


yes my favorite colors are the warm orange of the windows of a house u see on a walk at night and also the deep blue of the night around it


art by suzanne siegel


Kind of obsessed with how Loid and Yor accidentally con themselves into being the perfect parents. Neither of them grew up with stable parental figures, and both of them probably consider normal family life as out of reach for them due to their jobs. But they also are both convinced that the other one IS normal and knows what normal family life is.

So you have this adorable dynamic where Loid constantly seeks Yor’s advice and approval that he’s doing ok as a dad, because surely if civilian mom thinks so, he can’t be ruining the mission. And Yor is constantly seeking Loid’s advice and approval that she’s doing ok as a mom, because this guy has had a “real” wife and everything, she must be doing something right if he’s keeping her around. Neither of them know what the hell they’re doing, but out of pure respect and love for each other, AS CIVILIANS, they actually end up giving really good advice and supporting each other so well, and accidentally forge a true family unit. It’s just…it’s so cute yall


Dear everyone who is currently working on a Thing, whatever that Thing may be,

Good luck with the Thing. You can do the Thing. You will do the Thing. You just have to do the Thing.

Best wishes,

Someone who is also doing a Thing

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