

@exsquidsit / exsquidsit.tumblr.com

נטעלי שירה
נטעלי שירה

Level 1: Missing the reference.

Level 2: Not really getting it, but having picked up enough though osmosis that you're pretty sure you know what it's a reference to.

Level 3: Understanding the reference.

Level 4: Feeling ambivalent about the reference because you're not sure whether your understanding of it is overthinking it.

Level 5: Actively resenting the fact that you understand the reference.

Level 2.2: Finding out that what you thought was an inside joke with your friends is, in fact, a reference to a piece of media they all know and assumed you also knew... which you have, in fact, never heard of in your life.


I don't think I already posted this here? Anyway, Catradora and Glimbow (and Melog) go travelling, one of my fave Kofi requests from last year ✨

(hey Res mwah)


Today has me pouring a big glass of

"Loving my girlfriend" juice. I really don't know what I'd do without her and I hope she knows just how important she is to me.

*fiancée but make it every day


With the news of Queen Elizabeth’s hospitalisation, it’s now a distinct reality that we could be looking at a change in monarch. And while everyone loves being performative and wants to look cool and join in on the ‘fun’ of celebrating her death, maybe instead you should be looking at doing something that might actually make a difference.

Queen Elizabeth II was an incredibly popular monarch. She was clever and cunning and played her apolitical political role well, taking care to remain in the good graces of the public. It is NOT a coincidence that while monarchies all around Europe toppled, Britain never once seriously looked at getting rid of their Queen.

This is not true of Charles. He is not as well liked. He does not have the benefit of longevity - most people alive have known the Queen as their monarch their whole lives, and have never seen the monarch change. Kicking a little old lady off the throne after what many people have seen as years of service to her country was a relatively unpopular proposition, but the same is not true of of a man who people aren’t all that fond of, and who doesn’t hold the position.

If you’re on tumblr you’re probably very aware of the questionable past and present of the British throne - and if you’re British or a member of a commonwealth state, now is the time to start talking about it. The monarchy is never going to be overthrown while Queen Elizabeth is still alive, but on her death… well, it’s pretty much fair game.

So instead of just celebrating on your blog, go out and talk about the monarchy. Sow seeds of revolution. Talk about the racism of the royal family. Talk about the racism inherent in the system, and the very personal racism that Megan Markle exposed. Talk about how it isn’t fair that in a unilateral society based on principles of equality, we have not just a monarch but an entire class of people who are born into titles. Talk about how the royal family hoard wealth, how their modern wealth has come from their past subjects, as well as the burden on tax payers. Talk about how unfit they each are for their positions. How you don’t like Charles, or don’t want him as king. Talk about how outsiders are treated - Megan, Diana.

Talk about all the downsides of the monarchy, and do it loudly and publicly, especially with people who are on the fence or who don’t think they care. We will only step away from the monarchy when the general public demand it, and for that to happens, people need to be informed. People need to consider what things would be like without the institution they’ve lived with all their lives- and if the figurehead of that institution is changing, now is the perfect time.


you can’t trust MEN because they’ll act sooo nice and polite and pretend to be your best friend and snuggle up with you and look at you with their big kind eyes and then once they pull you into a false sense of security they’ll puke on your bedsheets and leave

^ man


My friend texted this to me and said she couldn’t tell if this was a drink or drain cleaner


it's giving me such mixed messages like it says "non-toxic" and "industrial strength" but also "no sugar" and "gluten-free"

the drink of all time


It says it’s multi purpose so I think maybe if I drink it it’ll both lubricant my gender and clean out my entire esophagus 😂


The entire purpose of a minimum wage is the basic agreement that if you work full time, you should be able to afford to live and support your family. Working from 9 to 5 is working full time (plus commuting and doing necessary chores like grocery shopping and laundry). Coming home to netflix doesn't change the fact that workers rights have been eroding since before most of us were born. It doesn't change the fact that inflation has shrunk the value of a dollar as the minimum wage has stagnated. And if you're disabled or a tipped worker, you make less than minimum wage. To say nothing of the prevalence of slave labor in the US.


the idea that being closeted is being a liar is a heterosexual propaganda that hates queer people protecting themselves. you don't have to come out if you're not safe.

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