
Hi, im moving for my safety and I need some help.

i feel sad and im sorry to do this again but i am poor and i need help 😵‍💫

summary: i am a nonbinary lesbian of color (pakistan) who recently graduated from college, and a couple weeks ago i was forced to come out about my sexuality and relationship w my partner to my muslim parents as they invaded my privacy and my own home. they both are both in denial and said they will help me get “fixed” currently I don’t know what that means and I’m fearing for both my safety and mental health if I continue to stay here in Chicago.

Luckily, my partner and i have found a place in Phoenix with our other friend but I need some funds like bills and groceries to finish up the rent at my place (I currently have $8 in my bank acc). I have applied to jobs for the past two months and I haven’t heard anything promising back, so I’m still waiting and applying here and there, but since I am moving cities, it’s been a little harder. I really need this move so I can live in security and confidence, I’ll only need help for the rest of this month through august. I know that when I finally break the news to my parents about my moving, they’re going to get extremely upset and possibly more controlling, so I need some financial security. I have been mostly independent for a year now, but they still pay my phone bill and have access to my location and my current house.

$$$: v*nmo = nasrim,

c*sh*pp = exid5,

P*yP*l = exid5

i need to raise $1000, but any donation or reblog is thoroughly appreciated, thank you❤️


I love that I’ve had some of the same mutuals for like over 5 years and we never so much as exchanged a single dm.....the amount of mutual respect.....


STOP because i have been saying for YEARS that this was what it was but like... i was just fuckin around making conspiracy theories and shit i didn’t think that was the ACTUAL reason.


Aye God, take Justin and give us back Aaliyah. Right your wrong.


The guy’s been in jail for 5 years because of four witnesses. One is legally blind, two admits police pressured him into giving false testimony, three was held in police custody for two days until they claimed the defendant was in the car similar to the one involved in the crime, Four reads a bit weird but it sounds like he just happened to know the defendant from somewhere else and was confused.

Everyone but the blind guy later recanted their statements. No other evidence ties him to the crime.


Where is the Justice for this young man ?

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