
Official Y/N


Nina. 23.

Men like to believe theyd be great in apocalypse scenarios but they dont even know how to sew

Some male friends of mine were once talking about how useful they’d be in an apocalypse, and I pointed out that as a weaver and sewer and maker of stuff, I’d be pretty damn useful and they tried to tell me they could just loot clothes from WalMart and they’d be fine. As if WalMart has endless supplies without weekly deliveries.

So just last night a friend of mine was talking about who he’d round up in the event of a zombie apocalypse and how I’m his go-to farmer on account of I know how to keep an entire homestead up and running and we’re talking about what kind of resources I’d need to keep a colony of about 50-ish people alive and i bring up what all goes into processing wool for clothing and such and he just kind of stops me like ‘wait, wait, we don’t need to do all of that because we can scavenge for clothes we don’t need to be able to make them’ and i’m just like, ‘dude, that works in the short-term maybe but if this community is going to be sustainable you’ve gotta have people whose job it is to make clothes and blankets and shit’

also cloth rots pretty quickly when left exposed to the elements and after the first few years or so anything we manage to scavenge isn’t going to be wearable anymore and anywho we’ve got to teach the kids everything or they’re not gonna know what to do some decades down the line when everything’s too rusted or rotted out to be of any practical use anymore, etc etc, and he’s reckoning that things like woodworking and smithing and ranching are more important than say, cleaning or cooking or dairying and meanwhile i’m just smh may all the gods have mercy on this poor fool

He also balked when i brought up how to run a laundry and what all was needed to make everyday shit like soap and toothpaste - like dude, you think this is going to be all about hunting and scavenging and being neato manly-man drifters like in the walking dead let me teach you a thing about keeping a village alive and healthy for more than a week man most of it is shit you keep thinking is non-essential on account of it being “women’s work” or “simple chores” that’re actually pretty labor-intensive and take time, training, knowledge, and practice to do successfully, let alone well, and are 100% absolutely necessary work in order for you to have any reasonably good quality of life after the world ends

Dudes think the apocalypse only lasts for six seasons and a movie


Can we add medical care to something that’s also woefully overlooked?

We’re going to need to make antibiotics. We won’t have most diagnostic tools available. We won’t have an easy way to sterilize things.

And of course, we will need gauze and thread to treat injuries properly.

All of these get forgotten entirely. But most humans will die of infection rapidly. You will need medical providers. Hell, delivering babies is dangerous and you will absolutely need midwives and obstetricians, and they might need to do C sections.

Knowing how to make sure you have clean water to drink.


I literally love this.

I couldn't stop laughing for 20 minutes.

No joke.


This has the same energy as a writer desperately trying to make their insanely cool but devastatingly off the wall plot point work with the rest of the story


another day without a morally grey fictional man who would commit arson for me


I have realized that the perfect form of media must have a delicate balance between absolutely heart wrenching pure emotional devastation and the most ridiculous nonsense you have ever seen in your whole life

I have thought of you so frequently […] that I imagine, I guess, that by some mystical intuition, you may well be aware of this.

Sylvia Plath, The Letters of Sylvia Plath Volume II: 1956–1963 ⁠— Dorothea Krook, 25th September 1958


all of my creative mutuals and followers, i really just want to say to you guys, stop being so self-deprecating all the time

there's so many lovely artists and writers on my dash making such fun, original stuff and then i see a comment along the lines of "ugh, i know this sucks, might delete later, i'm just trying, i know it's not that good, sorry it sucks etc etc"

stop. This maybe sounds harsh but i'm saying this with love and support, just stop. Stop putting yourself down, stop reveling in pity and misery. You made something and the more you make something the better it's going to turn out, and guess what, sometimes you make 5 nice things and the 6th one sucks, and then you make 5 nice things again. Sometimes it's vice versa

Idk, i know being proud isn't easy, but self-flagellation is only good up until a point. If you say bad shit about yourself it's only a matter of time until other people start agreeing with you

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