
I'm a Foks and I doodle


31 years old, Non-binary, ENFP, Tired gremlin. Personal/Art blog. I draw Stranger Things, Dead By Daylight, and too many OC's.

Emergency Comms....Again

I hate to do this again, but I’m here again to extend my leggy with some Emergency comms. It’s really frustrating to need to ask, but even though I’ve been diligently trying to get all of this sorted with my bank so that I can get my paychecks on time, they still continue to deny my checks and send them back to my employer, which means I get my checks a week late. My internet was shut off yesterday and I’m trying to get it back on for the long weekend. Anything helps! DM me for details~ Want more than just a sketch, feel free to ask me about those prices as well!


Hey guys, I know I haven’t been on this tumblr blog in ages, I’m really bad about keeping up with that and definitely need to do better about being around over here. But I’ve got some emergency comms up. My bank is not processing my paychecks, and has cost me well over $500 in overdraft and late fees already. Currently, i’m just trying to get my internet turned back on. Please reblog if you can, I could use some help. 

Anonymous asked:

The whole YB thing is starting to piss me off, theres even now a kid accusing the creator of being a child gr**mer and her husband of being a r*pist, all because they’re mad they got banned. And people are looking at the creator saying “Can you prove you aren’t?” Or “Message me so we can sort this out :).”

This is not something that’s on the creator to defend and that fact that people think they have the right to ask for her to prove she’s NOT A GOD DAMN CRIMINAL is kinda disturbing. The burden of proof is on the accuser, and of course two random people ‘personally know them’, one of which is a brand new account, and claim a CPS case is open against them, which even if it was true should absolutely not be posted on the internet for them to access. But guess what? The victim ‘who was going to speak out’ still hasn’t even come forward.

Kids seriously need to stop with this, it isn’t funny, it isn’t cool, this kind of stuff can literally ruin people’s lives, and the person who made the reponse video really shouldn’t have. While I understand their intention was good, you shouldn’t help publicise information that has no proof when it’s something so serious. All this does is prove they’re not at all mature enough for the game, because just being told no made them start this kind of nonsense.

And guess what? Tik Tok claims their accounts have ‘no violations’, so they aren’t being removed from the platform. I hate the internet.

Tiny anon

Yeah it’s honestly disgusting and pisses me off too. Kids think they fucking know everything and that just because they’re online that they’re mature.

You arent. You seeing things a kid shouldn’t doesn’t make you mature and it sure as shit doesn’t give you the right to ruin someone’s life and reputation just because you got butthurt you were blocked.

It’s honestly the most childish thing someone can do. All because they can’t respect someone and stay away from content for everyone’s safety.

Then there’s the people who think they’re a social justice warrior and believe they’re righteous and all knowing just because they stupidly open their mouth and spew bullshit with no proof, and simply want to be seen as virtuous because cameras and media are on them. Like greedy vermin.

I hate the internet too.



If either of you had actually taken the time to read through the documentation that the victim has in fact provided then I don’t think you’d be spreading such false information. The victim is not ‘a kid who was banned from playing the game’ The victim followed and idolized Fuboo from the time they were fifteen until they started talking to them personally as friends. They even received letters from Fuboo (which they include in the document if you’d you know... cared to read it before you blindly spoke out on this topic) So to say that this is just ‘a minor who is mad they got banned’ obviously you don’t care enough about the topic, either one of you, to do actual research and be educated on what you’re saying. Saying this person hasn’t come forward is a bold faced lie. They have and I will be happy to provide links to the twitter where all of the documentation lives for you to read for yourselves.  People are asking for Fuboo to refute the claims, to show her own proof in the contradiction of the claims brought forward. To contradict the documentation the victim has brought forward. This is not some person crying wolf with nothing to show for it. They have screenshots of personal conversations, both with Fuboo and her husband. They have proof posted that they have filed a police report. To ask for someone to do more than say “Hahaha I didn’t do it guys :)” is not too much, it’s simply asking for her side of the story and what proof she has. It’s asking for her to deliver a reason why she should be believed. So far the fact that not only has she refused to deliver it, but she has since made her entire twitter private so that she can control the information her fans are seeing tells me personally she is guilty. If you’re innocent you have nothing to hide. Whatever you believe is not my business. What is my business is the fact that you’re spreading false and hurtful information, and the least you could do is educate yourself so you don’t sound ignorant.  Here’s the links to the twitter with all the victim’s information. Educate yourself. Make your decision once you’ve taken the time to look at everything. Don’t be a lemming and follow what you hear. Do your own fucking research people.  https://twitter.com/heresyourproof2 I for one believe the victim, and I will stand with him and stand up for him while people are misgendering him constantly, while people are more interested in the fact that they think his screenshots are doctored because they had to be censored for privacy and safety. I stand with the victim while people continually ignore the fact that Fuboo also admitted to having a relationship with him, and is trying to build a case that he’s a ‘crazy fan’ when the victim has provided proof that Fuboo wanted the relationship. I will stand with the victim in the wake of all the rape apologists who have been saying that he consented because they were in a relationship, because he was badgered into saying yes, because he was love bombed constantly, because he was guilted and afraid to say no, because two 30 year olds who had placed themselves as the single safe adults to turn to and he was afraid to lose that. 

Shame on all of you. I too am disgusted at the internet, but for far different reasons than you. Again. Fucking educate yourself or sit down and shut up. Spreading false information is harmful, and I for one refuse to accept it.


a lil commission piece for @gravegroves ! thank you again for the donation.

sometimes you just get bored in summer… in a small town… with not much to do…

(part two coming sooner or later!)

please do not repost my art without my permission! thanks!

Look, none of you know the real me. No one here knows of my crimes and what a terrible goblin I used to be when it came to spamming Nic Cage memes in discord chats. I've put that past behind me (mostly).


Bring the chaos lol

Do you know what you invite upon your doorstep flippy????


This is exactly what I needed in my life. Please gib more.

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