Plus, what an absolute baller move to announce your regnal name as William the Last.


the Final Bill


This is actually a really good idea, I think.


So imagine a DnD character who's whole motivation is 'X guy killed my parents and I need to find them' and the party just thinks 'ok, revenge quest, that's normal'

But when they finally find the guy the person with dead parents is just like "Hey buddy, long time no see. It's a shame we got separated, here's some money" and they're super chill.

The party is just confused and goes "Wait, why are you giving him gold?"

The guy just goes "Cause I owe him money?"

The party "But he killed your parents???"

"That's why I owe him money!"


Love and Stubbornness

Here are two ideas to giggle at. 

Now the base of both these ideas starts in the same place, which is why I am putting them together. 

We start mid clones wars. Some mission has come up that has exposed at the very least Cody to a Sith device that causes the person exposed to fall ‘in love’ with the next person they see. If we want to go full bore we can include others up to and including Padme Amidala. The important points are that 1.)Obi Wan is not affected (though he and Cody are in Love, possibly even dating) and 2.)the first person that Cody sees is Anakin, thus it is Anakin that the person that the object made Cody fall in love with.  Including others would be a good way to increase the humor by creating a Gordian knot of random one sided ‘loves’.  

With that Base, here are the Two ideas. 


Crab Day!!!


Here on Tumblr!!


Buy crabs!


As we now know, Tumblr is $30 million dollars in debt. Oops. Tumblr has announced some major (and unpopular) changes to the site in their attempt to get back above water. The alternative is that Tumblr ceases to exist. But maybe we can change that...


There are 327 million unique tumblr visits per month, and almost 500 million active accounts. If 10 million unique users (or less, if we bought more than one) bought or gifted Crabs from the Tumblr store, we could knock out Tumblr's debt easily. Buy crabs!


July 29, 2023 is Crab Day, running through August 5 (for anyone who can't log on that day) as Crab Week!


Everyone!! If you truly can't afford to participate with a $3 crab, (or other item from the shop) post crab memes!

Time for Tumblr users to rise again and surprise everyone...

Please I need their next financial report to have a header that says 'Crab day'


Kalluzeb Fic Recs

Updated April 12 2023

Alright Kalluzeb fans new and old. In light of certain… live action revelations, I’ve decided now is the time to put together my own fic rec list for this ship. For new fans who want to know where to get started, and old fans looking to jump back in. I’ve sorted my recommendations by categories to suit any type of mood.

I try my best not to include WIPs or WIP series for this post. Perhaps later I'll do a whole post dedicated to WIPs.

Fic recs under the cut. Be mindful of my warnings for certain fics/categories. 


Being a sex-positive personally-sex-repulsed ace is weird cuz like reading about sex? Awesome. Writing about sex? Not much more intolerable than writing about anything else. Sex is good. Sex is normal. Sex is only as important as you let/want it to be. Kinks are natural expressions of sexuality. Sexual purity is a scam. Bodies are nothing to be ashamed of. Sex work is no more exploitative than any other kind of labor. If you touch me I will throw up on you.

Reblogging for pride month


So this is a cheat-sheet I’ve made for personal use to just have an overview over all the basic D&D rules. The first page covers most of the text rules. The color divides the sections more or less from one another.

The second page covers most of the important tables and stats, that you’ll probably need through the game. Hope you like it and find some use for this! Cheers.

SUPER handy! I might use this for the kiddos in my beginner d&d camp this summer!

I should print those out for players

Fuck my players I need this


They are married warner bros told me


I’m sorry I just had an out of body experience when bugs said “you’re a sexist”

how the hell else am i meant to interpret this


Never in my life have I seen a better equivalent for Drarry. The resemblance is so ON POINT it’s honestly a bit scary. wow. (also I pissed myself luaghing)


Man of War (Part 1 of 3)

Please, also go and read “Man of War” full fanfiction work on AO3

Thank you guys for all the support of this little thing, I didn’t think that people will actually like it and even create something for it!!!

I really started it with two first pages without actual intention to make if longer? But with @wingittofreedom we made such a beautiful plot and I will start part 2 after a little break.

Also I promise that there will be more characters, especially Bones, I don’t want whole thing to be too “chamber” and will try to learn from some mistakes I did!

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