
✿ spilled my marbles ✿


[they/them] (22) The Cadet's art blog trying to make things look a bit more tidy and organized. Also if you happen to use any of my works please give credit, I'd greatly appreciate it. Artfight: HiddenSunshine (proshippers, terfs, etc. do not interact. This shuttle is not welcome for you.)

consistent content ain’t a thing I’m good at

so here’s a thing that has some years of content, my ArtFight bc I never end up posting it, for those who want a crumb of cringe (affectionate)

[all my artwork there is of other people’s characters, credit is given accordingly]


Hello! Do you mind, if I repost your art with credits?


Hi! I appreciate the question, however I request that my art is not to be reposted please.

I will give permission for people to use most of my art as pfps (mostly just fanart), but reposting my content is not on the table.

Thank you for politely taking the time to ask!


imagine the potential we could have had with Rick washing up on shore in a more ridiculous pose (unless the book has an image just like this, I only just recently listened to the audiobook)

also the potential of Trixie having played Ghost Trick, that seems neat and funny too [credit to Ghost Trick as the main pic is a simple redraw of the game’s cover art]


Opinion on Howie?


I personally think he’s pretty neat! I’m not quite sure if he’s considered a very deep character compared to some others (or maybe I don’t know him that well), not that that’s required to make an interesting character of course. Howie’s fun-

also, a verbal typo by mod Rick unfortunately led to this doodle below (Mod Ramsey told me to)

enjoy - ㋡


Part 2: Daisy Gang Doodles!

Yes, you heard-read right, our gaggle of very random strangers...had a squad name! BEHOLD, the DAISY GANG! Thoughtfully named after the time we had to daisy chain over to Arley’s car in the parking lot!! Due to spooky hotel forces!!

The last two doodles are actually related to that instance! The young boy Travis attempted to climb Cyril like a monkey bars/playground. Cyril’s twunk stature (and that’s being generous) could not stand a chance against the weight of a...12 year-old. He crumpled to the ground instantly, wheezing for dear life.


I HAVE FOUND MY CYRIL DOODLES which means I can do a fun little doodle dump here! (as some aren’t on his toyhou.se)

Part 1: Early Doodles!

he was conceptualized on the spot as some friends and I did an “icebreaker” oneshot that eventually grew into a bit of a small-scale campaign/series of sessions? and these were what I basically drew early into development!


thanks for 420 Rick Shades


i am grabbing you. do you Hear Me, little man? you Will show me your sad pathetic man, you Will let me hold him and cherish him within my palm, as i shall crush you in the other. you are cruel. cruel and loveless.


how’s this for your mans-

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