
Nothing is Canon Everything is Fanfiction

@depressedfangirl93-blog / depressedfangirl93-blog.tumblr.com

22 years old, Italian, she/her, confused bisexual, mostly here for the fandom

So this happened tonight.

Please help me leave an abusive home. If anyone in the Upstate, SC area has a spare bedroom or a couch and can afford to let me crash, please let me know. Or please donate via my paypal at blindgumby@gmail.com. I have a job, but not currently any transportation. I don’t know where to go or what to do and I can’t take this anymore. Please, please help me. I know it’s been one thing after another, but I am at the lowest point in my life and I need help. The family I should be able to count on hates me, and my friends have gone silent. 

I don’t know what to do. I just know that this isn’t working.

I’m desperate to leave an abusive situation without falling into financial ruin… please signal boost and donate if you can, I’d be happy to write fanfic for you


I Need Your Help!

Okay so I’m a gay black trans guy and I live in an abusive home.

My dad is very emotionally abusive and manipulative and he has a very long history of treating me like shit. Plus, he’s totally against me being trans and I literally cannot transition until I’m out of his house.

I’ve been actively looking for work but even if I got a job today I wouldn’t be able to have enough money saved by the time I need to move out. I don’t wanna do anything irrational or desperate, which is why I’m asking for help.

I want to be able to raise enough money so I can pay for rent a couple of months in advance (+ bills, food, and furniture) while I seek out a job.

Please please help me. I’ll never stop being grateful if you do.

The link to my youcaring is: youcaring.com/river-lawless-679162

I’m nowhere near my goal please help


consider this:

not calling gay ships sin, ever, for any reason, because gay people have literally had to fight to NOT be considered ‘sinners’ or ‘evil’ or ‘wrong’ for their real life relationships and have died as a result

Take this hideous fandom terminology and tuck it back under the pope’s robes where it belongs.


every single negative stereotype about women was dreamt up by men who were projecting. fight me about it.

“women can’t drive”

It is so well known that women are better and safer drivers than men that OUR CAR INSURANCE RATES ARE LOWER. Women get into fewer accidents, get fewer DUIs, and receive fewer speeding tickets than men.

“women never shut up”

Several scientific studies have shown that not only do men talk more than women, they also think that women have been talking for much longer than they actually have. Men interrupt and talk over women, dominate conversations, and still think women talk too much.

“women are shallow”

Lol next

“my wife is my ball and chain lmao”

Multiple studies have shown that marriage between men and women: Increases male lifespan, decreases female lifespan Decreases male depression rates, increases female depression rates Decreases male stress levels, increases female stress levels Increases male health and happiness, decreases female health and happiness Increases a man’s chance of getting a raise or promotion, decreases a woman’s chances of getting a raise or promotion

“women are too emotional”

Men love to say this about women after hurting them, in order to shift the blame and dismiss their feelings in one go. In reality, women are taught to hold our tongues and control ourselves quite literally from birth. We’re taught to put men’s needs and wants ahead of our own emotions regardless of the personal cost. Men are taught to do more or less whatever the fuck they want to women. Men take their emotions out on women while women are expected to shove theirs down.

I could go on and on but I don’t really think I need to.

I love the idea of this post but would really love to see some sources for the studies, that way no one can claim this as biased. Pictures are great but it doesn’t say where the information came from. 

X x x x x x x x x

Reblogging this again because I’m still getting requests for the sources


here’s three important questions to consider before you belittle teenagers or tbh anyone for doing something:

  • is what they’re doing actively harmful to themselves or others or is it just “cringey” by your standards
  • are they having fun doing it
  • how many bees are up your asshole

Yuri on Ice won several Crunchyroll Awards? THAT anime? The anime that crashed Crunchyroll’s servers the day of its finale? Wow I am shocked and appalled by this unexpected development!

Let’s also add “Oh no, a popular anime won a popularity contest, I’m shocked!!11!1 I better go shit on it and prove that it didn’t deserve anything even though from the very beginning I was well aware that in this poll the most popular anime would win.”

Honestly, I’m tired of seeing people whine abut the results. Yes, alright, let’s say that YOI didn’t deserve to win a certain category in the awards, but you know what? The winner was not determined by ‘how much it deserves to win’ but by how popular the show was. That was obvious from the very beginning and I feel like no one has any right to complain at this point. Shitting on YOI now is nothing but immature.

And hey wanna hear the good news? Crunchyroll’s Awards are absolutely inconsequential. They don’t mean squat. They were just an interesting way to measure hype and popularity really nothing else.

If you’re salty about them, you can let them go now. If you’re proud of YOI and the size of our fandom, feel free to continue feeling proud.

This idea that a clickbait poll was suddenly anything other that a clickbait poll is ridiculous. If they wanted this to measure substance and merit they needed judges from within the anime community. This isn’t to say YOI doesn’t have merit (it does), but if the test for the awards is “how many of you show up?”, then this is a clickbait poll and they want to know where the greatest fandom is. Which makes sense as Crunchyroll wants to know where the traffic is going to go and the merchandise and the streaming and the ad revenue, etc. They’re not super invested in crowning a king. 

What I care about is continually cramming a queer anime down the throat of every and anything possible I can to say NORMALIZE THIS, MOTHERFUCKER.


How different languages work in Yuri!!! On Ice

Other than being endearingly heartwarming and setting my OTP feels ablaze, one of the best parts about this scene (as another post points out) is that Victor has no idea what Yuri said.

There’s confusion among fandom regarding whether or not Victor knows Japanese and what his primary communication language is. So on Twitter this morning I shot off a few tweets about how languages are handled in YoI and I’m coming here to explain myself more fully. 

Since episode 2, I’ve been completely in love with the voice direction given to Suwabe-san that helps demonstrate Victor’s foreign-ness via auditory cues. Of course, it’s not going to be readily apparent to non-Japanese speakers, but it definitely stands out to the native speaking audience. 

Basically, whenever Victor is “speaking Japanese,” his speech is foreigner-accented. His pronunciation is off in places and the rhythm isn’t that of a native or solidly fluent japanese speaker. The sentences are a bit less complex as well. My favorite example of this is from episode 3, when he was in full gaijin mode lol.

Anyway, when Victor is speaking a language that he’s fluent in (likely English with Yuri Katsuki or Russian with Yuri Plisetsky), Suwabe-san drops the “foreigner-accent” and delivers the lines fluidly. 

The best example of the “language switch”, perhaps, is in episode 4 when Yuri calls Coach Celestino. Celestino also has a foreigner-accent when speaking to Yuri at first, but then when Victor gets on the phone Celestino’s accent drops and he too speaks fluidly. 

So, an Italian-American and a Russian speaking to each other…? English is 99.9% likely to be their common language. 

And just to clarify, there’s no continuity error regarding language in the scenes from episode 2 when Victor goes to Minako-sensei and the Nishigoris to get more information about Yuri. He has no foreigner accent in these scenes as well, so he’s speaking in a language he’s fluent in. But we know now that Yuko-chan speaks English fluently and it’s likely that Minako-sensei does too since she had an international ballet career. 

tl;dr version

  • When Victor speaks Japanese he sounds like a foreigner and native/fluent Japanese speakers will pick up on that change.
  • Victor and Yuri are communicating with each other in English. (Smooth, complex conversation with no accenting.)
  • Victor maybe has rudimentary Japanese skills, but not enough for him to understand or participate in complex discussions. (Example: ep 4, when he has to ask Yuri what everyone is talking about.)
  • Every person Victor has had an in-depth conversation with so far has good English skills. 
  • And an injection from reality– most high level international athletes use English as a commonality language anyway. 

There’s a genius Yuri!!! on Ice Combined Dub that uses audio from the sub and dub versions to distinguish when people are speaking Japanese vs. when they’re meant to be speaking English.


That original concept for III Padme wearing a red sash and her newborn twins slung on her back going after Anakin on Mustafar to kill him herself with a knife in her hand while P!nk’s “So What” plays in the background was so in character and they should have kept it

ok so i lied about P!nk but the rest was true


look…………….. write as much shitty fic as you want. nobody can stop you. you’re learning constantly and it’s better to write hackneyed implausible ridiculousness than it is to not write at all out of fear of fucking up. you’re good

There was an experiment a professor did. I think it was pottery students. He did an experiment of “quality” vs “quantity”. One half of the class he told; you have to make as many pots as possible. Good pots, bad pots, shitty pots, whatever. The more pots you make, the higher your grade.

The other half of the class were told, “you can make only one pot”. But that pot had to be perfect. The quality had to be high; the highest quality pot would get the best mark.

But when it came to the grading, they noticed something weird.

All the best quality pots were in the ‘quantity’ group.

The guys who were literally churning out pots, trying to make as many as possible, not concentrating on the quality. But every pot they made, made them better at making pots. By the end of the month (I think it was a month) - they had some pretty awesome pots coming out, because they enjoying finding all the ways and all the things they could do to make all their pots. Where as the ‘quality’ guys had spent their time reading up on pots, and technique, and researching and planning; which was all great but they’d had no further practice at actually making pots.

The best way to get really good at something, the only way to be really good at something, is to make lots of shitty attempts at that thing several of which will fail. If all you create are perfect things then you won’t improve, because how can you improve on perfect?



anyway to clarify before bed, interracial relationships are good, relationships with trans people are good, but posts positing heterosexuality as the principal, singularly important medium with which they should be represented are not radical and calls to action for “more heterosexuality” to fix issues of racism and transphobia do not make sense. no one is forgetting about heterosexuality. everything is hetero. that’s not the part of these relationships that matters, posts trying to dress it up and say “m/f is still important and we need more of it” are distracting from the actually important aspects, such as being interracial in nature or having trans participants. when it comes down to it, i’m gonna prioritize m/m and f/f relationships and making them inclusive. sitting here and twisting my words to mean that i don’t care about straight poc is particularly disingenuous and you know it. trying to guilt lgbt people into being concerned about heterosexuality, as if that’s something they’re not socially conditioned to do their entire lives, and acting like heterosexuality needs defenders from lgbt people on the basis of these other axes is really manipulative. you don’t need to be invested in straightness as a concept in order to care about people who are hurt for other reasons


What Cultural Appropriation is NOT

Cultural appropriation is real and can be very harmful, but Tumblr en masse has grossly misdefined it. Here are some examples of what isn’t cultural appropriation:

- Eating food from another culture - Properly practicing a religion from another culture. - Listening to music from another culture - Reading literature from another culture - Learning a new language - Respectfully wearing clothing from another culture in an appropriate setting, such as overseas, at a cultural event, wedding, etc. - Buying crafts from local craftsman. - Respectfully participating in cultural activities such as yoga, dreidel, and belly dancing - Respectfully wearing or using non-sacred icons or art from another culture, such as Chinese pottery or in some cases, henna. - Trying out instruments and tools from another culture, such as chopsticks or traditional writing instruments

Many people from other cultures are actually offended when Americans try to fight “cultural appropriation”. For example, many Japanese people thought that criticism of Avril Lavigne’s video was laughably ignorant at best and racist at worst. Also, in many countries, Americans who refuse to partake in cultural activities or traditional dress out of fear of appropriation are seen as snobbish and entitled. Additionally, many religions actively encourage evangelization. Saying that religions traditionally practiced by non-white people cannot freely spread has some very racist implications.

Being culturally literate actively fights racial prejudice or ignorance. Taking the time to learn another culture’s history, values, perspective, and traditions makes people better citizens. For example, understanding how various cultures and religions view illness will help me be a better nurse. Cultural competence can only help society, and it prevents genuine, offensive cultural appropriation.

There are definitely some gray areas when it comes to cultural appropriation. Some Christians find non-Christians using crosses in fashion offensive, while some do not, for example. Intent can also carry some significance. For example, someone may fully understand the sacred meaning of the ankh and feel a strong spiritual connection to it. Another person may just think it looks cool. Both wear an ankh ring, but one would definitely not be appropriating while the other has entered a gray area.

Some cultural practices overlap as well. Tattooing has been practiced around the world by many cultures that didn’t come into contact with each other, for example. Meditation has also been practiced around the world. Buddhist mediation is arguably the best known, but nearly every culture and religion has one or more varieties of it. (I personally like the method practiced in Ancient Ireland best, because it’s the only one I personally know that allows one to think exclusively in words. It’s not physically possible for an NLDer to “turn off” verbal thinking, so most other forms of meditation are inaccessible.)

Historically, separating cultures often leads to cultural incompetence, xenophobia, discrimination, stereotyping, and racism. Cultural appropriation is bad, but that doesn’t make cultural segregation good.

hell yes to all of this post.

and I’d like to point out how many times it says “respectfully” or “properly”. this is important, people. read it and understand it.


Job Train

I pray that everyone who likes/reblogs this gets the job they’re looking for. 🙏🙏🙏🙏Good vibes sent 💸💸💸💸💸



I no lie just got hired today!! I am amazed.




In process! I will let you know if I get the job!

Job Interview today,I need this

It really worked

Not missing this chance to not reblog this. Send all the good juju my way, I need it& bad!!!



Need this


Ooh yes I applied today

Need it



Lmao I’m glad my blessings are reaching people

So true believe in him

Work in my favor!!!

please I just had an interview and I really need this or another job asap 🙏🙏🙏

Bless 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

Praying for y'all ✊🏾💙

Point your hand toward this post!!!!!! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾



I need this 😩🙏🏾

Hope this goes for internships as well. I’m at my wit’s end..

Rebloging again because I have a job interview in a few days and i REALLY need this

Yes God 🙌🏾🙏🏾


Pray for me! I’m applying for some new jobs 😭😭😭


😊I’m waiting for my interview call


Reblog if you’d be okay if your friend came out as transgender

let’s see how many transphobics we can weed out

if you can’t reblog this unfollow me right now

It wouldn’t make any difference. Friendship and love are stronger that gender



The organiser of an armed march against the Jewish population in a small town in Montana has insisted the harassment campaign will go ahead.

The Daily Stormer, an American neo-Nazi website, is planning the march in Whitefish, where the mother of white supremacist Richard Spencer lives.

It will take place in the second week of January, days before president-elect Donald Trump is inaugurated. (source)


@my followers

Please. Likes don’t really do much. People need to see this. Please keep the Jewish people of Montana in your prayers. Please, for the horror that is bound to occur next week, reblog this.


Hey guys, can people please donate to me so I can eat? I don’t get paid till the ninth, I have barely enough money for rent but I’ve had to spend all my extra money going to work. I get paid the ninth, but idk what else to do. Please help me if you can. Please. My PayPal is ljgworker70@gmail.com I literally don’t know what to do.

Please my boyfriend and I are both working but we don’t get paid until the ninth can you please help me? Please? I don’t know what else to do. I just want to have a good life and we rarely eat or do anything once we get paifor a full months work we’ll be fine but idk what else to do :( I have to buy his greyhound ticket too and I barely barely have enough for rent plssse help me please

Hey nobodies donated to us and that’s totally fine but could anyone revlog it? I’m getting really scared

Genghis Khan sired four self-indulgent sons who proved good at drinking, mediocre in fighting, and poor at everything else; yet their names live on despite the damage they did to their father’s empire. Although Genghis Khan recognized the superior leadership abilities of his daughters and left them strategically important parts of his empire, today we cannot even be certain how many daughters he had. In their lifetime they could not be ignored, but when they left the scene, history closed the door behind them and let the dust of centuries cover their tracks. Those Mongol queens were too unusual, too difficult to understand or explain. It seemed more convenient just to erase them.

Part of the introduction to The Secret History of the Mongol Queens: How the Daughters of Genghis Khan Rescued his Empire by Jack Weatherford. 

I feel like this is gonna be a fun book to read. 


::adds to wishlist::

Because my list was not long enough already!

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