
Remember the Sunflowers

@remembersunflowers / remembersunflowers.tumblr.com

and other forgotten stories
Anonymous asked:

Would Wesley (The Princess Bride) survive? I think yes, but it's going to get ugly.

So I just said True Love is not the Get Out Of Castle Dracula Free card you might hope it is -

And then you send me The Guy whose whole deal is Death Cannot Stop True Love. You did that on purpose didn't you.

(Technically Jonathan Harker is also a Death Cannot Stop True Love kinda guy, but whereas Wesley simply refuses to die, Jonathan is going to refuse to stay down, if it comes to that)

Wesley knows how to appease the whims of a guy who will most likely kill him in the morning. Wesley has proven he can climb Cliffs of Despair. Wesley is a polite boy who says "please." Wesley would make it out alive then tell everyone his name is Count Dracula.

You got me. You got me. Death cannot stop True Love, and Wesley farmboy pirate man in black can survive Castle Dracula.


Elias and Peter actually take turns giving each other alimony cheques and up the amount each time to try and out do the other. At a certain point, they're just swapping thousands of dollars on a monthly basis. They use the same bank tellar each time, and she gets so weirded out that she makes a statement that Martin unfortunately has to record. They flirt in the memo lines on the cheques.


So when trans people take chemicals that radically change their body in order to live happier and freer lives it’s fine. but when I, Henry Jekyll—


sound on, his voice is something else.


this feels like if all of humanity were to reset and humans had forgotten how everything worked and had to teach each other what things were. this is the Wall turorial


I know he is not particularly old in a physical sense but conceptually speaking, I want to fuck THAT old man.


can i get a hell yea if you’re still gonna be wasting your time on this website in 2014


the funniest dynamc between my boyfriend and i is the chef/baker divide runs so deep. experimentally my boyfriend is a genius with figuring out what flavor profiles will not just taste good together but also will be enjoyed by the specific audience he is cooking for. a recipe is not a guidebook so much as a suggestion and he will frankenstein ideas together to get exactly what he wants to happen. he also didnt know that sugar will not work properly if you dont mix it with the wet ingredients in banana bread and when i asked 'why didnt you do it in the order of the recipe' he said 'i didnt really think it mattered'. autistically i exploded his head in my mind

when your pumpkin loaf or banana loaf is not delightfully moist and soft and sweet like the pillow of a cherub and instead is like a dense fruitcake brick of misery we will see who is pretentious then. beast


Wait what’s the Love/Hate game? It looks like something I’d enjoy, can u tell me more about it? Thanks <3


Sure! @re-dracula created a written correspondence game for two people to role play as Jonathan Harker writing to R. M. Renfield (or vice versa, there’s no rule who writes first)

You can find the game here:

Anonymous asked:

Jonathan loved all the local food though lmao?? do not slander our cuisine.

Local cuisine, being with the locals, all these things were good. I would say Jonathan appreciated that they cared. But once he’s inside the castle and once things are getting so much worse, I imagine he would take a negative view of things. That’s my opinion anyway


Ah, I hope you are all as cozy as I am right now: snug in a coffin, feeding my man-eating cat a spare rib (don’t ask whose), and writing about death. Yes… that’s the stuff.


dracula timeloop au

based on dracula daily coming back, i propose an au where jonathan harker is trapped in a timeloop.

just him

every year, he thinks he is free of the vampiric count, able to live his life with his wife and child, grieving but alive. he wakes up the next day of course, young, dark haired and naive with an assignment to handle the buisness proceddings of one count dracula, in transylvania

and dracula is epistiolary. the loop is not reliving, it is rereading, it is rewriting over and over in hopes that things will be different.

and jonathan in the novel isnt stupid, he's very aware of what's happening.

if he wasnt aware of how weird every little detail is, even BEFORE dracula accidentally shows he has no reflection (the obvious first instance of his vampiric nature), he wouldnt be writing htem down in his diary, or his letters to mina

he tries to record more. tries to mark the red flags he misses with each loop, until it's a parade of red, spilled across page after page like blood

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