
piss drunk off piss

@xtracheezpizza / xtracheezpizza.tumblr.com

jzn yrgr // hunnytheband.com
Anonymous asked:

is 7th sister dead too?

i hope not. we'll see. i like that song

Anonymous asked:

THIS IS IMPORTANT!! how do u feel about cotton candy?

fuck that shit

Anonymous asked:

i fucked up with my first love. How do i get over it

write a song about it lol

Anonymous asked:

when are you going to sell stuff on depop again?

soonish hopefully when i get back from tour

Anonymous asked:

Um how was dallas???

dallas was a damn good time tonight

Anonymous asked:

are you guys really lettig tpc die? :(

kinda lol sorry idk it might come back someday

Anonymous asked:

come 2 manchester m8

we're trying

Anonymous asked:

first story/memory that comes to mind when you see the word biscuit

lol you'd have to ask jen from bleached

Anonymous asked:

i wish i could say i had a fav off the ep but it honestly switches fucking four times a day its so good. mega props to all of you guys you never fail to impress, they go hard live too x

thank you very much :) more to come

Anonymous asked:

whats ur favorite color bby

three way tie between yellow, orange and purple

Anonymous asked:

which guy out of hunny would u punch

all of them including myself. we all deserve it

Anonymous asked:

favorite song off the new ep

probably televised i think. what's yours?

Anonymous asked:

u ever wish that the cure named their album 4:12 dream instead of 4:13 dream?

wow yes everyday and i like you

Anonymous asked:

Was your mom chill with you dropping out?

NO haha she kicked me out of the house

Anonymous asked:

favorite female artists/bands?

really hard question. mika miko. blondie. patti smith. siouxsie and the banshees. cansei der ser sexy. bikini kill. the breeders. sonic youth. wax idols. heartbreakers. broken social scene. paramore. tops. detestation. the pixies. bleached. fleetwood mac. le tigre. heart. x ray specs. the forecast. tennis. i'm drunk and prolly missing some of my favs but there are too many and i actually don't like this question cuz a lot of these bands are also just my favorite bands so who cares if they're female fronted? if ur asking me this to discover more girls bands, that's cool, but i don't see the point in separating female/female fronted bands from "other" bands. good music is good music no matter who you are and that's that

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